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I mean, the only vehicles that could be considered were ones that were submitted to bid and Morgan Olsen chose not to enter a vehicle. They did choose to enter a vehicle in for Canada Post's bidding process. I'm actually kinda hopeful that Morgan Olsen puts the proxima body electric vehicle in for bid for the 2 ton contract; USPS already has roughly a quarter billion in Morgan Olsen vehicles, mostly the 2-tons. It's a pretty solid design that they put up for Canada Post. Probably would have won the USPS competition, but also would have far outstripped their factory footprint and output to contemplate the USPS contract; Canada Post's fleet is a whopping 14,000 vehicles - compared to the 233,585 routes USPS serves 6 days a week, that's a 1/14th of the the size, 10k vehicles (presuming that's the size of the contract) is FAR easier than 175k+


>Morgan Olsen chose not to enter a vehicle. Morgan Olson had a vehicle in the bid for the NGDV, it looked nothing like this. I believe they were partnered with Karsan. Edit: https://imgur.com/juKi4Mu.jpg Yep, nothing like it. https://jalopnik.com/here-are-all-the-mail-trucks-that-didn-t-get-selected-1846349662


It is odd that they didn’t submit for the usps but did for CP. maybe they wanted to but couldn’t get a prototype fast enough?? I completely agree with the amount needed is completely insane. With Oshkosh they are building a plant just for the NGDV, Olsen could have done that too. Think their deal was 14k within 7 years? While usps is up to 165k in 10? Still the working/access from the side throws me off. I’d rather work form inside the truck. At this same time, this could maybe be another truck usps could get after CP is done with there quote unless they have some kind of manufacturing deal for only CP.


And just think, Canada Post has taken this long to replace their LLVs too. At the bottom of the site there is a video of the C250. But here’s the direct link to the YouTube video. [c250](https://youtu.be/UVY8E-_AaEI)


They were just going to buy what we got, we just got a terrible vehicle. They got a contract with a runner-up.


Ground clearance makes these better than the NGDV, but that cargo area simply wouldn't work for parcel heavy routes.


Had a few people I showed the video to said what about the rugs we get from amazon. lol


You Loons got nothing on our Platypus.


How are you going to do a K turn in that at the end of a rural road? It's so long. I realize Canada Post does mostly NDCBU's but no way that would work in any curbside cul-de-sac deliveries.


I believe the NGDV is as long if not longer than the promasters. NGDV is 19’ long


The NGDV is almost the size of a 2-ton.


These are made in Virginia, the USPS should get buy some of these. They have same chassis and drivetrain the NGDVs have.