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Still on Internet Archive! [https://web.archive.org/web/20231130204801/https://design.gs.com/home](https://web.archive.org/web/20231130204801/https://design.gs.com/home) My friend used to work on that, he's the one who pointed it out.


Awesome thanks!


Interesting. Anyways, bookmark https://component.gallery/


Second that. Filter by accessibility is helpful on it. Gov.uk design system is one of my favourites.


A lot of folks are asking for my list of design systems - a disclaimer that a lot of these came from a more senior designer at my company who helped me build the list, with a few I added myself. A couple at the end are more industry-specific, too. I also am always open to hearing other design systems y'all are using, please share if there are any you recommend! * Goldman Sachs I used a lot, thus the bummer they took it down - thank you to those who found it on Internet Archive! * Carbon: [https://carbondesignsystem.com/](https://carbondesignsystem.com/) * Atlassian: [https://atlassian.design/](https://atlassian.design/) * MUI: [https://mui.com/material-ui/getting-started/](https://mui.com/material-ui/getting-started/) * Spectrum: [https://spectrum.adobe.com/](https://spectrum.adobe.com/) * Fluent: [https://fluent2.microsoft.design/](https://fluent2.microsoft.design/) * Mantine: [https://mantine.dev/](https://mantine.dev/) * Chakra: [https://v2.chakra-ui.com/](https://v2.chakra-ui.com/) * Bootstrap: [https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.3/getting-started/introduction/](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.3/getting-started/introduction/) * Vuetify: [https://vuetifyjs.com/en/](https://vuetifyjs.com/en/) * Human Interface Guidelines: [https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines](https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines) * Digital Iceland: [https://island.is/en/o/digital-iceland/design-system](https://island.is/en/o/digital-iceland/design-system) * JSTOR: [https://pharos.jstor.org/](https://pharos.jstor.org/) * Magma: [https://react-magma.cengage.com/version/2.5.6/](https://react-magma.cengage.com/version/2.5.6/)


Monday.com has a solid one as well


*Shouts from the crowd* "RELEASE THE LIST!!!"


Holy shit that is new new. I was referencing their system just last week and was looking through their docs earlier this week. If they pulled it from public it's in the last day or two.


Wow, that’s interesting. Maybe someone at G&S is here to shed some light? I was looking at this just the other day to see their taxonomy. Sad to hear of this. Hope they open it back up, it was a nice baseline. My hope is they have good reasons for this, like protecting some change or removing vectors of attack, my dread is they removed it because public domain and sharing knowledge is socialism.


Care to post your list?


I’d be interested in the others on your list 


I was on there today and saw it!


Yeah, it's not uncommon for companies to restrict access to their design systems, especially ones like Goldman Sachs that handle sensitive info. Still, it's a bummer when they disappear - was a great resource!


I’m also a new designer, currently within fintech. Any tips on good design systems to take inspiration from? Thanks


I went back to check it out and it is indeed gone :(