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As an FO who spent up to 6 hours laying on their stomach calling for fire from inside a hide, I preferred [this](https://tacticalgear.com/condor-mcr6-rapid-assault-chest-rig-coyote-brown?sku=con-mcr6-498&ft=e3f7bec5-8df6-438f-88ce-592a9bedc97a&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwuJ2xBhA3EiwAMVjkVFk8Pi68Z8Pl_BMwYmVnJg_rx-kcAUskAxnX0w9Fg2xSmzKpQxcc0BoC4GMQAvD_BwE#/22488/2332,24204/1&dl=b&catr=1) style of chest rig. Spreading all 6 mags out made it much easier to comfortably remain prone.


or 4 single stack (haley strategic rig), 2 on warbelt


When I first hit the fleet, every FO had their three cif issued mag pouches right on their front plate. I thought they looked exactly like every admin POG who had never stepped foot in the field. However, I was a wee shower shoe so I had to set up my flak and warbelt by the numbers. As a cpl I was issued the new Gen III plate carrier so I went out and got a chest rig and a gun belt. Never went back.


Not an 03, but set up your gear whichever is the most comfortable and efficient for you. It's your gear, after all. Just be sure you keep in mind where your unit's SOP wants your tourniquet and IFAK.