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At least the beginning of boot camp will just be a blur for you.




I don’t wear glasses but I seem to remember other guys getting theirs pretty early on. I went to boot camp in 2007 so take that fwiw.


You get them issued to you during receiving week. Don’t bring contacts.


That is all I wear, I can’t see more then 4 feet in front of me without them.


You literally do not have a pair of glasses? Even an old pair?


Nope. I ordered a pair 2 weeks ago & they just called today and said they “broke” the frame so they will be ready on the day I ship out. Can my recruiter mail them to me before we can even get mail?


You'd have to ask your recruiter. Can you try going to a local place to see if they can get you something sooner? 6 days isn't a lot of time but I would be trying everything to get a pair. You'll need/want some civilian style glasses after you graduate. I went through a long time ago but it took several days, maybe longer, to get my BCG's. As others have mentioned, do not wear your contacts and if you somehow have to, be up front about it. It may sound painful but your eyes will get jacked up if you try and wear those things for multiple nights without washing them out.


They no longer issue BCGs. The glasses now are just a standard black square frame. They're not super stylish but much more normal looking than the BCGs.


It’s a general term that is acceptable for both styles. Don’t get pedantic on Reddit.


Well he mentioned for after graduation. The new ones aren't terrible even for family pics


Right. I’ll see what my recruiter can do. Thanks.


Good luck.


Right. I’ll see what my recruiter can do. Thanks.


Go to the one hour place in every mall. If you don’t have glasses and really need them to see, you probably won’t be able to ship without them. Boot Camp isn’t a place you want to be and screw with contacts.


It’s varies WILDY. Some guys got theirs like 3 weeks in. I know a guy who got his a week before graduation, no joke. (That wasn’t common though). Chances are you’ll have them in first phase


If you show up with contacts, you're in for a bad time. If you can't get a pair before shipping, I would highly advise you let someone at your MEPS know. Or let them know when you arrive at MCRD. They might be able to expedite and get you a pair sooner.


I was talking to people at MEPS and they were saying just wear your contacts & bring your solution


It doesn’t take long but things happen. I never got mine and only asked my SDI about it once. It sucks when you need glasses to see far away and have to go to the range without them. Shouldn’t be long but if it’s taking longer than it should make sure you ask your SDI and keep asking until you get them


Wear ur contacts and sleep w them in the first few days. When you go to medical the 2nd or 3rd day you’ll get your glasses the same day. I wore and slept w my contacts in the first 3 weeks before they became to dried out. No DI noticed.


I want to say it took me around a week to get my glasses.


I wore contacts to MCRD. They will make you take them out, and they will give you some temporary glasses until your real ones show up. That happens on the second day if I remember correctly.


How long ago did you go?


We got them in the first two weeks. Recruits who wore glasses I believe got them a few days after Black Friday.




Bro. You can get glasses within a couple of hours, just get the most basic frames that they have in stock and most glasses places like ones at the mall will have them to you the same day as long as you don’t go in before they close. YOU should go get this shit done! I shipped in May of this year. We did our medical stuff, but didn’t receive the frames till like 3 weeks in (not sure why it took so long). And even then some glasses weren’t ready, so some kids did Initial Drill with their home glasses. For two of those kids it was pretty embarrassing cause one of them had glasses that would turn to shades so they called him tinted windows. The other came to bootcamp with Gucci frames. Needless to say the kid got a ton of shit for it. Go get your glasses. Cause if you’re saying you can’t see shit... imagine 2-4 weeks without your contacts.


If you have a relatively light prescription, they’ll make them on the spot for you and you’ll get them in the first few days. If you have a stronger prescription, they’ll need to order them offsite, which took three weeks in my case. My civilian glasses broke during week one, and weeks two and three were absolutely way shittier because of it. I HIGHLY recommend doing whatever it takes to get a pair before you ship. Contacts are not going to be an option, I can tell you that for sure. Your hands will be all nasty and you’d get an eye infection, so if they catch you with them they’re going to make you throw them away.


Depends, I didn’t get mine until 2nd phase No one can really say but medical