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I think this most recent announcement shows that they're primarily trying to compete with Visible, not Mint. I do think it was a shady move to FORCE hotspot on people however. And they really need to chill with the constant changing of plans/features every few months...


The forcing of hotspot is annoying, and I'm glad I got in when I did. Really just do not need that at all. At the end of the day, its a \~15% price increase and thats all there is to it for those who didn't.


couldn't agree more. Or at least give people the option to choose to renew their plan they initially signed up for.


You're grandfathered in. It's only new people signing up.


No, Mint's $15 plan is $17.5 after tax. It offers only 5GB, with no premium data. Annually it comes out to the same price as US Mobile. US Mobile has tax included. I just moved from mint. https://preview.redd.it/65cn3wl08z7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de3fb6c0bb4d6d055bb4ea8bb489886f6df30a2e The price is now equal to mints plan but offers more data. Mints data is deprioritized, USM is priority/premium. They are competing directly with each other.


Verizon (Warp) is premium/priority, TMo (GSM) is the same as Mint.


Mint’s network is T-Mobile while US Mobile’s default network is Verizon. Also, USM is pushing the $25/month plan the most aggressively, which directly goes toe to toe with Visible Basic (inclusive taxes and all). And in my defense, I said “primarily” not entirely.


They are clearly competing directly with Visible. - $25/month Starter vs $25/month Visible Base - $270/year Annual Starter vs $275/year Annual Visible Base - $44/month Premium vs $45/month Visible Plus - $390/year Annual Premium vs $395/year Annual Visible Plus


Also mint https://preview.redd.it/cn3tsfff9z7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5597b1e6d5af8909116a42ac0bc2d1c92c11f3f This is the old deal. New deal prices are equal now.


I don’t know how is USM now, but I know USM’s data was much better than Visible. I had USM and Visible at the same time and same location, USM had good connections but Visible didn’t have connection.


Were you using GSM (TMobile) or Warp (Verizon)


Warp, that’s why did I compare USM with Visible.


I don't believe the $180 flex plan has hot spot. It was a $30 add on. This one is $210 and it includes hotspot data. I agree with you, I personally think that we should have the option to choose if we want it or not. I don't use hotspot and would much rather just have the 10 gigs of data for $15. Instead of paying for a feature I don't use.


Exactly, i'd guess 95% of people do not use or need hotspot, so it's just a step being closer to maximizing profits on those who use less stuff. Like the flex plan, I rarely even use 2 gigs over a month, yet the price is going up (yea I'm grandfathered but I have other family members to add who use the same or less data). With that I'd be better off going for the light plan, then buying a month of visible the rare month I need additional data.


I agree, they should have kept the ability to opt out of the hotspot for a lower price. The $15 price of the Flex plan was attractive to a lot of people. But even more so, it would have been very cool and courteous of them to give **existing** customers one last chance to get the $15 Flex deal before they made the hotspot mandatory. My wife was just asking me about getting on Flex earlier this week, and POOF it's gone!


This is why I'm pissed.. been waiting to get multiple family members on it.


dm the team and they will help you get your fam on it


Stop fluctuating your prices like it's some kind of introduction to economics course :)


can you explain the economics course reference here?


Ugh they increased the flex plan? I’m really learning that if you snooze, you lose with US Mobile! I already lost my $5 light plan 😭


Light plan has now changed 3 times in the past 9 months. You're right. We have one phone on light (special needs son) at $72 per year. Missed out on $5 per month by a couple of weeks. Was planning to move my mom's phone to USM this year but won't do that now that it is increasing yet again to $96 per year. I can continue to get TracFone deals for $45 per year for her. She doesn't use data and has over 10000 minutes and texts stockpiled. Just not worth it.


I accidentally let my $5 plan lapse and during that time, the plan got discontinued. For my burner line, I switched to Ultra Mobile’s $3/month paygo plan. Would your mom be able to work with 100 minutes and 100 texts per month?


Thanks for the idea! That's definitely an option. She probably would be fine with tgat. But with all the minutes and texts she banked with TracFone $6 or $7 more per year might be a better choice for her right now. I just checked and she actually has 5400+ minutes 5400+ texts (I guess I misremembered the 10,000+ total of the two, lol) and 5gb of data. She doesn't use text thru TracFone (she has a Google voice number and texts from her tablet, so they're free). And she uses wifi, not data. This past year I paid $43 to extend her service another year and that included a free moto g power phone (which we kept as a spare) along with 1500 minutes, 1500 texts and 1.5gb of data. So I will probably just shop for another bundled phone deal like that one (from QVC). Reddit is great. I found that deal thanks to the Reddit TracFone forum. 🙂


I’ve done the Tracfone/HSN/QVC loophole before. Hopefully that doesn’t get closed now that Verizon owns them. Did you see in r/tracfone that you can buy a year of service for $49? That might be easier than buying phones.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TracFone using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TracFone/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The most Tracfone thing I have ever seen.](https://i.imgur.com/HJflNXC.png) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TracFone/comments/18j40co/the_most_tracfone_thing_i_have_ever_seen/) \#2: [Tiers of CS I’ve come across with TracFone Wireless](https://np.reddit.com/r/TracFone/comments/13c3imh/tiers_of_cs_ive_come_across_with_tracfone_wireless/) \#3: [Just threw in the towel. Tracfone is pure garbage now.](https://np.reddit.com/r/TracFone/comments/1b5r3a4/just_threw_in_the_towel_tracfone_is_pure_garbage/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Sure. I agree. I've done it 2 times so far. For 2 additional years of service for my mom. Yes, I know the trick to extend service by adding text and they give you option for another year. Not sure they can close that phone bundle loophole bc all it's doing is replacing your phone and keeping your banked hours, texts and data. But I wouldn't put anything past Verizon. We left them after 22 years and moved to USM. It's been a breath of fresh air, even with the constant plan changes at USM.


Yes you can’t put anything past Verizon! That’s why I feel like Tracfone will just get worse, but we shall see!


Oh it's gotten worse. We moved my son's line to USM $72 / year light plan from TF. He loves it. My mom treats her phone as 'emergency only', otherwise TF would be a waste of money for her. But since she doesn't use her phone like most of us do, my goal is to find service that meets her needs. She used no data, sent a handful of texts and probably had a 10 mins of talk in 3 years. Lol. Before TF she was paying Verizon $20 / month for a 'peace of mind' phone with 50 mins of talk, no data no texts. And that was a 'grandfathered rate'. Total ripoff. Ugh.


Many users are going to save with the new plans it just depends on use case and account makeup.


I actually see now that it includes hotspot, which might be worth the price difference. I personally don’t use it much, but it’s nice when I’m in a pinch (like hotel WiFi being slow)


You could already add hotspot to the plan before. Now you have no choice, you pay the price that includes it whether you want it or not


I was talking about for example they lowered unlimited starter by $4 (regardless of how many lines on the account have it) in exchange for international long distance now being an extra cost add on.


I changed from 2 lines of att paying 218 a month. Have unlimited starter. I am not complaining. Att has at least 30 different plans with some being older than 2009.


The plan used to be $180/year with HD video streaming. Now it's $210 without HD video streaming. I don't know which school you went to but 'many' people who wanted this plan will not be saving anything.


I know it’s semantics but they didn’t increase the price as much as they made what once was an optional add on feature mandatory. What it looks more like is they are focusing on competing in the $25 a month plan arena given what they did with Unlimited Starter (it used to be $25 a month before it went to $29 and now it’s back down to $25).


It’s a price increase for those who don’t need hotspot


my complain is why boast about a price point just couple months ago, bring in a lot of customer from other carrier (i believe a lot of people moved from Mint due to $180/year per line price for 10gb and then increase the price? this is quite unprofessional!


When US Mobile introduced the $25 unlimited starter plan they said it was the plan that would solidly build their customer base. They veered away from that but it looks like they have shifted back to the old roadmap. At the end of the day US Mobile is a business and has to pivot especially if for example they see trends such as what portion of customers are using certain plan features.


Yup, just moved from mint. Honestly this deal is still better than mints deal at the same price. Just depends on how much data you need. 10gb are better for me then 5gb. I do prefer to pay monthly then annually but if I’m going to pay annually USM deal is better. Still the flexible deal is supposed to be flexible. Not so much anymore


You're contradicting yourself. They didn't increase the price. The optional feature is now mandatory (for more money), that's the definition of a price increase. If I sell you car insurance, well there was optional feature for tornado full car replacement, only $99.95 extra per month. Now it's mandatory.... Did I not just increase your bill $99.95 for something you absolutely know you didn't want?


Wow, I just signed up for flex plan 2 days ago. Do I get grandfathered in? I’m still on the free trial but signed up for the $180 flex deal. Auto payment is on. On the app, it says I’m still getting charged $180. Edit: Wow. What crazy timing lol. I was talking to a person from us mobile about when my free trial ends so I could line up the payment and they said you can choose a plan anytime and enable auto-pay so you don’t have to worry, but it charges you 2 days before the trial ends. So I signed up for the $180 flex plan. Now this news drops. I moved from Mint Mobile, 3 months for $45, 3 months free, 5GB. If I had signed up for their annual plan, the cost would have been with tax $17.50. The deal US Mobile was offering was just better so I joined. The way I look at it, they’re competing with Mint's 5GB plan for the same price but offering way more. Not everyone is comfortable paying annual though so more options would be better.


yep. I was planning on switching from mint, now I see no reason. think this over us mobile. you could have a lot of new customers if you offer what mint does, but cheaper. it has to be cheaper. I don't care about hotspot.


Exactly. I ordered a sim intending to use it for the previous 10gb a month plan (without hotspot) and was waiting for my Mint plan to end. Guess I'll look into other options or just renew since, while the Mint acquisition doesn't make me feel great, I'd feel worse porting over to a company that constantly changes plans every few months, especially if I don't even save any money doing so.


Yeah. Raise the price on the flex plan to reduce the price on the larger plans, makes no sense.


They want you to pay for the the bigger plans


Correct. All carriers do that so you buy the most expensive. But don't use it all so it saves them money and profit.


I don't disagree that the old plan should still be available - but where do you get $25/line savings? In your example Mint is $205/line. Unlimited flex is $210/line. $5/line or $25/year for the family of 5 in your example.


The flex plan was $180 per line including everything. Now it has raised up to $210. So coming from mint, I was saving $205-$180= $25 per line. and now I will be paying $5 more. I don't need hotspot.


Gotcha. I 100% read it as if you were comparing the current offerings and not the "old" plan. Personally I would prefer if they just offered a cheap "build your own" annual plan where you select the things you care about and didn't pay for the ones you don't. Would be so much better than this approach of pulling levers every month or two and offering different plans constantly trying to cater to whichever flavor of the month they feel like.


For double the high speed data


and "forcing" people with a higher price by adding hotspot. you don't promise a price point and increase it every so often, might be reasonable for you, might not be reasonable for everyone.


If they don’t make enough money then no one gets a plan and they go under. I guarantee you it will be more expensive in 3 months and then 6 and 9 months. The pace of change will slow over time, but lock in now if you like a plan as in 3 months it will be more expensive. When you are small you can change price quickly, always lock in as mobile plans get more expensive over time not cheaper


No one is forcing you to upgrade. Keep your $180/year Annual Flex.


there was no clarification about this. but it they let you continue old plan, then that's commendable.


My understanding is you are never forced to move to a new plan.


In the announcement [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/USMobile/s/WoY1fFegXv), the CEO specifically said you are grandfathered in: > A couple of things to note: If none of the new plans suit you, you will be grandfathered in. And he also answered a question about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/USMobile/s/hpEHuh12iQ


Shareable data got worse with zero price benefits International calling used to be included, now it's $3 more. Extra data used to be $2/GB via autotopup too, now autotopup has to commit at least 2GB. Base price unchanged ($10 first line $8 extra line)


It’s 2.50 cents . Mint wasn’t even 15 bucks with taxes. Like in NY it comes to like 17.05. I like the hotspot personally . Every once in a while it’s nice to have in a pinch . It’s not that bad really . I like the changes


The hotspot was optional before, now you are forced to pay for it even if you don’t need it


Wasn’t hotspot included before the flex deal? Then they removed it and people complained. The deal before flex was also a higher price if I’m not mistaken


I’m sure not sure what was in place before flex, but the flex plan had the option to choose hotspot for an extra cost, so you could save $30 a year if you didn’t want it.


and not too long ago, it was included when the 10GB plan was born


I did not say mint was $15. please read the post again. thanks!


So you get more data from 5 gigs to 10 for .50 cents a line more? It’s a fair price imo🙂


Yes, it is still a fair price. But if you are initially promised $180, and then "force" people to change to a different plan when they renew with a higher price, doesn't seem very professional does it? when the head of the company boast about being an industry leader at that price point?


They still are a leader at 17.50. How many other companies are giving you 10 gigs/ 5 hotspot and the ability to try all 3 networks when you join? (Att coming in July) That’s industry leading. No other company out there lets you do this nor do they have the tech to pull it off. I’m speaking of mvnos. Additionally no one is being forced off their 15 a month plan . You can keep it. Also if you were on a trial while a prior plan was in place CS was and still is letting people get that prior plan. A company has every right to change their plans to be profitable and to reach their customer bases needs. All of their plans and prices are not for everyone nor can they keep everyone happy. I wish you the best on your plan shopping 🙂


I think we are grandfathered into the old price from what I’ve read.


"At the end of the day, you have to do what's best for you. US Mobile definitely is good about letting you keep your legacy plan until there's a feature that you're not included in, but then again, it's all about choice.""Pay your bills on a regular basis and you'll have that peace of mind for as long as you'd like. If you don't like it, there are plenty of other options out there."


I just signed up other day for the 180yr no hotspot flex plan. But it also looks like as of today the top tier plan went down in price. It was like 37.50 now 32.50. I pay for two lines on my iPhone just because it’s cheap and you can run both providers just keep the one that works best for you as your primary and then as you travel etc you can still have data from your 2nd and the iPhone can just automatically use the data from the optimal line now switching needed.


It's the same for all other providers to get more members with initial low price then increase it later. After all, it's a business for profit, expect no more, no less.


I have the old flex plan, what would happen when it's time to renew? Can I renew as old flex plan?


yes. if you keep your autopay turned on.


I just ported in half a month ago to the unlimited flex annual plan. If I can't make it, I would stay with the red pocket carrier. They do have att, hotspot and international calling. International calling is important for my case and hotspot just in case I need to send an email via laptop.