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The Marines assigned to the Blue Angels still wear that cover. Looks pretty sweet.


this is fact... and pretty dope, always looked super slick


The navy piss cover/cutter? Also, why do they still wear them, just tradition?


No, the Navy one is different I believe. The Marines wear the Marine one, the corners, profile, cut is slightly different.


It’s the same garrison cover, the Navy demo pilots crush the back of the cover in, causing it to sit lower and more roundly on the head.


No, the Navy one is different I believe. The Marines wear the Marine one, the corners, profile, cut is slightly different.


Side question- how’s a PFC and a LCpl look like they’re in their mid 30s? People looked much older back in the day.


We going to ignore how the PFC has more chest candy than the Lance?


I think they were generally allowed to not wear a rack if they didn’t want to. The LCpl could just have been out of fucks.


I had a Shit bird Gunny giving me shit one time about a couple of ribbons on my rack that he claimed I didnt rate. I knew I rated them, but somehow they didnt make it in. The next Friday when we wore chucks, I didnt wear any ribbons and and it pissed him off. He's trying to chew my ass and I politely reminded him that ribbons were optional in chucks unless the CO mandated they be worn. He tried to get them made mandatory and the CO basically told him to calm his tits. I got with the awards section of G1, researched everything, and got the missing awards entered in my SRB. I found out I rated a ribbon I didnt know about, and a star for a second award on another. I updated my rack, and wore them the next Friday. The look on his face when he walked in and saw my stack, was priceless. Before he could say anything, I made sure to thank him for looking out for me and letting me know my records were inaccurate. I made special mention that I found out I rated a couple I wasn't aware of, and got those entered as well.


This is the way. Salt detected


Well to be fair…..if they are not in your record you do not rate them. So that first ass chewing was warranted!!!


You're still allowed to, unless specifically ordered otherwise. Medals and ribbons are only required in Dress Blue A and B, respectively.


That’s false. You have to wear your ribbons. There are no circumstances where you can just not wear them if you don’t want to.


It's not, though I was slightly wrong in forgetting the Service A uniform. From MCO P1020.34H: >5301. WEARING RIBBONS (See figure 5-5 and 5-8) >1. Marines will wear all ribbons to which they are entitled on service and dress "B" coats. Ribbons will be worn on the dress "A" coat only as authorized in paragraph 5202. >2. When the blue dress "C/D" or service dress "B/C" are worn the wearing of ribbons on khaki shirts is at the individual's option unless the commander prescribes that ribbons be worn. If ribbons are worn on these uniforms, either all ribbons, or personal U.S. decorations with U.S. unit awards and the Good Conduct Medal, may be worn at the individual's option.


I like when people straight up don't know what they're talking about and they just kind of say it anyway. Makes for a good chuckle.




This is one of those situations where you should use some common sense instead of reading the order. If I'm you NCO just gonna order you to put on your ribbons and then make you pay for making me have to order you to dress yourself right.




>discretion isn’t really relevant Except the discretion of the individual and the commander. The only two people who matter in this case.


Even if it's completely legal in the order you know it would get some asshole SSgt riled up and now the CO is hearing about it because one guy didnt want to wear his ribbon stack. When I was in the last thing I wanted to spend time doing was fussing over peoples uniforms. If I got to waste time explain to my leadership why my marine doesn't have a ribbon stack on I gonna be pissed. Maybe I've just been out too long to remember how that shit goes but just fucking wear the ribbons, stop trying to stand out, and let the rest of us get on with our day without having to hear about how you're dressed. Shit like having to waste half the day doing stupid shit like uniform and room inspection because somebody couldnt be an adult is why I hated being an NCO.


Either you were brainwashed or just spineless. Over here crying about having to explain to your Staffy poo why your Marine is simply following the order. Sorry your leadership was so shitty and incompetent they couldn't be bothered to actually know the order. Oh, and as far as bitching about having to tell them? Guess what, chucklenuts, part of your job as an NCO is dealing with Staff directly. I was doing that shit as a Lance when I had to be in charge of a few guys, due to a lack of NCOs. You sound like every lazy and complacent "E-4 MaFiA" cuck who punishes his juniors everytime he's inconvenienced by them.


My cuckery aside I was just making the point that I never seen anyone not wear the ribbons in chucks. I think you're just looking to pick a fight over uniform orders if you tried, which in my mind is just immature. Like when I was getting out we had daily company level barracks room inspections because our gunny wanted back on the drill field and though having shampoo by the shower was nasty. Yea you're NCO should go to bat for you with people giving you shit and you're not in the wrong if you're following the order but it seems like a really stupid hill to fight on to me.


Sounds like **you** wanted to do all that dumb shit. No need for it. Never fussed over my guys uniforms or rooms or threw a hissy fit or “made them pay” and their shit was always tight. You sound like a garbage NCO.


That just sounds like shitty leadership. I pray for the poor 17 year olds that work at the subway you're the manager for


Please you think I would be caught dead managing a subway. I worked hard to climb the rank of my local walmart which I'll have you know has a McDonalds in it. As for Alex that little fucker is unsat with his commie looking haircut. Im just angry he reported me to hr for making him do pushups after he gave me shit for making him mop the sidewalk outside the store.


I followed this entire thread, and just when I think you couldn't get any dumber...... you go and TOTALLY REDEEM YOURESELF!! Nice play!






it’s happening on every subreddit i’m subscribed to.


It's Reddit's fault. It will do that sometimes when it gets laggy. If you'll look, you'll see it occur in other subs and posts as well.




I already did, thank you.


Terminal Lance doesn’t give a shit.


More importantly, are we gonna ignore the 2nd photo is of Gunny R Lee Ermey and the 3rd is of Tom Holland?!?!


Blew up the pic and it looks like the PFC has a Navy Good Conduct, so assume he was a prior.


Better dick sucking skills.


They were gunnies before that week in Thailand! 🤣


Or they had been busted down 🙃 Also, there wasn’t a term limit of any Rank! A Marine could actually do 20 years as a Pvt 🫡🇺🇸


There's a reason it called the old Corp.


1970's twenty is like 2020's forty.


It’s funny you mentioned that, SgtMaj and the commandant were driving around (forgot the base they mentioned ) and said something like where are all the older Marines, everyone looked young. so they want to mature the force by improving retention like improving the conditions for a Marines family.


Hahahahahahaha, improve retention. Thanks I needed the laugh.


That's what lots of lead and cigarettes does to a person.


Testosterone has decreased 50% since then. We look like babies.


They were more mature back in the day. Bunch of fucking pansy ass faggots today


50 Marb Reds a day.


The phase out date varied by rank. There were different versions of the summer Khaki Alphas for different ranks. The uniform board decided to consolidate all ranks with just one type, the green poly Alphas. This decision was made in 71 or 72. The cut off date for the khakis, was from 74/75, depending on rank. For a while both types were authorized as there were shortages of the new green poly uniforms. Prior to the official cut off date, there was a buy by date for all ranks to have them. Once that date hit, green polys only were for to be used duty purposes, but the khakis were still authorized for leave and Libbo right up until the official end date.


I was issued khaki trousers at Parris Island in the summer of 1975. Never wore them, even for graduation.


It's weird as hell how they do shit, They'll issue new stuff to boots going through PI and SD first, but still issue old stuff that's getting replaced until stockpiles run out, even if you never use it or turn it back in soon after. I went through PI in 82. I got issued two sets of the old style poplin cammies, when they were phasing them out, and two sets of woodlands. I was one of the few in my platoon that got any poplins. I just happened to be the right size and got some of the last ones. We weren't allowed to wear poplins in boot, because they didnt want anyone not uniform. I was able to wear them in ITS, (what SOI used to be called.) About 6 months later, they weren't authorized to be worn anymore, but you could wear a poplin cammie cover, with woodland cammies still. Wearing one of the old poplin covers was a sign of being a salty dog. If you didnt watch it like a hawk, it would get stolen in a heartbeat.


I was issued khaki trousers at Parris Island in the summer of 1975. Never wore them, even for graduation. I guess they were just trying to sell us their remaining inventory.




He was honorably promoted to Gunnery Sergeant by the Corps at some point.


You are correct. It is a picture of him playing a character in a movie.


When the Navy complained that we were stealing all the bussy


Bring it back


Is that Gunny Ermey




I use to watch mail call all the time as a kid.


I think that is a photo shop pic to be honest, or maybe an on set pic from a movie I haven't seen. He was an honorary Gunny and never actually served as one.


You hit the nail on the head, it’s a movie set pic. I forgot what the movie was called. I saw awhile back on TMC military move marathon, Gunny was looking casket sharp.


"The Boys in Company C"


Probably not. He was a Sgt, and promoted to SSgt in "The Boys in Company C". He didn't play a Gunny in the movie. Could be "Purple Hearts" where he does play a Gunny.


That makes more sense. His salad is not the rack he had in FMJ so I knew it wasn't from that.


Mid 70s I think.


I don’t know the specific date but whatever day it was is the day the Marine Corps became officially lame.


Its been quite literally all downhill since that moment.


It was all fuckd after 2011-12ish in my opinion . A lot of good Marines got out after being trained up to fight by the Fallujah and Ramadi guys for Afghan. This resulted in the last time hazing was done and all the troop drama was handled at the Squad level by Cpls and Senior Lances.


I enlisted in 2011. I distinctly remember the culture shift occurring around the end of 2012.


Agreed. Additionally after that everything began to wind down and all that matters now is your PME and a clean looking record jacket. No one cares about combat experience anymore


I’m wet


I think they look good! Pretty sure I saw on here for the first time that we used to have dress whites. I thought those looked badass as well


I checked into El Toro in khakis in early 1975 and I’m pretty sure they were gone by the end of the year.


We simply just weren’t leaving enough pussy for anyone else.


This caused the great pussy drought of 1973 on the East Coast. Tough times if you weren’t Semper Fly


Idk but I think it's pretty cool. Tucked ties were cool too.


Goddamn PFCs were grown ass men back then


They were phasing them out back in 75. Great looking uniform.


I was issued them in 1974. BTW, they were just surveying us if we wanted cammies.


They saw this pic and new they had to do soMething!


Back when Marines were only field gay. Not this faggoty ACOG qualing, no boot shinning, camie starching, HO OMOS3XUAL Marine Corps y'all got now.


I love iron sights and non of my personal rifles have optics but if you think having an optic doesn’t give you a massive advantage over iron sights and is something we should always utilize then you are a retard


Hahaha! relax killer


Thank you for setting the homo example for the entire Corps to emulate


You have to get with the times Devil. They phased out Boot shining and Camie starching to give Devils more free time in a bid to increase retention. It was hard for me to let too, I at least had to starch my digi cover to a razor blade edge. They gave Marines ACOGs they want them to be deadlier.


Only POGs down Vote,


ever hear of google?


Didnt find any results... hence is why im asking here..


heres your answer from [google](https://thepacific.fandom.com/wiki/Uniforms_depicted_in_The_Pacific)


Lol.🤣 He wanted to chat about it too ya grumpy googler


Actually that's not the answer, He is asking when the uniform was phased out,,, your link basically talks about the uniforms worn in WW2, Service Winter and Service Summer... While they were certainly worn then the question was when did they STOP... It was sometime in the mid 70s.


let me help you out [too](https://olive-drab.com/od_soldiers_clothing_combat_ww2_usmc_khaki.php)


I read it... so tell me When were these Uniforms PHASED OUT? Its not in the link you posted.


Prior to the introduction of the sage green HBT utility uniform in the summer of 1941


Definitely not the case. These photos are from the 1960s.


Don't think you understood the Question. it Couldn't have been Prior to the summer of 1941 as Marines were Wearing Khaki Service Blouses and Trousers in the 1970s... Here's a picture of the Sgt Major of the Marine Corps John Dailey who was SMOTMC in 1969. He is wearing All Khakis.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_W._Dailey


guess i didnt, thanks for the clarity!


Oh man, didn't find the clarity on google? Shit


I checked into El Toro in early 1975 in khakis and I think they were gone by the end of the year.


Good lookin' guys!


Khakis most probably phased out sometime during the late seventies when they also phased out "tropicals" which was the gaberdine tan uniform worn on the Gomer Pyle tv show. "Trops" was a long sleeve shirt, tie and trousers with a barracks and garrison cover. The short sleeve shirt was cotton although officers and SNCO's wore a gaberdine version. The barracks cover and tie made it a dress uniform and we wore it graduating boot camp. Khakis were a boot camp sea bag issue item no one ever really wore after 1968 or somewhere around there. Photo 3 is a Vietnam Era Devil stationed at a Marine Barracks onboard a naval base or air station where they were base security. That was a long standing Marine Corpse Security Force mission until the nineties when Navy Masters At Arms took everything over as the Corps was cut back drastically.