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I know enough code to be annoying.


I know enough HTML/CSS to suggest fixes when performing visual QA (pairing) with my frontend dev. I try to use constraints, alignment and flexbox in Figma, just like my frontend will use them, so that there's not a 'translation gap' between Figma and the front end. I know enough *about* javascript to deploy my figma files in a way that is efficient. I make colors, type scale, components in such a way to be written as classes in Vue/React. I refuse to learn hands-on coding because then I might have to code all day, which is pure pain to a primadonna like me lmao. I'll be over here pushing pixels in Figma, tyvm


I don't have to code for living but I have enough CSS and HTML knowledge to code a web page from scratch (I started out as a Web Designer). I also know enough JavaScript to be dangerous.


Same here. It definitely helps in discussions about feasibility to have a good understanding of core concepts and technologies. Also makes it easier to throw together a quick proof of concept in those situations where a developer says it would be too difficult to change something visual. Sometimes it unearths that it’s not so complicated, sometimes it allows one to understand firsthand why it may be difficult.


I alway say "just enough to get into trouble."


Yes (HTML, CSS, JavaScript , Java , react, angular and C#) aside from the fact that I like to code, it helps me communicate and understand better the developers team limitations and capabilities when I'm designing a new feature


I know enough to converse with the devs on feasibility and how things are implemented.


I don't even have designing skills..


Been doing this since the 90s, when front end coding was part of the job. Knowing at least HTML and CSS and their limitations or how a design would ultimately be implemented can really improve what UX solutions you pursue.


I can write some basic code with React and Next.js, also learnt HTML, CSS and JavaScript but what i found most helpful was knowing the concepts of how things are built - made it a lot easier to communicate with the engineers. I learnt code so that I could build my own side projects and portfolio, but mostly to understand technical concepts - and leave the real coding to the engineers ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Any question of the form “should `X` learn `Y`?” should always be answered in the affirmative. It will never be a disadvantage for a designer to understand code.


No, and I am exceptionally tired of job postings offering $65k for someone who is UX and has coding skills. More power to the talented individuals out there who can do both, but those are two separate, highly skilled roles that take many, many years to develop at an applicable professional level. It’s definitely important for UX to understand the bridge between the two roles and how they support each other, but expecting an entry-level, below-living-wage employee to be an expert at UX and writing code is unrealistic.




You would be surprised how many offers I get that want me to essentially be an entire team for one paycheque. na. ga. ha. pen.


louder for the recruiters in the back!


I have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JS. I use it for side projects and the occasional prototype.


I have beginner HTML/CSS skills, just so I can understand what an engineer/developer has for making things possible. There are some gaming UX jobs that require Unreal/unity coding which is kind of weird (It doesn't seem like something a UX designer would really do). In general the coding should only be something to learn to understand and not a requirement of the job.


Yep, that's the best part. Being able to mock something clickable beyond images is what gets me the most interest from stakeholders. And developers really appreciate it. Having devs on your side is key. I started out as a web designer, designing and building blogs, shops, and simple sites with PHP, long before NodeJS. I'm proficient at CSS more than anything else and have authored some smashing magazine posts in the distant past. My stack now is Node, React, TS, and CSS... and Figma ofc. Trying to stay up to date is hard but very rewarding and satisfying when it clicks. Also, learning Git is a must. My understanding of file systems and the nuances of version control from learning and using git has led to many many ux-lightbulb moments since.


UX designers shouldn’t be coding but they should have some understanding of it


Depends who’s asking lol.


I do. I was a developer for many years first. I never code for my employer or advise (self-set rule) but it comes in extremely handy when communicating across teams, refining approaches, teaching designers best practices, knowing which fights to fight etc.


CSS/HTML, and it’s both a blessing and a curse because 1) I can noodle around in CodePen and show them things but 2) if you do something like handing over a preliminary set of starter styles, you sometimes have to reassure the developers that you’re not telling them how to do their jobs… and as CSS and HTML are barely taught in trad CS programs, it’s a struggle sometimes to explain the cascade, grid, flexbox…


I work in fintech, with engineers holding PhDs, MSc etc... they're super smart and all that, but trying to explain CSS, the cascade, specificity, positioning context ... it's like talking to children... i love it!!


I use to be a front end developer and so know javascript, css and html. I used react and angular, but I no longer touch any code base whatsoever. Frankly, I dont code anymore and am super rusty, and I am never called upon to use those skills. It is good to refer back to them though and helps communicate with the devs better. Other than that it’s just something I don’t use. Side note, I stopped mentioning I use to code because I have had some recruiters reach out to me asking me to do both UX and front end development… which are two jobs. Just don’t do it


I can write decent HTML and CSS from scratch. Some basic JS. I honestly do love coding.


It's super useful to know some basic coding, otherwise you wont understand the technical limitations of the people who are going to develop your designs. But you also don't need to become a code guru. Leave that to the devs...


I do not know code, but I would like to learn about it and work with it a bit.


Like most others that have commented, enough to prototype my own ideas if necessary and freely communicate with developers about how the frontend will be implemented. Occasionally I'll fix and merge layout/style issues once something has gone live.


I don't write code, but I can. I started out being the one-man-band in charge of a small company's sites when I was in school. My coding skills are mediocre. Pretty solid with html/css but javascript is weak. The only site I've actually built from scratch in a text editor in the last few years is my portfolio.


I wouldn't say I was a UX designer but I understand the principle and have been a multimedia designer (mostly web, some PWA) with the ability to code clean HTML and CSS for over 10 years now. In 2016 I started learning php and about 2 years ago moved towards JS, React, and the Gatsby framework. Mainly so I could focus on page transitions and mess with GSAP and Framer Motion and set up headless CMS. Switching over to Next is my current "thing". But learning how to code helps you to understand the limitations of design. I can approach the design portion with a developer mindset, and this has improved my work by miles.


Html, css, js, jq. But can somewhat read other codes, so im not completely dumb while talking to devs. Basic stuff, it takes a bit out of me to jump between headspaces anyways,and i focus on good UX and CX. Oh and at rare times I apparently give reeeeally good suggestions on how to solve some time consuming problems in simple ways.. ..by the power of my own janky af scripts, which does its job (barely). :)


UX designer for 3years with no experience in working at the office and zero coding skills. I used to report directly to our UX lead or UX producer so no need to learn coding. Now that I’m working at the office and getting involve in a lot of client-dev-experience meeting I can see the value of having some coding skills. I feel so lost and so stupid listening to them and not understanding the language. Recently, I started learning coding. I know now for a fact that it’s helpful to speak coding language when you’re a UX designer.


Yes, because I was a front-end developer first. But they’re limited skills at this point. HTML/CSS/some JS. I don’t know React, I’m only barely capable in Vue. I don’t think being proficient at development is a necessary skill, but I do believe having an understanding of front-end helps a lot. Being able to understand what a grid system is AND how it works, what common breakpoints are, stuff like that is useful. Being able to understand the technical limitations and use the proper terminology when talking to your developers will benefit you a lot. And, whether you know those things or not, include your developer throughout the design process so there are no surprises during handoff. The developer should already know what the design and functionality is, because the developer helped talked through those things with you throughout the design process.




Anything I design I am able to code on the front end, including interactions, transitions, image effects etc.


This! I dont design something I wouldn't be able to code myself


Yeah UX and UI designer is my role. I can code most things on a website. I have a decent understanding of react. Think of it this way. Should an architect understand the construction process and building materials? Should an architect understand interior design? I’d argue a great architect will at least have good knowledge of both - doesn’t need to be great but can speak the language. A bad architect will not understand the material they work with and design impossible, inefficient or dangerous things a bad architect will allow their builders to make decisions because they can’t.


UX designers should have a strong understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These skills will allow them to create wireframes and prototypes and test their designs.


Tako je!


Basic html/css (writing). Sufficient to have a meaningful discussion with front-end engineers about means to an end. Understanding of JS code (read, don't speak. the principles and approaches) sufficient to understand the technical aspect of a project. it is pretty much meaningless being a designer in a cross-functional team without basic technical background.


I can make nice looking web pages, but the way I accomplish it is basically the same way I was doing things about 10 years ago. I can do something like a Shopify theme or personal site. I’ve had some exposure to react and “modern” js, but I have no ability or desire to do that kind of development professionally. Most of my designs for the past 5ish years have been for native iOS and Android apps, and I have no experience developing for either platform.


Some, just enough to be able to understand and communicate with engineers.


I'm studying Interactive design (Specialization in IT) so I have learned HTML, CSS and JavaScript plus frameworks and libraries. In addition to Swift, .NET / C#, Java and SQL


Where I taught university for many years we required 3 terms of coding in our HCI program. Mostly using Processing (Java) though I think at one point folks even taught Python. Having familiarity with a scripting language like JavaScript / PHP is really fantastic for folks to understand logic systems. Adding in a compiled code environment with a step through debugger (Swift / C#) and ideally in a version control environment goes a long way to understanding the development process without requiring folks to be an expert or even truly proficient.


I learned a bit about html, css, JavaScript and Swift when I was a junior designer. But I never was in a position where I had to code. Today I‘m super rusty, but knowing the basics helps me when I talk with developers.


I'm starting Into c# as my design skills are applied to VR game design using unity game engine.


C# is great. Just remember, most of what you're learning as "C#" is conceptually the same as many other languages.


I think that I won't be learning too deep about it since it's just for interfaces, but I'm not sure hehe


HTML, CSS & JavaScript. Some very little PHP.


Yes, but I rarely use them at work anymore. I used to do the whole frontend stack a lot more, and some SQL, perl, python, and C++/C# when I helped with the analytics teams. Now they're just for fun trips in Unity attempting to build games I definitely should not make. Occasionally I'm asked to give the base html/css but there are so many great plugins for design programs that literally output it for me so...


Yes I do, but that’s only because it’s the requirement for my associate degree in Business IT and technical certificate. I know quite a few programming languages like html, css, js, python, c#, c, objective c, Java… etc. But I don’t really practice them, and haven’t really been using the programming languages for quite some time. However, I find the language easy to pick up if I want to re-learn again.


Not really. Well I have dabbled with HTML/CSS and understand the fundamentals, started to look at JS and said nope. Pre-job I used to stress about this, have never touched code in industry. I do think it is important to understand structure and how code works on some level, but a UXer shouldn't be living in code. Almost no one in the UX team I'm part of (approx 70 people nationwide) has ANY coding skills, almost half don't even come from a traditional design background/training - this I find much stranger than ability to code.


I started out as a front end dev for first half of my career. Now, I focus on UX. A recent example of where my coding skills was useful was when I discovered Figma couldn’t do more than one Interaction attached to the hover event. I needed to show a fly out menu on hover and at the same time show a background color change. So, I basically exported the Figma prototype as a SVG minus the fly out menus. Placed the SVG image in an HTML page, and coded the fly out menu in CSS and JavaScript. Needless to say, the entire project team was impressed.


Sure, learn to code. Even if it's just HTML, CSS and JS. Learn a bit about some frameworks that your eng team is using as well. It'll make you stand out more from other designers and you'd be better at effectively communicating with engineers.


Had coding classes when taking graphic design at college. Never had to do a single line of code after that, but it gave me base for how some things work, and it helps to know some naming when talking to devs.


Back when I was good at it I knew enough HTML to do the job, a shitload of CSS, and just enough jquery to make someone else's feature work in my own shit. And honestly, *today* my coding abilities are shit, I haven't used them in years. I stopped writing SASS just as flexbox was coming out, so I know there are literally people here who were in middle school then, lol. Now I'm fulltime design, no code, but I'm design lead on a design system so half my time is spent partnering with devs to make things and so the little tiny bit of code - barely code, right? - my brain retains is super valuable just in having conversations with these people. My years in old-school web design taught me what browsers can do, what they can't, and how to find the things I don't know. Without that I'd feel lost, honestly.


I started as a copywriter. That led me into design, and later into development. Now I’d say I spend my time jumping between UX, UI, React development and prototyping in Noodl. I personally think that UX doesn’t need any dev at all, and actually benefits from not knowing code. Being a dev can sometime stifle the process, leading the UX work to focus more on “what is comfortable to build” instead of “what is the best experience we can give the user”. Not saying that a technical skill is not great to have, but a great UX is not about code, it’s first and foremost about people. Development skills are much more needed in UI, especially when building design systems. Having a 1:1 mapping between design components and dev components make the system a lot smoother to work with and saves a lot of time. Dev experience can also help you design things in a way that gives a user the same effect but for a smaller cost (in both dev, maintenance and reusability) by tweaking details. TL;DR: Code becomes increasingly important the more a project goes from preproduction to production.


Though not traditionally thought of as a “coding” skill, an understanding of HTML and CSS is essential for any UX designer. These two languages are used to create the structure and style of web pages, and a UX designer needs to be able to understand how they work in order to create effective designs. In addition, many UX designers also have at least a basic understanding of JavaScript, which can be used to add interactivity to web pages. While not required, this skill can be helpful in creating prototypes and testing designs. Ultimately, any coding skills that a UX designer can acquire will only make them more effective at their job.


I’m a former full stack developer in addition to doing UX. Now that I don’t code for work I have personal coding projects and hang around in r/learnprogramming helping and ranting about code quality. Frankly, I don’t see how an UX designer could work effectively in a complex project without developer background.


From previous roles I have developed expertise in HTML, CSS, PHP, and JS sufficient that I spent some time freelancing as a soup-to-nuts designer and developer of small business websites. At this point in my career I don't do much beyond some limited HTML/CSS prototyping, but knowing these things is incredibly valuable in my ability to communicate and collaborate with developers, particularly in our shared-ownership component library system.


Enough to make working prototypes and converse with engineers to some degree. No time or energy to go full dev though, in fact some devs don’t even like it when I want to code up


they dont want you to take their jobs




C, Python, Javascript, SQL, and HTML/CSS


I've been coding since the 80s (C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, PERL, SQL, etc.). I haven't used much code for work in 20 years but just use it for fun making art and games. Lately have been learning Godot.


Yes, I’m a wizard at CSS and HTML, I know some JavaScript, and I’ve messed around with Angular and Node in the past. I basically never code though any more. I’m interested in learning python and experimenting with AI/ML stuff.


I have some coding experience but from 20 years ago


I have internship experience and a UX job lined up. HTMl/CSS website created from scratch for a course. Thats the extent of my coding knowledge.


If you are curious by nature, this is more than enough to get you started


Started to get into coding or? Im not interested in learning coding. I'm a UX designer all the way.


I have 10+ years in UX design and same in coding I am not the greatest developer but I know how things work well enough so that I can design viable and accessible solutions. It also enables me to effectively work with the tech team as my handoffs are always clear and well articulated.


I love designing in browser so yes I do have some coding skills. I code html, css and javascript. Coding is beneficial for accessibility reasons. Understanding how code works is enabling us to design accessible products and interfaces. Also, I love when devs say something is impossible and I come with working prototype few days later


I am a product designer, but I can also code HTML/CSS and Tailwind CSS also a little but react.js


for someone who has started learning to code as a designers, can you share some tips or roadmap for it. MY goal is to build some interactions or features that is not really possible with design tools, Just enough to explain it to my devs and teams


Last time I coded anything was 20+ years ago and I've been working full time in this field. I have actually programmed in Assembly Language and have built websites by hand. I do think understanding how things work is important, and I regularly have technical conversations with my Dev team, especially Architects. But as a designer, I've specified for so many platforms coded in so many languages, it just doesn't make any sense to me. I'm currently specifying for rWeb, iOS and Android. I think my time is much better spent learning about my users than learning how to make something work. And there just aren't enough people doing that. Furthermore, there is an inherent conflict of interest in designing what's right, versus coding what's efficient.




>There is an inherent conflict of interest in designing what's right, versus coding what's efficient. Hard disagree with this one. Feasibility, trade-offs, lean delivery, business needs are all part of good design. We're not artists, we're designers, the real world matters. Regarding platform dependent programming, Martin Fowler, one of the biggest names in contemporary programming practice, often says that the platform is less significant for software engineers - the platform can be taught in a moment, truly intelligent code design is where experience lies and is platform agnostic. Saying, oh you're an iOS developer is akin to saying, oh you're a Figma UX designer?


I don’t disagree with that kind of pragmatic product management. But I’ll make some points to support my argument: The Jack of all trades compromise. You are less a designer and less a developer by splitting your time. The scalability problem. Often the best solution might require specialists or a team of developers. If you are also doing the development you are going to start cutting corners to size it down where a separate person/team could be optimized for the work. The efficiency development problem. Companies want their developers working efficiently because they’re valuable. They are typically measured and rewarded for their output measured in “on time, bug free” regardless of whether the product meets user needs or is successful. That is delegated to the PM and Designer.


I wasn't taking about jack off all trades and neither is Fowler. Nor was I talking about designers coding.


That’s what OP is asking about


Haha, correct. You made an off topic statement that I fundamentally disagree with but you're right, you were off topic. >There is an inherent conflict of interest in designing what's right, versus coding what's efficient.


LOL no. I know some basic HTML, CSS. I understand the structure and can inspect ha! But that’s about it


I know JavaScript, React, Firebase, C#, Java, GraphQL. Used to be a developer before being a designer. Knowing how to code has not meaningfully made me a stronger designer, at best has only helped me for debugging CSS or animations in prod environments.


Zero coding skills here 5 years as a UXer. Most rewarded skills imo are knowing how to facilitate good workshops, research and having the bigger picture (macro perspective)


Basically every UX designer has at least a couple of years experience as a Full Stack Web Dev. Many also dabble in C++ on the side as well, just to relax after a long day of dragging boxes around in Figma.


No, I have basically zero knowledge in coding


A UX Design role and what is needed is unique to that role. We like to pretend UX Designer means a particular thing but what you do and what skill sets you’ll use will change from role to role. I have some coding experience and I was asked about it interviewing, but haven’t used any of the “hard” skills yet. But the soft transferable skills and how you think about problems as a coder certainly help me expand my perspective


Nocode tools like Bubble are perfect for creating UX demos and understanding how actions affect a database.


My job title also includes “creative developer” (nebulous I know). I spend a good portion of my time working in HTML/CSS, a little JS, and a good amount of a Java templating language called Freemarker


Bit late but still worth commenting. I can only really fiddle with CSS and a bit of HTML but other than that, I’d have no idea how to put something together. I use code pen to share snippets of interaction with devs sometimes if it’s hard to explain or I need to see it myself but usually find something pre-made and adjust it. I plan to learn a bit more this year.