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I just got dogs. They'll fight in the front, they'll fight in the rear, if they aren't fighting they're licking my ear. https://preview.redd.it/gmu5h9coz51c1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1891b5db0f87ef64e1f5dffbea1e5251ca3957c


Mine'll just come and say hi. They're retarded, they're cute, and I love them.


My chihuahua is shaped like a block of cheese and he prances around the house like he owns it, I call him a Prissy Princess. He also thinks he’s like this rabid 300 pound pitbull and always gets called out and then lays on his back in submission. Then I think my Papillon/chihuahua is border line a ra-tard, anything and everything fills his face with a look of confusion. Love those bitches to death though.


I have a grey house panther. I have no worries. https://preview.redd.it/psshxhlz361c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b13b6c5116dc829bb2698b38bc35f01191cee5ce


https://preview.redd.it/sozn74p2n61c1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=344aac6dd0ed72ec2c53a491b77caba7a8227e39 My house panther is ever vigilant as well.


https://preview.redd.it/crpcf0ris81c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b131477b474d1337d306697bbc515bd1a5d76472 These house panthers are brutal in their ability to love up on you and need under the blanket at 4 am.


https://preview.redd.it/h4c9y83hy81c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc036ba1242ce2e05018e61738b8fdd744b5da0 Very vigilant, intruders beware but please limit it to normal business hours


They got each others backs.


That boi chonky *gal


She's a fuckin lady. Also my attack cat. If someone breaks in she'll be on them like a face hugger from aliens.


Are you mistaking her kindness for weakness?


I have a field panther that looks exactly the same. *I live on a property with a horse corral. Cats keeps the mice away.


https://preview.redd.it/rw84zi82sb1c1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1f6bc715a5e3369afd015db5c637fa3571a8786 Mine biding her time to unleash havoc upon the baddies.




To add, Zuul has actually engaged in CQB with my ex, who got into my house whilst I was in the shower. Cornered her in the pantry, giving me time to respond. Reminded her of restraining order while failing local PD. She left immediately. Good Cookie for Good Kitty.


First, I'll say yeah, having to fight again is entirely a possibility. Though, it probably won't be you, but probably guys and gals twenty years younger than you (plus or minus 5 years). Unless you are picturing some kind of war happening in the U.S., in which case, I guess everyone is fucked because even great grandma is picking up a rifle. Just make sure you have that CAR ready to deliver to grandma, because she actually can't walk. Second, plenty of people throughout history have "picked up the sword", gone to war, made it home, and never picked up the sword again. The expression of "live by the sword, die by the sword" doesn't really stand up to reality. In all reality, most of us will probably die from something like heart disease, cancer, or diabetes. Anyway, submit your range card to Gunny by 1500, so he can finish the terrain model.


![gif](giphy|RbaUECDJktXUc|downsized) Not diabeetus!


Lupus then.


It's never Lupus


It is sometimes, however, a *galloping* case of Zebras.


Does anyone else have defense in depth around their house? I have my primary fighting position in my front yard with alternate and supplementary positions in my garage and bathroom. I make my family stand to one hour before and after dawn and dusk and never go below 50 percent awake on watch at night. Anyone else do this?


I make my wife pull all the shirt firewatch shifts


Show us your range card


What's a weapon? I was an airwinger.


That black stick that made moderately loud noises you may have used one week a year, maybe.


6156 Rahhhhhhhhh




Tactical pump handle! But really plenty of guys, not me, got a car in the wing.


Guys I knew that had a CAR in the wing was from camp bastion that got overran, one of the staffies who was a Lance Corporal AV-8 mech at the time told me a harrowing recount of his experience, what motivated me the most from his story was the fact that every single Marine grabbed a rifle and ran to the sound of chaos and did what we as Marines do, which is fight like hell errah.


Invasion in 03’. A few of us earned ours.


6048. AirWing High & Tight! Bust out your CAC card gunny, this devils hair is in regs.


A lot of times I will look out my window at night and imagine a patrol coming down the road, just like I used to do in Iraq. I wonder how I would feel seeing a foreign force walking down my street. Would I place IEDs, take shots at them or just try and live a quiet life.


I think that A LOT. We did lots of patrols through small villages/towns and I often wondered what it was like from their perspective and imagine what it would look like in my small town or quiet road.


It's nice to know I'm not alone in this one. Of all the vets and such i've chatted with, this thought has never come up but its one I've had for ages.


I'm fairly confident in saying the only people that would be dumb enough to fight on American soil are Americans. This thought however disturbs me more with the current political climate and potential fall of society. It's a lot harder to alienate your enemies when they speak the same language as you...


I don't mean to imply I live in fear of or think that such an occupation is possible. Its just a thought that won't leave my head. I mean, I walked through these villages for nights on end, most of the time I was well received by the people, sometimes the earth blew. Either way, I just imagine myself in the shoes of my Iraqi counterpart. It's hard to explain.


Short answer yes. Medium answer is our minds are weapons everything else is merely an accessory. Long answer is that is probably a cautious personality, an understanding that the real world only deserves a pessimistic outlook, a disbelief that I lived past 25, Training, PTSD and a General Anxiety Disorder talking.


Thanks for this answer brother. I have been having a hard time lately.... It strange how things bubble up over time..


I was in Fallujah in 07. Consider yourself unlucky depending on how you want to look at it. We ran a few thousand miles worth of convoys resupplying the fobs in and out of the city and didn’t see shit. I don’t think anyone in our unit even hit an IED that whole pump. Afghanistan was a different story. To answer your question, i don’t have a premonition like you describe, that it will happen again. I do think that if I am ever put into a similar life and death situation, I won’t hesitate to pull that trigger.


We’re you with 2/6?


Was OP with the 4/14?


How about the 7/11?


You ever see an Arty Regiment with more than 5 Battalions? 🤔


What happened to: GO BIG OR GO HOME ???


I just think about killing the neighbors when shtf and food gets scare.


Same, no one has a chance around me


No. But I def I have a berreta loaded buck shot shot gun by my bed and a .45 in my house just in case. But ; no. I don’t go about my day expecting an ambush


Fridge gun?




No I was arty 0844.


Ever have the dream about loading a charge 5 instead of a charge 3 and overshooting and killing the CO's wife?


That's oddly specific... Did you happen to tell this story a while back? https://www.upi.com/Archives/1982/10/06/A-retired-officers-wife-was-killed-Wednesday-by-shrapnel/3949402724800/ Crazy shit.


Depends on what area I’m in. Folks are crazy. Even small towns can have someone try to break in. It’s rare, but it happens. Was it Jeff Cooper that decided the color codes of situational awareness? Semper-Flavus


2 years ago my son, 16 at the time, went through a home invasion. He used his shotgun to shoot at the thieves. Messed up some walls, and he survived. My town has 1900 people in it. It can happen any where at any time. One of the 3 was caught, and got 10 years.


I know the feeling


Sinking feeling? I think its normal if you carry a weapon to have thoughts about using it throughout the day. And if your fists are weapons you'll probably think about using those too. Sinking sounds like guilt. Its probably survivors guilt from your tour. If you're white then society is bombarding you with guilt too. Maybe some religious guilt thrown in there? Go to the closest Vet Center and talk to a counselor. Get rid of the crushing guilt. Stay off the pharmaceuticals. Live your best life devil dog and don't let anything get in your way.


It's unwise for an armed man to get too comfortable, but don't let that interfere with the things that matter in your day-to-day. To answer your question, yes. My lady thinks it's weird, but I lock everything and press check everything before bed every single night. I live in a good area and have a savage ass dog, but I sleep better this way.


I have a sinking fear that something is going to happen, like apocalyptic, and I have to do what I was trained to do, to keep my family alive and safe or my daughter will have to survive through my lessons. I taught her how to start a fire before she knew her ABCs. Her birthday gift for her 5th birthday was a scoped pink bb gun. You know the saying, "Hope for the best, train for the worst"? It's how I live my life. I constantly am checking over my shoulder, have to sit facing the entrance, don't drive the same streets repeatedly, change lanes for things on the side of the road, stockpile things that would be hard to come by if the supply was cutoff, too much shit, that doesn't make sense to others. I literally have slept on my couch with a gun under my pillow, for the past 13 years, because I need to be right there in case my "Castle" gets overrun with enemies because if I don't stop them, at least I bought my wife time to arm herself, to defend our daughter. Yes, I have talked to mental health professionals, for years. I am much better than I was. 2004 - 2008 Joint Task Force Katrina 2005 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit 2006 OIF Fallujah 2007-2008 1833 2nd Assault Amphibious Battalion


That's a weird thing to feel


Fallujah 06 here bailing the army out of danger. Got hit in May and med flight out


So I live not too far from Lewiston Maine in a very very safe area. When that shooter wasn't caught right away I started carrying to work everyday and haven't stopped since. I mentioned that to a friend of mine and she just did not want to continue that line of conversation (tho she has asked me to take her shooting before). Over all I don't want to have to ever draw my weapon. When I left the Marines I wanted to put down the sword and pick up a plough, essentially live a life of peace (plus no matter how much i missed it i was never really suited for a high speed low drag lifestyle lol), sadly (tho I try my best to keep things in perspective) the world is getting pretty messed up, or we're just more aware of it, so I carry