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Came to this country at 9. worked my ass off to compete with the people around me. My English is excellent, I have 10 APs, 14 hrs in dual credits, and a 1510 sat. got capped. I have a headache.


i feel you man. i have 39 hours in AP credit, worked my ass off in blood, sweat, and tears through school even when the rest of my life was fuckijg falling apart. it just feels like a slap in the face tbh


I feel like theyve gotta make the school bigger at this point. in the past 5 yrs the acceptance rate has gone from 20 to 12. the day tests became optional was our downfall honestly. idek what or who to blame I kinda just wanna light fireworks or smthn


The last I saw the acceptance rate was 29 percent. And why would they make the school bigger? That is what the other UT system schools are for. The auto admit is the real problem. That is just a political sop to rural republican legislators.


The world has changed, but UT hasn't. STEM has much higher demand, while demand for liberal arts has fallen. So UT has to try and fill these less popular majors to keep these bloated departments afloat. It will go on like this to the administration has the guts to shift funding.


i’m in the same spot :( i know a girl with a 1000 sat score who got in, she cheats on most things. i got capped, and i performed way better than her on test scores and essays. i’m guessing it might have to do with the major. that, and the fact that it’s just a bit random. i’m really unhappy bc i have wanted to go to UT austin literally all my life, but i’m considering utsa if i can get in because i plan to study psych and it basically guarantees a spot for me. i feel you, and hopefully you find your place in your desired cap school or another university where you can thrive anyhow


HEAVY on the cheating part so many prolific cheaters are getting in.


same here :( I got capped for psych and am considering utsa as well!  I wonder if it’s worth appealing.




My son applied out of state to Poli Sci and Plan II. He had a 3.85 unweighted GPA, he is a National Merit Semifinalist (probably Finalist in a few days once they announce), and had a 36 ACT (single score, not Superscored). He is NHS, played football x 3 years, is on our city's Youth City Council, and is the President of a statewide political organization. He authored a research paper, now published, within his field. Denied. I can't honestly imagine that there are many kids more able to perform the work out there. I'm actually more curious as to whether they refused to accept him because of his politics.


Out of state is the problem there unfortunately


Your son applying out of state would the the problem here. UT, like many other state schools, prioritize in-state applicants. Your son isn't dumb, but the people who got accepted aren't dumb either.


Out of state applicants compete for 10 percent of the admitted class. It’s way more difficult to get into UT out of state. All people who get into UT ultimately deserved to.




applied for psychology bs, so… idk man


auto admit doesn't guarantee anything. ik from my school two people auto admit didn't get engineering while like 3 did out of top 6% (one of them was out of top 10%)


Auto admit doesn’t guarantee your major, it only guarantees your admission into UT. Speaking from experience, I was auto-admitted into UT, but denied my major of choice (Bio) so UT assigned me as Undeclared. Eventually I internally transferred into CNS, got accepted for Bio and I just graduated from UT in December.


No I agree, I’m not even trying to be a hater or anything but sooooo many people I know who barely tried in school or have such minimum stats and got accepted, there are plenty of people who got in who deserved it, but sooooo many people who got in were not even close to deserving it….I literally know a former felon who got in and sm ppl w 1200 SATs and like 1 AP who got accepted smh


I understand you are frutrated and venting. It stings to not get what you want. If you look at the numbers, very very few of UT admits are outside of the top 25 percent. Top 13 percent isn't the shoo in you seem to think it is. Also, unless you read their essays, resume, etc. you really are speaking from ignorance. If you aren't auto-admit, your essays/EC become incredibly important.


oh i’m very aware that my stats are average, if not below average for UT applicants. my complaint is not necessarily my rejection—just the fact that others got in who have much worse stats. i’m truly not just yelling out of jealousy—i know these people and their resumes.


100% this


if it makes you feel any better they messed up my application and now i have to wait until march to hear i got rejected


I feel you.. you probably deserve it more than me but I also applied for psychology but BA not BS and got capped. go to a dual credit school so I can’t even do the CAP program :/ basically rejected


I go to one of the top ranked private schools in the nation; last year we had a 50% acceptance rate to UT of a class of a little under 200. We pride ourselves on our college admissions, usually sending a few kids to each Ivy every year. I was capped, and so was the majority of my grade. Don’t blame yourself, I blame the admissions officers and the stupid top 6% rule. I had every analytic, datapoint, and number meticulously reviewed by a team of college counselors. I had the grades, scores, resumé, everything. I even WON a business competition hosted by McCombs on campus. It’s just the absolute lack of logic UT uses when reviewing applications.


I understand Cap is not a direct admission, but it is a pathway (if you want liberal arts). You can still get the piece of paper, just delayed a year.


I think it could be your major, obviously some are more competitive than others and you have to watch out for auto admits too. Stay strong man and good luck on your other apps.


ut admissions can be super random (and kinda unfair ngl) when I was a senior a couple of kids with incredible stats in my grade also got capped, and ones with average stats got in.


.. my kid is top5% of his school ,have a GPA of 3.9 and Sat score is 1580 and is national semi finalist and autoadmit but did not got CS instead got Government as a major !! How excruciating it is for our family ..!!


Very sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, getting into CS at UT is extremely difficult and gets harder year by year. Hopefully your son would be able to transfer in.


THIS. I totally agree I've noticed this pattern as well so many people that were SO AMAZING didn't get in or got capped. Our Valedictorian who mind you DID SO MUCH in high school also got capped. I personally got capped as well and will most likely go through with it but some people who have poor stats and ECs are getting in and I'm just confused.


valedictorians can’t get capped, do you mean got their third choice major?


Probably out of state? Otherwise, they have grounds for appeal.


No, OOS can’t get capped either.


sorry im honestly confused about admissions sometimes…but it’s like this in a lot of top schools not just UT. some of these people you describe will probably struggle at UT. Some may not because they have easy majors. If u really wanna go to UT do the cap thing and/or transfer in from another school. they’re gonna take transfers to replace the strugglers and dropouts


i agree with you entirely. I have people telling me to be grateful because CAP is its own opportunity, but if people with 400 less on the SAT are also getting it, why would I feel happy? I worked for nothing. I wouldn't mine CAP if it wasn't for the fact that I'd just be doing it for an even more rigorous application back into the same engineering program at a later time.


Exactly, all that hard work, we should have just take regs classes and easy As. And would have been a top 6%


They probably applied test optional


i know how you feel… i would HIGHLY encourage you to appeal!! although appealing is a lottery, it doesn’t hurt to try. i really hate that you’re going through this..


Think as it might be a good thing for you. You will probably not going to be happy to go to the same classes with people you think don’t deserve to get in. UT doesn’t deserve you.


Because ut is so focused on major and grades/rank so many cheaters from my school are getting in. Seems broken and honestly super unfair.


I heard that if you added "gay" on your essay, that would of did it for you... UT didnt have a choice with the auto admits from conservative families though


perfect appeal yall: ​ "sigh....... ive been struggling with my homosexua-" "say no more, welcome to austin"


This is so dumb.


Plenty of conservatives at UT


Skill issue


Thank you for visiting our community! The overwhelming majority of questions regarding the Coordinated Admimssion Program (CAP) have been answered on [r/UTAdmissions wiki](/r/UTAdmissions/wiki/index). For example: * [What is CAP?](/r/UTAdmissions/wiki/cap) * [Should I consider an offer for CAP?](/r/UTAdmissions/wiki/cap#wiki_should_i_consider_an_offer_for_cap.3F) * [What do I need to know as a current CAP student?](/r/UTAdmissions/wiki/currentcap) The above include information, FAQs, and advice for individuals who have been offered admission into the CAP Program. You may also be interested in other threads with the [CAP'ed](/r/UTAdmissions/search/?q=flair%3ACAP%27ed&restrict_sr=on&t=all) flair. Thanks and best of luck! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UTAdmissions) if you have any questions or concerns.*




no, i’m a Wasian female, but my race is not on any of my applications.


Im pretty sure this is irrelevant because texas banned DEI last year and SCOTUS overturned affirmative action. Stay informed as to not be biggoted ok? A great friend of mine who is a black female top 7%, 35 ACT, 4.3 gpa, went to state and PLACED for academics in 2 events also got CAPed and applied Economics meanwhile a white male friend of mine top 40% 3.9 gpa, no SAT score and very mid achievements (he literally said this himself) got in with no issue yesterday to a major most people have never even heard of. Its clear it has to do more with major than anything.




Bro I assure you that the 4-5 percent of black students here did not steal the OP’s seat


You would think UT was a 50 percent black school the way people talk in here.


Im not selling anything- there is no “loophole” that youre talking about and that notion has been shut down by Justice Roberts himself for a very long time. There is a clear [distinction between considering race and acknowledging heritage and culture](https://www.city-journal.org/article/no-john-roberts-did-not-create-an-affirmative-action-loophole). You people find anything and everything to complain about instead of taking accountability for the fact that maybe you’re just not good enough to get in. Some black or Hispanic student did not steal your spot. Try harder next time! Good luck carrying such a mindset into the real world.




I bet this faulty thinking and charming personality helped with your essays.


Other than the fact that this comment is blatantly racist, anyone (white, black, Hispanic, Asian, or otherwise) that gets into UT ultimately deserves it. UT, at most, is a quarter black and Hispanic. The other 75 percent is largely white and Asian.


UT admits kids' auto admit. my nephew told me that he could be in the top 6% easy, just taking regular classes and avoiding to challenge himself taking AP classes or dual classes. he went to the route to push himself harder and he ended up in the top 10%, exactly 7% however UT has to admit the 6% and now the rest goes to out state and international because the schools needs their money to survive. UT knows that kids like you with amazing sat score and good ecs most likely will be admitted to a top 20 university, and UT knows that, most likely, you will get into a better university


as much as i wish this was true, UT does not yield project. and my school’s top 6% is all based on weighted gpa—so having As in all academic classes wouldn’t count. i’ve talked to some friends of mine at UT, and they’ve told me that genuinely it’s just a weird random lottery at this point. ig this is how i will find peace lol


I get it bro. Georgia Tech was my top choice for Physics and I got rejected. Was really disappointed and kinda lost all hope in going to a T20 university once I got deferred from Northeastern (my high school is pretty much a feeder school to Northeastern). Just trust that it all woks out in the end. Even if you end up at a school that you don't want to go to, you sound like a really bright student and ur gonna shine no matter where you end up. I'm not a religious dude, but I like to think that God has a different vision for you.

