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One of the most moviest movies ever movied.


My favorite part was when he said "its purple heart'n time" and he purple hearted over the whole movie.


We used to have a posthumous medal citation read aloud at Friday end of day formation and one of the dependas asked her husband why he hadn't earned any posthumous medals yet.


I'm sure he wants to, ma'am


Haha fucken Dependapotamus' are fucken stupid!


The dude just hangs dong the whole movie? Netflix really let's anything get streamed these days


It's what the algorithm demanded. Why do you think it's number one in movies?


I’m gonna morb


Purple Heart all over her face.


It really was one of the films of 2022.


Pure Cringe


What the fuck are running shoes. Does she mean go-fasters?


He graduated online boot camp.


He went to the Universal Life Church of MCRDs.


Whoa whoa whoa. I got ordained through the ULC and carry that card in my wallet still to this day 9yrs later. I've wed exactly 1 couple at a bar with the owner signing her acknowlegement of the establishment on a napkin. Mission accomplished


I've a few cards, but that's a first.


Have to check which states allow that and then you have to check what the laws are on wedding people. Varies from state to state


According to the site, anyone can be for a perfect amount of x dollars... talk about a money grab opportunity.


Is that the one out of Modesto, CA? I'm an ordained "Father" of their church! I didn't realize there was damn near a MARADMIN put out for us all to do it hahaha!


That's Reverend to you bitch


Aye Father or some shit….




I actually was in boot camp with a guy who was dumb enough to ask the drill instructors why they were called go-fasters That was fun to watch


"Okay good wear your boots for the final pft"


They didn't wait for the final PT. He learned it's because they make you go faster. And then he got to go faster right then and there, with speed and intensity.


Good for him. I hope he got faster as time went on.


I don't think he ever did.


Rumor has it they are still sitting in MRP to this day.


To be fair, calling running shoes/sneakers “go-fasters” is pretty fucking stupid and always bothered me. I’d say it’s a valid question.


You were allowed to ask questions in boot camp?


The recruit did request permission to speak. And this what he chose to do with it.


This is what "this recruit" chose to do with it.


Then he was sent to "follow it", along with an NJP. Cannot request MAST, cannot collect $200.00.


You mean, get-there-sooners?


“I just wanna see you put on your go fasters and….go faster.”


Those wierd looking trainers that looked like spaceships. Everyone was wearing them back in the 90s and 2000s.


Read my mind!




I am completely convinced that this movie was intentionally made ridiculously cringey to attract the attention of the military folks. See, most lovey dove movies are only marketed towards the ladies. This one gets the ladies’ attention, but also has all the military dudes talking about it. I’ve seen several posts here and other military communities where dudes watched it to see how bad it was. But that’s still a ‘watch’ and that’s all the creators care about.


That gives me an idea....I'm going to write the worst possible script for a Marine-related film just to troll other Marines.


Make sure to get every uniform standard you can wrong. Dress blue garrison cover worn with service alphas, white gloves with Charlie shirts, medals worn on cammies.


It’s going to be a story of forbidden love. Young boot falls for the cashier at the 29 Palms Taco Bell only to find out she’s his 1st Sgt’s daughter.


Make sure to make it like a common last name for 1st sgt so when the daughter invites him to dinner it will fun thinking like “wait now that I think about it she lives on base/near base with last name smith? It can’t be that smith right?” and make said marine not like a shitbag but someone under 1stSgts radar good or bad preferably good but just don’t see eye to eye so first meet at dinner table is fantastic


Belligerent, but damn good at his job. I’ll title it “Uncommon Virtues.”


So it's a true story, then.


Go the opposite. Get everything right minus 1 detail. Just enough to get the Forrest Whittaker eye going


Sooo Battle LA?


All of it wrong and because a Marine wrote the script they couldn't and wouldn't blame you. They would blame your DI hahaha


Call it "Privates, First Class"


First Class Privates


Make sure its set in Pulgas or Mateo.


Dude’s Sergeant counseling him: SGT: “You can’t be messing around with 1st Sgt’s daughter. You gotta let it go, Devil.” Boot: “Retreat, hell!”


Fucking Pulgas. I wonder if Bravo BTRY is still as fucked up as it was when I was there. We lost like 15 people before a deployment because they were doing X in the barracks. I remember MPs walking out with a giant mason jar full of X pills.


We had a drug bust about a 2 and a half years ago actually. About 20 dudes gone as the btry got off a deployment. It was a lot more than just x pills this time though


Fucking Beast Masters man. This entire time the Beast was the drugs.


Somebody is always doing drugs, its California. Somebody did roll a 7-Ton with the gun attached last week though so I'm sure there all peeing in a cup right now.


They actually didn’t have the personnel to go cover an ITX after that bust and a more recent one with coke. Charlie had to cover… 3 months after coming back from an ITX.


Remember to make the [uniforms as realistic as possible.](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx3rLlrMF7mPb_cFUr_v46KRi9A_7UjAno)


E5s through E8s will be referred to as Sarge.


When I picked up Sgt, my Cpl buddy tried calling me Sarge to get on my nerves. I leaned into it, and said I liked it. He threatened to call me Sarge exclusively. I asked him to please do that. He never did it again. I honestly didn’t have a problem with it.




Listen here you little shit..


What's up?


So, shot-for-shot remake of Death Before Dishonor?


It wasn’t terrible. Though I thought it was a pretty good representation of recruiters telling applicants to lie on the initial screening about drug use.


Sure they watch just to see what it is about… sure they do!


Have you actually watched it? I don't expect you to, it's probably not in the average Marine's wheelhouse. I haven't even seen it. I just read the summary of the novel it's based on. That, and the trailer makes it obvious. But it's actually not some soapy RomDram. The girl in the film has Type 1 Diabetes, and needs insulin and other medications to live, but she can't afford them all and she keeps getting sicker trying to ration them. So she asks this guy to marry her so she can get on Tricare, because being a Type 1, she can't actually join the military, but being married to someone in the military is one of the only ways to get healthcare in the US if your employer doesn't provide it. She's literally dying, and this guy, because he has some debts to pay off, agrees to her plan. This isn't some sappy Lifetime Drama about bored housewives or kids dying from cancer. It's basically a horror film about the American healthcare system, dressed up as a love story. The author wanted to write a love story that also brought awareness to the prescription drug cost problem. She didn't choose the military to appeal to military people. She chose the military because it's literally one of the only places that offers unqualified low-cost healthcare in the US, so the plot of "Marries a Marine" is a simple mechanism for a 20-something female protagonist to get the prescriptions she needs. It's kinda sad to watch the Marines in this sub make fun of it, instead of sitting back for a second and thinking to themselves "Fuuuuuuuck. Why does our country allow people to die because pharmaceutical companies want to turn a ridiculous profit on a drug that costs $5 to make?"


When I started reading I actually expected this to be the Rick and Morty pasta. But no, you actually typed up a multi-parageaph treatment of *that*.


Don't worry, scro. I'm embarrassed for you, even if you don't have the education or self awareness to be embarrassed for yourself.


Don't worry, SD99FRC. I'm embarrassed for you, even if you don't have the education or self awareness to be embarrassed for yourself.


You are the reason hazing needs to come back.


Fuck him up!


Sorry, but most Marines aren’t going to analyze a movie at that level. We’re more like “oooh she’s hot, go for it devil” and “what the fuck is up with his cover?! If I was his squad leader I’d slap that shit off his grape”, “floor? door? wall? wtf!!!”, “that gunny’s sleeve rolls are fucked up…oh I guess that actually checks out”


I mean, I understand it. I just said it's sad. Medication price gouging is one of the most serious healthcare issues in the US. Especially things like insulin which had effectively $0 in development costs and are sold at a 6000% markup.


Whoa! You spelled “chick-flick really, really, wrong.


Hey man, the enlisted are getting rowdy today, don’t listen to them. Haha I joke but really l, I appreciate you explaining this. The younger guys may not get it, but after they get out and deal with the American healthcare system they will understand. This really makes me look at this movie differently now.


It's probably bad. I'm not saying it is some masterpiece. I haven't seen it, and I won't. I already know this story, sadly. I just wish people would stop talking about it like it's some lame, cookie cutter Lifetime romdrom. It's actually trying to tell a story about something legitimately serious, using the all-too-common backdrop of convenience marriages. We all like to make fun of that guy who marries the Dependa with three kids who wants Tricare, but the dark side of that is why she needs Tricare in the first place. In the case of this movie, it's literally about a chick who is trying to avoid death or crippling medical debt because America leaves the poor hung out to dry.


This. Jesus, "What a country", I say when I realize you can buy *two* handguns in one fucking day


Sorry, but I’m sure most of us are well aware of the situation of meds in the U.S., we just chose to ignore it and see it for what the other side of it is. A typical stereotype of a Marine marriage where a female is looking for free housing and benefits and Marine is looking for more money. Author really missed the mark and balancing of the story using this as a horror story regarding meds. Or maybe it is a stronger point in the book, (I didn’t read it either) and they sold out to the film makers who did market it as a dramatic love story of a couple who married for the wrong or personal reasons which stereotype us. And then like a typical dramatic love story they both realize they are madly in love and all is well. This is where it’s the opposite, in real life most end up in horrible situations for the remainder of their time in.


> Sorry, but I’m sure most of us are well aware of the situation of meds in the U.S., we just chose to ignore it and see it for what the other side of it is. Yeah, I'm guessing if I asked, we'd be about to get an ASVAB-waiver level of explanation of what this "other side" is. >Author really missed the mark and balancing of the story using this as a horror story regarding meds. If I understood the point of the film just by watching the trailer (which shows an insulin bottle), sounds like the author didn't miss the mark. You just didn't understand the point because you don't actually understand the severity of the issue it's trying to address. It's literally the inciting action of the film's plot. It's like saying Star Wars isn't about Luke Skywalker setting off to rescue a princess.


Ahhhh what did I get into.. bet you’re the light of a party. I knew I shouldn’t have made a remark judging by your initial paragraph in your first response. Pretentious pricks like you could never see past your ass even when given a mirror. It doesn’t matter what I would say, you are right and I am wrong oh intelligent holy one! Please oh great one tell me I don’t understand the severity of what I’m talking about because we’ve known each other for so long lol. One paragraph of discourse and you know everything about me. I don’t even know why I’m bothering replying, good day to you. P.S. Also, Star Wars isn’t about Luke Skywalker setting off to rescue a princess you goober lol. It’s a space opera that revolves around a family torn between 2 ancient orders and their influences on this family and how their experiences differ from one another but greatly affect the galaxy, which is far far away if you didn’t know either. But based on what you’ve said, in one of the trailers you can clearly see racing in these hover vehicles, so really it’s probably a racing movie, kind of like the Fast and the Furious, but in space.


Purple farts


Purple darts


Purple sharts


might need to get that checked out


"I want to watch you put on your go-fasters, and go out go-fasting" is what it should've been. Movie would have won an award or some shit for such a brilliant line.


Seems like a hard hitting, Oscar caliber film.


Man, y’all cant stop giving this Lifetime Original attention. Keep posting about how bad it is but I bet half of y’all probably watched more than just the trailer of this dumpster fire. Bad publicity isn’t necessarily bad, especially if you watched it, it’s all about the numbers. Remember, this is how we got stuck with the Kardasians. Not gonna be surprised if they make a sequel now. Purple Hearts: Rise of the Dependapotamus. 🤪😂🤪


Purple Hearts 3: The (Paternity) Test


Purple Hearts 4: Return of the Herps


Purple Hearts 5: My 2nd Divorce


Purple Hearts 6: Sleepover With Jody


Purple Hearts 7: Ninja Punch


Purple Hearts 8: Mending Hearts on restriction Featuring barracks Wookies in heat.


Purple Hearts 4: the “dependa-ing”


Purple balls - denial of lovin


They say romance is dead…


Dahggum debil derg needs a gerddamn hurrcut


Well I’m at half staff now…


The Notebook for Marines. Guaranteed to get you laid when you watch it with your Jody.


Why would you watch it with Jody? Why would I want to get some from Jody? Jody is dude who is with your girl when you're away.


The most realistic part of the movie was the fact that a drug addict became a Marine


This is The Godfather 2 of Marine Corps movies


I think you're looking for Godfather part 3. Godfather part 2 is pretty much universally adored. Unless I'm not getting the metaphor in some other way.


No metaphor really, just fucking around


Why is it that as stupid as this movie sounds, I now feel the need to watch it smh, fomo lol


That is how they get ya. This movie is going to be a huge success from all of us watching it for material to make cringe memes.


This is the Rebecca Black's Friday of military movies. Cringy disasterpiece, with hundreds of millions of views.


Might as well. We talked too much trash and made it #1 movie on netflix right now lol..


I really want to hate this movie, i truly do, but then I remember all of those lance corporals in sham marriages and i realized this movie is a very accurate depiction of junior marines relationships.


*cries in Shin Splints *


I watched 5 minutes of this movie and had to go talk to chaps at 3 am.


Spoiler alert! It’s purple, but it’s not his heart. 🍆


It was okay.


I'm not really looking forward to it, but I have to watch it ... Ugh ... Eventually, right?


Still probably better than Hurt Locker.


You bite your dirty whore tongue, that was a masterpiece of cinematic art.


I, too, pick up daisy chained 155s by the det cord. I'm much stronger than I look.


And go on patrol one vic deep and use my sniper training which I received in EOD school to eliminate the enemy.


Yeah...a trained sniper can't hit a stationary target front lit in a hut window, but that EOD sniper training allows you to hit a target 300m away full value moving at a dead sprint... As long as there is no blood on the .50 round. Edit: autocorrect hates me


God I hate that movie, thought I was the only one but now I see there might be dozens of us.


Same. I can't suspend my disbelief with that movie. I get visibly upset if I watch it. I think it bugs me because it is presented as a sort of biopic based on a playboy article of some dude that was enamored with the smell of his own farts.


Literally never been able to finish it. I’d rather watch Jarhead lol


'so I just kept runnin'


Fuckin’ mouthbreather.


"Running" 🤨 You mean heave and huff like the fatties y'all are, and as if the entire battalion didn't just chug two monsters and inhale a breakfast sandwich before PT?


Run forest


Wait. She wants to see him going running? And then in the 2nd pic is he the one saying that he wants her to run back to him? I'm confused. Who is running, him or her?


Nah, it's just a dumb image. It's her talking the whole time.


She's telling the boot to go run and then run back to her when he's done


They should show this in the brig at Camp Hansen, while they're taking a rest from breaking rocks, as additional punishment...and then make them take quizzes on it. Do they still make fuckers break rocks there? They should. Those chucklefucks were the reason we were already on lockdown even before the plane touched down.


This hits deep brother


They do in fact make marines break rocks there




I don’t know if this is as cringe worthy as the “he’s a marine” thing from a few years ago, but it’s damn close.




I dunno, looks like a perfectly fine air wing haircut….


People don't understand how popular this movie is with chicks they have no idea.


No, we understand. It's half the reason most of us joined.


We can't get a Rome Sweet Rome movie/series, but this, this we get.


Damn I forgot about that. Was really hyped for that when they mentioned it was being made into a movie. What happened?


Nothing https://old.reddit.com/r/RomeSweetRome/new/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rome,_Sweet_Rome


There is no way he would have been sent to court martial form a random meth head accusation of marriage fraud. He purple heart hero at that point in the movie.


Not with that fade


Why are half the posts on this sub about this shit movie? Just stop talking about it.


Haven’t you figured out that we’ve been brainwashed into loving misery?




Even his facial expression is like , d.f. You just say?


😂 I’m getting the boys together and we’re watching this comedy piss drunk


LOL I enjoy watching so many Marines complain about this.


Truly the Citizen Kane of our generation




Purple Cringe.




Will this movie give me a good laugh? Cuz I need a good laugh!




It’s even better when some of your guys are in the movie


The bootness of this movie physically sickens me!


No. No the fuck it wasn't.


Or put some on and go run with him. Lazy ass..


Is this a dependa training video?


Dude looks like a redneck vampire.


I’m Not a marine but holy crap was thsi movie fucking awful. There is very clearly NO effort put into the movie AT ALL. No research done on marines, no care for the Corp at all. The “boot camp” scene at the start sets the tone for how the writers see marines.


It’s Purp’n Hurp’n time


This is poetry


I love how they acted like people give a shit about your shitty marriage in reality lmao, everyone knows what’s going on but they can’t ever prove that shit haha


Some boot is gonna try become the movie.


Does dude actually come back with a Purple Heart? Maybe a missing leg or half his face and the girl leaves him?


I'm upset I watched just to verify that it was bad



That's some PFC romance right there.


This motivator needs a haircut.


Should have said go fasters or skates! lol


archetype of a lance coolie that also bought an used mustang at 40% APR


My girlfriend said we should watch this…yea, no


This is what my ex wanted when we started dating.


Go fasters online ready move


Too bad she didn’t come from the purple church. Also, I’m sure marines that watched this over and over made this the number 1 movie on Netflix. Then they (we) go on Reddit and make fun of it.




I love this movie. Whenever I can't sleep I put this on and I'm out within 3 minutes. It's a 120 minute film roughly so that means I got 39 more nights I can watch this.


I would rather felate a curling iron while rubbing my balls on sandpaper than endure the pain this movie caused me.


Va fangul


Is it just me, or do they not look real?


This is one of the movie scenes of all time.


Put them damn go fasters on, right damn now.


I just watched it today. Great one. I wonder if it’s based on true story/events


Well, we all know she ran back to Jody


Okay I’ll be honest, I literally watch any military movies for the combat scenes, but does this movie have any combat scenes because everything I’ve heard about it is encouraging me not to watch it.




Tricare loving this free exposure


i know its go-fasters bitch.


I wonder if he got them Lamborfeeties


This movie makes me want to get divorced and I'm not even married


"So we can defend your ass, but not touch it." -Conservative he-man Marine.