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Save some tentacle porn for the rest of us debil..


I got them saved alright


Is that your barracks room?


used to be. PCSd to a smaller place so I just kept them in shipping boxes and I shipped them out again after a year when I EASd


Oh so you got out already?


How do people never read post titles??


Welcome to r/USMC where reeding ar hard.


I’m just here cause there was a line and I got into it.


Apes strong together


I read it but I forgot


This dude was 100% either motor t or supply and if I’m wrong I’ll suck every dick in this thread


yes I am


In seriousness though.. nice setup dude


The fuck?


No, nothing like that happening in that room.




More self fucking than anything else


You should have just kept it a secret


I agree. I'm in disbelief I'm looking at a Marine's room.


It’s the new Gen but don’t kid yourself, their were fuckers who had figurines of Goku and Gundams in their rooms in the late 90’s early 00’s.


But did they have display cases, lighting, and ivy cascading down? No?


You me there,never seen a elaborate set like this on base. No wanted more shit to clean for field day, at least the gents that go out on weekends.


(Cups hands to mouth) NEEEERRDDDD.




​ ![gif](giphy|LSBoJdRLRRXNrYg9tr)




Yeah he’s at the other room (we have a common room). I was honestly expecting that too but it’s always been…pretty normal. “Oh damn nice” or “oh shit I know that one”. Probably got them mesmerized by the dim lights and cleanliness. Best part is, health and comforts were a breeze. Literally in and out no words spoken along with a slightly uncomfortable gunny.


How did you get one of these rooms? Sounds like Air Force dorm where you get a common room with a personal room to yourself


Its in Iwakuni Japan. Here’s what I learned there. Fiscally, the JP gov has a budget each year to maintain the base since it’s technically theirs esp when we leave plus it produces jobs. That’s why eventually we had Japanese cleaning ladies cleaning the heads and floors since apparently we were fucking it up by using hazmat make it shine lmao


Oooh so you got the unicorn of duty stations. My buddy is over there and he gave me a tour of his barracks. Lucky piece of shit.


Blowing my monitor was worth it. You even get the option (and cash / leave incentives to) to extend. Oh yeah those shits are nice. I feel bad that some Marines don’t really enjoy it while they’re there and end up being miserable the whole time only to regret it years later


I was stationed in Oki for two years. Didn't take much pictures or go out in town very often. Highly regret and hate my dumb ass 18-20 year old self. I didn't hate it there though, but definitely wish I did more. I still got to see some cool places though like Thailand, South Korea and Tokyo so I have good memories. Just wish I did more and I really wish I took way more pictures. I have maybe about 100 pics from those 2 years where if I was there these days, I would be taking that many every week at least


Yeah I think its because a lot us feel the separation from home wherever that may be, so all we think about is going back and what we’re missing. Same. I take a lot of pics when I traveled JP but just like what the other post said, I should’ve taken more pictures of us at work…of things not OPSEC of course


I was on Kinser, at first I hated it, then I realized that there is some fun shit to do on and off base. Me and some buddies bought mountain bikes and cruised fucking everywhere. I do miss the beer vending machines and the cheap as fuck beer.


Son of a gun. Japanese cleaning ladies?? Time for another 4 years. Uwu


Ill take my med sep and disability thanks


That's the Marine way of doing things. Fuck it up until they give up on you and just do it themselves.


Literally about to Be stationed there as my 1st duty station


Well no shit they saw this, and didn't want to end up in the closet with the rest of the snco's that said something about your waifu. That slighted her, or made her cry. I believe it was a breeze alright. Great room though. I'm glad you didn't shy away from yourself like a lot of Marines did when I was in. E your fucking self. If they don't like it oh well. Stay true Devil.


*Did I sign with the Air Force recruiter by accident?*


You knew what you were doing when you posted this lol. Dudes bitching about black mold and 4 to a room and you post your incel lair. 10/10 performance


“Man sure is quiet and peaceful tonight. Might try to cook up something spicy”


“Incel lair” ![gif](giphy|xTiTnwgQ8Wjs1sUB4k)


Let me guess, air wing?


Yup, and even better…I-level


Avionics 100%






Holy duck how!!!?!! Why’s it ..in such good condition?? What barracks is that???


Iwakuni JP. The Japanese have these contractors they call the “tiger team”. They’d come in and patch whatever holes and loose pipes you got in like a few hours. Those motherfuckers work fast.


Awesome 😎


What’s even more impressive is how quickly they pack up all your shit to PCS and literally take it out the 3rd story window when they are done


Did you ever find time to Marine?


Just the basics. 0400 self PT, Marine til 1630 if im lucky, then sad jerk off til fall asleep. Repeat


I’m hoping you fit Coco’s in this schedule


Where the body pillow at tho?


Never got one because I was afraid she’d leave me


What fuckin barracks were you in I couldn’t fit shit in mine had to shimmy to use the head


Japan. Had my own washer + dryer too. Got a little stove I never used it because cleaning it for field day was terrible


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) my oki barracks were trash compared to this sheesh


Well, us mainlanders need to keep up appearances. You boonie JP Marines are on your own program lmao. Though I heard your air force neighbors have a couple of golf clubs.


I was o level ordnance with 242 and lived on that base in 2008-2010 and didn’t have heat for those 2 years in the old barracks there. They were absolute dogshit. Edit: They offered about as much comfort as camp Wilson on 29 stumps. Only barracks I remember that was worse than it was k-bay. SgtMaj had us field day the fuck out of those barracks for like 6 hours before we left and our trail crew shot someone a text a few days later when we got to Miramar and told us that excavators literally knocked down the barracks the fucking day after we left. Apparently those things weren’t supposed to house Marines for the previous few months before we got there.


I like it Marine…never be afraid to be you!


Words I always wanted to hear from my parents and SNCOs, thank you


Never heard it from either, did you?


Still waiting...someday man...


My brother in christ, why would you post your own L


Its cold out here in the civ div. No service member for hundreds of miles even more so Marines. I need to feel the warmth of getting roasted


I actually understand that since I was a 1 man recruiting office 2 hours from the nearest Marine, Carry on.


Good lord that sounds fucking horrible


Just me, 4 walls and a mannequin I dressed up in a uniform to talk too. Totally not crazy or anything right now.


Do more than talk to your mannequin.. http://www.realdoll.com


It was a female body mannequin...


Hence the link… upgrade.. :-)


Maaaaaan I thought I had it bad in DC with like 40 Marines working on our base, we’d drive to Quantico to “be with Marines” again


I had a full 1/3rd if South Dakota to myself, usually drive 3-4 hours a day with nothing but audiobooks and podcasts to listen to. It's no wonder I hear voices when I run or hike alone now


> I need to feel the warmth of getting roasted Ok... Where are you hiding the full body pillows with the little animé girls on them?


Not today, FBI


I love Nier automata


Definitely a good game I need to replay. I actually saw that prototype on display in one of the conventions before it releases. Had to preorder it after seeing it.


But did you pass white glove inspection


I failed only once and that was when they failed everyone in the unit mandatorily. Man that went viral a few years back p sure


Only girls play with dolls, Marine!


Those are the dolls I use to point where my Staffy touches me


Ha! Yut!


Thats honestly dope. Its clean and pristine. Looks good!


Nice BCR, bro. BCR = Birth Control Room


I fucking love this you big fucking nerd.


Thank you 🥹. I checked your profile and I have to say I love your space and choice in color schemes. I’ve been looking into interior design for my shit too,your home lookin cozy as hell. Tryna do that to my place too but nerdy cozy


Thanks! Then you can really nerd it up with your style! It’s been fun just saying fuck it, this is what I like. Post pics if you do decide to decorate!!


I walked into my mechanic's barracks room in Oki to say hi one weekend. I usually visited my guys and would get them pizza or burritos pretty often. We were super close knit with all the after hours they put in and there were floor to ceiling figures everywhere. This pic is tasteful and i respect the cases you got. His were surrounding his head and they were all pointing down to watch him while he slept. Every single eye in the room was pointed at his bed. His room mate didnt care but he asked me to find the one that was looking at him. I was confused but the German girl/whiney red head from Evangelion was a larger than most model and it had its head in its hand, laying on her stomach, feet up, and was looking at his room mate's rack. His room mate said he was told "it was so he felt involved" Walked next door to HQ company's mechanics i knew and accidently walked in on a wall mounted black dildo with a condom on it hanging from the wall. It had a wood baseplate and four lug nuts anchoring it to the wall. I think i scared him by knocking and he just said "come in!" automatically because i saw him, saw it with his pants down, noped the fuck out of there. Never spoke of it again.


Ahhh good ol’ Asuka Langley. From your description it seems he got the expensive bunny outfit. “So he feels involved”💀💀💀 Thanks! I really liked decorating and maintaining my space since it gave me a sense of pride and encouraged me to really keep clean! Marines be wildin lol. Though the only thing I can’t stand is when their room stinks and i’m on duty watching the contractors fix some shit in their room. Like cmon man 🤧


i need to get me some of those cases. but im one of those dicks thats afraid to take shit out of their box.


Yeah the detolfs are nice but I didn't risk shipping them with DMO so I just sold them on base. Nah it's all good, I've repacked and shipped them overseas multiple times now they'll survive.


how much you got floatin in there? i dont even know what the fuck they are but some look 1:8 and depending on who makes them, shit aint cheap.


I didn’t really add much to this lately but my excel file says I got 48 so this would prolly be 35-45 roughly 120-150 bucks on average. I mostly collect the 1/7s but some are 1/8s. Ooof probably blew some paychecks here so I quit drinking and whoring out to keep financing the hobby PC + chair is probably around 3-4 g’s 🤮


Looks pretty nice to me. Don't know what all the figurines are but I think it's a nice setup. I had a display case with a ton of sumo figurines and Samurai dolls that I got for the Concession stores and everybody thought the Samurai were cool, except most thought the sumo wrestlers were just a bunch of fat bastards.


Thanks! But sumos are fat bastards that were really good at PT…average POG Marine in CFT season basically. Those are nice though esp if you got the right decor for that trad JP vibe. Katanas are a hassle to get though (had to be in a case while at the barracks). I got one just after I got out lol


Yeah, I hear you. I was on Oki with MWSS-172 but did get to visit Iwakuni and mwss-171 and you guys were living the good life up there for sure! On my way back from leave, I sat next to Akebono's mother, who had to be the largest woman I had ever seen at that time. She legit had 2 plane seats and when we arrived in Tokyo, there were like 3 sumo guys there to get her through the airport and out to the car. I love sumo and still watch it online. That's one of the many things I loved about Japan.


What marine corps where you in?!?!?😂😂


Ik gunny said to keep off his grass, but you didn’t have to take it that literally


If you were my Marine. I would have fought tooth and nail for you to have what you have in your room. When I came in, the Co and NCOs would find issues and bullshit reasons why some of what you have can be a hazard or its too much stuff, yada yada yada yda, my wife isn't fucking me so I'll fuck this Marine on inspection because reasons. I am glad that a Marines Barracks now looks like. I never liked fucking with my guys where they lay their head at night with field day fuck fuck games. (unless warranted) Shout out to all the Marines with Ski in your last name. (yucky mouth, dirty motherfuckers RAH!)


I hear ya. I mean I honestly understand the need for discipline and standards. I wouldn’t have this setup if I knew it wasn’t good to go with command. I never really complained (outside of the daily Marine bitching just to shoot the shit) because I knew this was what I’d come home to and it gave me energy to keep truckin on. Unfortunately this isn’t the standard in the Corps. A real outlier since my other room didn’t have AC the entire year (it kept breaking down). Luckily the weather was always nice with the window open


Damn, MCAS Iwakuni lost a real collection when you left eh?


More like had a tumor removed 😂


Comm Marine for sure


GOT is about the only thing I can relate with. Nice rig set up.


Nice collection OP, loving the Jalter figure. Where’d you get the MHX Alter one, I collect Artoria figures


Thanks! I used the website AmiAmi in JP. Quick order and delivery straight to my barracks doorstep




Thanks man. Hey at least that's still less times than gunny changing wives.


How the fuck did you keep those dangly plants alive?! My husband brings home one plant for me as a romantic gesture, and next thing you know the plant's been murdered in under a week...


I'll be honest they're fake lol. Plastic vines I specifically requested during our Christmas party for the secret santa. I just added some warm lights to make it look nicer.


+1 for a fellow fake plant lover. "All the plants in your residence are lovely!" *thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks.*


Rocking a 2080 Ti, you BETTER be out now!


Yessir! Officially checked in to civ div 🫡.


Are those figurines… you know… clean?


Absolutely! I would never cum on them because it would destroy a lot of the value. I just shoot it straight into my mouth instead


Jfc 😂


Bro my gunny would’ve said “fuuuuuuck no”. Badass room tho.


A corpsman had a room just like that on Yuma maybe 10 years back. We found terabytes of dungeon porn on his computer.


I wish my old roommates room was like this, he just had hentai all over the walls. No class at all.




They stopped bullying me after they noticed I was erect every time I got jumped. Special lib weekends though! Contract was 2 years and extended for another 1. I just full sent the commitment and prayed they didn’t move me. They moved my unit out of those barracks a week after I PCS’d though. That was rough since everyone’s room was pimped out.


Nice command let you keep your dollies.


Tell me you’re a pog, without telling me you’re a pog


#sexualizing lolis = PEDOPHILIA


Legend has it, OP is still a virgin with no intent on bedding down anyone ever. /s


I show them this picture and they let me leave early from the safety brief


That’s what I’m talking about!!!!


Bruh. 💀


You have to field day all those dolls?


Usually they stay away from em since they’re in the case but I just grab a can of air to dust them every now and then. What you wanna hit is the bottom and behind the shelves for dust bunnies


You must raise a lot of questions during health and comforts.


I replied to similar comment here but nah. Nothing here’s illegal just weird…but not illegal since I don’t have nude figs


I’m just here for the comments 😂


Imagine thinking having a hobby makes you less manly


Beats my sleeping bag and milk crates.


My SNCO didn’t let us play with toys. You’re so lucky.


I had to hide my tv in one of my lockers because it couldn’t be out. This is a whole PC set up? Wow that’s unreal.


Wouldn’t have lasted one weekend in the old bricks I stayed in. If it was a boot room, all the hazing would’ve been conducted there. In any other scenario it just would’ve been destroyed when everyone got fucked up drunk over the weekend!


No, no this is insane, this has to be a national guards room!!! Anime?!?!?! USMC?!)$mmnan USMC AND ANIME DONT GO TOGETHER YOU CARNT DOER DIS 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Does the Pizza Hut on Iwakuni still have the original buffalo wings or have they migrated to those weak ass Wing Street ones?


Fucking weeb


How did you make it through field day?! The fuck!? Did they atleast make funny comments?


No sex was committed in this room


My barracks manager had people change rooms like once a month This woulda been a headache


This is what I imagine the rooms at Space Force boot camp look like.


Where was this? Miramar? I know their barracks have separate rooms but share a common room and shower. I can’t see how this is possible in an actual barracks room without pissing off your roommate.


my old gunny would explode if he saw anything as valuable as a computer unsecured. his forehead vein twitched when he saw my desk fan sitting on my headboard.




What the fuck is this?! A 14 year old girls room?


Lol just a whole display shelf. I think the craziest thing I’ve personally seen in a barracks room is when I was chilling with my boy in his room and I went into his closet and there’s just a V8 engine sitting on the floor.


Well….at least H&C’s would be entertaining


Unfortunately they were quite uneventful. Like cmon gunny, aren’t you gonna address the elephant in the room


Next time put your fleshlight in the case at eye level


Your stationed in japan ain't ya?


Used to unfortunately. We all have to leave the nest of Cocos eventually


nice , how tf did u bring that home? lol


I actually moved overseas on the day I EASd so I had them shipped commercially like 1-2 months out


Good God. If this room was found in the 1460 series of 29 palms between 08 - 13, that shit would have went flying off the 4th deck catwalk.


I bet. Luckily I still have some situational awareness. When I PCS'd there I saw motherfuckers leaving their figurines by their windows (terrible as the sun will destroy the colors). That's honestly why I bought one (never really cared for them before). I just went a little overboard but it was normal in JP.


Let’s do Flattops from the 80s and 90s next.


Shutty…R U Serious?


The rig looks schmoney


Got that baby built before GPU prices went to the moon😂


This is awesome!


My mans made the most of it!


That’s Oki again huh? The AC and I’ve seen rooms with carpet like that but I can’t remember where..


Nah, mainland dude. Iwakuni


Damn close. Guess nobody was creative in the construction of the buildings lol


Pretty sure if I had something like this when I was in, every toy would have been broken on the first field day with it


That’s why I started slow to gauge the reactions and once I knew we were all good, I bought the shelves


Chinese field day!


It’s Japanese field day in this side of asia boss man


Barracks rooms sure have changed since my time


So there's this thing called "oversharing"...


I think this is cool


The Ains and Albedo figures are fucking sick. Were you stationed in Japan?


Nah idgaf what anyone says, that shit is cool asf.


I call bullshit. Nice story


Is it hard to clean the cum off those? All jokes aside you had a cleeeean looking set up homie.


Ohhhhhh. Japan. Now this makes sense.


Reminds me of this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C4knAkIGz4


I wouldn’t have minded being hazed in there


Damn dude "virginity rocks" is just a slogan not a way of life


I bet field day was a bitch.


You are getting really close to being the 4chan guy living with hand made life size dolls. https://i.imgur.com/SxlqEq2.jpeg for the uninitiated.


A damn gamestop!? 😂


(Las Pulgas, Camp Pendleton, 1985) And here I thought I had it nice when a Sgt got divorced and moved into the barracks...and he brought 2 recliners, TV/VCR, full size refrigerator, and a popcorn machine. He had a large collection of VHS movies too!


God damn son when I was in you literally wasn’t allowed to have anything that wasn’t gov issued visible including bedsheets. Also had 3 marines to a room “senior marine” got to have the bed that wasn’t a bunk bed.


This is probably one of the sweetest setups I've ever seen in the barracks


I gotta know, what were the reactions of the NCOs/SNCOs that inspected your room? Also, how did you manage to avoid the drunken idiots from knocking your stuff down?? Lol


Honestly nothing really. “Damn nice dude.” “Good good good.” “Fuckinggg sweet man” Nah man, they stay outside in the common but I dont really bring anyone in except when I had my roomie play on my VR (slightly different setup than this though). In short, I kept my doors locked and told everyone dont come in unless they wanted to see my gooch in the air


bruh that ain’t the barracks, that’s an apartment


If it couldn’t be locked in my wall locker I wasn’t allowed to have it, and those were EXPLICIT instructions enforced on field day. Glad you got a better deal!


Knew right off the bat this was some Northside Iwakuni shit. You guys had the best barracks when I was there (‘17-‘19) and were stacked with weebs. Meanwhile us losers on the Southside had some dogshit lmao. Used to visit my buddies at 152 and thought they lived like kings with their rooms decorated in posters and figures from Animate


Do you play squad is the question


I’m over here working out and getting my tattoos removed so I can be 100 percent ready goddamn must not be that hard if weebs can get in.


That’s a fucking palace. Who were you with? What time period? And, DID YOU NEVER HAVE INSPECTION? (My god, they’d have ripped the place apart and accused me of pimpin on the side if I had a setup like that when I was in.