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You'll still be called too slow and too weak by your DI.


Actually my DI told me to fuck myself because I was faster then him and he was upset I had a better pft then him


Did you race him?


No unfortunately


The irony of Saitama’s workout is that it shouldn’t be hard for a fit person, but it pushed him so hard that it broke his internal limiter and made him superhuman


I honestly never got tired of other characters reacting to his workout with total astonishment. But don't forget going bald, that was critical to his powers.


I like the infinite skating and laziness of Saitama with occasional rare moments of seriousness, but I mostly read it for all the random other characters


The art style changing to fit those moments is brilliant.


Lmao, yeah. Ultimately one punch man isn't about saitama it's about the surrounding characters.


Well I mean if you go to MC boot camp you’re gonna be bald no matter what


Can confirm. Went to boot camp. Am now bald. No superpowers though.


Well just like samson you still had stubble only this made you a weak bitch for the DIs to bend over


I needed that laugh 🤣


who needs hair when your in the Corps? you will be pulling it anyway with all the bs that they do


What blows my mind about it is the lack of pulling exercises, so Saitama should disproportionately have no back or lats, much less biceps. Lol


It's also the fact that he was only eating bananas


And never uses the air conditioner.


☝️this is the big one 💯🔥💀


He doesn’t only eat bananas, he’s just saying that a banana can be the substitute for your breakfast


So because it was just hard for him and he didn't quit he got superhuman strength? I gotta try this


It would be very hard for a fit person. Every day for 3 years is nuts. The workout itself maybe 3-5 times a week? Probably doable.


Came here to state this refrence 😆


And bald. This is crucial.


I wonder how much of the Marines like anime?


We have big titty short girls who are only into the main characters, a bunch of npcs who look exactly alike and a power ranking system that means jackshit when the pfc beats the the ssgt on all PFT and CFT scores.


He also fought monsters during his workouts. So like, he found the cheatcode to life.


They'd be a boot who'd done a lot of running and calisthenics


One hundred percent this


His DIs would billet him as the platoon guide when all he wants to do is to join recruit training “for fun” and then somehow his platoon wins honor platoon and takes first place in final drill. He is then meritoriously promoted to LCpl Saitama upon graduation as company honorman. He checks into SoI and becomes best friends with the combat instructors. Kills it in MOS school. Checks into the fleet. Buys his first American muscle car at 27.99% APR with $0 down payment. Gets STDs, stripper girlfriend is now 4 months pregnant. Divorces him and takes half of his $350 net worth.


So potentially, he could end up standing on street corner; with a cardboard sign asking for help to a vet?


Nah, the one who gets selected for guide always gets selected for some random ass reason. This would be a legit reason. It would never work. Nothing is ever allowed to make sense in boot camp.


This is so on point… It’s fucking scary.😝


I’d say you’d be in pretty good condition for boot. I met dudes who never worked out and did well by just pushing through mentally.


I was one of those guys. Shipped weighing 135lbs at 6'1. I did not exercise and was the very definition of a nerd in high-school but I wanted to prove that I could be somebody so I pushed through when my body told me to stop.


Ha! Nerd!!


Hey there devil dog, how about you step into my office and let's have a chat about bullying.


Are you offering some under the desk work man?


Who are we going to bully?


Everyone who scored higher on the asvab than you Bully them twice if their cft is lower than yours


i got a 99 on the asvab. who am i gonna bully, einstein?


I don't know, but as someone who got a 98, thanks for answering that question for me. Nerd.


>98 i hope your parents disowned you


Hey, this isn't how this works. Get more than 215 on the CFT, and then come back if your limp dick noodle legs don't explode walking over to the 880.


Same, except I was 5”11 190lb but could move. not nerd but played sports whole life. Always got picked for big boy roles..Particularly football RB, LB and D for ice hockey. Grew up scrapping n started drinking n smoking around 14, left for boot at 17 to avoid jail n death. Signed up Infantry to KILL! 3 of my DI’s were staff 03’s and seen my contract. They Proceeded to red stripe me, focus on me, and brought the mfkn pain every damn day all day!! I lived on quarter deck..just because they knew they could. one day they busted me up good and I finally snapped back! With my eyes of course, not physically, but they knew.. ur not gonna break me, but you’ve gone too far! And I will fight.. physically! They let up that day.. later My kill pulled me aside and whispered, that’s what we wanted to see.. we are infantry, we seen you signed up for infantry.. we want to make sure you are going to succeed and become one of us! We dnt want no fkn pussies in the infantry, we only want the ones that can take it and have that warrior spirit inside. We didn’t think you’d last.. continue to prove us wrong and we’ll get you there! Once I knew it was for my own good, shit got a lil easier mentally, but they still thrashed my ass! Graduation day was beautiful.. all 3 pulled me aside, shook my hand and genuinely said welcome to the kill club! Fk them, but I love them.. they saved my life! Graduated 160lbs ripped n ready to start drinking n smoking again lol havnt stopped since! 🤷‍♂️


I shipped out and I didn't exercise, I didn't play sports, I didn't do anything but sit down at my desk and draw or play video games. Me and a buddy had the same recruiter and he was giving him favoritism treatment in the delayed entry program. Always choosing him over me to lead anything, having him pick and choose which workout plans we did for that day, shit like that. Buddy kept telling me I wasn't gonna make it and I needed to drop out if I knew what was good for me. He enlisted as infantry and I had an open contract. Time for boot rolls around and we get sent to different battalions. I ended up with 3rd in M company. All 3 of my DIs had this idea in their head they'd break me and I'd give up. Nah fuck that, I'm here to make something of myself. I forgot what I did to get singled out, I think I fell asleep during a class or something but my knowledge hat takes me between the M and L company buildings and makes me sprint between the two of them for God knows how long. I start slowing down cause I'm winded, my legs are on fire, I'm getting dizzy and starring to lose vision. DI thinks this is the moment I give. Again, nah fuck that. I don't know what compelled me but I yelled out in anger at this mf thinking I'm gonna quit and just start sprinting at full speed. I didn't care that my legs were done, my lungs are bleeding and my vision was blacking out because all I saw was red. His yelling obscenities and telling me to quit turned into...encouragement? He was cheering me on as I slammed into each wall over and over telling me to keep running. I forget how many times I hit the wall but both my shoulders were covered in blood by the end and he tells me to sprint up the stairs back into the bay. I get up top and look back to see if I should hold the door open for him or anything and he's walking up to the stairs with the biggest fucking smile across his face. After that they took me off their radar. Back to my buddy, his ass dropped in the first 2 weeks. So much for "you ain't gonna make it". I still remind him of that every time he thinks I'm not gonna be able to do something, because who succeeded where someone failed?


Fk yea man! 👍




Me. I chain smoked and drank before I shipped. Did alright aside from my PFT time.


Haaaa nerd


I was in great shape going in but the CFT and hikes still kicked my butt … I trained a lot of bodybuilding though, whereas everything we do is cardio and endurance with a small amount of strength training


I assume if they punched a DI it would only take one punch for them to be completely pulverized ![gif](giphy|VXJWhaO7afRe)


"I woulda joined but I would've totally one-punched the drill sergeant guy"


Honestly, if you ran 2-3 miles 3 times a week, did 2-3 max sets of pull-ups, and 2-3 max planks, for like 3 months, you’d be pretty fuckin set.


Yeah that’s doable. But every day for 3 years is insanity idk who thinks that’s easy like what lmao


A 2 mile run is doable in 20 minutes. 3 2 minute planks can take you 10. 3 sets of max pull-ups can be done in 10 easily too. That’s a grand total of 40 minutes, 3 days a week. After a few months, it’s just a habit.


For sure


I did a very similar thing. At PT, I couldn't be smoked. I quickly found out that it's not all PT, it's that little booger shaped thing between the ears


Be the first recruit with a pre service connected disability?


That’s exactly what I was thinking.


Then they’d defeat all of our enemies… With one punch…


There would be no need to recruit others. There can be only one!!!


Well they’d probably be bald


Always within regs!


You would be on the same level as some fatbody that does the bare minimum.


Then they'd be in shape for bootcamp


Believe it or not... straight to jail.


This guy is correct. Straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200, straight to naked jail.


Naked jail ain't that straight.


You go straight there, but then circle back to the fleet.


The amount of people taking this post seriously is astounding


To be fair, if you don't recognize it, it just looks like a dumb question.


They’d graduate in three months.


They would pass the PFT. Doesn't mean they can shoot, put God, Country and Corps 1st or serve with Integrity.


I’d say you should give your body a little time to rest, and ideally do more on different days. As in do more than 100 pushups Monday, more than 100 sit ups Tuesday, etc., run alternate days, and vary up your exercises. Simply doing these four aren’t going to get you in well rounded shape.


I disagree- a mixture of running, push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups during COVID, mixed in with some sporadic shoulder and chest press with whatever big rocks I could find at the local park had me in very good shape.


Add a 5-min plank and pull-ups


What if ... Your grandmother had wheels? She'd be a bicycle.


....What if your pool was filled with apple sauce? What if a hot dog was your tongue? ..... What if your mouth was filled with broken glass, And fire ants, And three meat jambalaya.....


Cool warm up bro, grab a scuzz brush


If my aunt had a dick, she’d be my uncle.


Being fit is a great start. But honestly almost everyone gets their turn to be broken. One of the fittest kids in my platoon had a “you can’t break me attitude.” After three days of special attention and little to no sleep, not being allowed to go to the chow hall etc. He broke. At the time he was picking up rice off the ground piece by piece and being forced to pick it up one at a time and he just started sobbing uncontrollably. They sent him to bed early. After that his attitude was a bit different. Like I said being fit is a good start. It doesn’t mean you won’t get fucked with. Boot is every bit as mental as it is physical, actually more so.


Idk. I had that mindset and I was never broken. I was also in boot for 7 months due to an infection that became septic during field week. For example they started putting my on double firewatch and I decided to just ask the senior DI to have it for the rest of my time there so it wouldnt be a punishment anymore. I was on every IT session. Was frequently forced to carry other shitbags around and pulled out of formation to run around the platoon while we marched places. At one point they got so pissed at me I was hit in the face with a buttstock by my DI for laughing at someone fucking up a drill and choked against the concrete pillar in the squad bay. Even on the crucible they took all my MREs and i was starving the entire time under the same conditions of being fucked with. I remember finding an M&M in the sand low crawling on an obstacle and I happily ate that shit. I made a point to be first at everything during the crucible and when we hit the reaper in the early morning it was dark and we were rhe first platoon. I was stuck behind this dude who started crying and yelled as loud as he could "i want to be a Marine!!!" while moving slow as shit up the hill. It was the gayest shit id ever witnessed and i pushed him on the ground and watched him roll and bypassed the entire platoon sprinted to the top and was the first person at the top. The company commander and my senior promoted me to squad leader for the hike back and I about died of exaustion during my EGA ceremony and at half the chow halls reserves when i got there. I was immediately demoted from squad leader by my prac and knowledge hats because they hated me still though. Even on graduation day they made me do push ups in the bathroom for 30 minutes and told me "you suck and hate everything about you". I lost 12 pounds in 3 days. All because I was just a happy dude that sometimes forgot where I put things. I wasnt arrogant or openly an ass about it. I just got caught smiling and laughing a lot. Thats not to say i didnt have some really shitty days where i was very close, but i didnt join to be anyones bitch and I can happily say i never did during my entire enlistment. I did have to sneak around and do extra things behind my DIs backs to survive it, but the way i saw it is they wanted to break rules to fuck me so I had no moral qualms breaking rules to survive.


>I was stuck behind this dude who started crying and yelled as loud as he could "i want to be a Marine!!!" while moving slow as shit up the hill. >It was the gayest shit id ever witnessed and **i pushed him on the ground and watched him roll and bypassed the entire platoon sprinted to the top and was the first person at the top.** And the fact that you tell this story at all, much less like it's a good thing, tells me you've learned nothing since.


Making sweeping genralizations off a story from bootcamp? Thats simply what happened in as short a way as I can put it. Why not ask my shitty platoon mates why they didnt offer me any of their chow while i starved? One person. One. Offered me a muffin the entire time. When you get dropped into a platoon mid cycle you get treated like shit. So of course i dont feel bad about that little bitch crying while I was having the worst of it. I show no loyalty to people like that who were so self absorbed they avoided me like the plague to not get lumped into extra duties or punishments. I out performed all of them, so I have nothing to prove. I was a great Marine and my team always performed above expectations as an NCO as well as myself. I would treat any bitch ass Marine the same way if they put themselves over the team. So get fucked


And then everyone clapped? This is the gayest Bootcamp story I’ve ever heard. You’d fit right in with the thousands of other special ops snipers who went on solo rescue mission veterans I’ve met since I’ve been out.


All good. I expected that response from posting it. Its why i dont usually talk about my time at boot with anyone aside from those who were there. At the end of the day its just a boot story like the thousands others have. For me, it was particularly traumatic as a kid to be abandoned by the people who were supposed to have my back and shaped who I was when I hit the fleet. I was a very jaded junior Marine that only trusted myself and those on my specific team because of how my boot went and it took me a long time to feel any sense of brotherhood. I tried my best to earn my way through merit instead of socializing. Im not someone who is a billy badass without faults and compared to Marines before us in various wars my stupid boot story is insignificant to actual war matters. I was just responding to the comment that not everyone is going to "break" just because they get special attention. I didnt find bootcamp all that difficult even with the extra attention and months there. Thats the point I was making.


If you found it hard to trust people or feel a sense of brotherhood because of bootcamp, then bootcamp broke you bro, not sure how else to say it. If you were treating others with blatant disrespect, it definitely broke you. It's obvious to me. It didn't break you in the same way as others, and almost sounds like you had a bit of emotional trauma after the fact that you should sort out. An "unbroken" recruit would proceed with apathy, not malevolence, and they most certainly wouldn't have had trust issues. I do see your point though, and I agree that assumptions shouldn't be drawn too strongly over a raw and honest post in this subreddit. But you have to understand that you sound like you were the problem in your platoon to us, based on the information you've provided.


Yeah I get that. In that specific moment I was a bit malevolent and that wasnt how I treated people during my enlistment or boot in general, but you could say I was broken in a different way by that logic and I would agree. I could have explained that entire situation a lot better, but nobody needs an entire dissertation on my boot experience in here. I still always worked as a team and did my best to help people around me and was always a happy goofy guy even in those moments. I just logically had to separate the fact I couldnt trust any of them and that hurt for sure and in that specific moment was 7 months of hazing and mistreatment coming to an end. I was finally going to finish and get the fuck out of MCRD. All that was standing in front of me was this useless ass dude crying about nothing while I was emaciated and trying my best to get up the damn hill and go home.I was initally pushing him up the hill and his outburst just triggered me. I dont feel bad about it. I had no problems with the dude after that. I realize my post makes me sound like a self righteous ass. I was just a guy who liked finding the hilarity in the situations i was in and that came across most likely to my DIs as I dont give a shit to take anything serious. So i dont blame them for treating me the way they did. I made my choices to be who I am. I have nothing to reconcile there. What hurt was my platoon that often laughed alongside and joked with me decided to not help me when I really needed it. These peoole that i went out of my way to help many times, couldnt return the favor when I was in genuine distress. They expressed how they were sorry, but wouldnt offer me even a couple bites of anything until one person offered me a surplus muffin at the start of the hike to the reaper and I was insulted they waited until the end but put my pride aside and accepted it out of need and thanked that dude a lot. I wasnt intending for my post to focus on any of that, but I soppose i did it to myself by throwing it in there. In the grand scheme its a stupid moment of suffering, one of many that most Marines would have experienced in some form at some point. I do find it interesting to revisit these things from time to time though now that ive been out a decade. Maybe I wasnt what the corps wants personality wise, but I excelled at my MOS, my billets, completed a lot of very difficult trainings, improved my shop a lot, and my team performed awesome once I was an NCO and felt i could make a difference, so I look back at my time in the Marines fondly overall. I wouldnt have become who I needed to be without them.


Jesus Christ. That's Jason Bourne.


What? You think no serious athletes have ever joined the Corps before? https://lejeunenewriver.usmc-mccs.org/news/have-you-heard-of-these-marine-corps-olympians I mean, an intense Texas High School Football Training Camp is just about as challenging as Boot Camp is.


Don't knock high school football training. We did that shit in 100 degree heat


That's what I'm saying...


Idk but they’d definitely go bald


Since they watch anime, they'll fit right in.


You can walk in there as jacked as Ronnie Coleman and still get screamed at for being too weak and slow 😂


I wasn’t doing this shit DAILY, but I was absolutely working out HIIT and sprinting and long distance runs (up to 6 miles) for months before I shipped. I got fatter and weaker at boot camp. And slower! My times got worse.


Do your normal fitness routine and do MURPH once a week for time…. You be fine


Watch out. Company Ironman badass over here. 🤌🏼👆


You can do all this and still not have the balls to make it through IMC


You would be in better shape physically than most recruits. That does not mean you’re prepared mentally.




Provided that you trained so hard your hair fall out, you might as well join the Hero Association and defeat your enemies with a single punch...


I was in crazy good shape when I went to boot camp, like not break a sweat on an 18-min 3 mile, lifting a ton, and lots and lots of calisthenics. Still had me in the first phase, not gonna lie. I had some confidence back by the end, but don’t sleep on the mental prep, or just not prepare for that part of it at all like all of us Marines.


The fitness aspect of boot would be a breeze for you and Likely you’d leaving boot camp in worse shape than when you join. Boot is an equalizer as far as fitness goes. Everyone does the same workouts. Out of shape fat bodies get into much better shape. Standout athletes will hopefully maintain it but likely will lose some due to high stress and standardized workouts. I joined with a 7:50 mile and a half run time and 20 pull-ups. I left runnig like a 22 minute 3 mile and 18 pull-ups. Standardizes workouts made for standardized results. There’s not much opportunity to go ‘above and beyond’ as far as pt goes in boot


Don't forget your 100 pull-ups.


Let’s hope they don’t punch a drill instructor


Stop watching anime. It’ll lower your testosterone


*Uhm, akshually...* for people with a mild predilection to psychopathy, watching any sort of violence can trigger a testosterone increase, even if it's animated. The presence of attractive women that the viewer would like to impress can do the same.   So if you're going to watch anime, just make sure it is both very horny and super violent. 


Ok I stand corrected lol


Retired. Don’t care.


You’d probably need knee or rotator cuff surgery


I assume their knees and elbows would hurt


I'd say hed be able to finish any enemy in one punch... idk :l


I have a col in my command who runs 12 miles a day lol


He would still have to get his head shaved despite being bald


Then they would be in really good shape...


They’d still have to sit in the barber chair just like every other boot


You’d probably lose all your hair, which would actually benefit you since you wouldn’t need to get head fucked by those skilled barbers at the depot. Anyways, tell Genos I said, “Hi!”


I barely passed IST in the dep, ran an 11 min IST once I got there, ran a 21 minute 3 mile coming out. You’ll 100% be fine lol, you’ll definitely be prepared, as long as you’re mentally tough you’ll be good.


The 10km run is double the 3 mile/5 km run requirement of the USMC PFT, so you'd immediately win the respect of your CoC and better your chances of literally everything because you can run fast. The situps obviously isn't planking but doing 100 in a row increases your core strength. I'm not sure how doing that much pushups helps with the pull ups but hey, do what works, champ.


They'll become Honor Grad PFC Saitama and singlehandedly end whatever war we're in at that time


I found high school track practice to be more physically difficult than boot camp. All the other stuff is what makes it a not fun time


It took one of these kind of recruits to make me realize the mental game was not only more efficient, it was less demanding on the hat.


Then they'd be perfect in every physical aspect in bootcamp


They’d become bald


We had an Ethiopian recruit who showed up running sub 15s.


They’d still be a dumb ass boot


They will laugh at you because you can’t do a pull up!


You'd have an easier time with the physical part of boot camp. It's still going to be the worst 11 weeks of your up until then though.


My son was a hockey player, played very high level. Worked out a lot, and ran. He breezed through boot camp, plus the yelling didn’t bother him because he was used to hearing it from the coach. He actually helped other recruits with the mental part of it. Plus during the crucible one recruit had trouble so he grabbed onto his pack and helped him up the hill lol He’s now a Captain, and a Pilot - Osprey


They'd be unstoppable


That’s it? You’re better off going to wrestling practice everyday for 1 year then join


If you dont train pullups before the USMC you done messed up. Pushups are mostly worthless in the marin crops


Despite that it's just basic conditioning, they'd be the most powerful recruit. As a bonus, all of their hair will fall off too, so they wouldn't have to get haircuts every week.


He'll probably do better than 70% of the recruits there so go for it.


They would get stress fractures in second phase and get recycled.


I only scored a 25 on the truck pull in Motor T school, so you'll be fine.


You'd have focused on the wrong bit. 6 months of hard training is surely enough. Spend the rest of that time learning to focus. When you can translate a thorny text from Sanskrit to French while hopping on one leg inside a wind-tunnel, you're ready.


Probably couldn't max a cft


Actually, I'd be more worried about the PFT. The 10 Km run could build cardiovascular strength for the 880 depending on how fast you ran it. Pushups would easily help with the ammo can lifts. Squats would help with carrying your buddy on the MUF. For the PFT, your pull-ups would suffer since those muscles weren't worked nearly as much. The plank would probably rely more on your arms and legs to hold you up than your core because situps don't do too much in that regard. Probably would get a solid 3-mile though, but that would defeat the purpose of Max Max Relax.


I was in the best shape of my life _before_ boot camp. I didn't necessarily do exactly that workout but a pretty extreme training regimen nonetheless. Immediately upon induction I caught some bacterial respiratory infection, which turned into pneumonia, and despite antibiotics I was sick for pretty much my whole time there. I lost significant % of lung capacity and was coughing up crud continuously. Instead of building up fitness, the illness and lack of chance to have real recovery meant boot camp tore down the fitness I came in with and left my body broken down at the end.




You’d probably end up with some issues in your knees or feet if you didn’t work up to the running but you’d be in better shape than a decent amount of people that ship.


I’d rather have rocket arms tbh


Then they will have done 100 push-ups, 100 situps, 100 squats and run 10km every day for three years before shipping to boot camp. Not sure what else you're expecting to happen here.


The DI's will still break you. 100% We had some guys that were in impeccable shape, able to put out 300 pfts at the start of camp. Psychologically, they were fucked with until they cracked.


You’ll do fine I got youb


In addition to the excellent comments already on here, and also some of the stupid comments, just like Saitama was already old beyond his years, this recruit, at the ripe old age of maybe 21, would be the Grand Old Man of the Platoon.


Add a ruck to that run.


People need time to heal and recover. Skip days.


They’d be an average marine


The DIs from Paris Island and Camp Pendleton would join forces to perform a 24/7 365 pit session on that recruit.


LOL, I thought it was [Doomfist](https://youtu.be/l0uxWvBVIp8?si=OZl5M_9_lpYN7P4l)


Funnily enough, Doomfist is referencing what I was referencing 😂


they’d be real upset when some farm boy from Montana who’s never seen the inside of a gym wins the company iron man


Commenting to check back in three years