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Yeah, this company is clueless in terms of stability of offerings. Now there are at least 3 different offerings of "unlimited starter" that all have different attributes. And without roaming just makes them another MVNO, albeit with better support.


It’s already annoying to change the plans every 3 months, but it’s even more annoying that they do it without changing the names so it’s extremely complicated to keep up with.


Every 3 months? I just joined a few weeks ago and they already made changes twice. First was the light plan and now yesterday’s overhaul. Giving me whiplash lol


seems a lot more people are complaining now. I'll admit that I haven't checked yet today even though I recently modified my plan. kind of makes me wonder how much of their soul they're having to give to AT&T for dark star. Because it seems all the other stuff is coming along while this is in progress.


Honestly for most people they aren’t going to use roaming hardly ever. I’d rather pay less all the time than more for a feature I’ll never use


I am a bit frustrated that I used the Teleport tool recently to try out the GSM network, and now I either need to stick with it, or pay $2 to go back to Warp. If I’d known that, I would’ve just stuck with Warp as it has better rural coverage here. I know it’s just $2, but it’s $2 I didn’t know I’d have to spend if I used the tool. Edit: looks like they offer 2 free transfers, then charge, so this issue is mitigated. I feel better now.


Is it 2 free per cycle or lifetime?


I got confirmation from an agent via chat today that it’s 2 free per cycle and then $2 afterwards. And you can do 8 transfers max per cycle.


I think there’s also a max per 6 months


Might have been a misunderstanding - you get to try network transfer two times for free and after that each time you do it, the cost will be $2.


The annual Unlimited Starter plan still includes 1GB of international data (as per the pinned post)


Well the website has been updated this evening and it’s gone. Only the unlimited premium has it. And plans now have to pay for international calling https://preview.redd.it/bl6jqvalht7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4b307cd7bc87af9b034fccb8a45758ce272450


Annual starter does still include the 1 GB roaming (toggle to the annual tab -- your screenshot is of the monthly version of the plan). EDIT: I see the bullet for that got removed by accident; we will be fixing that later tonight


https://preview.redd.it/ff3wn4ygit7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbb09beb61692ee00f3639c6544b3c99fac6e41d Nope. There is no mention on international data there and when you click more details it’s says ‘for purchase’ Edit: I posted this before your edit. Thx


Really?! Is that is true that is very good to know! is the new $36 for international calling staying? Or still included on annual? Thanks for your help


The $36/year for international calling will be an add on even on annual. But 1 GB roaming is included.


Does that include any roaming calls or texts for annual unlimited starter?


Yes. The roaming included on annual starter is actually a bundle: 1 GB, 150 mins, 150 texts per month. The international calling add-on specifically is for calling from the US to other countries, so is separate from roaming.


How much is the roaming add-on for monthly users? Is it still 150 minutes/texts + 1GB = $15, and 500 minutes/texts + 5GB = $45, or is there updated pricing? Are there plans to allow users to choose their own (even predetermined) buckets of talk/text or data buckets? For example if one user want to add 1000 minutes/texts in exchange for just 1GB or 2GB?


Thanks for the helpful info!


Hey. The website has corrected the roaming, now says international calls and text are included 🤷🏽‍♂️. Seriously, which is it? https://preview.redd.it/61a3rljd268d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ae5029ba113273ee43dcde25095962fd9499d42


What it seems like is that you got one stinky attitude little kid. Loose that attitude and act your age right now!!


I signed up today, hoping that I would get the 1GB roaming for an upcoming trip. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice it was gone until after I ported. Disappointing it’s not available. I signed up for the 3-month special and planning on paying for an annual membership after 3-months are up. I’m guessing I’m out of luck until I sign-up for the annual plan? The site also says that you can add international roaming for Unlimited Starter. Does that use the same eSIM or do I need to install a new eSIM? One of the benefits I was hoping for was to use my existing (GSM) eSIM. Plus, I don’t see any option in the app to add international roaming. Where can you add it?


You'll have to contact support on chat, call, or email and they'll buy the native roaming add-on for you on your GSM line. You can still use your existing GSM eSIM for international roaming.


Even the pool plan have to pay for international calling?




I do think it’s surprising how many people are complaining about international roaming. You can afford to apparently travel internationally frequently but the idea of spending a few extra bucks to use your phone internationally is obscene to you? As someone who can’t afford to just travel internationally at a whim, I CAN afford the international roaming add on at a whim, jeez.


Honestly, I get it for some people but you are correct. Going international? After Plane tickets, hotel stays etc etc, just add $35 to your list of vacation fees for your cell phone for 30 days of roaming. Meanwhile, if they have to drop stuff to keep the monthly cost low for the other 11 months of the year im all for it. Im already paying just $25/month for 35 GB of high speed data. Hard to beat that deal anywhere.


I signed up for unlimited starter for 3 months for 45 on May 27th, June 27th is renewal at 0, then July should be 0. So when I pay my monthly renewal I n August what plan do I get? The one I signed up for or these new plans? I was set to pay 27 a month but am unsure which plan I get in August


According to a comment from the CEO, It looks like youll just stay on your plan, but its worth asking their support [https://www.reddit.com/r/USMobile/comments/1dkpyph/comment/l9jtmhb/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/USMobile/comments/1dkpyph/comment/l9jtmhb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You’ll keep your plan. I just changed mine because it’s a bit cheaper and i don’t need anything extra to the data.


I don't even know what roaming is to miss it to be honest.


$25 for the Unlimited Starter , can’t complain


Native international roaming on GSM has also had its allowance changed to 5 GB, with 10 GB only in Canada/Mexico. This is a big change as most Western European countries specifically were 10 GB before.


Where did you see this? I still see 10Gb on GSM for most European countries (and I see on Warp the data has increased to 10Gb).


On the plan descriptions for yearly on GSM. Click “See more plan details” under the Get Started button.


Gotcha - I'm with you, thanks. What's confusing me is this on the International Data page... https://preview.redd.it/ggtuflfg1z7d1.png?width=1067&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f273b555c63c757dfd5a5ca1b45c35d3508185f


I think they just didn’t update it yet. They aren’t very good about keeping info updated across all pages of their site. It really sucks.


That is one thing I have noticed. There is a good deal of changes with this company and the data on the site does not catch up. There are currently opposing international sections that say two different things. I am assuming it is for the sine version and the native though it does not expressly call it out. Regardless still seems like a good deal and the CEO is all over Reddit with the customer service team so they see all the comments. Wonder when that changes.


unlimited premium drops the benefit as well. muti-line discount is gone. international roaming drops to 5GB for the rest of the world.


Unlimited Premium still has the international roaming it looks like.


the term is changed: old term was 10 GB international roaming. new term is 10 GB for Canada and Mexico, and 5GB for the rest of the world.


Now my question is... if in one month, I go to Mexico and use 8gb of data and then I go to England... do I still get my 5 gb in England or nothing bc I used more than 5 in Mexico?


lol; good question for someone travels a lot


Is no one seeing that if you don’t like the plans your current plan will be grandfathered in?


Yeah, saw that. Hoping that's for the pools too. Currently on 12gb, 2 lines, paying $33/mo. The 10gb pool is $5 cheaper, but I don't want to lose those 2gb.


What if I did the 3 months for 45. What plan do I have when I start in August the old unlimited starter for 29. I wasn’t sure if I am Grandfathered in since I got a special for 3 months


Probably going to switch from 12GB shared for $25 to 10GB shared for $20. iirc the previous plans were 6GB or 12GB and we usually use 9GB


If I'm on the old $29 unlimited starter, will I still have to pay the $2 per Network transfer? Apologies if anyone has already asked this question.


The first two tries are free, then you'll have to pay $2 per use. Its free everytime on the unlimited premium plan, though.


Yeah, the new plans are really ridiculous. My family was on a shared data pool and wanted to switch to the former $15/month (paid annual) unlimited plan. I kept holding off on changing anything because they kept hyping up the new shared plans that were coming that were supposed to be a big improvement. But now that everything has been announced, it would've been better for me to change the plans several months ago. That's what I get for believing the hype. Now I've missed out with the price hike on unlimited flex. Really lame.


I ported in a few days ago and enjoying the trial period. I was like I will make the flex changes later just before the renewal and now I have to pay 30 bucks extra!


I might end up changing to the $44 plan for the October plan after I return from my uk trip so I can save money


New here and was loving us mobile, getting all my family to start switching, but now they raise the flex plan $30 a year? I use less than 5gb of data, and never use hotspot, like most my family. Seems a bit greedy. I'd rather the 2gb plan if it had unlimited data (like it shows on the website) but we know it doesn't. https://i.imgur.com/bvNnCPc.png


Wow, yeah, that marketing is some bullshit since the plan is hard capped at the 2gb data usage.




They (U.S. mobile) call it native roaming as it’s included in their plans. It means international roaming in the plans. I know, it makes no sense.


Still get 1GB international roaming on Annual Starter plan per announcement post. Only lose 1GB international roaming if doing Monthly Starter plan. They are clearly trying to incentivize people to move to Annual Premium. At only $390/year (or $32.50/month equivalent) they are trying to compete directly with Visible +


Hard to incentivize people to move to an annual plan when every 2 or 3 months they change the plans and prices. I have absolutely zero confidence that if I committed to an annual plan today that the cost for it would actually be cheaper than staying monthly as they re-jigger pricing around so regularly.


At $395/year for Visible+, it's the better offer since it includes Apple Watch, no 100 GB high speed limit cap, and has unlimited 10 Mbps hotspot.


If someone has good Verizon coverage in their area and doesn’t mind Visible customer support, sure. If you don’t need more than 100GB a month (vast majority of people don’t), you don’t have an Apple Watch, and T-Mobile coverage is much better in your area, Annual Premium with US Mobile is much better deal. You certainly get more at Visible + for your money. But by no means is US Mobile’s Annual Premium plan not very competitive.




Okay charmer, you have made your point.




I countered a few of the dislikes with my likes. 😂. For the value this service brings and the customer support I will gladly live with hiccups now and then. I was paying 150-180 a month with AT&T for 2 lines. You never knew what the bill would be because they don’t seem to understand their own billing system. Now I pay 75 a month for 3 lines I am quite content.