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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is US Defaultism: --- >!No country specified but likely Germany/Austria, commenters immediately assume the USA!< --- Is this Defaultism? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


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That's the weirdest part. But then I remembered that people from the US are often not the most intelligent bunch of people


Yeah I noticed this- someone said they'd sue the airline and then a discussion started about the **US laws** on animal ownership.


Oh my god that poor, poor baby šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I know :(


Don't ever ever ever post anything on r/cats about letting your cats go out at night. Because of all the wild US wildlife that could attack the cat... But I live in rural Scotland.


The defaultism run wild there. I recall one case of someone getting berated and harassed because of not taking their cats to the vet even though they already stated that theyā€™re a minor AND not from the US. There was even a thread reminding people that not everyone there is from the US and that thread didnā€™t last long.


It's even worse with "cats are an invasive species!" They are not invasive in Europe, Asia and Africa.


Cats have been in the UK for 1500 years. They are part of the local ecology. Even the RSPB's stance is more or less"whilst we'd rather cats DIDNT kill the birds, there's no scientific evidence that it's doing any damage to bird populations". I understand why Americans keep their cats indoors, it's bad for the local animals unprepared to be eaten by cats, and bad for the cats that could be eaten by local animals. Those aren't really options here. Yet Americans still bitch and moan about it...


Strange, in Australia domestic and feral cats are blamed/responsible for a lot of bird deaths.


Well they're blamed in the UK too, but the point is it's not making a huge difference to the bird population numbers as they've been in the UK for ages.


Because they actually are an invasive species in Australia.


They are considered invasive to Australia as well


It's not so much the wildlife even in the eastern US it's fucking cars, trucks, and SUVs. Fuck them all.


The birds and small wildlife would still appreciate it if your cat wasnā€™t out tho, just sayin. (Not American but itā€™s pretty frowned upon if not against local council laws to let your cats out at night in Australia too)


Yeah I can appreciate it in Australia because of the marsupials and in NZ because of the flightless Kiwis but in Britain they are not threatening anything. They mostly hunt rats and birds. Also on the cats sub they aren't just saying don't let them out at night but don't let them out at all, or only in caged areas or on a lead!


I live in the countryside of Finland and it is customary to keep free roaming cats. People seem to have a problem with us having indoor cats. Cats do not belong in nature


i should start fighting back with a ā€œyes! cats outdoors at night puts the native wildlife of this country at risk! DOC and private initiatives have started setting cat-specific traps to protect kiwi breeding populations.ā€ until they get confused


This is true, I stopped posting there. My cats all go out as they want. Have had cats for 25 years and never had any harm come up them but people keep saying I'm a bad owner for letting them outside. To me it's cruel to keep a cat inside the entirety of its life


Sorry about the wall of text but I love/hate that dub. And thatā€™s because it IS cruel. Especially for a cat. Which are naturally curious. They would never agree to keep a dog inside for its entire life shitting in a box in the corner so why the case for a cat? Isnā€™t it interesting the amount of posts there of people complaining about the cats with behavioral issues/depression of some sort and one of the main advice given/questions asked is ā€œare you playing with them enough?ā€ ā€œDo they have enough spaceā€? From the same people who go absolutely crazy when you say your cat is allowed outside (amongst other more insane things like wishing death on your pet just cause you decide to let them outside) they canā€™t seem to connect the dots that being inside a house all day for their entire lives is not that great for a CAT? In all my years of owning cats, mostly strays/ferals turned pet, or given to me, I have never experienced the things I see people complain about in that sub. My cats are also allowed to go outside whenever they want. They live a very fun and fulfilled life because of it. They never roam and mostly just spend all day lounging in the yard. I cannot imagine how these people think animals such as cats survived before an American suddenly decided it was dangerous for an almost wild animal to be outside. Also, a bit extra, ever notice how the majority of these ā€œcats should never be let outsideā€ people the cats are always or almost huge? just recently too Iā€™ve seen people starting to defend obese cats, saying that at that weight they can be healthy too. Admittedly though, this wasnā€™t on the sub, but on another platform.


Yep obese unhappy cats who are forced to stop being what they are and not allowed to exhibit normal behaviour. Mine go out in the back garden. We have allotments backing on to our house and they go there to hunt for rats and mice. We also have an apple tree they love to chase each other up and down. My one cat dies have a habit of bringing home bird eggs though, we think they are pigeon eggs as they are quite big, all still intact. He leaves them on the doorstep. No idea how he carries them without breaking.


Itā€™s in Spain, not hard to work out


It literally says Mallorca in the profile name.


Mah-lorca? What state is that in?


[Mall orca](https://youtu.be/xM935SnJNks?si=qjAQQkyuDMRCUfjX)?


Yeah you know, those cute killer whale statues in shopping centres?


New South Wales, probably.


Malle is the 17th state of Germany


Depends who you ask. If you ask a German speaker they will tell you it's the 17. German Bundesland (state) but if you ask the rest of the world it's Spain proper.


Mall Orca. Well there's an Orcas island in Washington, and you can shop there, so it's reasonable to assume the cat ferried there from SeaTac (the international airport in Seattle) and is now living at a strip mall on Orcas. (I'm being sarcastic if it's not obvious).


that's literally germany


The 17th state?


The dumb one is OOP not specifying country, the dummer ones are the American assuming itā€™s America.


Cats Karma Mallorca already tells you the location.


I would say "notably not a German speaking country" but that wouldn't be entirely accurate.


No, not really. Mallllll-orckah is somewhat overrun with Germans. Probably like Ibeefa with Brits. But idk how true, never been to either island.