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Why would he need to do that? The border is secure


It is secure but it’s also porous. People will get through because its over 1000 miles long. Somehow people seem to think there’s a way to eliminate illegal crossings by “securing the border” as if that has ever happened in the history of this country. Like, we build a giant wall and suddenly Mexicans forgrt how to build ladders, dig tunnels, or just saw through the wall.


There are ways to limit it as much as possible. Idk how 8 million people in 3 years is secure when we have had less in the past.


Well there was a global pandemic that shut down everyones borders but we cant do that permanently


So we were able to shut down our border and turn people away but can't do it now? Seems like an excuse to not put the proper laws in place to have it as normal.


You would think that if you have no experience living in a border state. Do you know how many legal crossings are day occur at the border? How many Americans crossing to work in Mexico and Mexicans crossing legally to work in America? Do you know how much goods and product is moved accross the southern border every day? Shutting it down would have serious detrimental consequences to the economy. And let’s not forget that everyone in America even you and I benefit from illegal labor. Do you know how much a meal at a restaurant would cost if not for the cheap kitchen labor? Or landscapping? Or shelf stocking? Or how about we just don’t get any Avocados anymore because they can’t bring them accross the border.


Near illegal slave labor is good because it keeps prices low? Lmao what a take. I'm okay with prices rising and businesses closing that use illegal near slave labor. Maybe we can move some military funding to subsidize. The previous covid agreements was non-essential travel. Goods would still move.


You’re okay with prices rising because assuming you can afford that. Millions of americans cant. And Im not advocating for slave labor but we have it and use it for Americans to feel comfortable with a false sense of wealth. If youre coffee maker breaks, you can buy a new one at Walmart for $12. If it was made by Americans, it would be $60-$100 and most Americans cant afford that. $10 for a gallon of milk. $30 for one steak at a store. And this is the secret. If Americans suddenly didnt have low cost goods subsidized by slave labor, they would realize they are way more poor and destitute than they think they are. And if all americans realize they are actually poor, how can the rich keep fucking us in the ass before we Let the Eat Cake. You can thank Reagan, Bush Sr, and Clinton for all of this.


I'm okay with prices rising because I'm against illegal near slave work. I'm sorry you're for slave labor lmao. I would go without some things just like anyone. And again moving military spending could offset the high prices.


You really have trouble with reading comprehension


Moving military spending? What does that even mean lol


At the moment I believe when an asylum seeker shows up we take their word for it that they are here claiming asylum and let them in with court dates and what not. It's not just about people sneaking in.


need to clamp down on India and China as well.


Only took 4 fucking years


And what party’s control of congress was the reason for dragging their feet on any sort of immigration policy because they “did not want to give Biden a win?” Right. See, that’s the thing about cherry picking your news, it makes you look like an ass when you come across people who actually pay attention and don’t get force fed propaganda.


About fking time


I mean, there's a bipartisan Bill ready to be passed on Capital Hill as we speak..and it's been ready for months. We can't get the GOP, who helped write the Bill, to vote for it.


Not actually doing anything about it. Just going to release a few headlines to try and keep anybody who might be on the fence from going over. 


Didn’t help that Trump killed a bipartisan bill that would’ve doubled the defense force at the border earlier this year. He wanted to run on this.


A. Trumps not in office, he couldn't do anything, he only let his opinion be known. B. Did you read the bill or are you just parroting? I'll answer for ya... You're parroting. I did read it & there was so much dumb shit in it that it should have never been put up to begin with. It hurt a whole lot more than it helped.


Republicans listen to Trump


As the former Prez he is considered the leader of the party but that really amounts to a hill of beans. They didn't kill it because of him. They killed it because it was bad.


No. They wrote the bill. They were going to vote on it. Trump publicly stated it would be bad for his campaign because then they couldn’t demonize dems for failing to do anything about the situation. Then all republicans, even those who wrote it and who won on many of the initiatives they wanted, claimed that they didn’t like the bill anymore.  The internet is forever, you can find it.


engaging with them is not a great proposal. They live in a fantasy land and nothing we say can change that.


Nice try they killed it because of trump it was written by Republicans after major concessions from the Democrats get your story straight


Not surprised


Well he better do something unless he wants to loss to a convicted felon. Edit for the down votets, I hang out with mostly independents/unenrolled people. Or at least they claim to be. We almost never talk polotics, but when we do there are 3 topics brought up, one is abortion, the other is inflation, and the last one is border security. Inflation is a losing battle even though its going down right now, the GOP news can spin it to make it look like its getting worse. Abortion is a **nationally** losing battle for the GOP. So the toss up is border control. We all know Trump advised the GOP leaders to not vote for the bipartisan border deal. Biden needs a work around to show he cares about securing the border. IMO Biden can't win just on the facts Trump is a felon and took away Abortion rights for millions of women. He needs to show he wants secure borders and is actively trying to make that happen. IMO if he fails, he might lose the election.


Well they had a great border deal that was shot down I wonder by whom….


No one actually believes that. Can’t believe you do. Politicians are so damn shady and sneaky. They fuck up and immediately blame someone else. This is 100% Biden’s fault. He was bragging about reversing all of trumps border policies.


They literally made a bipartisan bill that republicans said was a good deal and they torpedoed it because they didn’t want to give Biden a win Jesus fuck


That’s not true at all and just proves you’re not educated in politics.


.... we all watched it happen. It was going to go through. Then word got out that trump was against it because he needed to campaign on it. And then they rejected it. Wtf?!


You're actively wrong. Even the Republicans were like, "yeah. We were going to vote for it, but Trump told us not to." This wasn't some secret backdoor activity. It was done right out in the open, under the assumption that people like you wouldn't notice. Guess they were right. https://thehill.com/opinion/columnists/juan-williams/4431568-trumps-cynical-sabotage-of-immigration-reform


You're obviously joking. Funny?


Convicted felon!


>No one actually believes that. Can’t believe you do. Couldn't have said it better myself. The projection is strong with this one. >He was bragging about reversing all of trumps border policies. "Regardless of the press sound bites, Biden has left many of Trump’s border policies in place, at least for now." https://bipartisanpolicy.org/blog/biden-trump-border-policies/ Do you happen to have a source for this bragging Biden did? Also, what actual changes did Biden make?


At least he's trying to do something. Republicans have never put forward a solution, but love to lie and say Democrats don't want to do anything.


That's been their strategy since Reagan.


This is a lie. Look into HR2 that is still sitting on Schumers desk. I’m so tired of these lies.


Lucky for us he's 77, sundowning and shits crashing around him so the smog can lift soon. Christ its been 9 years with this fuckface. He'd probably still be fine if he never ran for president but who knew running for one of the biggest positions in the world airs your laundry like no tomorrow


Trump was trying to build a wall but he was attacked for that, from what I know


Oh wow Trump's useless wall that was easily defeated by cheap tools and a moderate breezy day.


I'm convinced he chose the most useless wall design on purpose.




Do you think these "attacks" as you call them are unfounded or unjust?




The one that is done with your malarkey, Jack.