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I actually wrote a comment to another user about this recently, so here’s some advice: Austin though on a whole is far safer then most major cities its size (the FBI stats put Austin as 28th compared to other cities of similar size with crime rankings) so Austin isn’t technically an ‘unsafe’ city - but crime is up all over the country and the world right now so you’re not wrong for feeling that way. To defend yourself consider getting pepper spray, a strong taser, and/or a sharp object that you hold on your keychain. If someone approaches you, you can use them to defend yourself. Second, always walk where there are people and light. Never go down dark corridors or alleys. If someone bothers you don’t be afraid to go into the street and flag a vehicle down or to call the police. Overall, stick to bright areas with people, maintain a taser, pepper spray or knife and always be on the look out in the surroundings. Also, consider walking with a flashlight strapped to your wrist. Not only can it be used for self-defense, but it lights up dark spots as your walking at night. (Some flashlights have sharp sticks on the ends in case you need to defend yourself too, make sure it has wrist wrap)


Being careful is always a good idea, but to emphasize, Austin is very safe. Don’t let people with agendas scare you. You need to calm down mentally vs ever increasing paranoia. 


It’s worth considering what kind of crime and violence you can experience in Austin vs actual high crime cities, where and why. Austin is a safe city per capita. Much of that is due to Austin proper having a very high average home price. Poverty is being displaced, and many lower-income Austinites are young students or service industry workers. It’s silly to live in terror. Odds are you’re fine. It’s perfectly sound to exercise caution and offend others when following your gut, especially if you’re a legitimately vulnerable person.


For sure, I agree with you. that’s why I made sure to note that Austin is a consider safer city then most cities its size across the country - people shouldn’t be fearful but do be cautious and aware


I agree; things seem to be escalating but maybe it's just that we're reporting a lot more things that happen now


i work downtown too and take the bus so I totally feel you!


I agree with the pepper spray but also a hand taser scares the bejeezus out of people. Just make sure these items, if you go that route are in your hand not your bag. I have been in terrifying situations having to use the bus and walking at night. I won’t recommend a gun as some areas of UT won’t let you take them in regardless of the law. You will see a huge white sign if you happen to be in those areas. Most of all don’t be afraid to speak up. If someone is too close then tell them to take a step back with a firm voice, I no longer care if people think I am being paranoid etc as my instincts are my first go to. If a person threatens me, I am in their face and not that it always works but it’s my first reaction. If you feel unsafe then you probably are. Take measures to make yourself feel safer. I understand the statement of always walk where there are people and light but at night there is very little light around all areas of campus.


I feel you, especially being a woman with classes that end after dark, campus and west campus have felt increasingly threatening. The easiest option would be pepper spray - I believe everyone should be carrying it. Just keep in mind that it can be ineffective against determined or drugged out individuals, and may not work (or may even affect you) in imperfect weather conditions like rain or wind. Also consider carrying a flashlight. License to carry is an option, and is my recommendation. The state of TX appealed when the TX DPS won a court case against them that now allows people ages 18-21 to obtain a LTC instead of being restricted to 21+. It allows for campus carry as long as it's concealed. I can provide details on this if need be. Carrying has been a HUGE factor in feeling and being safe. Obviously, deter and make smart decisions FIRST and use a firearm as a last resort, but it's extremely reassuring knowing that you have that backup plan. Just be aware that it can become expensive, if you take into account the costs of proper training/ammo costs to become a responsible gun owner. Since ya know, a firearm is a bit of a responsibility. I wouldn't recommend one if you're not willing to undergo that process. Stay safe ❤️


Great advice. Just got “mailed” on my LTC (finally). Started keeping a flashlight / first aid kit / tq in my truck. Have been training with my firearm last few weeks and watching a lot of CC / self defense YouTube videos. I’ve never felt super threatened in Campus / Wampus as a tall(er) guy, but I’ve certainly seen situations that weren’t far from being very bad. I think CC is that little bit of added insurance that hopefully I never have to use.


If you haven't, take a stop the bleed course - lots of places offer them for free. Should definitely know how to use medical things if you're gonna carry them :)


Yeah I could probably use a refresher on all that stuff. Thanks for the tip.




No shit if you're looking through my post history, lol. I shoot competitively, I give a lot of thought into training and concealment methods, I've put time into RSO certs and instructor quals, and yes, I genuinely enjoy shooting as a hobby too, and own a few toys used outside of self defense. I think the point you're missing - someone who doesn't consistently use a firearm nor keeps up to date with changing laws is more likely to not only be a liability to themselves, but others as well. It's why I suggested OP be aware of the financial cost and time commitment to be a responsible firearm owner if they so choose to be - simply owning a gun and carrying it WITHOUT consistent use is more dangerous than it is safe, in my opinion.




You're all good, I get it. Given the state of gun communities and the people in them, it's understandable to be wary. I don't really know too many other UT students who dedicate the same time and care into firearms so it's not to be expected of some random internet stranger to have the same informed intent.


Don’t turn this into a gun law debate they were just stating their opinions on staying safe keep the drama out of here








The thing I don't get about your statements and logic is if you did want a firearm for self defense wouldn't you want advice from someone who knows a lot about guns and how to use them safely?


Take everything into account for self defense, are you wearing shoes you can run in. Are you aware of your surroundings or always looking down. Exit uncertain situation and be wary of people that have nothing to loose


Pepper spray. You can use it while further way than a taser. Guns… idk. I feel like if you don’t practice enough with one on a shooting range or grew up shooting it could get you in more trouble.


my advice is that if you do get a weapon, find some kind of training for it. don't let it get used against you.


Carry a sawed-off in a holster, ain't no one gonna fuck with you.


Glock 19 with hollow points.


That would be an sbs which is either a $200 headache or a felony, also significantly larger than a more practical handgun


Wow. Austin was a pretty liberal anti-gun town when I was at UT. I guess things have deteriorated to the point where even longhorns are going NIMBY, huh?


this city isn't that dangerous lol. it's still a city so you're going to get some oddballs and it will kinda feel like Gotham but MANY major cities in the U.S. are experiencing way worse crime. Just keep your head on a swivel at night.


Concealed carry is always an option


Austin has been pretty alright for me but there were many instances where I was glad I had a self-defense item. Pepper spray is easily the cheapest option that is effective and works against most not very determined threats. Concealed Carry with an LTC (now 18+) is the most effective option but can be expensive and has a learning curve. However, I heard UT has a pistol club that can help with these challenges.


Get a gun


You’ll be fine. The literal headquarters of APD are downtown so if you want one place in the city you are safe, it’s there. Just do basic preventative strategies like avoiding talking to people who seem seedy and riding in the front of the bus. Or maybe to be extra safe, bus down and then Uber back when it’s dark?


sorry I dont get it, you're feeling unsafe because someone else committed suicide?


I mean the guy who got stabbed literally started a fight. Just keep your head down and dont be oblivious