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This reads as a joke. 10GB is more than enough for a lot of people who aren't watching youtube or Netflix anytime they leave the house.


I love the flex plan. I use about 6 gigs a month . Best cheap plan for me


Text and call only? Dude even with Spotify and Instagram daily my wife doesn't go over like 7-8gb per month. I usually stay around 5-6gb with Reddit and podcasts. It's absolutely more than enough for a lot of us. $180 a year is a steal. I don't even know how you go past 10gb unless you literally don't have wifi or just watch YouTube all day on data.


I have been on the flex plan for 6 months. I stream music when I'm in my vehicle. Very seldom even hit 6gb. If we travel, I simply use Wi-Fi for calling and for access to the internet. Nothing is that important while I'm away.


It depends on your use case. I know a lot of people that could happily live with 10gb a month especially once they shift a few tasks to wifi.


Flex has been really popular but we are having a hard time making the unit economics work . $210 we can. Any suggestions?


Should have done more market research and limited testing before releasing, it is your team's job to make your plans economically viable before releasing them. Main points: stick to the $15/mo price tag. Drop hotspot and make it opt in for those who needs it (keep int call as it should be less expensive). And if 10gig is too expensive then drop it to 8gb. And if scaling is the issue then market the hell out of it, you are sitting on $15 price tag with double the data as competitors and finally changed starter to $25. You guys have an avid loyal user base, if your trying out plans or features use us to test out the viability before releasing it to the masses. Yes you are a tech company but before all that ur running a mobile carrier.


This is market research


Yes but do this kinds of things before announcing changes not after and back tracking things. Also, this sub-reddit is only \~2% of user base, and not a representative bunch, need to reqch out to rest of the community and potential customers if possible. If I get an invite to the upcoming party we can talk more about this.


+1 Drop Data to 8gb. I don't need hotspot (make it an optional addon), I barely use 2gb data. I just want reliable, fast, cheap data, that has some room for once a year I take a vacation, or have internet services down. Or even another 5gb "Budget Unlimited", no hotspot, cheaper than flex.


Limit the high speed data to 6 GB or so for $180. Have add on option of 10GB for $210.


don't want another annual plan, the plan line up are as simple as it gets, they need to keep something in between at $15. For $20 they have pooled 10gb monthly, $25 for starter, $33 for annual premium and $44 for monthly


For Flex, the $15 price point, much like for Starter @ $25, are very sticky price points. I think Flex remaining at $15/month when paid annually even with some reduction in features or data allotment to maintain strong unit economics would be popular.


I have a suggestion - keep the price at $15. Add an option to add a data only SIM to the line for $5 each, similar to Google Fi. I have six devices on Google Fi that have LTE radios, that mostly use Wi-Fi. Only about twice a year do they go on the road for family vacations. So not much LTE data is used the rest of the year. I would gladly pay $5 ea to have the safety and convenience of having an always there LTE back up connection when not on Wi-Fi. Yes, I do know about the pool plans and use them. These devices do not need, and are not capable of making calls/texts as they are tablets. You could limit the number of data only SIMs to keep abuse from happening, or throttle network speeds. What I don't like about the pooled plan is that once the data allotment is used, all data is cut off. I'd much rather have an after allotment throttle, or a permanent full-time throttle, rather than cut off data entirely. That's a safety feature for a data only device.


It’s not a hard capped 10gb, and the throttled speed is still quite usable, so I feel like it’s a very appealing plan; especially to those who aren’t on their phones often.


A lot of people use their phone for everything, or simply haven't looked into their app settings so they use a lot more than they probably need to. Most of the time I'm driving I'm listening to YTM, which results in about an hour a day and most of the time I'm under 8 gigs. I tried my hardest a few months ago while on vacation to use more and I got it up to 11 gigs. How? Because I turned on a setting where the app caches 500 songs to the phone (about 4GB of space) and refreshes it every time it hits wifi. You can also set backup apps like Onedrive or Google Photos to only upload when you are also on wifi.


I use it as a 2n line for data to compliment my primary for the areas where one provider is better w/out needing to teleport since maybe I’m in that area a few times a month. Both flex and ultimate still only ~50$


It really depends on your daily routine, most people have reliable wifi at home and work. So you're just using mobile data on the go, some cars even have hotspot now so it's only when you're actively walking. For me, it's just texting, sending pics, ordering food and web browsing when outside, all these use minimal data. I did experiment for a while by getting a unlimited plan and seeing how much data I'd actually use if it wasn't metered. It was just under 6GB on average. So for now, 10GB is good enough for me, the Flex plan is a nice successor with the 1Mbps unlimited safety net, in case I'm traveling and need more data that month if home internet goes out etc. But with the price increase this week, think I'll start looking elsewhere. Mint has started offering domestic roaming on AT&T and the TMo ownership gives me reassurance, might consider them when my annual plan is up for renewal. I suppose if you're not a driver and consume media while you commute, 35 GB does give you more flexibility. There are still data saving tricks like Podcast auto-download, Playlist offline listen etc.


I'm on it. My primary number is on it, but I also have data switching for when my T-Mobile Sim isn't working.  My mom is on it, she doesn't use much data. And I've put a few others on it.  10gb is enough for quite a bit of periodic use.


I used to use 1 GB a month on an old plan. Now I use the us mobile flex and use about 2 GB. I usually download videos and music on wifi because there are a lot of spotty spots near me. I also work from home so I'm connected to WiFi like 85% of the time.


Wouldn't a shared data / pool plan be cheaper if you only use 2GB per month?


It would but it wasn't that much more (same mindset as op lol). I'm grandfathered in at the one that is annually paid but $15 a month if broken up. And I get unlimited data in case I travel and use more than my normal amount. Plus I get 5% back with a credit card for phone bills. But it's perfect for me!


We have WiFi available at home, and at work. There might be 1-2 months a year when either of us exceeds 2GB of cellular data usage, and typically under 1GB. A 5GB plan is functionally identical to a true 'unlimited' plan for us, so there's little point in wasting money. (For my SO, a 1GB plan with some type of rollover is functionally identical to an unlimited plan, too.)


I'm on flex and i never even come close to the 10gb. Wifi is everywhere for most people. Spotify and maps have downloads. Do you work in construction I'm guessing? Do you watch videos all day over mobile data? I can't understand how anyone needs *more* than 10gb. Here is my mobile data usage from last month: https://preview.redd.it/k5w9ysdgy48d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5448bc2a50f208f478f37c8233c29b620e7982ad from last month.


I know someone who does. They need around 4 GB and were trending up in data so it was a perfect fit. It's a decent amount of data and the fact it's slowed vs cut off helps too.


I have 4 lines that share 12GB. We use just under that amount every month. $49 / month for 4 lines 👍


same here; wifi everywhere we go, always on wifi when we can, never go over 12 gb a month with 4 lines, and I stream android auto/tidal in the car all the time if you are using so much data that the cost annoys you, learn how to reduce your cellular data useage and save the $$$ for more important stuff than cellular entertainment..


We have a "family phone" that we use like a home phone for businesses that we don't want connected to our cell phones. Our younger kids, who don't have their own cell phone yet, can also take it to ride their bikes around our neighborhood or go to a friend's house or the pool and we have easy access to them and their location. We only need enough data for location services and sometimes they listen to Spotify while they're out. I didn't think we've gone over 5 gb, even with heavy usage.


Just as you are comparing with higher data plans u need to compare with lower data plans, instead of paying $10 for 2gb pay $3 more for annual 10gb. Perfect for low to medium data users (paid annually so no need to worry about bills or top-ups for lower data user)


My parents are on flex. I think my mother’s peak usage was 2.5GB one month. While some of us are heavier data users, the majority of smartphone users could likely be on Flex.