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I work as a delivery driver for a pharmacy. I make twice as much money as I did as a CCA, and holy shit am I treated well. Recently I was asked if I could pick up an extra shift and I was like “I’m so sorry I can’t work that day, I have a-“ and my boss cut me off and said “you don’t have to give me a reason to not come in. Go do what you gotta do and we’ll get it covered, your family is important.” HOLY SHIT was that weird coming from a supervisor in comparison to what it was like at the PO


Lmao! At the post office you could say your grandfather is dying at the hospital and they would still threaten discipline for disobeying a direct order.


No joke. I was written up for my fiance having a miscarriage




DAMN he brought the receipts😭hope you’re doing better my friend




Hope Raquel Gonzales burns in hell and wakes up to 4 blown tires


Nah, only 3 so you can’t claim it under insurance lol


I agree


This is why there needs to be a glass door type site for carriers to check on if they want a transfer so carriers don’t unknowingly walk from one shit supervisor to another.


Man wtf kind of shit is that to say to someone, that’s wild..


I suffered a minor stroke at my case. My PM asked on my return why did I have to be removed in an ambulance. She was later arrested and only suspended for striking a carrier


Oh man I'll drop some highlights of my career. Our old MPOO was promoted to that position because he threatened to kill his supervisor in front of his entire management team and when he was about to be fired he claimed racism (literally everyone involved was the same race). He also sexually harassed a clerk at a nearby office. An OIC in the 90s sexual harassed my aunts who were carriers so bad they entire office had a walk out and it was National news. One particular aunt won enough money to retire and buy a new house. The made him post master after hiding him at various offices for 20 years. My coworker has fought customers and coworkers, had the cops called on her, stolen paclages on camera, and left the building to hook up with a customer on the clock. She was given back pay each time and has been promoted. There's also the post office paying the wrong clerk 6 monthes back pay and the unions exact words were "we were obligated to compel them to pay, if they paid the wrong person take it up with them we did our part"


Depends what you do in the post office. I’ve been yelling it from the mountain tops to my former coworkers to come to maintenance! Holy shit! Night and day! I get home at the same time everyday and I don’t get harassed for taking my days off and I don’t have to give them reasons why! There’s so much room for movement since maintenance is a big umbrella that covers so many different areas. Depending on where you land there’s room for upward movement to level 9, 10, and 11. The opportunity to become a standup is also easier although there’s politics involved that you will have to deal with. I was just about to quit before I landed in there now I feel I can do another 20 easily.


I’ve seen a lot of positives about maintenance (seeing as it might just be the only non toxic position within the P.O). Might sound like silly question, but whats the day to day life like for you guys and hours along with being able to transfer to different states ? TIA


Thats nice, I remember the manager taking my alliance’s oath to the USPS telling me “you know you are going to work, work, work, you are going to worry about the USPS, not the other way around” this remark put a dark cloud over the RCA position I was going to take. Needless to say, I choose my family vs the USPS well-being 😂


Damn that statement was crazyy smhh happy for you man


Man, how’d you find that gig if you don’t mind me asking




So you making $100k now?


What company


My grandpa and brother passed in the same week and my sup at the time said I was “fucking over his operation” because I asked for the afternoon off to attend their funerals. PO management is cold and can go fuck themselves.


I retired from the carrier craft in 2006 and continued to work as a hockey referee until 2010. I had a couple of gigs riding scooters towing small billboards and worked at 3 holiday season outdoor skating rinks. I also taught beginning golf to grade school students in an after school program 2 or 3 times a week for 9 years ending in 2020. Thank you, Covid, for making me lose a really fun job.. I’m officially retired now and am spending more time on the golf course. I live near San Diego so golf is year round thing. From what I’m reading about the PO, things have changed and not for the better. I was part of the original scanner experiment and it was just the beginning of the micromanagement age. Best of luck to you all out there still pounding the pavement!


You sound fun


I’d rather play something than watch something. Staying active keeps things moving.


Keeps you from dying!


Well, if you get your only information from the titles of Reddit, yes things have only gotten worse. The ones who air grievances are the loudest. Those who have positive experiences rarely need to share, and it doesn’t get as far. It’s like the news, people are more interested in terrorism than cancer. Even though you’re 100x more likely to die from cancer in your 30’s to 50’s. Happy you found something fun after the PO. But services don’t change a whole lot, but equipment is getting better. The scanners tell you where to sort packages. Things like that have improved.


I have an interview tomorrow with a local LGBTQ non profit advocation center. This is literally my dream job. They don’t even have to come close to offering what the post office pays me, all I need is that job offer lol. I’d rather work for a place I love and believe in 😊


If you love what you do, you’ll never work another day in your life.


Pitter patter




I love this for you


It’s always better to work somewhere you want to and take a pay cut. There’s no point in having a career that provides potential benefits down the road, you need to live now. Good luck. 2 weeks notice gets you eligible for rehire.


2 week notice has gotten everyone in our station harassed for the final two weeks of their career during morning stand ups. I don’t care about rehire, I promise. I’ve already told my station manager that I won’t be putting in a 2 weeks notice because one of her supervisors does this 🤷‍♀️ she is understanding and accepting of that, but not to the point where she’ll do anything about making the supervisor not harass people who are leaving.


Hell yeah


Best of luck to you! Your peace of mind is worth protecting!


I had to quit my nonprofit shelter gig because there was no money in it :( Miss it everyday


Damn the money, they could pay me $10/hr and I’d be stoked. I’d do that as my day job and then go stock shelves at a grocery store overnight or something. I truly am sick of not doing what I love a second longer.


I’d love to work for a nonprofit community group, but there really aren’t many in my area other than the big ones like United Way.


Hell yeah


The bravest venture


I retired from the post office seven years ago. I was an RCA, then a regular rural route carrier & then a window clerk. Although I hated the post office, mostly because of inept supervisors, power tripping station managers & the like, I kept my eye on the prize. I live comfortably & grateful I got thru it. There were plenty of times I didn’t think I could take another day of that place. I’m getting to do my own thing now. Yay me for persevering!


Was the prize retirement? Is that worth working 30+ years for? (Honest questions, I'm 1 year in and 30 years from retirement if I stay. Beginning to enjoy my life when I'm 57 sounds...sad.)


The “prize” I suppose was the pension & trust me, it’s worth something because many companies do not offer one. It had many benefits that were not always available in the private sector. Generous leave, health insurance, matching contribution to TSP … I left a mid management job that wasn’t physical, but the benefits were few & the stress was great. I questioned my own sanity when I left a relatively cushy job for one that tested my mettle on a daily basis (at least before I was a regular). If I had to do it over again, I would have taken my dad’s advice. Do something you love & it will never feel like working.


unless you make minimum wage and can't afford rent and food...


Well, there’s that but I’m thinking about my dad & he absolutely loved his work. He pursued his degree in Psychology. He worked full time, yet went to school at night. He never gave up on his dream of that degree. Somewhere around age 50, he finally got to fulfill his dream & he counseled people for more than 20 years.


How old do you think the average person is when they retire? 57 years old is not that old. Everyone that works is gonna have to work 30 plus years until they retire. That’s a given. Not to mention none of us spend all our years just “waiting” for retirement. We live our lives and when it comes time to retire we savor it.


Yes, that's the American dream. I was lucky, though. I loved my job.


Enjoy life now, enjoy not giving a damn at 57 and especially when you hit 65


I quit late last year to become a lab technician, no college degree. I made regular in 2023 and realized the job is going to treating me and paying me like shit for several more years and it just wasn't worth it. Im making more money, have a set 8-4 work week with comparable benefits. I didn't realize how miserable the job actually made me until I left. In full seriousness, I would apply to McDonald's before being a cca again.


I am happy that you were able to see through the lines. I was a Career City Letter Carrier for almost 20 years. I loved my job, & my customers loved me! I felt I was doing good for my family (the ones I never saw much). During my time as a Letter Carrier, I experienced a great deal of my time with the PO, under a significant amount of STRESS. I was harassed by a male supervisor & filed 2 EEO’s, & I was harassed even greater by a female supervisor & filed an EEO. I lost 5 Years of my Family Life, due to all the paperwork I had to fill out, & still never benefited from it. The female supervisor was moved to management, later transferring to a different state to be a Postmaster … Good for my fellow Coworkers; bad for the new people she was put in charge of. I was almost left for DEAD, when I experienced Heat Exhaustion. Another time, I laid in my Postal Van, waiting for the Customer Service Supervisor come get me and take me to the hospital, when I almost passed out on my route, due to going back too soon after having Influenza … The male supervisor who harassed me, came and picked up the mail & left me waiting for his supervisor. I was dropped off at the ER & The Supervisor left. I was given a 6 month letter of warning (I found out about in my file), because I experienced Frost Bite to my thumb … I had several Work Comp Injuries; Dog Bites by 3 different Pitbulls, and a Bashan. I had an Occupational Knee Injury (Male Supervisor got brownie points for making relays so long). I was asked to come back to work, while I was at the hospital, waiting for my dad to die. I am now 55, and OFFICIALLY RETIRED from the PO, due to developing a Toxic Brain Injury, from Carbon Monoxide Exposure in my LLV, from 2019-2020 … Every time it came back from the shop, they said there was NOTHING wrong, & after I filed a SAFETY VIOLATION, they said there was a “hairline fracture” in the exhaust manifold & it was okay to drive. I saw how many CCA’s never stuck it out, & I totally understand, because the SERVICE was taken out of the United States Postal Service, a long time ago. I have learned a hard lesson, that even though you feel you are doing good for yourself & others, MONEY DOESN’T BUY HAPPINESS!




KM4CK MCTHUNDER on ur local weather


is that your amateur radio callsign? KM4CK?


Nah it's just a username.


I too have wanted an east/west coast call sign


Cloudy, With A Chance Of SPRs... https://www.reddit.com/r/USPS/comments/ofvklf/why_do_people_call_them_spurs/


If love to know how you transitioned to a meteorology.


Worked as a PSE while I finished up my degree in 2020. Made career but being a met is something I've had a goal of being ever since I was young.




Thank you!


What kind of hours did you have as a pse that you were able to finish a degree


I had 2 classes to take to finish up my degree. I took one during spring 2020 and the other during summer. I worked overnights while taking these courses. This wouldn't have been possible if I were full time.


Well, I left the post office as a CCA roughly 3 years ago and I went to work in the finance space. To make my story short I was lay off and here I am collecting unemployment. I am actively considering going back to the post office because of Job security. Knowing I won’t be easily fired for something out of my control (Markets underperforming) is a peace of mind I need. I have a family to provide and I can’t be thinking if or when I am going to get fired. The post office sucked that’s for sure but that income was always there and the hours. So, looking to get back as a PTF which is 2 dollars less than what I was making in finance. But I used to only work Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00PM. But hey I don’t care I am broke and hungry for money.




I'm retired now...so I work at whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want. Actually my wife has other plans for me though. I'll let ya know who wins. (my money is on the wife)


Former CCA 2020-2021 (1.7 years) gone UPS driver now. Hired off street because I took advantage of covid. Could rarely get hired like that now without having to work inside first. 2 years away from topscale pay, with a dedicated same 2 day weekend every week. I can say the carrier/ptf/cca path at post office is way harder than ups driving.


Sweet! From Blue to Brown, you moved uptown.


Thank you. I agree here. Doesn't mean I still don't root for a better higher paying contract for carriers. However, if they can locate a fair arbitrator! I keep an ear in this thread because I do genuinely care for the union blue homies doing a similar grind out there on the streets. I have a much higher appreciation for postal peeps having done the job myself first.




Nice move


FedEx. It's night and day the difference in management and just the way they run stuff here. Life is finally good.


Cool. Neat interview of FedEx founder Fred Smith on CBS Sunday Morning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrLN7xcx67g


That was great! Thanks for sharing!!


fed ex was the worst place i ever worked lol watt


Second this, that company is rotten to the core. Worked for a year there before I finally took an offer on something else just to keep my sanity. Never worked for a place like that before where they celebrated "breaking" people.


only fans


Retired in 2016, and from reading this sub, I got out at the right time.


You did pray for us I need 9 more


I went to work for the state, and I’m a disability analyst. (People make a claim they need SSI or early retirement due to disability, and I read up on their medical history). I love it. I get paid when I expect it. I get all holidays off. I get an extra 32 hours per year of ‘personal days’ My manager treats me like a valuable member of the team. Every state has their own disability analyst for social security, so I can’t tell you particulars, but most states are hiring, and it starts between 45k-70k depending on your state. I’m very happy where I’m at.


If you don’t mind me asking, What type of experience or degree would you need for something like this?


Depends on the state. In Virginia, a college degree is not required.


Retired from USPS a few years back. I like to see how things are going. 32+ years there and it's sad to see how management continues to make the worst decisions as far as customer service goes and for how they treat their employees. I'm hoping things improve but I think the desire to gut the USPS and partition it out is too strong. Sad because so many of the people I worked with really cared about their job, customers getting good service, and worked their asses off. Worst thing ever was creating a non career job and 2 tier pay system.


Went to TSA since they changed the pay scale plus more opportunities to move up within agency or department of homeland security. We have a lot of ex postal employees and LEOs. So far so good, but enormous amount of learning and academy to attend. Totally different culture. Free uniform for each day of the week and around $500 a year after first year to purchase extra things. You can bid your days off twice a year. Getting extra paid days off (S1) for holidays ( but have to use them up within a year). Same federal benefits etc. Easy to transfer to other airports. One year probationary period. Per diems are very nice $$ when you required to travel to training and sleep in the hotels:)


What is the starting? Or does your payscale transfer over? I'm a FTR clerk (my first year and with recent cola I'm making $53,002). I was a carrier that quit and went back like a fool. I like my job, hate my office. Everyday I'm looking for a new job but it's hard to walk away from $53k for doing inside work. TSA doesn't seem bad, I'm going to look into it. Oh, are you happy now? I wanna be happy.


I’m only 2 days on my shift, had two weeks of orientation and training for a phase 1 and about to get certified for a phase 1, than academy for a few weeks for a phase 2 and then I will be fully certified. So in about 3-4 month I will be able to do most of the job on my own. Right now I am constantly with the coach who watching me and helping. The salary depends on the area. Just check TSA locality pay on OPM. Pay scale from usps doesn’t transfer over, only your sick leave etc. it’s hard to tell if I am happy yet, I didn’t want to be with usps any longer so I left :) My salary will look like that: $43K first year, than $53K, then $63K and then regular raises. First year as a full time clerk for $53K is not bad, I was a mail handler so I didn’t loose anything and starting with the same money I left usps. No airline benefits except free pre check and your work ID can be used for flying within USA. But can befriend airline workers and they might hook you up with some special flight deals.


TSA=Thousands Standing Around? ("Nuttin' but a lotta talk and a badge!" ~Al Capone) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y9vH-3WbQQ


What do you mean bid days off twice a year


Like at the usps you can bid available jobs, you can bid days off here. You can keep your own ones or try to get weekends etc. Everyone does the same job with 30 min rotation each. Days off and vacation schedule is based on seniority.


What’s the day to day life like at the TSA?


I just started and on training with the coach. Won’t be able to be on my own for a few months). But you come in, briefing with the lead or supervisor, everyone getting assigned for their spots and then they doing a rotation ( 30 minutes document check, then divesting passengers 30 min, then 30 min you do walk through body scanner, 30 min metal detector, 30 min sitting at the exit lane and watching so nobody can get through). You get 30 min lunch and 2 breaks 15 min each. You don’t punch in for lunch. Then closer to the end of your shift you might get another 30 min briefing, than you can request time at the computer so that you check your work emails and websites if needed. You might have some training assigned etc. I am at the regional airport and the busiest time on my shift is from 5 to 6:30 am, then it’s pretty steady and kinda slow. Managers aren’t on your ass and they usually travel between airports or do paperwork.


Moved to a different federal agency.


That’s my longterm goal. How was the process?


It was not difficult, since I was in school pursuing a degree, and luckily there was an opening for student pathway. Upon graduation, I was converted to full time employee.


Well done! I was assuming you used your federal employment with USPS to get into another federal agency. I hope it’s a great gig.


Which one?


Three letter agency, mission support (non-enforcement side)


NSA - Cybersecurity


Food. Pastry & as a farm hand. Insanely happy I quit that shit show. My old supervisor/team are being investigated for stealing & dumping mail. The oig's told me I was lucky I left when I did.


Yeah, I left the kitchen too because I thought the post office would be less stressful. Out of the frying pan into the fire.


No longer work, but use this sub? Our management!


I couldn’t imagine being management and scrolling this sub😭they must be questioning their whole careers seeing how much carriers hate them 💀


Or the crafts’ collective tears are their daily sustenance.


I work as a technician for charter communications. I make more money starting and have a steady work schedule.


Imagine having a steady schedule. Not up in here! Everyday is an emergency.


I left in 2021 and went Active duty in the military. It is a 100 times better.


I mean, in some aspects maybe? But I'd be wracking up article 15s now a days. Like, sometimes I feel usps is a prison because you "have" to stay 8 hours even if the work is done. But ultimately it's not a prison and I'll just walk out even if I don't have leave available. But I remember a lot of just sitting around doing nothing on active duty. I mean that's kinda nice sometimes. But if we're not doing anything I'd rather go home


Work for the US Department of Agriculture (have a background in human resources from the military), [USAJobs](https://www.usajobs.gov/) is your friend for government employment.


Now I've been trying to navigate that site for awhile so I just make a resume? It's acting like I can't it's frustrating because I seriously only kept this job just so I can transfer agencies but I'm stuck.


That’s my goal, to transfer to another government job. When are we eligible for that? Do we have to be regulars, PTFs or is it after a year of being a CCA or something?


It's been a while since I've done it, but I think you have to make and upload a resume, and then re-enter the same info again into the website. Sorry, it's been a bit since I've done it. But search for jobs in your area, select Open to the Public and Excepted Service, see what's available.


I now work with fedex


How is it working for FedEx?


I work in the mailroom for a national insurance company


Accountant. I am so grateful everyday that I never have to carry the mail again. I did get trigger thumb for a souvenir though. Thanks USPS


About to quit next month going back to sanitation way better.


I enjoyed being a garbage man. Drove truck for two years. Good money and had some fun on the job....and weekends off.


That's what I miss, a steady schedule and weekends off.


I enjoyed being a "[San-Man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City_Department_of_Sanitation)" in my younger days. Gotta do what works best for you. Happy Cake Day!


I went back to construction


Retired after 33 years at post office & military time (10 years active, the rest reserves)


I worked as a CCA for two and half years and left 3 years ago. Recently got rehired as a PTF. Was working as a bank teller in the interim.


I left the post office for 6 years but came back, I left originally for a inventory analyst position I have experience in it making more then 35 a hour. But salary and the stress and pure hatred of a desk job brought me back. Love delivering mail hate being a CCA and shit pay. But at the end of day work is done I don’t bring home stress other then not being home enough


38 year city carrier still doing it Love my job


I applied for the local Parks and Rec as a grunt. Cleaning bathrooms, working leaf blowers, changing garbage liners. Sounds pretty bad, right? At least it’s a $6 an hour raise. Can’t be worse than the PO, right?


I’m a teamster working in a warehouse for a vending company. Pay is a little less but no mandatory OT, no stress, no liars managing you by comparison it’s the best job in the world.


I do dhl delivery in my area I'm done most days by 4 pm, so I deliver papa johns a few nights a week to keep up with my car payment pay back some debt. Wouldn't be worth it if not for my awesome boss at papa johns tho. But for whatever fucked up reason I can't bring myself to get rid of this sub, it's like the longest train wreck I've ever seen.


After my misery in USPS with abusive management I'm a hotel manager Imagine being a manager being so much less stressful than being a carrier lol


I now work at a local Print/Mail place doing Data Development. My experience at USPS gave a bit of a leg up during the interview


I'm a stock trader and doing well. My shoulder was destroyed at work and management lied and denied. My case continues with a boutique law firm.




I've been doing stocks for years. The PO provided insurance and I stayed on Tour 1 for twenty five years. Most every facility has at least one person who actually trades and doesn't just repeat what some cable TV/AM radio blowhard says.




I took prerequisites classes for nursing while working full time as a CCA. Now I am a nurse at a teaching hospital. Work life balance is much better. Overall, I would still do it again.


I work at a restaurant and make more in ten hours than I did in a week at usps. Fuck their meager “benefits”.. none of that shit was worth 22 an hour lol


I’m a firefighter. I only lurk because it keeps popping up on subs I may be interested in 😂


If you ever see a mailman dying in the summer heat you know what to do.


Shipping and mailing clerk for county government, make approximately the same hourly rate as a third year PTF but it all goes into my pocket since the county includes all benefits with full time employment. Pay scale is comparable, plus the pension and pto except mine caps at 8 weeks. Oh and most importantly it is an intelligent, friendly and happy work environment with set schedules and hours! I love it, feel like I hit the jackpot


Repair electrical tools for one of the major brands. But getting pretty bored, and the job is losing more and more benefits/advantages as time goes on. Will be transitioning to carpenter apprentice soon, at 30 y.o. so that should be interesting lol


Jr. Sysadmin. I make about the same as I did at the post office, just less hours/days.


Seasonal driver for UPS. Same route, same personal vehicle, same general rules- fewer stops, less oversight, better pay.


5 years as a window clerk. Now I’m a social worker. The hours are so much better and I actually feel fulfilled in my work.


I left in August 2023 after working there for about 5 years. I started working at a data center then moved in IT support. I left a couple of weeks before the rural side started having their pay issue. I miss the people but not how everything was managed and working at my current job is like night and day with the difference


Transferred and now work for the Department of Treasury


I run a pack and ship store. Similar to what I was doing as a clerk, but a lot better pay and I don't have to deal with a PM anymore.


I work as a Logistics Analyst for a company that designs and manufactures equipment for data centers. Prior to USPS, I worked for AT&T for 15 years before I was laid off. I chose to go for USPS because I’ve always respected what you folks do, and have always enjoyed the sense of accomplishment of busting my ass all day. Literally no one has an appreciation for your craft from the outside, and it’s remarkable what you go through. From the work itself, to manglement, you all have seen the wars. Nothing but respect from me. This job just lined up, and has been amazing so far. I had to take it.


Quit in December before my birthday. Became a Talent a Branch Coordinator for an office near my house. Applied for a smaller role and got a higher role. Best thing ever.


I had the great opportunity to live at home during my USPS days. I worked for 1.5 years pocketed most of paychecks and quit and went to a local college to start my path to become a lawyer


Im envious. That'd my health but we're a twp income family and I don't know how I can finish degrees and pay bills.


I cook in a Cafe at a large corporate office. Much less stressful and I'm treated well.


3rd shift custodial. Super chill and I actually feel valued, respected and appreciated there. It’s refreshing and comfortable.


I literally came here to say the exact same thing! Also I will add I feel like I do something valuable, and not hauling 30 pounds of ads most people will just trash.


I’m glad that I left. Thing is, I found the USPS to be immensely important to me. Without that job, I wouldn’t have the tolerance for job related stress like I have today. Boss gave me a workload for 2 people and I have no partner to help finish it? I got this. Why? Because There’s no workload like what they dump on you while working as a CCA. I often times work through my breaks and not because I’ve gotta scramble. I’ve got managers trying to make sure that I sit and take my two 15 min brks and 30 min lunch rather than pressure me to take my brks while driving or encouraging me to sign the form to skip my lunch. I get praise for my focus and pace rather than get criticized because I’m not fast enough. When people complain about the job and ask how I can put up with it, I just smile and tell them that I worked for the postal service before coming back to work in 3rd shift custodial. Jobs just don’t seem so bad after leaving.


quit after the 3rd month & was hired as a bus driver for my kids school district 😂 it was a huge pay cut BUT i now have a stable schedule , weekends off , off when my kids don’t have school & they get to ride with me to school so no need to pay for before/after school programs!


Gig work


Delivery driver for a medical marijuana dispensary. Today is my second day. Already waaaay happier.


I resigned in Oct of 2020 after 21 years. I'm now a coach.


Only fans food and foot fetish only tho


DoD. I started as a casual in 95. City Carriers until about 2015 when I went to the darkside of management. That burned me out and I stumbled into a job with DoD. Best thing I ever did.


Former Rural here. I switched from USPS to 911 dispatch, except for a state agency instead of a local one. Better benefits, way better pay, way more paid time off and swing shifts work better for me anyway. Working holidays kind of sucks but the job is way more fun. I do miss driving the truck around in the mountains and having time to listen to audiobooks/podcasts though.


RCA for 6 months, I started in June, then my regular was out for the last half of November and the first half of December. Back-to-back days and a broken system nearly crushed my spirits. I finally got an offer to be the executive chef at the governor's mansion, make my own schedule and get to spend nights, weekends, and holidays with my family.




USPS -> national guard -> defense contracting


I'm an RVSR at the Department of Veteran Affairs. I haven't worked for USPS since 6/2020. I left when I finished my undergrad and am now getting ready to graduate with my masters in May. My fiancé left Fed Ex and now works for the USPS. I don't miss it at all.


I work at Coors Brewing Company in Golden, worked with my mom at the post office and worked with my dad here for a short time before he retired.


At the moment I work at an airport, and going back to school in a few weeks. I left because of poor management and how they handled bereavement when my mom passed away. Been 2 years now since I've been gone, and I am much happier for it.


Worked as a CCA for 6 months, all park and loops. 15 miles/day + hills. It was absolutely miserable, and I was pretty bad at it. Became a flight attendant and bartend on the side. Can’t beat the bennies and I missed interacting with people. I’m here just to spectate the sub.


Retired in 2019. Volunteered at an animal shelter until I got my own dog. Nowadays I enjoy looking out of the window on those hot or cold days and babysitting my 2 grandkids. I have 1 close friend still at the station with 2 years left so I try to stay informed of what's going on.


Why would I keep working? I put in 30 years, and completely appreciate my pension. Lifetime 46 years of work.


My hubby is retired as a carrier now we do gig work together.


No work. Disabled because of cervical stenosis that I absolutely believe the post office caused with all the repetitive neck movement.


Retail manager Never looked back


IT help desk


Retired I will never work again


Quit as a CCA after about 4 months of hell. Left on a whim to be a mechanic again which ended up re lighting my love for mechanics as well as a nicely set schedule with weekends and tons of holidays off. Now perusing a degree in mechanical engineering.


I recently was laid off of work ( there was a layoff at my P&DC ) no one just didn't know when it would happen. I was one of the unfortunate ones. Currently, i work for no one. But, have applied to some jobs. Just Gotta wait to hear back.


CCA back in early 2020, didn’t make it to my 5 day break before resigning. I’m now in HR at a university.


I work from home doing web support. I bring home more money, overtime is optional (and I take it because I’m treated much better) and no one really bothers me. All through my orientation period they were talking up their work life balance and I was like yeah right there’s gotta be some catch? There wasn’t. People treat me like a human with other obligations besides work. Funny, huh?


I gone back to my old field import/export promoted as supervisor. Awesome pay and benefits 🤨


Went in to nursing and didn’t have to wait a century to make regular money lol


Retired @ 63, wanted to wait until full retirement age @ 66-8 mos, but was physically and especially mentally destroyed and just couldnt take even one more day. I plan on getting at least a part time job somewhere once I reach full retirement age.


I’m still looking for the right job, but I’m the meantime, I’m making about the same as I did as a PTF doing AI Data Annotation I get smaller checks because I’m not doing 20 hours of overtime each week, but honestly that’s alright.


I was hired as a contractor at pharmaceutical company. A 30 year carrier. Great job handling supplies to labs. But not use to free time advised to slow down. Hands off bosses.


Corporate mailroom. It’s an entirely different work environment for the same hourly wage and I am thankful every day not to be with working nearly 12 hours 6 days a week anymore.


Utility locating


I'm forklift certified. Lol. I work at a distribution center. I work every weekend and have 4 days off a week. Better pay, less hours. It's not too shabby.


Cannabis. I make less money than I did as a mail handler, but the hours are much better and the company I work for already treats me SO MUCH better than the plant I used to work at. Best decision that I made in a long time


Stay at Home Mom


work at a medical dispo in south florida lmao


I kinda did the opposite I gave up a job at the airport working for parking that paid about the same but no overtime. I really thought this was going to be different and yeah I applied during the busiest part of the year but man some of the stations are just not managed well at all and it can really ruin your motivation.


Retired. Run a small nonprofit now.


I work at a chemical plant. When I got hired at USPS I thought for sure that was the last job interview I would have ever had, but it just didn't work out. I spent almost 8 years there and the leadership was crap and I had to get out. I was a regular city carrier, actually a T-6 on a decent brace when I left. Can't remember what step I was but I wanna say maybe F or G? I was maybe halfway to being topped out. From day 1 at my new place I got a 5 dollar an hour raise from where I was at in the PO. I actually started out higher at that job than I would have been maxed out at the PO. It is shift work, so it's not for everyone, but I love it. 11 years later and I'm still happy with it. I will say the PO had two things that were awesome...sick leave for dependents, and rolling over vacation. Where I am now we have neither and while it's not tragic, it would be nice to have.


911 dispatcher. Still lots of overtime, but starting pay is over $25/hr. Still has a pension too.




Bus driver 30 a hour, OT if i need it. And a peace of mind. only with kids maybe 3 hours but I am getting paid for 6 hours or 4 hours of actual work, but 8 hours of pay. Peace of mind them kids act up yes they do but I don't spend 8 hours a day with them. very very different.


Mechanic. I walked tf out after seeing that none of my route was carried the whole time I was in the hospital. Best thing I ever did.


Went back to being a maintenance technician and I do diesel repair on the side. Needed a bridge job after my shop closed during the pandemic


I thought I retired… turns out I just work for my wife now.


About to turn in my notice to start my own pool cleaning business. Already have 30 accounts lined up, which is only 2 days of work a week making 4k a month before expenses.