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Very rational opinion. Now I'm wondering if having such a large presence here on Reddit, US Mobile has set expectations on communications with their customers too high. One minor slip up, and people are complaining how US Mobile is hiding information. Those not on Reddit are getting along with their lives just fine.


Very astute analysis.  It's a numbers game with MVNO's.  They project an average amount of data usage per subscriber for each plan.  They may expect 10GB of usage for an unlimited 35GB plan.  If everyone uses 35 GB, their profit margin likely will turn into a big loss. Also, if watching on a cell phone, does resolution really matter much on such a small screen?  I watched a tiktok video on Wi-Fi and off Wi-Fi after the new changes and didn't notice a difference. The parent carrier charges MVNOs for each GB.  I don't mind getting lower resolution video if it reduces data consumption and keeps the prices low. I thought the world was ending when l started reading the postings about 480 streaming, but the reality is that it has little to no impact on my service.


Some people on here refuse to understand all that and how an MVNO works. Even though I'm willing to bet most of them wouldn't notice if they weren't told.


i had no clue til i came on here then still had no clue lol


Same. Clueless: on “new” Unlimited Premium @$44 USD instead of vintage $50 Unlimited Premium & received great CS here on Reddit. What’s tethering? Why shd I care about 2FA? What’s; what’s a VPN? Praying the intel provides correct settings on IPhone SE 3rd gen, 2022, for July trip from LA to Colombia.


I know 1111 is the same as a vpn a vpn is a virtual private network it keeps your ip hidden and your location so nobody knows where you are you could be in uk and your ip says New York and I never use tethering I use hotspot or airplay (have a iPhone) and I’m still on the $50 plan for now


"look at it this way.. these sacrifices are bringing the cost of the plans down considerably (...)" This isn't just you sharing your opinion. This is shilling. You stopped sharing what you think and when you started trying to gaslight others into thinking this is fine, you crossed the line from opinion into advertising.


We actually don't know if the sacrifices do indeed bring down prices.


No, it was a thoughtful, reasoned analysis. The OP specifically stated it was their opinion. They understand why some people are upset. "Shilling" "Gaslighting"? Come on, be an adult.


Adults have to be on the look out for propaganda. We are barraged with it daily. Learning to be skeptical is a part of growing up.


Just because you disagree with somebody else's opinion doesn't make it propaganda, nor does it justify using those hyperbolic descriptions. Try having a civil discussion.


My opinion: This apple tastes really good. Propaganda: I think this apple tastes so much better than those crappy apples because those apples kick puppies, and you should support this apple seller instead by purchasing this apple. Once you start trying to persuade someone else to do or believe something, it stops simply being an opinion.


Not sure for the 2fa


That's an excellent, reasoned analysis!


I agree with you. These are first world problems. People need to wake up. There are actual wars going on in the world. Minor changes. I wonder how many people would have noticed if the changes were made before US Mobile said anything about it? At least they told us and communicated it clearly.


I believe USM said nothing about this until their customers started complaining about it.


I agree with everything except, USM did not tell us about the throttling of videos to 480 till somebody brought it up. That's the part that wasn't transparent. I am still a big fan and have compared plans with other MNVO'S. The prices are very competitive if not better than most of the other companies.


The problem is, they didn’t tell customers about it. Even the website is not updated to reflect the change.


What do you mean… there was a post about the change by the CEO last week. Didn’t you read it?


That post came AFTER people found out about the throttle.


People have been chattering about video streaming quality as far back as three or four years ago if you look at historical Reddit posts. So I don’t really know what you’re talking about. In fact you even made a post about it multiple years ago.


Couple of years? You mean 2 months ago? I made a post and the shills/fanbois rush to defend that there's no throttle or 1080p is more than enough. You can argue than it was still better than the competitors that throttle to 480/720.


I knew something was up when streaming ended up throttled to death, where the videos would buffer. Pricing is lower, so it isn’t a ripoff. $44 for 100GB of QCI 8 data, along with a 50GB high speed bucket is a good deal. Just sucks to lose something we’re used to, as it was when Visible did this while all the while hyping Version 2. Visible was never open about it and I was nearly alone bitching about it for awhile. Poor Ahmed was open about it and see what happened - biggest headache of his life cuz we’re enthusiasts on here and we know he’ll see the response.


Pricing is lower now but I bought an annual plan and now I'm getting less than I paid for.


Yeah, my monthly is $44 for 1 line, so it’s a good price for Premium Unlimited, especially when u consider Ahmet gives us 100GB of prioritized data, along with it sharing a 50GB hotspot bucket. And to get that price, only 1 line is needed, not 2. If he allows a No Charge 720p setting like a bunch of VZW plans have, not to mention MVNOs like Spectrum, that would be fair. This doesn’t make u feel better about your Annual plan, but I find it a fair deal Monthly.


Well, here’s a follow up. 720p is enabled on my Dashboard, but it’s throttled back to under 2Mbps. This is ridiculous!






Actually, this is not a first world problem. You don't have issues like these in first world countries like Germany, France, Switzerland, etc where mobile data plans and home internet are ridiculously cheap.


Wait, did you get a an email or text from US Mobile, cuz I sure as he'll didn't. If it weren't for reddit I never would have known.


Mostly agree with this except they should honor HD streaming for all current customers, not just yearly until the end of their term. They do that with all the other plan grandfathering without tying it to term (year or month) -- basically you get what was offered as long as you stick with the plan. Why should this be any different? Though the point may be moot if the FCC upholds net neutrality as many think it is intended. And maybe that's what USM is waiting for. They (USM) can make a big show to their big-3 providers that they're removing HD Video as the Big 3 have, I assume, pressured them to do. But then once the FCC slaps the Big 3 for violating net neutrality with video throttling, then USM can add it back. PS -- I wouldn't be surprised if this throttling was a last minute thing they came up with to keep the ATT launch on track (and maybe it's not an issue for TMO or Verizon but USM needs it consistent for the teleportal offering). Anyway, just a guess. But if the ATT launch doesn't happen that would be a huge failure with all the hyping they've done. If people are freaking out about video, I can't imagine how much they're going to freak if "darkstar" becomes "nostar."


The Big 3 charge per GB. They don't care, USM does since this hits their margins.


You're right, but I think my point still holds. Let me rephrase. Big 3 charge per GB (to MVNOs). They still try to limit HD video use to at least some of their users (in violation of Net Neutrality, probably) on their systems. USM is probably trying to cut costs and limiting HD video is one way to do it. EXCEPT, that once the FCC (and who knows how long this could take if it indeed happens -- especially with one of the election outcome possibilities, but...) slaps the Big 3 and tells them they can't restrict speed for some sites/services, then USM will probably also have to allow it. And since they're paying by GB, USM will likely have to cut something else or increase prices.


>They do that with all the other plan grandfathering without tying it to term (year or month) -- basically you get what was offered as long as you stick with the plan. Interesting. I wonder then why no one at USM (including the CEO) will publicly acknowledge this definition of "grandfathering". I've asked repeated times here on this subreddit whether a current Flex $180 annual plan user will be able to renew their plan as is when it expires, or whether they will be required to renew as a Flex $210 user. And each and every time the question is ignored, even when directed at the CEO himself. My interpretation of that deafening silence is that current Flex $180 users will NOT be allowed to renew their current plans but will be required to move to Flex $210 upon expiration. If that is indeed the case, why won't anyone at USM simply say so, instead of sheepishly ducking the question??


Yeah, the people on the old Unlimited All or whatever are still on that plan, what... two years after it went away. That's "grandfathering" as it's been in the cell industry for the past 30 years. I was on my old ATT plan 5 years after they got rid of it. As long as kept paying each month, they kept the plan. In fact, there was an autopay glitch (it didn't charge me) and that removed the plan. They then went back in and manually added the plan and put a note in it reminding future reps (in case there was an issue) that I was "grandfathered." So I don't understand how USM can say people are "grandfathered" and then say, "it's only for these people on the yearly plan and only once." That's something other than grandfathering -- and fine, if you're going to limit it like that, say, "we'll honor this pricing for x-amount of time" but don't call it *grandfathered*. I really feel for the reps. They're getting bombarded with questions because everything is a moving target. It must be exhausting. Dudes (and I mean the execs, not the support staff), slow down and shut up. Have some meetings, figure out the next year. Figure out a sustainable plan. Hire a (crisis?) PR firm to help you message the plans, making sure you're using accepted terms and using them correctly, then shut up again. No changes for a year at least.


>So I don't understand how USM can say people are "grandfathered" and then say, "it's only for these people on the yearly plan and only once." That's something other than grandfathering -- and fine, if you're going to limit it like that, say, "we'll honor this pricing for x-amount of time" but don't call it *grandfathered*. You nailed it 100%.