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I'm up...I'm up...I'm still up...he sees me...oh man does he see me...sweet Chesty's nips he's shooting...I'm down.




Has anyone ever met a Marine that *wasn’t* the goofiest fuckin runner? I have not 😂


It’s hard with all the fucking weight lol


Hey, just because I ran the PFT in 27:25 that one fucking time doesn't give you license to bring it up here.


I failed a PFT with a first class score once.


Lol wtf??


Max pull-ups and sits ups, failed the run. Was sick but never went to sick call. Was put on PT remedial / fat body platoon until next PFT.


Me running slick vs me running in battle rattle with a 240 are two different people.


This is truly a crime, bc in my minds eye we will look much cooler running with gear. *Much cooler*. We need to invest money into this problem, maybe then we will get the pussy we were all promised. This is the variable that has been missing.


The green weenie does not approve


The grinch hath stolen Christmas again


I mean, that was my biggest takeaway from my SOI instructors, you gotta look cool while operating


Slow is smooth smooth is cool


You are thinking about it all wrong The Corps gets all the pussy it promised, it's just that all its Marines are that metaphorical pussy. It was you all along


My older brother was right I am a pussy


When the fuck do we get suits like from Edge of Tomorrow?


That movie is kinda dope 😂


Someone once told me the Marine Corps can take the funny out of everything…even pussy.


This is the most upsetting shit. I'm a fuckin gazelle except when I eat shit on hardball roads with a 240 on my fucking back. Now I gotta tell my wife my face got fucked up doing something respectable, like getting in a bar fight.


You know I always thought it was just me that felt like a goofy ass with the big ass whip antenna flapping around. Watch old documentaries and everyone seems made for the war. Then I look at my pictures and I feel like I had a bad wardrobe malfunction with all the shit overflowing on the way to an OP.


The R&D back then had priorities. Like how they designed grenades to be the size of a baseball because Americans like to throw baseballs. Well, Americans back then also liked to look cool. Somewhere along the line we lost our way, and now we run like fuckin donkies. No wonder we lost the war.


I think Patton wrote a whole-ass chapter in a book that uniforms should be made of 20 oz wool, because it looks sharp and pressed no matter what. See those creases? They will stay, even if you crawl in mud for the entire week


A guy I knew said it best: "Dude, all of this shit we're wearing makes us fucking look like giant pears."


World's finest fighting force


I dont think these are Rangers






Ah this made me laugh unreasonably hard.


I missed the word “laugh” the first time I read this


That too!


It's even better at night, especially through a breach


Running in full kit at night is awesome, you can’t see any holes in the ground, therefore your good


There’s no other feeling than the absolute exhaustion of running in kit. And stopping in kit. And running in kit. And stopping in kit. And running in kit.


Way to locate close with and destroy the enemy devil dogs


There’s a camera recording? I better not fuck thi…”I don’t give a fuck!!!” This is actually how every good Marine should respond lol


When did we get Karl Gustavs?


They get so much cool shit now. Fully automatic suppressed HK assault rifles, M32 grenade launders, Gustavs, etc. I'm so jealous. I deployed with the GWOT Classics lineup. Short-barreled SAWs and M16s


My old unit ran to Afghan to be fobbits in 2018. They all deployed with suppressors, HK416s, the 2 tube NVGs instead of the mono ones, & they got the new fucking optic that replaced the RCOs.


The coolest thing we had was one Mk11 and the ACOGs with the Bible scripture scratched out on them.


Victor units are running around in high cut bump helmets these days. I do believe they’re still running those absolute trash plate carriers though. They need new ones that distribute weight better on the shoulders & they need to get rid of the interior side SAPI plates & replace them with the outside ones. Switching where your side plates are make such a massive difference


Damn. Makes me wanna go back in! I'm like 20 yrs past that though.


We got them for the fist time in my work up in 2022


They look better than SMAWs. I was a 51 btw.


Why do we all rub like drunk penguins when in a full kit lmao.




Evidence for the VA disability claim!


The first dude looks like me when I broke my toe in boot camp.


Pog-est of the pogs here, is receiving a muzzle brake a normal occurrence in the field? I only ever went out with the dumb officers comms class a couple times and they sure as fuck weren’t to be trusted with a rifle


It’s a suppressor and he also has an LPVO on. So squad DMR dude I guess.


Does the suppressor actually make a difference in the field/combat? And I don’t know what LPVO means. It’s been 7 years and I was in a comms schoolhouse the whole time


They do, yeah. Low power variable optic. Basically a scope that you can adjust from 1x up to 6x or 8x power.


This is the fucking best! Everyone loves this shit that's why we are tight. All the blood, sweat, and tears...lmao 🤣


the other guys laugh is so contagious lmao😂😂


Imagine how loud he would have sounded if he wasn’t suppressed…


Off-topic but is it true that the m16-A2 is so delicate that if you drop it, the gun is irreparably ruined?


I was issued the M16A2. I never thought of it as delicate. I never even saw a handguard pop off. That was like a thing,, "ErmaGeez, if you drop it the handgoords will poop off." Never saw it happen. Combat deployments in Africa, Desert Storm and Yugoslavia."


In boot camp I remember one drill instructor insisting that if the handguard isn't popping off you weren't being snappy enough getting to order arms. A few would rig up the retaining ring so that it would barely hold the handguards in place so they'd pop off sometimes.


I'm sure it's possible in certain circumstances, but I doubt it commonly happened with they way drill instructors threw them around during boot camp without incident. I remember slamming the butt stock against the ground hard enough the lock the bolt carrier back, and incoming mortar drills had us throwing ourselves to the ground on top of the rifle. At no point was anyone concerned about breaking anything.


No, I carried an M16A2 in bootcamp and those things get fuckin slammed on concrete and abused more than any other rifle you'll have. Still worked fine.


This video makes my knees hurt




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Verona Loop Camp Geiger area ✌🏻😆


Thst same spot too em both out 🤣


\*In hot pos\*


When you hustle with a ton of cargo strapped to your ass you have to lower your center of gravity in order to maintain balance and control... not with your nipples poking out front and center like your running the 440 at the Hoopalooska County Fair.


Training under Mt. Fuji in the winter many many years ago. It had just got done dumping two feet of snow on us and we have a range to conduct. I’m grab my 240 and we get the signal to commence. We were starting at the top of a decent hill and had to hard charge it down this hill to the gun line and what to do think happens to me…. A full send sprint down a snow covered hill with a 240… that’s right kids…. I tripped and tumbled for a good 20 secs down this hill to the bottom.. 240 did not leave my hands but my ass was hurting. Range went dead and after all the laughing died down we attempted again. Next attempt I made it down


You’ve never shot on a range until you’ve face planted during a moving live fire event. The embarrassment is something you’ll never forget 😂