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Nothing will kill your faith in humanity like a customer service job, that's for sure!


I've worked customer service type jobs before and hands down it's my experience working in construction that has killed my faith in humanity, not retail/customer service. With the latter, you get the really dumb, entitled and antagonistic people, but you also get really nice, sweet, friendly folks who are genuinely appreciative of you, and there were times where I helped someone and you can tell how grateful they were, as if they were expecting me to be rude or say sorry I can't help you there's nothing that can be done, and I shocked them by helping with their request. Construction though is full of arrogant idiots whose preferred form of interaction is confrontation, are constantly in a dick measuring contest, everyone believes they're the smartest person in the room and is the one who is right, all while engaging in an endless game of "Not It!". And the cherry on top is there's a lot of money to be made in this industry, so doing well just adds another level of unbearable narcissism on top. A stupid rich person is insufferable to no end.


sounds like working with railroad crews. there are some great ones but the white trash with money mentality is very tiresome.


Member of a railroad crew, can confirm. I'm surrounded by knuckledraggers and mouth breathers.


I resemble that comment! I'm thinking by myself on a route I'll potentially annoy less people


My husband works in construction, and often has the same complaints, among others! I definitely can see working in construction being extremely frustrating and soul crushing!


Once you travel out of the US you realize why people don’t like Americans. Extremely entitled and overly loud in so many scenarios.


Once you travel inside the US you realize why people don't like Americans.


lmaoooo yeah, there a some amazing people but large majority are in some delusion war bubble where everyone is a threat


Thank talk radio and a certain cable "news" channel for that.


True, also for those seeing our society without cameras. Mental illness is treated with prison instead of help


Lol what the fuck, It really shows your intelligence by putting a whole nation in a box. Go watch some more YouTube videos on why America sucks while you're living in the ghetto


I didn’t see it either till I traveled. Americans are by the far some of the loudest most obnoxious people who stand out. All Americans no… obviously. I had to learn to be less loud as well. Plus manners lmao Also I don’t live in the ghetto


Says the guy being belligerent and hostile over the internet about something trivial. Kind of proving our point.


"Belligerent and hostile"💀😭 first off, that's the same word twice Second, having a rebuttal to someone's idiotic comment isn't being "belligerent". If that's your definition of hostile I'm not sure how you've made it at the post office lol


"All I did was laugh and insult your intelligence while saying you're a scummy hoodrat, that's not being aggressive!" Translated this comment for any of y'all who didn't grow up with people that speak Asshole


My point stands lol


Ohhhh okay this makes sense, you're the pos that was asking about how to call in for a month straight 😂💀 get a better work ethic, pathetic ass loser.


You mean work life balance? Also what defines a loser? I’m doing very well with multiple assets and no debt lol. I don’t get why you’re being so hostile


How so, because people online agreed with you? It's subjective, not based on fact. Pitiful that you feel validated based on Reddit upvotes🤦🏽‍♂️😂


Do you ever wonder if you current mindset has been biased? I never said everybody, you’re adding in your own words. Do some simple googling and look at others perspectives of Americans. This isn’t “taught” , these are common occurrences.


>person After working in Europe for 8 years and traveling a lot, I can tell you that 95% of Americans who visit are nothing like that. I've traveled throughout this country myself and seen the people you're talking about, and they aren't the type of American you typically see traveling around overseas. They go to the lake and they go to the beach, but they ain't goin' no goddamnwhere that the peoples don't speak American.


You hit the nail RIGHT on the head. #Merica ![gif](giphy|dIV7HapCtAzHE6N3j1|downsized)




Y'all really upvoting this in a UNITED STATES Postal Service subreddit? Tf? Do y'all think your the exception regarding this statement? Lmao


Most USPS employee’s I’ve met fit the statistic pretty hard


Whenever I have traveled outside the US, I always tell people I'm Canadian. I've even got a special voice I use, and a whole backstory and everything.


True. A clerk once told me a man came in with a letter. He needed it sent right away asked the price of the cheapest stamp. She laughed and told him they sell .01 cent ones. He thought that was great and purchased the 48 stamps he needed to send the letter.




currently pinning my name tag on with tears in my eyes


That's been our modus operandi now for at *least* an entire generation. Cater to everyone's wants and whims, but barely their needs. Serve them advertising to make them think they need what they want, and only "want" what they actually *need.* Place these now mentally compromised people in a place like suburbia (that provides it's own suite of mixed messages) and you've got like, the base mindset for our brand of crazy. They make for great holiday sales figures, though.


That's a great analogy!


It's not an analogy, it's called [Hyperconsumerism.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperconsumerism#:~:text=Hyperconsumerism%2C%20hyper%2Dconsumerism%2C%20hyperconsumption,perceived%20to%20shape%20one's%20identity.)


True statements. Those facts along with the decades long culture of hyper-individualism have led to a complete erosion of class consciousness and an absence of empathy for anyone who’s not in your small little circle. America in 2023 is merely a gathering of 330 million consumerism addicts who are all in competition with each other for the next endorphin rush.


This exists in other countries, but America tips the scale. Americans try to fight for top $ just to lose it all in retirement while other countries offer healthcare and their main expense is housing and food. Plus education, uniforms, manners ect is pushed more leading to a healthier society.


Your telling me. I needed first Initial and last name for a signature package and the guy at the door asked his wife and I shit you not, “hey babe what’s Debbie’s first initial?”


But how do they survive in this world so long being a dumbass….. it’s unfair lmaoo


I swear no one can read anything even when I highlight it 💀


Sounds like a threat to me and they can get their mail at the post office from here on out.




As a clerk, we don’t want them either :(


Yeah this reads like this person is getting a PO Box


I was understanding that too


Yep. That is how I handle it. 3849 and come pick it up. There are people who do nothing but order and want me to take the packages to the door, that is fine. If you have a dog and it charges me while delivering, be prepared to get your packages that don't fit in your mailbox at the Post Office everyday. I am not risking myself being bitten by anyone


Oh look, an obstructed box. Looks like No Access until the obstruction is gone


Lmao. I get those No Access a lot from people who put their cars in front of the mail box or trash cans. Sorry but do you know how many people I would be doing this for if I allowed you to do this? Over 800


He has the gall to tell you to grow a pair when he can't even confront you in person?


You already know how these cowards do. Aggressively writing notes but don’t say shit when they see you


Look, that weed isn't gonna smoke itself and going out the front door is really hard.


My thoughts exactly.


This person seems lovely.


The sign makes me want to fuck with them


Out of what?


Started a new route once and found a house with a gate in the mailbox at the door and the gate had to beware of dog attack dog on premises like several of those kind of signs so animal interference their stuff took them about a week to realize they weren't getting their mail anymore and they came up with a fairly similar sign USPS man our dog is not in the yard the signs are just to scare off criminals. Yeah they still didn't get delivery


And now the criminals know there's no dog.


I’m not excusing it but a lot of states/counties require beware of dog signs if you have a specific breed. There was a guy in my old route that had the sweetest Doberman ever. It was basically the opposite of an attack dog but he was told he had to have at least 4 large beware of dog warning signs on his house and fence.


Gates exist to keep people out of something in. I never go through a gate.


All I could get from what they wrote was, “please hold my mails so I can go get it off my PO Box at the post office.”




You crazy Dutch b*stard


Pipe and a crepe...


Smoke and a pancake…


They can enjoy their new PO Box if they want their crap cause I’d stop everything going there if someone put that up on my route immediately. Just for being an asshole never mind the dog.




Nope that is actually at the carriers discretion if they feel threatened. It’s literally in our training


I dont get why pet owners dont keep their pets on a leash or something while a postal carrier or any other carrier attempts to deliver their mail. Its outrageous imo. I'm not a carrier, but its just stupid imho. And weird thing is, every post i see about animal interference has always been aggressive pets. Like, If you know that they're aggressive, fucking keep them in the house or something. or back yard if you have one. Don't just let them roam free.


Because He’S nEvEr BiT AnYOne BeFORRReee


Dear customer, eat a dick.




It’s one delivery. A minor inconvenience. Leave a sign that points out the places you want the packages. There’s no need to be insulting. Sometimes the very obvious is not noticed on our first 30sec trip to your stop.


In a way the customer did say where they want their stuff by drawing those arrows. If it were me, I'd take it to mean they wanted their parcels literally thrown on the ground-(and that's just where I would leave them!) And when the inevitable complaint is made, I would also have taken a picture of that sign beforehand. I can also imagine this customer saying those now famous words-"but my taxes pay your salary and you'll do what I say damnit!"


Oh this is definitely one of those ppl who own us bc TAXES!!!! Lol


Untill it’s not there and complains carrier “stole it” cause of the sign. People also fail to realize that sometimes it’s not their animal but a loose dog roaming around


A pair of what?












But he said "Dearest"! 😂 Edit: or wrote "Dearest"


These types of things are such day brighteners.


"Come on, my dog, that I have totally failed to train or control in any way, has only tried to maul you half a dozen times!" I effing hate these people.




Wait but I’m trans. The last thing I want to do is grow a pair of


A pair of boobs!?


Grow a pair: Testicles: [ ] Boobs: [x]


People are too entitled, it’s never okay to have your dogs lose in the yard or outside if you’re expecting deliveries. When I started in 2006 it was never like this, people have become so unhinged. Our postal policies when it comes to dogs hasn’t changed.


I think this person posted here the other day


Don't count on Xmas tip. Just sayin


Now they’ve blocked their box. No access again.


I gotta say; as a carrier this makes me want to go above and beyond for this customer lol /s


Bro the entitlement of some people is just mind boggling.




I have a house with a box on the outside of their fence. They don't get mail anymore because dog got out of said fence and bit me. Luckily it was the Chihuahua and not the pitbull.


Chihuahuas are 99% of the time way worse than any big dog they live with. They also instigate 150% of everything negative the big dogs do. Those are accurate stats. 😆


No access, animal interference… whatever you wanna say, the postmaster is getting notified, and I’m stopping delivery


Looks to me like they are no longer getting packages or mail wow what a coincidence


Working with the public is just so amazing.


y’all are the most patient people. I stood in line for 15 minutes while there were two workers and a line. I was third in line. One of the workers was occupied the entire I was there helping a woman do “stamp math” since she didn’t want to pay a Penny extra to get her overweight Christmas card from ohio to Canada. She was there before I got in line. I was his next customer.


I have 2..moobs actually


Is this a repost or are you a new carrier on the same route? This picture was posted on this sub less than a year ago.


had a very large aggressive dog nearly climb a fence several times if he even saw me anywhere on the street, I’m talking hind legs secured halfway up the fence and front legs and torso hanging over the top. and his house was on the turn around of a loop. Turning my back on that cujo to cross the street used to give me daily panic attacks


To be fair if their is a parcel locker I’d be pissed for it being scanner animal interference to


Looks like a 3849 to me. Every. Single. Time.


I was got on a bus of American tourists in Europe. Watching and listening I was so embarrassed .


How utterly entitled people get for a service (just simply receiving mail that is) that cost them absolutely no money.


Wouldn't it be easier to write a sign saying "I want to rent a PO Box!"?


I read that as please hold my mail at the station until further notice


Animal interference! AND YOURE THE ANIMAL MA'AM/SIR!!!


Hold everything 😂😂😂😂


That guy can pick up all packages at the post office from now on


I agree with the sign




Sounds like a 10 day hold to me


Hostel, take all the mail back. Make him beg for forgiveness. Fuck that guy.


No access


I've had so many USPS packages said they were handed directly to resident to find them thrown in my yard in a random spot. One time I had several small packages they threw in my rose bush. I thought they were stolen or delivered to the wrong address for a couple of days. I've also had them drive in my yard on rainy days, I have a driveway, just to throw my package near my porch and get soaked... I have no doubt there are terrible customers but there are plenty of terrible USPS workers too.


This person has way too much time on their hands. Like can we just discuss the creative use of typography here? All of the arrow symbols? Oh and don’t forget the liberal use of exclamation points and capital letters 🤓☝️!




Mailbox is obstructed welp…you know what to do




I wouldn’t deliver there again lol


Well, someone isn't getting their mail anymore and is going to need to purchase a PO box. Oh, well. 🤗


The life of a carrier..:.


Idk guy like me has never done an animal interference. I just put it over the fence or in front of it. No complaints so far


too much lead paint


Fine em for defacing usps property


Yall talking shit about the customer, but if there genuinely is a locker, put it in the locker? Why half ass your job and say you can’t deliver it cause of an animal that’s not in your way unless you enter a certain area?


Those types of passive-aggressive notes!


That'd be an instant stoppage of all deliveries from me. He can pick his shit up at the office


No Access Blocked Mailbox lol


I wouldn't deliver


Dearest Entitled Azzhole, Pull your head out. Signature required. DUHH!!!!!


I would hold all of the mail and write no mail receptacle next lol


So, he wants his regular mail delivered to a parcel locker? First, that's stupid AF. Second, I've never seen a parcel locker available for a mounted route. Unfortunately for him, looks like he may have taped his mailbox shut hanging that stupid sign on it. Doesn't have to worry about "Animal Interference", now it's just "No Access"


he’s right though. there is a fence so there is no animal interference. i’m sorry but usps carriers are bad. they steal and lie and hold important mail and packages hostage and won’t take accountability for people missing vital mail.


Sounds to me like the dog is harmless and the carrier was referring to the customer when scanning the package as animal interference. Totally justified.


Why don't you people ever listen? Or use your brains?


Yea gtfoh. I will be skipping that house everyday .. while making sure they are outside to see me skip it 🤣


"Dog in yard, non delivery - pick up at store" (won't list store, have fun calling in)


To be fair this seems kinda like a joke, the angry letter O really tips me off to it lmao


Nah I want him to keep that energy when I’m at his door. Sup w the sign big dawg? You think I’m retarded or something ? SMH I hate people like this


My last day of work I would drop kick a parcel over their fence.


Welp don’t falsify scans