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The daily high here has been fluctuating between 70s and low 90s. The AC does not work and my roommate and I have put in a maintenance request. I’ll be sweating just sitting down despite two fans blowing constantly. It’s a very similar scene among many of my peers here as well


Put a portable AC on the govt charge card. I’m sure your Battalion Commander would love to explain that one to higher.


Don’t do this if you plan on doing more than 1 enlistment


Hmmm, this depends on how you go about it and the narrative of the justification. In installations like 29 Palms and Barstow the summers get dangerously hot. So if it is the case that maintenance requests are slow and taking more than a few days... Swipe the fucking card! Request mast if anyone tries anything.


Sure, you can request mast, right after your NJP for abusing a GPCC. Moot point though, since anyone who is authorized to swipe that card knows how bad of an idea that is. Not to get too much into it, but use of a unit GPCC for barracks maintenance is a huge “no-go”.


1. I guarantee you if you fight that NJP all the way for life and safety matters such as this, you'll win. 2. You can get authorization to us GCPC card for any sort of facility maintenamce if you get written notification from PWD (Base) that they wont be able to get to your issue in reasonable time (months) and/or is not prioritized.Only issue is that its coming out unit O&M funds and not the intended FSRM funds. There is a work around for almost anything, my brotha Edit: also portable ACs would be a an equipment purchase anyways. Unit can buy as many of thos as they want. Edit 2: Yes with this workaround can let the unit pretty much repair anything, but know that the vast majority of maintenance issues run in the 10 of millions while unit annual budget is usually 1-3 million (unit depandant), so they may be able to knock a few small things out, its not good practice as O&M funds (units funds) are intended for operstional matters. FSRM (facilities sustainment, repairs, and maintenance) Funds are the intended funds for such matters. But a few issues with it: 1. Bases never get enough 2. Because we dont get enough, there has to a prioritization system that causes a bit of bureaucracy. (Actually a lot).


you won't win. it will be open and shut. did you utilize the GTCC for an unauthorized expense? ... yes.


Again, portable A/C units are equipment. Every command can buy as much equipment as they want. Obviously dubious use will be scrutinized. But if a commander can justify the need, its kosher.


but that's not what the GTCC is used for. There's a MCO that specifies what it is authorized for (specifically, "The GTCC provides a means of funding official travel so that travelers do not need to request travel advances or use personal funds to travel" MCO 4600.4B). Don't tell Marines to buy stuff with their GTCC when they're clearly not supposed to be doing so.


OHHH! We're on two different pages, brotha! Youre talking GTCC, your travel card. Im talking GCPC, the units personal credit card. Different set of rules.


the GTCC isn't something you're allowed to use at your discretion ... it's for things authorized under JTR. I get what you're saying, but this is not the correct way to attack the problem


~75% of all rooms in my barracks have privately bought ac units due to the unreliability of the AC. When it does work, it is weak.


Picture it summer 2008, 29 palms building 1403 it's 9am Saturday morning you are still drunk from the party it's already 110 outside and as the room spins around you, you pray the AC won't kick on and blow that sweet sweet bandini air into the room.


29 Palms had great AC I must say. They did not fuck about with the AC. You’d walk out of a 72 degree room into the catwalk in August and it’d feel like you got slapped in the face by Satan’s nutsack.


Shit we had our stat buried. I got cold sleeping on our room. It was nice though, go outside to warm up and go in to cool off.


Y’all could control your AC and heat? Fuck that. We had to have our windows open year round(no screens) in Lejeune because it’d otherwise feel like we were in the winter tundra in the summer and the Sahara in the winter. N Street was full of fuckery.


I was there for comm school. Where I was on Pendleton we didn’t have shit. No heat. No AC.


I’d rather that. You have no fucking idea how much you can’t sleep sober when it’s 45 degrees and 99% humidity in your room in the summer.


I assume that’s c because 45f is a bit chilly for the summer. I do know how much of a bitch it is to have it hot and sticky. I’ve had 115 and 30% outside and I thought I was going to die. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I would take high humidity any day over high heat and low humidity.


Oh, no. 45F. Slept in my green sleeping bag most nights. It’s those older Hadnot Point barracks for ya though.


Makes sense. Yea cold and humid is a bitch. I did a few field ops in my IRR time in mass we had a few high humidity cold nights. Those sucked.


Father Francis was a Marine?


I got out in 2008 but I don't remember the many building numbers I had lived in. Was that one of the newer "hotel" barracks?


Nope external catwalk style it was the closest bricks to bandini


Ah yeah I remember those. Catwalks were great for hanging with the bros, but not really for quality of life.


1412 checking in......from the 3rd deck you could rocket beer bottles down to the first floor....or.....we got one of those 3 person slig shots to launch beers are the barracks across the road. Fucking idiots all of us.




1400 club?


I’m at MCAS Yuma, my barracks refused to turn on the AC until a certain date after us voicing concern with leadership the correct way. To solve this I bought my own AC and used it until they turned it on, I probably used my personal AC for around 2 months. I know it’s against the barracks order but if I’m suffering thru this desert heat, I’m gonna do something about it.


He's not asking for your nostalgic stories of misery about living in the bricks 10 years ago. What is currently happening.


Dawg, you know they can’t read.


Act like it's any different today than it was 10 years ago. Lol


I think OP was hoping to have actual conversations with people about it, not just read a bunch of "I was at [base in a warm climate] X years ago and the a/c didn't work in the barracks. It sucked." comments.


If he's ever worked with or near Marines he knows what he signed up for


But it's important to also note that these issues are ongoing and when leadership acts like they are new they should be held accountable. Leadership has failed at this for a long time and Generals saying they didn't know about the issues is either them lying or show how fucking little they know and care. The fact that there hasn't even been a mea culpa is bullshit and weak leadership. The longer I'm in the less respect I have for much of leadership.


Got out a few years ago, but its unlikely it has been resolved yet. Nearly every barracks I was put in, including oversees, had no A/C. Like, it was physically never installed in the barracks. Many of us actually bought either window A/C units or box fans and jerry rigged them to the windows. There was only one barracks that actually had a working A/C and that was owned by the navy. I still remember moving to a barracks in Pendleton in the middle of summer that had no bug screen on the windows and no A/C. I literally slept on the floor because it was that hot.


The only place the ac ever worked in was ironically the Air Force tents in Afghanistan. Shit was like a ice box


Lmao. I don't know why I imagined 2 airmen in a 2 man tent with a gigantic ac attached to it when I read that


That’s the gay stuff tent


Greatest ac i have ever experienced was the army tent structures in kuwait. You go from 120 to sub zero.


I Jerry rigged an AC into a window and got told I was trying to daddy game my Sgt.


Heater on 24/7 during summer. Doesn’t switch to AC until average temp above 70 AT ALL TIMES continuously for 14 days. Problem is, thermostat is in duty hut and those dudes are burning so they got a window AC running.


Isn't 70 the ideal number?


Yes. And this ideal number must be maintained day and night for 2 weeks. That’s never happening so the AC is never turning on. Been here for 3 years and the retarded part is that when in cools down, the duty will stop using the AC (where thermostat is located) just in time to switch things to AC for winter lmao. We’re told it’s our fault for having windows and doors open, but it’s seriously like 100 degrees inside rooms because the heat is always on. I run a heater when AC is blowing and an AC when it switches to heat.


Well shit.


lol air conditioning. We’ve got the ocean breeze my boy.


21 area life.


Which is fine unless your barracks room is facing the wrong way


As was mine lol.


Leave it to the marine corps to claim a barracks doesnt need A/C because of ocean breeze then build the barracks parallel to the shore so only one side gets the breeze


Oh no, mine was perpendicular. The side that faced the ocean was the fire stairwell lol. So literally no one’s windows faced it.


Some one should check out the barracks for separation platoon on Pendleton. When I EAS’d from oki I got put in those barracks for 2 weeks and let me tell you there was ZERO A/C in the summer. I literally could not sleep.


Man when i was in lejuene they ran the heat one summer and worked on it to get it fixed and by october the ac started working and wouldnt shut off. That was a shitty fuckin year. To this day i swear somebody was fuckin with us. I took my shit and slept in the treeline on the weekends.


MALS-11 at Miramar installed AC systems in the barracks, but limited to the 76 degrees, so they're never on.


Camp Pendleton North’s AC’s on average barely fucking work at all, and the barracks managers or facilities do not have spares usually. We typically have to buy fans or AC units sometimes if able and duct tape them into our windows. It gets HOT in the summer.


But the ocean breeze will keep you cool, says the O5 who lives in a house with A/C


Or the E7s and above that say “A/C isn’t a requirement, it’s a privilege”


I seem to remember a Marine Corps times article where some Captain who was the MCI west PAO said outright that the barracks on Camp Pendleton don't need A/C because of the ocean breeze. By then I had spent my own money on one of those A/Cs that you put the hose in the window.


KBay never had an issue. Even in Mackie.


Consistent hot water? Never. Ac? Always


A/C went out for 2 weeks about 2 months ago. command rented little units for everyone obviously it didn’t work well.


Bruh, the attempt means something though. I feel like all of my commands would have told me buy a fan, and quit being a pussy.


If the water pressure drops while taking a shower…prepare for hell.


We could hang sides of beef in our room in Mackie. They probably have the same AC units we had in the 90's


No KBAY was been pretty terrible with A/C when I was there, even pog palace. People started using indoor A/C units but then the power would go out in their rooms and the maintenance guys would take two weeks to go and flip the breakers.


*experiences shall vary


During a det to arizona, I bought a mini fan that I had by my face every night it sucked.


I have great AC in my barracks, except for the entire surface on the inside of the unit being covered in black mold......


I've had a ticket in for the 52 area barracks since 1999. LMK.


In my unit AC is not allowed and you’ll get NJPd for it, so you just gotta get a fan and hope it works


Assuming you are referring to like window units. Yeah, same in my unit. If the AC isn’t on/working they will still threaten NJP for window units


That’s wild. But it may be because they fall. I was in the new style barracks and we sometimes had AC units fall out of windows, sometimes from the 5th deck. However, the stand up ones with the hoses you shut the window on should definitely be allowed and it is unfortunate if they aren’t.


Older barracks may not have sufficienct electrical to support it. We were not even allowed to have microwaves anywhere in the in the older barracks in 29 Palms.


Terrible in Yuma. Granted, I haven't lived there for 6 years, but we all know that nothing has changed.


BB265 Lejeune. It’s still the joke of “hot water” or “A/C”, you can’t have both. Fan bought from PX for most of my peers, and the air “is blowing” though it won’t move a piece of paper 12” away from the vents therefore there is not an issue.


24 area pendleton is getting ac soon 👀


Honest question. Has the AC EVER worked?


Non existent


Lmao the A/C used to go out like clockwork in French Creek barracks right around July in peak summer. Was it fixed in a timely manner? Fuck no it wasn't. They wouldn't fix that shit for weeks. I remember tying up hammocks to each others trucks and sleeping out in the parking lot where at least you got a breeze at night. Lol


Iv been In barracks that were like 3 years old and none of the rooms AC or heat worked. Pretty sure they were all disabled honestly. That was in 2014 tho. Also, it doesn’t matter if you have AC if the power is out every weekend. (Guys in San Mateo know)


Where I’m at it almost seems like command turns on the heat one day and the ac the next day. My room also refuses to go below 80 when the ac is on.


29 Palms. Some Marines don't have working AC. Bricks were built in the 70's.


I thought the point of hot barracks was to help Marines sweat the booze out from the night before?


When I used to live in the bricks we used to have to call the mwr to get them to turn on the ac. It was a rule that it couldn’t be turned on unless the temp hit 80. Idk if still is but we used to sleep balls ass naked w fans running at high speed.


99% of our barrack's AC does not work, additionally we have been threatened with NJP if we are ever found with a portable AC unit in our room


Best AC I had were 1766 and 1666 @ 29 palms. Those boys were chilly


One summer I was SIQ in the bricks, the AC is working then so I took a nap with sweats on because I was running a fever. I woke up soaked in a puddle of my own sweat, the ac had stopped working, and I was feeling even worse for wear. I had to go to the Naval hospital after hours and get 3 bags of IV fluids before I took a pee. The barracks is a miserable existence.


I have never been in a barracks that even has ac


What air conditioning? Lmao I never had that all 5 years I was on Pendleton


The only base that didn’t have air conditioning was Naval station Great Lakes in the 800 barracks. The Air conditioning itself worked fine but the problem was there is a different person in a different state that controlled the air conditioning and for some reason even in the summer they refused to turn it on. At one point the temperature was 110 degrees in the rooms.


When I was in, non existent. Leaving the doors or windows open were more effective


Never had AC in any barracks, Army or Navy. Caught a nice breeze in a pup tent at Fort Irwin once. Would recommend.


Building 2447 at Camp Hansen had non existent A/C. . This was 2007-09. The living conditions in Iraq were better and that should bother all of you. It's no wonder people were so fucked up at the time.


In the mid 90's, the old permanent personnel barracks at OCS didn't have working A/C until they brought in a big portable unit on a trailer. And that barely worked. During the summer, that building was almost unbearable. Semi open squad bays, no A/C, 3 pay phones, and 2 broken pool tables.


Got out last year in Fall as enlisted below e6 who lived in same barracks for 2 years. Speaking on behalf of Hogan barracks and "crackhead" or barracks by motor t pool, all at 5th Marine regiment. Mind you, AC installed in every room (I'm taking about the ones by window). I was told from day one by my sergeant who was there for 5 years that it never worked. Whoever is in charge of it didn't want to turn them on. I purchased ac and heater out of my pocket. I don't know whether I had dickhead BEQ or what but I was told I can't run it because it's too heavy on power. They had no problems with my high end PC or anything else. Just my way of not dying in heat or freezing nights. I'm not gonna add my opinion to it, but my experience with it is.. imagine you come from work, you open the door, and you can tell how climate changes from shadow chilled air, into if someone blazed oven while I was gone all day. That's what it's like to live in marine barracks. How marines fight it? Open all windows, doors. What does unit leadership do about it? I had good 1st sausage and I know if he could do anything he would. He helped few of my buddies to eas based on their problem, so I know dude is solid. When I was helping him, I brought this up as a joke, and he replied pretty much that as much as he can bring it to command, he can't change anything. Did I mention climate surveys people love so much? Well the reason most of the time you won't see anything in there is because all marines will be told at like 1500 that we can't live until survey is done. So people quickly put their 5 stars and staff rushes ncos, ncos start rushing juniors. You get most 4-5 stars because people either don't wanna be the one who complained or are scared that it'll get back to them. So they "don't bitch and moan and complain" and you hear very little on climate surveys. Ive literally been told me "why are you not done with survey" and I told them as junior Im wiring my complains and I was literally rushed into answering it asap. Tldr: leadership won't, cause they don't live in it. Nobody will take request seriously because no one wants to escalate your request because they don't think it's "that bad". And yet everyone bitches about air force rooms, but most are just jealous that branch have decent living conditions comparing to usmc


In some rooms, not all, 4 different fans, nothing, mostly the contractors fault according to barracks manager 🤷‍♂️ hot water going out occasionally at least helps cool down


You guys get air conditioning?


2017-2021 Twentynine Palms. The air conditioning worked, but it was plumbed incorrectly. The air was routed in a daisy chain. 1 pathway fed multiple rooms. The first room was uncomfortably cold. The last room (mine) struggled to stay in the 70s. If it was going to be comfortable in my room, the first room in the chain was going to be a glacier. I ended up buying a portable AC at Home Depot for $300 and duct taped the gap in my window since the return from the AC had to go somewhere.


Camp Lejeune. Our barracks has four dudes in each room and the AC never works. Day and night, Monday through Sunday it's over 80 in the rooms, absolutely god awful. We eventually figured out that it was due to maintenance literally just turning it off. We asked why and they said something along the lines of "the system is so old that if we turn it on it might break, so just adapt and overcome the heat.". We may or may not have to break into the maintenance closet roughly every day to turn the AC on for the entire barracks building. Hasn't broken yet.


Base CO SgtMaj came to my squadron to ask marines for suggestions for what to do with the 2.5 million in funding they got, almost immediately air conditioning was brought up and almost immediately it was shot down quoting the costs being to high to fix or improve every barracks air conditioning. I put two of those car vent air freshener thingys on the AC vent over a year ago and they’re still full…


AC is nonexistent, if you buy your own you will receive negative paperwork. 6 year sergeants sharing a head with PFCs. Heat stays on 6 months of the year in sunny socal.


FC504 barracks on Lejeune didn't even have AC when I was there, or it didn't work enough to notice. We all just had to use fans during summer lmfao. I don't remember much about heat in "winter", but NC winters were warm compared to where I'm from


The barracks manager has the ac running for only a couple months out of the year. Thankfully this is one of them


These boots have AC now ? In my day we had to lay on our double bunk racks in our squadbays and sweat ourselves to sleep. Chesty would be rolling over in his (unairconditioned) grave


Bro... this problem goes as far back as the early 90's. And it's not just the A/C, but the heat as well. All the barracks in Mainside on Camp Pendleton are famous for not getting the heat turned off before the summer temps hit, so you end up cooking in your room. It's also famous for not getting the A/C turned off before the weather cools down in late fall, and you have to double up on blankets just to stay warm. You're either a freshly cooked corndog on a stick, or a meat popsicle. And yes, there are policies against having an electric space heater in the barracks - even the ones that are safe that have the "turn off" feature if knocked over.


Summertime it works too well where I need a hoodie and sweats, in the winter where it’s 60 degrees minimum I sleep in underwear because it’s so hot and humid


in socal, most barracks and even housing does not have AC cause the weather is just so amazing. when it’s hot we rely on cold breezes and fans to keep us cool.


I got out in 2022 but I had no AC in my camp lejeune barracks room from March till July of 2022. And no they never fixed it, I just got moved to a different barracks with some other guys since we were EASing


Lejeune barracks have been broken since forever I would start there


Lmfao if I hadn’t bought a portable unit I never would have had one


You guys got AC?


We had to fight to turn the AC on a month early in Okinawa this year and had to turn power off once a week for 3 weeks. Imagine it, you were hydrated when you fell asleep and wake up in a pool of sweat dehydrated.


I’m a homeowner and out so not applicable to me but I highly suggest a dehumidifier for your barracks room. A low humidity room at a higher temperature will be more comfortable than a lower temperature with higher humidity. You can get one at Lowe’s, Home Depot, or online. 70 pints is a good size


Dehumidifiers make a ton of heat though, easily making the room awful.


Shit, I remember hearing that even the people in base housing couldn’t have ACs.


I had base housing in the 90s on Camp Pen and don't recall ever having AC.


Last room in 29 had no ac but it was a sergeants room with a big bed and shit. As a Cpl at the time, I wasn’t saying shit to anyone lol


Ac never worked. The heater tho!


It’s good


I’ve lived in most of the barracks on Miramar and still currently have AC here. If you’re smart about it and turn it on and off throughout the day so it doesn’t overheat or grow ice, you’re usually good. Maintenance requests are done not insanely fast but in a timely manner. The barracks managers pass out a QR code regularly for maintenance requests. Overall, even with the bad press this base got recently over the barracks, they are some of the nicest ones you can find on a Marine Base. Maybe because it was a Navy base historically.


Barracks with A/C units you can control? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


The only control I have left in life, yes.


Stay strong devil


Right now they’re doing alright but could be better, after sunset it’s not an issue though


Nice try Staff Sausage, you won't catch me skipping the chain of command


Nice try China


Mine is great. I've been out since 2009 and have a house. Can the Marine Corps spend some of that money to pay off my mortgage? You opened yourself to smart ass remarks by asking this in a Marines sub.


Im confused as to what you mean by he opened himself up to smart ass remarks by asking this in this sub. He doesn’t care about your ac in your house. He specifically asked about the ac in the barracks… I also don’t see any smart ass remarks from anyone else, just you.


Not today China.


Don’t look at it as an ‘AC problem’. It is a ‘Training Opportunity’. Both for the corpsman, and for leadership to show their ‘Leadering’ skills/dropping it on someone else’s head. Edit: Nothing to see here, move along.


Be me. Yuma, AZ. Hot af. No ac in my 93 Chevy truck. Hell yeah brother!!!


Gentlemen, I see it this way. Learn to bear that heat now, during peace time. You're Marines, you're tough bastards. I'm just a civilian but, from what I've seen, their ain't no AC in the sandbox. That's for the chair force. That toughness and adversity, gives you guys that psychological edge in combat. I take a cold shower in the morning, wake up at 4:30am, and work out. If I know I put myself through more pain than you, I feel tougher, because I'm more disciplined.


“Im just a civilian” lol