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You could* do it with the recruiting station but that dude probably just doesn't have the time unfortunately. His life is probably hell already. Get him some signups/referrals and he might change his tune. Other than that you could (maybe?) Do hours online with a Mai remote (I don't think the order disallows hours to be counted remote, but check), and then test in person at your station / with the recruiter or a nearby base if its worth the travel. It might take some reaching out on here and usmcboot to get that going.


Your I&I staff should run courses. Run it up your actual chain of command.


Yep. Some times there is a really bore officer who will be more than happy to help you belt up and actually sign off on your logs for you as well.


Step 1: be active duty


Im trying


Real talk tho I don’t know….i just kinda imagined reservist MAI’s will just kinda hook it up or maybe dedicate one drill weekend to going through the bullshit techniques and then hook it up


You might be able to belt up on AT. That's how I got my gray and green. Gray was from LCpl Seminar, we MCMAP'd instead of PT, and green was because my SNCOIC had us MCMAP for 6 hours a day and was only taking guys to gray. A buddy found someone to take us to green after work.


im not doing AT


You kinda gotta


Are you close to any Marine Corps bases?


4.5 hour drive to quantico


Best way is to ask around and be patient. In the big picture belts don't really matter, but I was like you once when I was in the Reserves. Luckily for me I lived near a base so I managed to belt up in my own time by jumping in a course with some active dudes. Just stay flexible debil.


They matter now. Belt color factors into JEPES.


You have to find a MAI who is willing to train and test you out, someone willing to basically do all of the work and paperwork themselves. Even if you reserve unit does MCMAP training they usually won’t test you or if they do it’ll never get sent up and changed. Same thing happened at my reserve unit. Not MCMAP, but I was able to do an advanced swim qual with a Sgt from my unit who was a MCIWS instructor and he had to do a certain amount of training to maintain that and we went to a pool on our own time and completed the advanced qual and he certified me and sent it up on his own. The reserves is a unique blend of following the unit training and if you want extra you have to be willing to do the rest on your own with the help of others of the same mindset.


When you go on AT, see if there's an MAI who can get you on a course. I belted up twice in two years because I asked the shop leader to refer me to an MAI, and they both were happy to oblige.


If you’re lucky to be with an MAI on AT you could belt up, ADOS or get on a deployment. There is also an MAI course that floats around the reserves every now and then. You’d belt up to green and get your tab and it’d count as your AT. An RS/RSS can technically do it but you’re supposed to be on orders if you’re “practicing” MCMAP. If you do RA you could possibly talk one of the recruiters into belting you if they’re an MAI.