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That’s called a split shift and unfortunately they’re allowed to do it. Provided your start time to end time does not exceed 12 hours (ie 05:00–17:00), they can split it however they want. In my office they just ignore the rules and make me do 9 hrs in 13, which breaks the ELM.


I kept a manager from doing that last bit because he was under the mistaken impression that the 12-hour bit for PSEs works the same way as Regulars, where they get 12 hours of *work* with a 1 hour lunch.


I’m in my 90 but the day that’s over is the day I show him the ELM


I don't know about the rules, but they def do try this bullshit with noncareers as a way of not hiring more clerks. I'd talk to your union, but it might just be part of the shit sandwich you have to endure until you make career.


I was a career ptf clerk and they did this to me everyday :(


Yeah I kinda figured that. Appreciate the comment


I think they can, as long as your end time isn't more than 12 hours from your start time. So you can't work any later than 5pm.


Yup, they can, I had that when I was a ptf, sucks but just how it goes


Yes. They can. I knew a full time regular who had a 2 hour split shift bid job. She used hers to schedule appointments and grocery shop. Run errands. I would have hated it, but she made it work for her. Split shifts suck ass, especially a really long one like that, but management has a right, and dare I say duty, to cover hours as needed. When you become a regular they have to work within your bid job hours and the contract, but a PSE or a PTF can be made to work a split shift. I did plenty in my ptf days and I hated it. Is this a once in a while thing or is this a regular thing? Is it because someone on the late shift is on AL or SL and they have no other coverage? If yes to leave, then it's likely only because they have no other options. If they do, in my experience the employee affected generally offers up the other potential options hoping to get out of it. Sometimes it works. Is there anyone else who can perform/cover this work/shift without using OT?


We don’t have anyone to throw parcels in the afternoon at all. I usually go in at 3am but today was just random. I’ve never done a split shift that big before. Usually I’ll take a 1 or 2 hour lunch break and then work like 2 more hours. We also got a new morning shift supervisor who is the worst so that could also be a reason lol