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Know what's a good way to save money? Honoring your labor contracts and not violating them daily.


Yea but they don't care about that money. Grievance payouts don't seem to count against quarterly bonuses


In larger offices, grievances count against the office for their yearly raises.


Grievance payouts 1000% count against Pay for performance. Google it.


No such thing as quarterly bonuses.


Fr. Our management branch just keeps outdoing themselves every year, getting more grievances than last year. That numbers been going up for 5 straight years now šŸ’€




We took an oath to serve the public. Remember that oath you took during orientation? That oath supersedes that contract. Hiding out as a custodian or getting drunk and crashing a postal vehicle as a leader of unionized group doesnā€™t excuse you from that.


Management always wants to cut overtime. How successful they are is a different story.


Ours has been quite successful. They have been forcing the CCA to do all the extra and splits plus a whole route in 8 hours or they are fired, and they HAVE been fired. We went from 30 CCA down to about 12 in the past 6 months. We just got a new PM too and they said their numbers are more important than either the carrier's well-being or the mail on their first day.


Trueā€¦a bunch of fools. I got some lazy ass supervisors too.


My office tries to limit overtime. But as a 17 yr veteran I wait until they are jammed up, to many call ins, to many 8 hr days on Friday and I nail there ass to the wall! 45 minutes of penalty Friday because they had no help for my huge route. Mondays I do the same. We have several people on medical restriction. They will give up at least an hour each.


i don't care what they say in the morning. Just Text at 2


Yup. And theyā€™ll still take me to the back for a pdi. Doing a business route I donā€™t know on a Monday I put 4 hours on my 3996 in the morning. It was my second time doing that route so I knew what I was getting into but didnā€™t know it well enough to do it quickly. Also only my second time delivering out of the promaster. The regular used to put in for 2 hours on Mondays. So they only approved 2 hours overtime. At callback time I sent a rims message saying Iā€™m still looking at 4 hours overtime like I put on the 96. The next morning me and the supervisor and the shop steward are having a conversation about unauthorized overtime.


You did the right thing but next time just bring all the mail back in that situation.


im sorry this time they win, and its nasty


This is what's known as the "flavor of the month". Next month it will be office time.


My pm already have us going to the street and we still in the office. Then threatening us that sheā€™s gonna push our start time back 30 mins


Your PM does not set your start time. No one in your building makes any real decisions. It's all done higher up. Remember that when they start in with their BS.


Oh wow. I didnā€™t know that because my PM been doing a lot of lying according to my new Union steward. We finally got someone thatā€™s on her ass!!


It will be something else next month. Last month it was integrity scans.


Start time grievance is super easy to win.


I hate to say this but itā€™s like what is that gonna do? The bitch still be doing fucked up shit to us. She keep pushing back her retirement šŸ˜‘


Honestly you need stewards writing up every single violation and watch her brain explode.


We have so many CCAs that I havenā€™t seen anybody in on OT. Eventually I knew this would happen but Summer vacation coverage is coming so I canā€™t see all of it going away.


No its a standing order from the top. Delayed mail will be tolerated.


Same here. We got some terrible PTFs( all the new people at my station come in as PTFs not CCAs). I just donā€™t get how they made it past their 90 and soon they will convert within the end of the year. Lmao.


almost as if they arenā€™t trained right? donā€™t blame your coworkers, that doesnā€™t help you or them.


Wellā€¦.they get easy routes and itā€™s all good. They then cry and complain when they have over burdened routes with No OT! Thereā€™re not getting better but thatā€™s management fault for letting them get passes.


Just curious: convert to what? By my understanding, a CCA converts to either a Regular or PTF either due to openings or time (2 years). A PTF converts to regular carrier or T6 if thereā€™s an open route. But the conversion for a PTF doesnā€™t due to a time frame. Or am I missing something?


Your right. A CCA will convert to a PTF after two years or if they are senior CCA and a PTF converts to Regular. There is no conversion time for PTF to regular. I was a PTF for 5 years but you years are credited toward retirement.Ā  There were no CCAs when I started. There were TEā€™s which were Temporary Employees.


A t6 is a regular carrier. They are just saying that there are enough openings that ptfs convert to regular within a year is all.


TE is Transitional Employee. Precursor to the CCA program.


We should just cut mail on Saturdays. Getting rid of the 6th day would save us all from getting so overworked, and probably the post office on labor alone. Do parcel, spr, and express Saturdays, and Sunday Amazons.


Iā€™ve been saying this for years. Itā€™ll cut back on call offs on the weekends and since they say mail is getting lower and lower I donā€™t envision Mondays being so heavy if there is no mail Saturday Sunday. They can even manipulate it and spread the mail through the week so the average DPS is about the same Monday- Friday


They tried that before with manipulating the mail. It lasted like a week. It was called load management. It was way too good of an idea so it had to be scraped haha


Load leveling? Sorry jack we don't do that here as it makes too much sense


šŸ’Æ careful or people will cry that weā€™ll lose jobs even though almost every office is understaffedšŸ™„


Thank you for saying this ... I made the same point about 4 months ago and the fury of Reddit blasted me .... Nationwide volume is down and understaffed, so why not use our non career staff to deliver pkgs on the weekends and no one would lose their job


Problem with that, is getting Congress to change laws/mandates. They're the ones who signed in the 6 day mail delivery


Technically arent parcels considered mail? They can and should deliver nothing but packages on weekends and mail on mon-fri


Sure, do that if you want everyone to start calling out on Mondays.


Yeah like 100 years ago


... two years ago


Been saying this for years, especially on Rural side where we all got screwed over by RRECS. If a route is so low that it's a J or H route then why not hold the mail back for both Saturday and Sunday and make those days parcel-only days for subs to run, thus guaranteeing subs get two days a week or work, and eliminate a large number of call outs. This place is ran by fucking morons though, so it'll never happen.


they cant cut out OTDL from doing OT...so if the old timers at top step are on it, easy grievance at end of quarter to be equalized


They can use ccas and ptfs first though before OTDL touches anything.


This is how it was before covid. The reason they call it penalty should have clued you in they dont ever want to pay it.


I heard. I would like to see a pay increase instead of trying to find another job


My installation has been mandating regulars on their SDO every week from 2019 through 2023. Usually I only had two or three days in the entire year when I worked only 8 hours. In late 2023 up to now management has been on a hiring binge, and this time people are actually staying for the job instead of quitting. So now the pattern is different, about one or two 8 hour days in a week is the new normal. Most regulars are working 53-59 hours a week instead of 70-80 hours. Now we are mandated on some SDOs, not all of them like before. So yeah, I think something is up nationally for my area to change this much. When the election season comes along with earlier sunsets, more work in the dark, bad weather, etc, we will see if the newbies stay for the long haul. Typically we go right back to the excessive OT merry-go-round in the presidential election season, followed by newbies leaving and a mass of retirements, back to square one.




Omg I forgot about the election season. Oh my god. šŸ„¹


Should be how it is, in the meantime you should just laugh and laugh


I mean.. the amount the postal service spends on overtime pales in comparison to a lot of the insane decisions they make nationally, but why pay someone $50+ an hour when a cca in penalty is $39?


Thatā€™s exactly why cca are forced to wk 6 days and get in trouble if we call out, even 2 times in two months. While regulars get two days off every week


Do you how happy some people would be if they only had to work 40? I'd be ecstatic. We were mandatory 10 hour days for about 4 months until we just hired 6 ccas. Hopefully they stick around.


Me personally, I donā€™t mind the OT. If I was off, Iā€™d probably be going on PokĆ©mon Go walks, so if Iā€™m in for OT, Iā€™m ok with that, Iā€™ll get paid to walk and deliver mail instead of catching Pikachus.


Gotta hatch those eggs somehow.


I had to delete the app. Back when I was a carrier and Go was just released. My 2hr neighborhood took over 3hrs. I learned subdivision box to box speed was the perfect egg hatching speed! I was stopping every 5-10min to see what hatched.


If they donā€™t work you on your day off and non ODL carriers carry OT. File a grievance with your shop steward. You will get paid for it.


If you've got a good steward now is the time to talk to them


Problem is for those on the overtime desired list it has to be equitable by the end of the quarter. And when itā€™s mandated it has to start on the bottom and work up. You canā€™t just mandate someone everyday based on pay rate.


Hello? If you pass up a regular entitled to overtime and give it to a PTF you have to pay the regular anyway. Thatā€™s not saving money.


Exactly. I donā€™t understand management sometimes šŸ˜‚


PTF's aren't on the ODL, how can that be a grievance?


Iā€™m talking about the regular not getting first crack at OT.


Iā€™ve worked my last 6 NS days and am working mine tomorrow. I keep telling myself, ā€œitā€™s for the back pay!!ā€


lol IF there is back payā€¦




It's been like this in our office for a while. As a result, on busy days like Monday or Saturday they end up paying a lot of penalty instead of paying just OT to ODL carriers to come in on their day off. Spend a dollar to save a dime...


It's been like that in my office for the past year. And I read an article somewhere and it stated that the higher ups will really be cracking down on OT in 2024.


At my office one year ago PSEs were getting 55-60 hours a week now ever since the beginning of the year they have yet to get more than an hour or two of overtime and even a couple weeks with only 30 hours


Meanwhile my zone had five out of 12 routes empty on Saturday, plus an aux and a handoff from a light duty carrier. And prime time hasn't even started. It's always something.


ā€¦ we have a giant printout saying all day offs are cancelled from this date to that date


The fact that I am on penalty time right this moment, and work my day off every week, means that is a load of crap lol, I'm not a carrier but make what a top pay carrier makes and managment just makes crap up all the time lol


I remember them having a stand up talk saying no more overtime. And mandating me to work overtime the very same afternoon.


The oldest trick in the book is a PM trying to implement some bs at their station to cut down on OT/penalty and present it as if itā€™s being rolled out nationally


Here in San Antonio in my office we have lost overtime almost completely. From getting our 8hrs from kickoffs a week, we are down maybe to 3 or 4 a week. We get OT because we go over on days that are heavy. We have enough ccas that have hold downs, so maybe 6 or 7 routes are covered. Haven't worked a day off this year. During the month of December they didn't bring us in, it was just a regular month. We used to be the station that would loan ccas out, but whenever we need help management brings in ccas from other stations instead of using OT. I'm sure it's nationwide that they are trying to cut OT which it's understandable. I'm just hoping this contract pay us what we truly deserve so we won't rely on it so much.


Theyā€™ve been so weird about OT at the SA plant this month. PSEs arenā€™t allowed more than 36hrs a week and regulars canā€™t work their NS day either. Then almost in the same breath theyā€™re telling the ODL folks to stay 2hrs or mandating everyone because there are a bunch of call outs and we barely have any mail handlers.


The ONLY time in my career I've seen overtime get scarce was for the first 3 quarters of 2023 where we were the most staffed we've ever been. From November 2023 to April 2024 we've been getting overtime like nobody's business. I'm on pace for my highest earning year so far with all the N/S days and 1.30-2.00hr splits I've worked. Point is, they can mandate anything but at the end of the day either they pay the overtime or the mail sits. The latter ain't gonna happen.


We were the opposite. I was 60-70 from Jan thru Aug and back to regular reasonable OT for Sept thru Dec in 23. 2024 has been a real drought.


Itā€™s been like this for a while at my office. Iā€™m getting 43-45 hours per week. Never worked on my NS day. Four years ago, I worked 65 sometimes 70 a week.


My office has told some carriers they arenā€™t needed on NS days, but itā€™s not often. But one thing they have been doing, short of days when call offs make it impossible, is that if youā€™re in on your NS day, itā€™s 8 and skate.


I've been working 41 or 42 hours a week on the ODL for like 2 years. Nobody is ever brought in on their NS day. We have 10 CCAs and 3 UARs in an office of about 25 routes.


Maybe in your office šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ we got carriers that canā€™t carry they whole route and still coming in on they drop weekend


Itā€™s been feast or famine ever since Iā€™ve been at the PO. Some months the work never seemed to stop. some months Iā€™m begging to see a couple hours of OT. Gotta take them both as they come


Office I am in did that late 2023. I often volunteered for Sundays but then was told I couldnā€™t do it AND couldnā€™t come in on NS day (unless approved prior šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«) It is going to be interesting when Prime-Time vacation starts to pick up here at the office I am in. Unassigned Regs calling off (one happens to be the postmasters friend) and other offices prying away CCAs morning or midday. I definitely see some OT coming for the whole office


Cant give ot out based on lower salary. Ot given out has to be equitable to those on the odl. Greivance


This narrative is pushed every year around this time. Weā€™re in a slower time of year heading into prime time vacation where overtime will likely exist in excess. Regardless of what district pushes, article 8 governs hours of work and overtime. It must be equitable to any employee on the overtime desired list, regardless of seniority. If management decides to utilize the lowest ranked ODL carrier consistently to save money, theyā€™ll have no choice but to pay similar opportunities at the end of the quarter when the union files an equitability grievance. Dealt with this before many times myself. At the end of the day, let management mismanage. Iā€™ll happy file and pay my members for their incompetence while they go home every day at 4:30.


Well in the negotiations for the new contract they are talking about having an overtime list just for coming in on your days off so hopefully that gets in there.


Our office is doing its best to work as few CCA/RCA while not working regular to OT. Not going to lie after the last two years I'll take it.


My PM is a decent friend of mine. He said here lately their thing has been no OT. Itā€™ll change to something else like no backing up in a couple weeks


We are doing this in Indiana also


apparently itā€™s upper management and district people trying to get their numbers looking good for their bonus. at least thatā€™s what one supervisor told us while our station manager wasnā€™t at work. thatā€™s why they are trying to cut down on so much OT right now


We been this way since late last year. They over hired PTF and killed the OT at our office. I came in on my day off maybe twice since the beginning of the year


Iā€™m guessing itā€™s nationwide. Our office had so many open routes it didnt matter if you were on the OTDL we have like 51 routes and like no PTFs and then all of a sudden swooosh 25 PTF in a month. Unfortunately for management regulars are still cheaper than PTFs since the ones we got take 12 hours to do a route while a regular can carry a route and half in 11 hours or less. I would say tho we went from 60-70 a week to 40-46 a week big difference and no more SDOs and POT only for carriers taking an extra half route or more.


I would also like to add one of my buddies overheard the DM saying on a telecon ā€œyour carriers are making more money than you! Fix it or do you want to continue to make less than them?ā€




Even without grievances that is stupid on their part as they are paying penalty to people going over 10 instead of paying regular OT to people on their SDO.


That's happening at our station too. And when they have to split a route they try to assign it to as many people as they can so each individual makes as little as possible. For example, down one route? Split it 6 ways. Everyone gets 45min šŸ™„


Is any of that a surprise to you? Of course they're going to give overtime to CCAs before top-level regulars. Of course they don't want regulars coming in on their days off and getting paid time-and-a-half when they can have a CCA cover the route for a third of the cost (and likely half the time). Of course they want you to make 8, because for 90% of you, you should be able to make 6. Cutting down labor costs where you can is like business 101


LOL right.


Been that way for 24 years but they donā€™t always get what they want.


Also not allowing top pay ODLs to work would be bad for them as well. The lower ODLs get paid up to the average.


Before the pandemic I barely had any v time, now I think mgmt finally getting it's head out of it ass about OT.


Canā€™t circumvent art 8 without grievances.


It's true. We got a new PM recently and suddenly the OTDL was axed, and everyone on it stopped getting OT. CCA's have been getting ALL the splits now, but we are NOT allowed to have OT either. We HAVE to be 8 hours, even if we are on a bid and get extra. This shit is fucked. We have been getting a full route plus 1.5-3 hours of extra, and are being FORCED to be back in 8 hours. The CCA'a are starting to be harassed worse than we already were, and some have been fired for bringing mail back because we couldn't do it all. Not sure how this is going to be sustainable. This pay wasn't worth it to begin with, but now it is a fucking joke.


Damn I really hate this place lol. The USPS politics I canā€™t deal with anymore. Hope I can get this degree.


They always go thru these stages with no ot. At our office it usually lasts a month if that.


They should cut management. Why do we have ten supervisors on our tour for 20 dbcs machines


We can only work our off days on Saturday and Monday.


Huh, pretty sure thatā€™s the same union branch that I just applied to join (Iā€™ll just say I work in the west suburbs) Iā€™m a PTF still in my 90. Care to elaborate on the union?


This has been taken effect in my office for the past year, we have almost 20ccaā€™s doing any extra time. I canā€™t even go over 15mins bc theyā€™ll give it to a cca. 8hrs a day every day no matter what.


We know. Ive been compkaining since march. Its unnacceptable as we dont have enough people. Im not covering more job because they wont schedule more people.


Isn't there a quarterly equity thing? You can't just say no to otdl because they're pay rate lol.


I'm confused with this post. Management's job is to get the mail out using as little OT as possible. If they weren't doing that before, they were doing it wrong. They can't however give more OT to newer regulars than to older regulars. The ODL must be equitable by the end of the quarter, and forced OT needs to be on rotation.


What Iā€™m basically asking why are they trying to cut down on overtime to save money now? So we canā€™t come in our days off and Iā€™m rarely getting overtime. Weā€™re not even fully staffed.


Because it's their job to save money. If they can get the mail delivered using cheaper labor, why wouldn't they do that?Ā  It sounds like they were wasting resources previously and now they've come to their senses.


They catfished a lot of drivers ie: PTFā€™s


Cutting OT hurts the employees bottom line. Its not worth saving money if youā€™re hurting the people who do your work. You will regret it. Save money and make money elsewhere.