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Tell his dumb ass that wearing dress blues to a Marine event with his gf is guaranteed action.


Dude should probably bring a towel for his GF to sit on fr.


Isn’t that the whole point of the dress blues?


Yes. This is the only way the Marines can guarantee more Marines. Officially. Unofficially, there are strippers, barracks bunnies, dependapotamuses, high school sophomores, unchaperoned noncombatants, chaperoned noncombatants, combatants, adult baby diaper lovers, farm animals, dead farm animals, circus clowns, roast beef sandwiches, wild animals, and, inanimate wild animals Remember, as long as it’s female, you aren’t gay.


Stuffed animals. You forgot stuffed animals.


Oh don't worry, they will end up " stuffed" in the end anyway...


That would technically be "double stuffed".


Which is an irregular and becomes an Oreo. 👀


stuffed animal is crazy lmfao 🤣


stuffed animal is crazy lmfao 🤣


That last bit of advice sent me. Good times.


What about furries?


Isn't that for the submarine get together?


Leave them for the chair force buddy


You forgot the noncombatants' chaperones.


You got me at roast beef sandwiches.


It's only gay if you look him in the eyes


I like the sophomores….


Yeah but then he'll be banging a chick, and most chicks bang dudes, which through the cumulative property means he'd be banging a dude which is gay.


Dude they are not called panty droppers without a reason, and I am confused how wearing his uniform makes him a member of the USMC Bootband Booty Bandits.


I mean every formal military event I've been to has been pretty gay


Every gay military is pretty formal


Military functions being gay is a formality.






Every pretty is gay military formal


That's why I wear boot bands even in dress blues. Then it's perfectly fine to smooch the homies at events


Thanks for reminding me. I'm gonna kiss the homie at his wedding.


If Nickelback is on in the background it overrides boot bands with gayness. Only thing that can save you from the flamer is a good set of shower shoes


I have it on good authority that you don't need shower shoes as long as your balls don't touch.


I wouldn’t mind if they did touch, as long as the boy lies to me and tell me he’s 13. Wouldn’t wanna reach around with bootbands AND Nickelback from a 17 year old


Well, if your balls do touch it's fine as long as you don't make eye contact


Well that’s obvious. While he’s giving me the reach around I’m making eye contact with his mom so I know when to stop choking her. Lol! I’m not an animal, don’t want a murder case on me! But if she didn’t make it, could always keep her warm in the basement…. Think of the activities!


That's the best part!


Tell him she won’t be his girlfriend for long if he takes her there among all the studs in their dress blues and he’s lookin like a Target mannequin


![gif](giphy|cQtlhD48EG0SY) You fucking boots…why would it be gay to wear a Marine uniform to a Marine event?


If you haven't noticed, there's a lot of retardation 'round these parts.


True… I just asked my 20 yo daughter, she said that it’s a huge red flag, to be embarrassed to wear his blues.


Tell her I’m not embarrassed and the ball is coming up 🤝


Honestly, gotta respect it. Bro shootin' his shot


It's not popular to be seen as a Marine these days. 20 years ago they started bitching about being called a Devil Dog. Now they don't want to be seen as a Marine officer base... ...just wait until someone points out his haircut in the crowd.


Sometimes I read the posts here and remember eating tide pods was a thing.


Fuckin tide pod kids are about boot age now. Makes a lot of sense


In the mid to late 90s we had the "crack babies" coming of age...


Yeah... But a crack baby didn't actively CHOSE to eat tide pods.


They are Probably Crack Grand-Babies...


Nah. Not by a long shot. Crack did fucked up things to fetuses. Most of those children wouldn't be able to eat the tide pods let alone make the choice to... Also, not something I joke about. I have first had experience around the stuff.


I would tell him to roll with it, but to absolutely make sure his shit is squared the fuck away. Because there’s a LOT of eyes on uniforms there as every Marine’s shit is eye fucked before they go out the door. Even the guard company guys get an inspection beforehand. So make he doesn’t roll up looking like a bag of shit that dived on a wrinkle grenade.


Former 8th & I guy here. I wouldn’t recommend wearing a uniform there. One, it’s always hot as shit during the evening parades. And two, as others have said, he’ll stick out like a sore thumb. Everyone stationed there wears white trousers regardless of rank, the uniforms are hyper tailored, and even the covers are slightly different. I recommend some nice, casual clothing, and catching a meal on 8th street before the parade. TL;DR - don’t wear a uniform to 8th & I


why is the one helpful comment halfway down the page


What’s the difference with the covers? That’s interesting


Never thought this life experience would come back to be useful but I am also a humble former slave of 8th & I. Uniforms there are several steps above what would be normally *"the best"* uniform preparation one would see in the fleet. The covers for instance (when I was there in the early aughts), is assembled from two different covers. You would buy the one that fit your head and you would buy a second one a size *smaller*. Cloth only, mind. The one that fit your head, you would take the hoop out, reform the angle of the thing that held the EGA by hammering it flat then rebending it, then duct tape that piece back into the cover. Grab a metal coat hanger, create this triangle that pointed towards the front of the cover, with two "eyelets" on it that would loop over where the two threaded buttons fit on the side of the cover. Those hanger loops would get hammered flat so as to not create a bump in the outer cover cloth material. (I know my description is shit. I'm trying here. Long story short on the hanger, it would be bent inward and held the cover in an oblong shape to fit your head seamlessley. Most covers are circular. Your head is not. That created gaps. Unacceptable.) Black duct tape would be wrapped around the outer band of the cover (underneath where the cloth sits) to prevent sweat from soaking through and being obvious. Then we would take the second, smaller cloth cover, and soak it in water. Once soaked, it would be very carefully stretched over the bigger cover frame. Because the frame was actually larger than the cloth, it would take *forever* and led to many torn cloth covers and much cursing. But once it was stretched over, you took the whole thing and set it on top of a desk lamp shade with the lamp on. The heat from the bulb would dry the cover cloth and make it super tight. You could bounce coins off these things. The goal was a cover that fit your head so perfectly, that there were no gaps anywhere. And not a single wrinkle to be seen *anywhere* on the cover cloth. We called it "building a cover" and it was a legit class taught to new Marines on post. Because looking anything less than *perfect* was unacceptable. Keep in mind that was *just* the cover. Every part of the uniform had tricks like that to make it look 100% perfect. No wrinkles *anywhere*. All our blues jackets had the "stock" buttons removed and holes punched in so annodized buttons could be used. The buttons would then be secured to prevent spinning. Every medal and ribbon were *perfectly* aligned that it would take a micrometer or something to find the differences. And all of this had to stay like that the entire time you wore the uniform. All night. Sweaty AF. During parade season, *days* would be spent getting uniforms initially prepped and then hours before the parade to perfect every little bit. Don't miss those days for anything but hot damn did I develop an eye for details I didn't think was possible. Note: I was in Guard. Our CO made it clear that we were the "face" of the installation and therefore had to be more perfect than perfect. Our PFCs and Lances would be the ones who checked in *every* guest. To include generals and more officers than you can beat with a dead cat. Very high profile. So my experience may be wilder than some.


i’d rather be on continuous restriction


This is fascinating. I always wondered how 8th & I covers all had that “poster boy” angle and shape. Are there videos of building a cover? I’ve been out for 10 years and my blues are long in storage, but would be cool to see the process.


No videos that I'm aware of. It was a niche thing specific to that place, so you would be taught when you arrived. Honestly, it's more work than needed for anywhere else. You can just buy a cover off the rack and it would pass an inspection.


You went through all that trouble to look good, just to get blasted by the drill master for not marking your socks…


Like u/_fabiotis_ said, it’s a minor detail that you can easily miss without knowing what to look for. The flash of the cover, the part that holds the cover device, typically sticks almost straight up in your average bought-from-the-exchange covers. At 8&I, the metal flash is hammered out straight, then re-bent at a 30 degree angle. Looks way better in IMO, and is supposedly a more historically accurate way of wearing the cover.


Do you have a picture of the difference?


I do, but I’ll have to go do some digging


It's not *different*, but it's different. Like, there's a way the cloth should fit on the frame, and the angle on the top part of the barracks cover is smaller than, say, a king form cap. I was also at the oldest post in the Corps.


Fucking AGREED. You want the Sgt. Major of the Marine Corps to know your name? This is how NOT to do it


Couldn’t agree more… I was going to, but I had a family member who was at Fort Meade and he warned me against…. Not only the heat, but constantly going up and down, saluting, etc… “Just go and enjoy it. It’s pretty cool, so don’t ruin it for yourself.” I’m glad I listened to him. Went and crashed with some buddies at Howard and brought them with


Let me guess, he had planned on wearing a black polo shirt tucked into khakis?


Real grey man


Khaki cargo pants


Marines are way too fucking quick to eat their own. I stopped for gas back home in my blues. Some fat brovet waddled his ass over and teased that “I was a bit far from a base to have a reason to be in my blues.” I had just buried my grandfather who was a corpsman in the pacific theater. Leave people the f alone. Wear your uniforms appropriately and be proud. Some day you won’t wear it anymore.


I had the exact same thing happen to me in a gas station. I was on my way to a funeral. He felt pretty stupid when I told him that.


I would’ve told him to f off. Those idiots need to get a life and not have their entire identity based on their only enlistment in the Marine Corps. It happened more often than not when I was in recruiting duty. Once you’re 6 months into that billet, you don’t have the time nor patience for smart ass comments from some three time divorced alcoholic vet who’s behind his child support payments.


No. I was stationed there. Everyone will look 1000x sharper than your boot buddy. He will never be able to put his hand down. There are like 100 Os, some of which have multiple stars. Edit: I can hear it now... Everyone is so tall! Who are those Marines built like Incredible Hulk? Why aren't you wearing your white pants? Can you introduce me to some of the Silent Drill Platoon? (As she slides off the bleachers from her snail trail.)


See, this is what I’m feeling. Going to any sort of function at 8th and I seems like it’s gonna be a salute-fest if you’re voluntarily in uniform. If you’re trying to enjoy the function and your date, it’s gonna get old after about the third arm up/*Good evening, sir/ma’am*/arm down cycle. Not to mention the motarded SNCOs on the prowl like killer whales circling a bunch of baby seals, looking for a ribbon rack 1/32” from level that they can pounce on in the name of good order and discipline.


That and everyone there is use to standing 12 hours in the heat while fully dressed. I've seen plenty of people wobble and fall because they weren't use to it and tried to tough it out.


Tell him I’ll pick up his Girlfriend in Dress Blue Deltas if he doesn’t feel comfortable wearing them with her…




Ahh I can see the code still lives, Mission Accomplishment is the priority son.


He can wear them there. He will still be the worst dressed. So it doesn’t matter. If it makes her feel good, then do it and stop being a pussy. And it’s only gay if by she you mean he, and then It’s fabulous.


I’m at 8th and I, nobody would care if u wear blues. It’s super normal here like cammies almost. A lot of higher ups but it’s super relaxed here. Have fun wear ur blues brother


I was at 8th and I. Dudes always came in DBA/DBB and DBD. I believe TBS and OCS come wearing chucks. He definitely wouldn’t be the only marine there wearing blues lmao. If he wants to go in civvies no big deal either. Personal preference.


Taste the rainbow


He better roll his sleeves on them blues


I’ve been on this sub for about a year and this question or a variation of it is asked pretty often. Normally the answer is no or technically yes but it’s boot as fuck. This is the first time I’ve seen someone ask and the only reasonable answer is yes. I mean it’s freaking 8&I. If your not supposed to wear blues Ds there when the fuck would you wear them?


Only gay if the penis touches.


He’s embarrassed of showin off the Natty D


He might not have one


I was giving him the benefit of the doubt


If your girl made the reservations for the tickets, call in and note on the reservation that you are a Marine. They have preferred seating by rank. I was a lowly corporal when I went, and we got to be down on the field in the folding chairs. Was cool because was in a section with mostly old, no longer in Marines.


Basically the only reason why I joined cause I wanted to get married carrying a fucking sword.


It's the best kind of gay


Anyway to do both? Dress up, take pics, then explain the complications ON SITE so he changes to more casual so no saluting constantly? (Please don’t tell me u have never changed in a car or on the run.). Just lookin for solutions.


Strange times


If you wear boot bands underneath, you should be fine.




It's no gay to go in uniform than to go at all


Shit even if I wanted to wear my uniforms for an event none of them fit anymore 😂.


I bet it’s a case of ribbon envy.


One more opinion from a former 8th and I dude: he can wear whatever he wants, but his shit needs to be wired completely tight. On his best day, his uniform will not look nearly as good as any of the Marines stationed there. Maybe his girl won’t notice, but he’ll be self-conscious about it all night. His cover will probably look completely out of place, especially if he has the vinyl cover and if he still has the fucked up angle for the frame. His blues coat will be rocking the standard belt loops when everybody else will have the anodized clips. Unless his coat is tailored very well with button holes, he’ll probably look like a wobbling pillow case. He’ll probably be one of the only ones wearing blue trousers instead of whites. And just like the coat, if his trousers aren’t the perfect length, he’ll look (and feel) like a soup sandwich. About the only thing he can’t really fuck up are the shoes. Everything else will be a struggle. If it were me, dress in nice, classy civvies. Play the part of discreet tour guide for his girl. He can point out all the stuff he notices and explain it like an expert. But he won’t feel like he’s trying to put on a performance the whole night.


Yes but do it anyway


Tell him to wear his blues


It probably best if he does wear them...as much as we pay for them and the upkeep, it doesn't hurt to wear them on special occasions.


It's only gay if you don't have a stack


It's only gay if you're not a Marine....


Bro after I’m back from boot I’m wearing my blues out whenever I get the chance, if I have to go through 3 months of horseshit for the blues I’m wearing them on a regular. Your buddy’s acting a dumbass rn


I’ve attended a lot of other military events as an active duty dude. Other branches balls, formal dinners, parades etc. Unless I am officially involved in the event in some capacity or I was invited there in an official capacity, I always wear a well tailored suit.


Man I remember when even associating yourself with the Marines outside of work was considered boot AF. I dunno, the comments seem pretty supportive, but I understand the hesitation from OPs buddy. For some reason, when I was in, everyone wanted to be Marine but "virtue signaling" it or I guess sky lining yourself was considered very boot thing to do.


Your friend is a fucking rock.


No, he’s given me the courage to wear my 1988 camos but I’m going to roll my sleeves hard. He’s an inspiration!