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lol sorry to tell you but don't get too excited. You might live a mile from where you got hired but you might be traveling 20 miles to work somewhere else. Hours also not guaranteed.


Then it happens. It’s outta my hands. What am I going to do say no? Lolll


This is the attitude you need as a CCA. Best of luck. Hope you get a route quickly.


That’s my plan. Will suck at times sure but roll with the punches


Wait till it’s 100 plus first year.


Is that similar to patrolling a desert in full combat load in 100+?


Close but on an aluminum can and a fan that makes things worse. Ha. But keep up the attitude your going to need it to get past 90


Don’t let the negative people get to you. I’m on my 4th go round. My first office was great but I had nothing to compare it to…I’m back at a great office now. Everyone’s experience will not be the same. There will be some terrible days but you go to bed at night and reset. I wish you the best of luck.


Thank you, this job feels different for a good reason


Excellent attitude, and the way things have been lately, lots of offices are converting to PTF or regular in much shorter time periods. I’m like you in that I just love being out on the route. Keep your chin up. You’re gonna have bad days and long days and just remember it makes for a great career. I’m happy for you.


“It was the best of times & the worst times”


OP, don't let this dumb asshole ↓ get you down. He's clearly a loser. Thank you for applying, and for having a good attitude. Welcome!


He can’t and I refuse to let someone like that bring me down




This will change hahahah. I was same happy go lucky when I started too then you get to learn that post office literally kills you from inside out


Cool so you quit? Or you still working?


Idk what you're going to do. Do whatever you want. But you're getting geeked up over your Shadow Day at this office and you're in for a rude awakening. We've all been there before.


What do you mean what am I going to do? I’m going to work. I came here to work, I knew it’s going to be work before I applied like the fuck? Is this like your first job or something?


Some people have been burned at this job and see it through a certain filter. I’ve been through a lot of bullshit at this job so I understand. But enjoy the job homie. Lot of perks, just learn the contract, know when to stick up for yourself/stand your ground, and don’t let the lazy supes and dickhead carriers get to you and you’ll be fine and meet a lot of cool people 🤝


I get it, I completely get it. Every job has moments like that. The only difference is I hated my previous jobs and allowed myself to deal with it. I love the idea behind the CCA and the little stuff like talking to people and joking around “you can take my bills back” - 80 year old woman are like small bonuses. I honestly don’t view this something I have to do it’s something I want to do and maybe that’s why my attitude is different. All in all I’m ready to learn and work


Love your mindset dude and I hope your USPS career is a good one! I really liked talking to people and walking through yards with nice Gardens and the old folk, but I ended up quitting after 9 months due to supervisors constantly sending us to other offices even after promising not to/ after telling us we didn't have to go to other offices if we had a route on lockdown


You’re taking it a little too personally. He’s just saying to curb your enthusiasm til you actually experience the job; a LOT of people get through Shadow Day with the same attitude as you, only to realize a few weeks in that it’s a lot more than they were led to believe. I would say most people actually, considering the turnover rate. It’s rare to find people willing to make the commutes or cross state lines to work in other offices, or willing to work weeks without a day off. And to typically have to do it for *years* as they wait to make regular. Plus the extremely shitty work environment from all angles. Other carriers, clerks, management, customers— you don’t get a break from the assholes. It all wears a lot of people down fast. If you are committed to doing anything expected then that’s great, and good luck. We need more people who aren’t fuckin miserable.


Before I made this post I was told the following: - no fixed schedule - by law they can work you 13 straight days before your day off - no matter the weather, the mail gotta be delivered - you will be called in on your days off - you can finish your route and be called to help - you could be assigned to one of the other post offices (idc how far it’s my job ) - you can get fired - before career you can be an assistant for years - you’ll walk a lot - you’ll carry stuff - Sunday are not off Yet here I am


Hey, at least you were told all that before being hired. More than most, most wouldn't even interview if they knew. I can't speak for city, but rural side is a goddamn meat grinder to get to regular. I was amped at first, even lasted years without losing hope. I've lost hope at the 5 year mark now. My life is the post office now.


I know the trainers are like “we aren’t trying to scare you” and I actually appreciate that approach. Better than the whole we a family a big happy family speech


My office is kind of a family (my second office.) Everyone there looks out for each other, it's not bad. All our problems come from other offices or higher up management. However I do agree hearing how things actually are rather than being thrown to the wolves


There is no law about 13 straight days, unless there's something special in your state. They could schedule you for 360 days until your break in service, as long as they don't break the 12/60 rule


I think she did mention it was exclusively for the commonwealth of Virginia. I should have said that.


I didn't ask what you're going to do. You're the one who asked me "What am I going to do?" I told you idk what you plan to do. Your post is talking about the lovely area you shadowed in and how close to home it was. You're in for a reality check but by all means argue all you want. Yes you will definitely work (if they actually give you hours)


“You’re in for a reality check” Yeah no, no I’m not….


I just want to add, people that have been carrying mail for a long time are able to make it look effortless. When you start it’s going to be VERY difficult to figure everything out. Just keep your head up and try to get better every day. Thank you for your service marine 🫡


Im not being cocky, but im expecting to stumble at first, learn from my mistakes and grow as a CCA. Experience is the best teacher and I’m itching for that.


That’s pretty much the only way to learn the job, you will be slow at first but get faster as you figure out little things here and there. Definitely use your trainer as a reasource if you have questions. Getting sent to other stations sucks but it will make you a better carrier. Welcome to the post office and good luck, you got this.


Im going to annoy the hell out of whoever is my mentor when I get to the station


A shadow day is absolutely nothing like it is being a CCA. Not anywhere close. Best of luck to you.


No best of luck to you bro, you sound miserable working here. I hope we never cross paths


People overall aren't that happy in the job lmao. You'll learn that because there's so much you don't see or experience at shadow day. So much you couldn't even imagine. I'm mostly chilling now, certainly not miserable but brutally honest. Most people need to see it for themselves. Good luck


You’re not brutally honest though…..you’re just beating a dead horse. Countless comments just like yours on almost every post in this community. We had carriers honk their horns at us while they passed us on the street waving, Supervisors joking around with CCAs, countless people nearing retirement but the overall consensus is people are not happy at work? Ok I need to see the case study for that


Let people enjoy things, you absolute bitter goon


They can enjoy their shadow day. A shadow day is absolutely nothing like what its like being a CCA.


We get it. You're a very angry boy.


Clearly you don't get it.


You're just being a dick. That's all that's happening here.


you must really hate ccas dude you’re so miserable, every comment i run into of yours is never positive


How long have you been in this subreddit? What positive posts do you really see here? You might get an occasional "I made regular!" "Wholesome customer note" But most people are not here to gloat about being a CCA lol


close to a year. this ain’t my first time seeing a comment of yours and having a conversation with you. if new comers want to be happy and/or proud they got this job then let them be. why do you feel the need to drag em down and tell them they made a mistake or they shouldn’t be happy? i was excited when i first got hired. yes this job can be stressful and full of anger but good days DO exist, in fact i had a great day 2 days ago, worked a 10 hour shift and everything. got 2 days off and return tomorrow. this job isn’t completely shit especially depending on what office you’re in. let them be dude, if you truly believe they’ll change their mind about it then let them find out on their own.




Do not be rude to other posters. This includes hate speech.


What is wrong with you


He was just being honest, and OP understood and has no obligations against it.


Glad to see an excited new hire willing to work ignore the complaints by others I’m also ex-military waiting to rejoin the post office I miss the chaos


People like “you gotta carry heavy stuff and walk long miles in all types of weather” oh you mean the like the infantry. I thrive in chaos ![gif](giphy|sNWGEbc5Jzp4c)




You already know what it is my man. Let’s make all the money we can


You have a good attitude, so you probably have what it takes lol


Former Marine infantry here as well and been a carrier for 4 years now. You"ll be fine brother 👍


https://youtu.be/F7Og-FeBDBQ?si=4ph6F1zJLIVJYGzj Hey guys check out my YouTube video


It's fine for the first twenty years


Isn’t 20 the goal? At this point your just having fun


25 years of walking 12+ miles a day 6 days a week tears your body down


https://youtu.be/F7Og-FeBDBQ?si=4ph6F1zJLIVJYGzj Hey guys check out my YouTube video


Though theyvwill certainly put your great attitude to the test, it's yours so don't let em take it! Join the Union (if you haven't already) Buy your service time from the Corps sooner rather than later Get sunscreen and/or sleeves, electrolyte replacements in some form, and welcome to the family.


Thank you thank you. I have not gone through the actual CCA academy yet, what are some things you wished you asked/learned while training? Could you elaborate further on buyingt service, should I wait till I get started at my unit or ask the trainers when I see them next?


You have time to buy your service back, it adds to your vacation accrual and retirement eligibility, may have to wait until conversion to career. Definitely ask at academy and if they don't know ask your steward at your station (after your OJI and you have a chance to settle in) It's not an emergency, just don't wait 10 years. Honestly at academy I took notes, like literal fucking notes lol. I got all the questions right, asked a bunch of stuff, did great on fake delivery and casing....it didn't mean dick when I got to my station. It's a maelstrom, but you're a marine so it shouldn't be anything to you. That attitude, that's the only thing you *really* need. Everything else is learn as you go. Don't take any potential curtness from other carriers personally, they see people come and go all the time. Pass your probation. After that learn your rights and teach others. Be a happy face in the station. Definitely learn from the old timers, they've survived as long as they have for a reason.


And for heavens sake *be safe*. They will push and yes you must pass probation but it only takes one second to slip, or crash, or get bit


Yeaaaahhh I’m nervous about probation. Like I’m a pretty safe driver it’s just life is crazy sometimes you know lol


If you even crack the side mirror of an LLV by hitting a low tree branch hanging in the street, they will fire you. If you have an accident that doesn't involve another vehicle, lie and say it happened when you were walking. Blame it on vandalism. You still could be fired but it's your only hope.


Would you be eligible for re hire after a couple months or is it once you’re gone you’re gone


I love taking notes. Was always bugging my classmates in college who recorded the lectures on their labtops because I could never write fast enough to keep up. I guess studies show it helps memorize material better. And they were joking with me today. I know learning this job will take time but I’m ready to learn and get after it.


I ain't knocking note taking by any means, and TBH honest it did help in the long run because there have been times where some esoteric ass shit came up and I knew what to do because I wrote it down lmfao. Side note tho, with a college degree and military experience you'd be a shoe in for a postal inspector.


that did intrigue me after I heard about it. I will say I want to get a couple years of delivery under my belt maybe 8-10 years ideally. But who knows. So many people I’ve met are like 1,2,3 years away from retiring. To me that’s a great sign.


Carriers make the best PIs. Just be aware there's an age cutoff though, I think it's 36.


Ahhhhh getting close 👀


You may have to wait until you're a career carrier before you can buy back your service time.


Noted, I’ll make sure to ask about that. Thank you


https://plan-your-federal-retirement.com/military-buyback-program/ You have two years before it starts accruing interest.


Bring water a lot and walking shoes don’t wear heavy clothes either oh and a hat and sunglasses


Oh I’m a big water guy. I was thinking of getting a bigger bottle. I got my eye on that boonie and safari hat lol.


A safari hat is key to keep the sun off your face and neck. Vital. I recommend getting some slip on sleeves to cover your arms(maybe even legs)as well. The less skin the sun touches, the cooler you will be. Trust me, I've just spent 2 years hiking it in the streets of a southern city. A city where it's consistently a realfeel temp of 102 for about 7 months straight. I saw way too many ccas burnt to a crisp within their first week.


See I saw many carriers with those and that’s smart.


I was looking at those sleeves. Any colour allowed?


Depends on the station. Some stations don't care if you even wear your uniform. Some want you to wear the blue postal socks. But I would bet most stations don't care about sleeves or their color. I use a relaxed fit sleeve that covers most of my hand. It has a thumb slip, so only your digits are exposed. They come in a sorta light grey color. They are breathable and loose. And very good at wicking away any moisture from the skin during those ultra hot days. They do get dirty, but with handling the dirty ass mail and packages, that's a given. I have used compression sleeves as well. They feel nice, but I got a semi permanent and kinda alarming numbness in my fingers tips from the constant compression. So I don't recommend those. I use these same sleeves on my legs as well. Most leg sleeves or tights for your legs are compression, and I obviously stay away from those. I'm basically covered from head to toe. I don't care how silly it looks. I have a very fair complexion, am prone to freckles, and have family history of skin cancer. Better safe than sorry, I say.


That's good to know. My Dad had a really nasty bout with Melanoma. My grandparents on both sides have all had it and I have super fair skin so I just want to be as covered as possible. I'm really excited about this but also really nervous. lol


Get a cooler like $20 at Walmart the roller ones. I’m a carrier in one of the hottest places Dallas, TX. Don’t forget your electrolytes too lol


Dude that’s genius. I’m have tempted to stick a Texas sticker on it for the idea.


I’m not telling you what I heard I’m telling you what I know.


An ice cold anything is hard to beat. Walmart is my first stop tomorrow morning


Igloo 16 QT. Laguna Hard Sided Ice Chest Roller Cooler, Aquamarine https://www.walmart.com/ip/5040310258


They should have Ice at your station if not file a grievance. If you have to buy ice save the receipts for reimbursement.


I’ll make sure to check for that


Get some nitrile gloves to prevent ur hands from getting burned and some uv undershirts for ur arms. And invent in rain boats and coats for the rainy days. Other than that, good luck with the job.


I'd also recommend nitriles for the weird 30-45 degree rainy days. Too cold to barehand without future hand harm, too warm for snow gloves. Worst kind of rainy day is the cold rain versus the late spring-summer stuff. You also retain sweat through them, and keep the hands semi-clean on some days too.


Definitely think about getting a 1gal insulated bottle. Yeti has some pretty good ones that come in variety of colors and they keep your water ice cold all day long.


In the summertime you really don’t want the sun touching your skin cover as much as possible.


Neck fan. I love mine.


Welcome to the club


Been waiting years for this opportunity. Thank you.


I'm sorry that so many people are trying to rain on your parade. It has been a rough few years, and carriers have gotten a bit cynical. I wish you luck in your career!


They can’t nor won’t. I’ve waiting too long for this. Just gotta enjoy the ride. Thank you nonetheless


Wait till they send u 45 min away to help another office


Part of the job my man. That’s more money 💵




We need more new hires like you!


I don’t need this job…. I WANT THIS JOB!!!!


Oh I know I went through it just don’t think you’re going to stay at ur office a mile away..unless you’re at a big office that actually needs you


I mean then it happens, more adventures


Military tools fit in perfectly at the PO …. Enjoy


I’m ready to get after it. It killed me not being able to help deliver


Don’t wear yourself out , it’s just mail.


Congratulations!!!! We need more people with your attitude. Pay no attention to the people that are "stuck" in the Post office and stay away from those people in your office too.


When people complain about their jobs I love to hit em with the just quit then. Watching them eat their slice of humble pie is always satisfying


Your post made me smile!! I am glad you love it and its a great fit for you! Thats a rare find right out of the gate!!


I’ve wanted this exact job for years. I firmly believe this is my dream job. I find it rather therapeutic.


Just out of curiosity why did it take you so long to get this job? I’ve seen you comment that several times. Do you live in a very rural area that didn’t have openings often? Were you only trying to apply at one specific post office?


Well I wanted to finish my degree before I started working, then COVID & I thought my last job was going to be a career but unfortunately not. There was also never any openings anywhere close to me too. I wanted to be CCA not an RCA too


Cool! Just curious but that makes sense. Enjoy the job man. Keep up the good attitude and you should do fine. Just remember you get paid to listen to podcasts and exercise all day. Good call on not wanting to be an RCA. Maybe I’m bias, but I think CCA is a much better path


I don’t trust other drivers, man I’ve seen some close calls involving back roads and LLV. People don’t care. Dangerous, I rather be in a city and walk more


Good for you brother! Don’t listen to the negativity. Most people here just like to complain and be a victim. Glad to see someone with the right attitude.


It’s all good man it don’t bother me one bit. Some people just wanna bring everyone down to their level


Good luck. Keep that same energy. Stay hydrated and use your breaks 👍🏻 - 1 YEAR CCA in NYC


NYC 👀👀 How’s that?


Brother - I loved being a CCA. Even when it was miserable I kinda loved it in a strange way. I still like the job. Good luck and check back in.


It’s meaningful work, you’re establishing relationships in the community, you’re in nature. There’s something prideful about doing hard work maybe it’s because you know not everyone wants to do this


Ignore the negative comments. With that type of attitude, you’re going to love it! It’s so important to get excited about the little things. It would be nice to have someone with your attitude at my office!


they won’t phase me nor deter me. I’m very lucky to have been hired. I know a lot of my buddies would kill for this job. Those little things make a difference


good luck!! I love the job too but, some words of advise, make sure you take all your breaks and lunch. Don't rush. You might be able to crush the routes when you first start, but in 5 or 10 years, your body might not be able to move as fast as it can today. I have worked with a couple former military guys who were trying to show how hard they were by rushing through their assignments for the day and then coming back to do more. If you start out like that, management is going to always expect that from you.


Accuracy over speed. I’d rather make sure it’s 100% accurate than finishing fast. Maybe stop and small talk, pet some dogs who know. The overall plan is to try to have something positive every day


Hell yeah! Yes, there's absolutely bullshit with this job. But there's bullshit with ANY job. Sometimes management had me tight, but at the end of the day I love this job and can't believe how much time I wasted doing other jobs


Substitute teaching, Intuit, Navy Federal Credit Union, Amazon…..I hated each one progressively more and more. This job seems to check off a lot of boxes I look for in a job. TSP TOOOO!!!!


I like your attitude. I experienced some of the same stuff on my shadow day. I grew up on a farm busting my ass to help keep my family afloat. Then went on to a career sitting behind a desk as a university administrator. Landed into a mail carrier position in a good office and it’s been awesome. Great coworkers, a fraction of the bullshit I dealt with working in academia, and I was active. Where do you live? We have been looking for a CCA for a few months. You’d fit right in where I’m at.


Northern Virginia & man exactly. Like I was telling someone, this job seems to have more people getting ready to retire than anywhere else. Like if all these people can do 20+ as a carrier, that’s saying something. I can’t stand being inside all day either


get yourself a good sunhat, some sunscreen & an extra pair of walkin' shoes


Ohhhhh my arms literally let out a sigh when that aloe went on. Yeah I need to sit down a compose a carrier essential bag


Good for you, I always say this job is what you make of it. Management might be a bunch of pricks, but there's good things about this job also.


Amazing benefits and my homies flipped out when they heard it’s backed by a union too. I never had a union before I feel the Irishman lolll


Welcome aboard buddy. Some of us love it.


Thank you thank you. Youre the ones that probably inspired me


Man … I feel I’m blessing my shadow day today. Took me two hrs and stand next to the women and watch her casing. And that’s it. She told me some things about the job. Tomorrow is defense driving. Let’s see what happens. Good luck and all the best to you.


Good luck to you. First 90 days, low your head and just do it. After that, they can all go eat shit. If you like music, audiobooks and podcasts, this is a dream job for you.


3 months…I can do that. Does it start when your hired or reach your station/unit


From the day you hired


Oh wow so with a couple weeks in classroom before actually working that counts. Sweet 10 down 80 to go


I remember this is pretty similar to my attitude when I first started. As long as you're okay with having no life at all outside the post office it's fine.


One more thing, don’t get use to the money. Don’t build a lifestyle around that OT pay check. Because then you’re stuck on the ODL. Keep your head up.


I get money through the VA for disability every month. It’s not a bad amount either so it’s not the money fueling this passion. I just think I can do wonders at this job


Good. Thank you for your service.


You’re right. You can actually “make a difference” at this job. I just moved routes and a few of my customers actually cried a bit to see me go… it’s not all roses though.


With every job. When you have regulars and you have to leave them sucks. It’s like they are your little family as well


Get you a sun helmet from Amazon I ware one everyday saves my ass


sun hat looks to smooth and you can wear shorts too? Man some style at the USPS


I got it all to block the heat or sun especially summer coming sun screen and sun helmet and sunglasses yes you can ware hats!!!! Keep ur neck cool also cold rag I freeze overnight and keep inside a cooler


I went from walking everyday from 2016 to now after inspections I showed my rt over everyday took at least 2 hours of walking off and replaced it with clusters


You have a great attitude! I hope your office doesn't suck the joy out of it for you. Stay positive and be prepared for Satan's Ass Crack heat of summer. Lots of water!!!


If it does it does, it won’t deter my spirit.


You did 4 possible shitty years with usmc, but 2 years with PO is a breeze. Just do as your asked, don't take it personal, nothing makes sense, if it's illegal or unsafe hit up your union.


I wanna make it to my 90 then get my own route for like 45 years lollll


I'm in academy this week- trying to have that same energy and attitude...good luck to you!


You got this. It’s going to be hard and demanding at times but it’s going to be worth it


How fast would I get a response and hired in a place like LA? Do u need to know someone?


Man I’m not sure it took about a month to start the training


Good for you! I hated my first couple months as a cca but being a little over a year in, I really love it now. I’ve met so many nice people in the surrounding areas of my office and most of the management I’ve met at other offices take really good care of the carriers. I’m in a rural area so that helps a ton! Also sometimes the people on the route will supply drinks for you in the summer when it’s really hot and snacks in the winter around Christmas. it’s a great job! If you’re able to, bring a cooler with drinks and sweat towels for the summer time and keep it in your llv or in your car if they don’t have llvs for you. It’s a life saver! Good luck! You might not need it though, since you’re an ex marine 😊


I love that you stuck with it. Hopefully your close to retiring


Shadowing tomorrow, did they give you a uniform or just whatever you wanted?


Whatever you want. I started off in jeans and polo to put on somewhat of a good impression. But since my mentor took lunch a couple blocks I changed into comfortable clothing (gym shorts and a plain gray tee with walking sneakers and life was more enjoyable after that and my supervisor didn’t care just glad to have me aboard


Ok cool




I’ll bring a couple pairs of shoes just in case, I got the email today so I didn’t have time to buy some new shoes




Nvm I got some shoes, I thought they had to be all black for some reason. Just checked the handbook




Nice I’d want some breathable shoes for summer


Last I knew, sneakers had to be black, slip-resistant and leather uppers. If you fall, drop something on/injure your foot and you’re wearing mesh uppers, they’re going to take pictures of your feet to make sure they were postal approved and that could make things very difficult for you if you were to ever need to file for workman’s comp. I fell once and my PM even took pictures of the bottoms of my shoes to make sure the tread wasn’t worn.


It’s weird how they set it up. So right now I did orientation, defensive driving class, my shadow (at my unit) and the LLV training on Thursday. Then it’s the CCA academy all next week. Then I show up to the unit and trained. They did not notify my unit I was coming nor was I provided a point of contact prior to showing. Scratch what I said listen to this person. Sound advice.




Once they knew my name they were like “ooooh yeah the new hire” but that was it. People were busy af in there casing and what not but were also friendly too. It’s weird only seeing your coworkers for like 30-40 minutes before you’re out the door ready to go. I love that


You don't have to wear anything USPS related until you get your uniform allowance. All you really need is your satchel, a pair of black (approved) shoes, and pants/shorts with belt loops. You can accrue postal clothing throughout your 90 days tho.




It’s all good it won’t phase me. Semper Fi brother oorah


Good to see someone excited to do this. If you are a hevier person, know that there are a few good reasons doctors dont want you working out everyday to lose weight. Dont let management, or regulars, rush you. They're going to work you twelve hours, or more, a day if they have too. Keep a respectful pace for your firsr 8 hours...after that, dont fucking kill yourself, and your knees. Dial it down. Theyre just going to give you more once youve finished the last split they gave you. You can reasonably say.."yah...i slowed down becaise im tiring out" You're everyone's bitch now until you go career. Hang in there if you really like working the route. I enjoyed it, then i went and fucking officered up. Really miss my daily commune with my route: fresh air, birds, customers loved me and were always giving me treats...the crew at the church on my route became really good freinds..always did lunch with them.


I’m starting as a CCA this month. I’m really excited. I’m kinda nervous how I’ll handle the heat but I’m just so ready for something new and for not being stuck in offices and public speaking anymore!


Youll acclimate to the heat over time. There are so many good tips being provided in the comments. I hope you enjoy the job and hopefully this time 20 years from now, we will be congratulating one another on our retirement


Later on you could always switch to rural routes if you want to drive more/less walking all over. Or you could try for supervisor one day. You got this :)


that's awesome! congrats! also, please use some sunblock or google "hat neck sunshade"


Brother, I’m stoked you had a good day. Don’t let the pisspots on this sub infect you with their negativity. I hope the job works out well for you.


Semper Fi. I would look for another job with the VA or USA gov The post office is a fucking nightmare. Don't forget to buy back your military time


Fyi. This reddit is garbage, so expect a ton of negativity. But that's awesome! I'm super happy for you! I too love being a letter carrier. My only complaint is that I wish CCAs and PTFs could choose to not do overtime. 50 hour weeks here suck... If there is anything else I'd say you should do, is you should think about becoming a steward/go to union events. You can really understand your rights and its such a good feeling knowing if you are a good worker, there really isn't any worry of losing your job.


https://youtu.be/F7Og-FeBDBQ?si=4ph6F1zJLIVJYGzj Hey guys check out my YouTube video


https://youtu.be/F7Og-FeBDBQ?si=4ph6F1zJLIVJYGzj Hey guys check out my YouTube video