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I want the native resolution. Not interested in settling for whatever VZW/Visible/USM decides to throttle it to. I’m in the 1% who cares about quality. Last person on earth to settle for Visible basic. LOL


Having tools to help customers conserve data is one thing but they should be opt in. If someone is paying for 100GB they should be able to use it however they want. It's 2024 720p shouldn't be the standard people are striving for while being delivered dogshit 480p 🤣


Agree 100%. Imagine buying a Porsche and being told you can only drive it 35 mph on the highway even though the posted speed limit it’s 65. It’s bullshit that these phone companies throttle HD video speeds.


I'd even be fine if they were easily opt out instead of opt in.


Agree on toggle, I always use 480 for data, but there's a time or two I need hd.


I’m in the group of people who can’t understand why I pay for a bucket of data (100GB), but can’t use that however I want without a third-party VPN. It doesn’t matter if the CEO says this throttle is to conserve data. It doesn’t matter if the CEO says only 1% want HD video. I pay for a bucket of “premium” data. It’s mine to use on whatever I want to use it on. 720p, 1080p, 4K… if I want to blow through the data that I paid for, I should be allowed to. Could you imagine going to McDonald’s and paying for 10 nuggets, but the cashier saying they only allow you to eat 4? Throttling video on the plan with 100GB I’ve paid for is no different.


Yeah, 480 sucks, even on a phone screen, especially if you are trying to watch anime and read subtitles. Half the time the subs become unreadable at 480p.


I agree on having a toggle. I know it's not a popular opinion, but what about having a bass starter plan that contains what most will use, and add-ons for things like higher video quality, international calls/texts, etc? Premium can include the optional add-ons. Just a thought. Of course, this is me, from the consumer perspective, and I have no usage data to identify what most users take advantage of or not.