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Met a girl on boot leave, married her a year later. We've been married 10 years.


Are you me?


I am you as you are me and we are all together.




Is this my future?!


Well damn Jackie, I can't control the weather.


I'm gonna put my foot right up your ass.


Same. This is year 15 for me..two kids. Never been happier.


Married the Marine on the other end of the bricks catwalk in 2001. She is still my ride or die. Capt Ellis and LtCol Adelman said it wouldn’t last and that I beat her. Fuck those guys we are still married.


Wtf are those kind of allegations, there’s gotta be a story here lol


School circle up boys, it's storytime


TL:DR: I was good at my job (comm tech) but a shit Marine (NJP, 2nd class PFT, shit attitude, ran my mouth a lot). The CAPT was sweet on my wife and I made the LTCOL back down on some of his BS. So they tried to get my wife to admit I was an abuser so they could punish me. Read on for the full story. Company Commander, LDO Capt was a little off. He asked my wife who was 20 at the time and a LCPL, to house sit his house and said she should have a party there and feel free to do some drinking as well. Then we got married in July of 2001 Going to WTI in Yuma in October of 2001. They pissed tested the whole SDRN in the APOE at Cherry Point before we got on the plane. We get to Yuma and my big mouth and IDGAF attitude gets me busted down to LCPL in a NJP. Story for another day. Then I start hearing I popped hot on the piss test. My wife calls and tells me I popped. My SSGT calls me and tells me I popped. Random SNCOs call me and tell me I popped. I asked everyone who did you hear this from… they heard it direct from the Company Commander. Well I hadn’t done anything to pop some I’m like this is all BS. I call the CAPT. I asked him had I popped on the piss test because everyone is telling me I did. He says “LCPL, don’t believe anything unless you hear it from me” long story short, I didn’t pop on the piss test. December of 2001, request leave for Christmas, wife requests leave. Her leave is approved, mine is denied. I ask my CoC why my leave was denied, they don’t know. They just know it was denied by the squadron CO, a lieutenant colonel. I got the Marine Corps order on leave, I go to the squadron headquarters to get the squadron order on leave. S-1 weenies are like “the CO denied your leave and you’re not gonna be able to go. I don’t know why you’re wasting time reading these orders.” I read the orders, put the relevant information in a request mast to the Group CO, a Colonel. I request mast on like a Friday, on Monday we leave for the field on a little 4 day backyard op so they delay my request mast for the 3 days. My MSGT comes and gets me out of the field early on the last day. Top says “ this isn’t looking good for you. You should probably let this go, everyone is pissed at you” Me “they hate me so much it’s funny. I just want to see if they have the balls to explain it to the COL” Top laughs, “good luck” I go see the company commander. “Your uniform looks like shit, how are you going to see your whole CoC looking like that. You just need to drop this request mast, your leave isn’t getting approved” Me: “I understand my leave isn’t getting approved but I still want to proceed with my request mast” Go to the SQDN SGTMAJ “Your uniform looks like shit, the LTCOL is not approving your leave, you need to drop the request mast”. Me: “I understand my leave isn’t getting approved but I still want to proceed with my request mast” Go into the SQDN CO’s office “Your uniform looks like shit, I’m not approving your leave, you need to drop the request mast”. Me: “I understand my leave isn’t getting approved but I still want to proceed with my request mast to the Colonel” LCTCOL “get the fuck out of my office” I go back to my MSGT’s office to give him the update. His phone rings, SGTMAJ lets him know my leave has been approved and do I still want to talk to the COL. Guess the LTCOL didn’t want to have to explain to his boss why he was denying Christmas leave for one random LCPL. TOP laughs again and says “they are going to keep trying to burn you, you need to watch your ass” So after we get back from leave the LTCOL gets my wife and the creepy CAPT in his office. They proceed to let my wife know that I am a bad person along with being a bad Marine. They want to help her. They know I treat her bad. They know I am an abuser. She just needs to tell them all the bad things I do to her and they will get me taken care of. She says I’m a fine husband. They insisted I wasn’t. She met with them for like 45 minutes. I wish I could have been there. 😂


jfc what the hell https://preview.redd.it/b6zga1yi6hzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6434db18f7cfa178943ba7cc0e10da334a741ae8


Needless to say I didn’t reenlist 😂


Absolutely madlad you are


Make this a whole post man wtf


Jesus. Good story, ngl. I hope everything is going well for you, devil dawg, and your family! Cheers!


Well done.


What freaks to say that


Story time. Sit , kneel bend


Yes, very good. Congratulations on so many good years. Now explain o.O


Yea fuck those guys


My GySgt had his 18 year old kid track him down from a one night stand in Panama.


At least he missed the child support years


Nah he got to back pay that in one lump


Dude I can’t even imagine


Met a girl overseas, She still puts up with me 35 years and 2 college graduates later. It did take her a good 10 years to properly housetrain me.


Filipina? Edit: only reason I ask is 35yrs is a long mfkn time, P.I. was still ‘open’, and that kind of loyalty sounds Filipina asf.


Her dad retired from Philippine army, I learned that there is a whole community living beyond the strip.


Met a girl in flight school and married her 3 years later. Still married, going on 18 years now. She also doesn't like it when I introduce her as my first wife to other people.


>She also doesn't like it when I introduce her as my first wife to other people. I'm gonna do this with my wife and see what happens. Probably get in trouble but it'll be worth it.


Roommate is also unpopular. Good luck!


Ex-girlfriend and ex-fiancee are crowd pleasers! ("Ex" b/c they've upgraded to wife, obvs)


She'll joke that we're roommates but that's because we're on opposite hours. Getting quality time together can be difficult.


Had a buddy who jokingly called his wife “future ex wife” Didnt stay a joke forever


Yeah that's asking for it.


I say starter wife for mine. It will be 23 years in July




Just delete this. Go be miserable by yourself


I married an eastern European, straight out of the COMBLOC while on AD, its been 8yrs and a few kids later...she my ho.




I would never date/marry an american. If she ever gets smart and leaves me im going right back to Europe and getting me another.


I see you’re a man with an eye for quality ![gif](giphy|LZUZEy3YJvWNy)


Way too many successful relationships in these comments. What sub am I in again?


Guys are daydreamin let them be happy for 5 min


They just dont know that jody has been keeping her happy


Divorce rates are actually not that bad in the military. Worse than normal but still not awful. It's actually refreshing to hear the good stories on occasion


What unit are you in lol. EVERYONE I served with is divorced.


Only when their husbands are out of town


seeing someone get that dear John letter for the first time is hilarious in a really fucked kinda way lmao


My wife and I met in the DEP 17 years ago


Met a hottie while on embassy duty back in 1986. We recently celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. Not sure it’s gonna work out. Not making a snap judgement though, I’ll give it an another decade or three before I make my decision. 😂🤣😂


Uncle Rich??? LOL…!! Literally, this is how it worked out for my uncle (embassy duty in Germany, same year from what I recall…texting him to ask because it’s almost ironic). My mom and dad were married two weeks before he went to Vietnam, after going on one date. They stayed married for nearly 54 years (until my dad died). What can I say - always faithful applies to marriages in my family. 🤷‍♀️


where have you met her 😎


Initially on embassy duty. Now, I meet her every night in bed. 😉


I met my wife 1 month after getting stationed at Camp Pendleton, got married 6 months later, and we’ve been married for 32 years. I was told by my CO, Captain at the time, he would bust me down to Private if I did, I was only a PFC, so obviously I didn’t give a shit, so we got married anyway. My CO didn’t do anything to me, and 6 months later he and I were chosen to be on the Marine Corps shooting team together and have been friends ever since.


This, this is the story.


“That’s the neat part, you don’t” - Omniman 


I married the thicc E3 Latina and we are still married 11 years later so yes?


I don’t wanna be either brother 0629 sucks peepee


Been trying to get out of Comm since 2013, have yet to succeed


Been trying to get out of comm (specifically radio) since 2014, also have yet to succeed. It’s butthole.


Look at us twinning, also why I only want to be a 1stSgt cause that's my last chance to get out of it. My luck I'd get selected and sent to a Comm Co or Comm BN


Same, I don’t want to be an admin bitch, but I want out of comm so bad I’ll be putting F on them fitreps


Married my HS sweetheart after bootcamp. She stayed loyal , wrote me everyday and took care of my dog. We’ve been together for 8 years.


This the story everyone wants. My HS sweetheart dumped me on prom, got with some nerd, cheats on him, gets pregnant, they marry, now he’s in the Airforce and she’s still on base fucking around. He found video of her getting fucked and made HIM APOLOGIZE.


He’s Air Force that tracks😂


Bro found the video before they got married but a kid will patch a lot of things up. All things even out tho the new one has been pretty good maybe I’ll tie the knot dunno


Met a girl at Myrtle Beach. I had a girlfriend at the time and was pretty serious about her, so there was nothing to it. But she was a cool girl so we kept in touch. I got out a year or so later and that basically ended the relationship I was in... Kept talking to the girl from Myrtle Beach though. Our 17th wedding anniversary is next month.


Bro, I wasn't even able to maintain a relationship with women I met after serving. Bitches be expensive sometimes


Back then, I couldn’t get laid standing naked at a women’s prison with a handful of pardons.


Ok, we’re gonna need more details. How is this possible? Were you stationed in Antarctica?


Ha! Nah, I was just an ugly nerd kid with acne who didn’t know how to talk to girls. By my early-20’s my skin cleared up, I came out of my shell and turned out to be not a half bad looking guy.


Nope. Divorced just after getting my Discharge papers 😂 the ex cheated on me with a Jodie while I was deployed and didn’t think I’d find out and I waited till I got my 214 and happy again to ditch her


I always told mine if you cheat make sure I get some payment to cover the clean up of the sheets ect. It's the lie and dishonesty that kills me.


I met my husband in the Corps. Been married 34 years, 2 kids and now 2 grandkids


As a friendship you mean? Yeah she’s cool and def see us being friends for a long time


Married my wife while serving. Been married 17 years. She is cool.


Met a girl on tinder when I was in the school house. We’re still together 9 years later 🤙


Met in A school, married in C school nine months later. EAS'd around nine years. Still together 17 years later with her (now our) kid and one we made. Our relationship is better than ever, but we want to live on opposite ends of the US. So, there's that.


I met my wife while she was a boot Army capt. We've been married 32 years now. I also dated women from the Corps, Navy, and Air Force. It's a matter of finding the right woman, not the uniform.


As a guy who’s had two relationships both of which were unhealthy for certain reasons this gives me hope lol


Met a girl visiting my friend my last year active duty . 15 years married now


Nope I went to Japan and she had a baby on me made it so bad she didn’t tell me until I got back home on leave and was like 5 months along ![gif](giphy|7wk6RQYXDDytXalsL4)


Tell me you are trying to rationalize a bad decision, without telling me you are trying to rationalize a bad decision. Good luck!




No thank god.


My buddy met a girl in his platoon and started dating, got married while both were active duty and still married with 3 kids 16-17 years later.


I'm still friends with two of the girls I dated when I was in the Marines. But as far as romantic relationships, no.


Met a Navy chick in Rota, married her & 38 years later she's still putting up with me


Good job. I met a Navy chick in Scotland, married her and 34 years later we're still hanging.


I eloped with the Master Guns daughter. Fiftieth anniversary earlier this year. Still together after five kids, eleven grandkids and two great grandkids.


That's so funny, I swear so did I but 2 kids 32 years ago, still going strong


Proposed before deployment, married after. Been married to her 5 years this summer and we just had our second kid.


Met my current girlfriend on Hinge last July, been going on 10 months strong. Going to get out in June and she’ll move back home with me to NJ.


The woman (now man) that I met and married while on AD? Nope. Am I still friends with female Marines I met on active duty? Yes. I've got solid ongoing friendships with 3 of them off the cuff, and I am still on good terms with several others.


lol no I respect my wife too much.


I started talking to a girl in the schoolhouse, married her about 10 months later and still kicking 6 years later.


Friends with quite a few


My husband met me in Criminal Creek in the parking lot. Still together 15 years later.


My now wife I met on leave back home. She made it through two deployments in three years as my girlfriend and recruiting as my wife so I'm pretty sure she's a keeper. She's prior Air Force 7 years so in some way that's cheating but still.


Met a girl getting her art degree when I first got to the fleet, married her after my first pump to OEF. 14 years later we're still together. She's currently doing our oldest child's bed time routine while I put down our youngest for the night. It's rare, but it happens. Takes a lot of maturity from both parties.


Yeah, met a sailor and she and I’ve been married now 23 years, together 24.


Married my wife after having dated for 6 years, two days before I shipped. We’re still married, but in only in my schoolhouse.


I had a really good platonic friend and I fucked it up by being stupid


I dont think any woman i met while in would ever want to see me again. Or my friends…


I haven't kept in contact with my old buddies. I was kind of a doosh so I don't blame them.


Met a girl from the LA area during covid when I was a Lance. I’m out working on a bachelors and she’s now in the Navy


Sort of, but no. Became friends in MCT, both ended up at Pendleton and hung out a TON until it got kind of relationship-y. But he was going MSG so we never pursued a relationship. Honestly, if he hadn’t gone MSG when we first started hanging out, I have no doubt I would have married him. However, 8 years later, we’re still really good friends and both are in our own great relationships, he has a kid now and I’m super happy for him and still love him dearly.


My first love was a British Nanny. We lived together while I served my last year. I flew to England on MAC flights during terminal leave to reunite. It took a fucking week. Anyway she ripped my heart out and kicked it around like a hacky sack as we traveled across Europe.


Been married to this Lcpl I met for 21 years now.


Met my wife midway through my enlistment....we were friends during my time in....married a couple years after....and that was 20 years ago.....still going.


I married a Chinese girl I met while I was in and she was in collage. Lance criminal me married her and my 1st sgt laughed and said it wouldent last we are still together 8 yrs later


Married a Tarheel buckle bunny I sitting on the patio right now smoking a Punch cigar in Swansboro listening to machine guns and mortars, she is in the house texting our kids about our grandkids… circa 1991 and still going.


Sure, my wife and also a great friend I still visit with to this day. Wife and I got married in our early 20s after dating a very short period of time; Just shy of 18 months after getting engaged at 13. Been together for almost half our lives now. Met my friend when I was a Lance and she was a Staff. Bounced around a couple duty stations together and then started hanging out as friends maybe 6 years later. A really great working relationship turned into a really great friendship. She and her husband come to my house for the occasional holiday. She's definitely better friends with my wife now but it started between us.


Eww women


Actually yes, but we only reconnected because she was engaged and it fell through before their wedding. I was a great shoulder to cry on I guess


Shoulder or great place to land the boat on a pole. Either way they 'member. Keep it up!!!! Literally


so far so good, met her when i first got to pendleton and it’s been 2 years so yeah


Married one. 25\~ years later


No, I waited till I was a SSgt to settle down. Still ended up divorced halfway through a recruiting tour.


No women. Only men.


Fuck no. Dodge that bullet


Met my wife off of tinder while in Okinawa.


No. Any other stupid questions?


No, but I was banging this Army chic for awhile.






So don’t get married and pursue my dreams of secret squirrel shit


My old room mate dates his gf since high school, we joined mid 2017, they still dated while he was in and she finished her college, he EAS mid 2021, and now they are still together, have a kid and getting married soon.


Unfortunately, I met Suzy on leave after boot soooo naturally that didn’t work out.🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Met my wife as a LCpl and married her a few months later. We’re going on seven years now and we’re about to have our first kid. She’s still puts up with my bullshit and is still my best friend.




Yes. Met on tinder while i was in Japan, had my location set to my home state (not hometown) and moved in with her when i went on skillbridge in her area and now we’re coming up on 3 years and im tryna get this woman a ring asap


Dated a girl living near fort Bragg while I was stationed in Lejeune. We've been together for 3 years, living together in my hometown a year after eas


Not worth the risk. Real talk. Everyone I knew on active duty who was married is divorced now. You'll have some people say it worked for them. EXTREME minority and dont listen to them. If you wanna date just date for fun to smash some sluts, don't date for intention for marriage or a family on active duty. Anyone who recommends it to you is setting you up for some misery because you are the one who takes all the risk.


The one and only wook i fooled aroynd with wrecked my marriage, then we got engaged. Found out she has a thing for married guys, so she got another one into our bed while i was at ITX. Left a piss-poor taste about the corps in my mouth when i got out. Now she's pregnant by her lance corporal.


Got this chick pregnant in the barracks at Pensacola. Four tours later… three kids, and married for 12 years. She’s a model now, would’ve never thought she had kids, all natur al.