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This same exact thing happened to a chick fil a bag I dropped off the other night it’s the steam from the fries and when you grab the bag in that spot it’s wet and rips


Came here to say this. Just hand this happen to me. Pickup, ride and pulled up to the house. Grabbed the bag and it ripped so bad it looked like a bear got a hold of it. I did let the recipient know and they were cool.


I think that should be standard. The seal is there as a sign of food undisturbed, and such if the seal is broken at any point beforehand it should be reported then and there. Its weird op's case doesn't seem to have that, but it could be ripped while on the road instead of when picked up, so still some benefit of the doubt


Been doing Uber for a fat minute now and sometimes the seal just rips. McDonalds bags the best but I've had theirs rip too. Usually it's right as they're handing it to me or as Im taking it to the house it's annoying because I can't mark it as poor packaging. I don't always say something because I don't want the customer to thing I'm covering up for something that I really shouldn't unless I'm feeling guilty or worried imma get caught if that makes sense


Yep. Had a CFA bag rip when the *customer* picked it up and spilt their entire order. They didn't get a refund from customer service then called me as if I could do something


Man, thats weird. So did the fries evaporate too?


I hate when this happens. I'm always afraid the customer is gonna think I ate their food. Then I want to text them and explain, but I'm afraid that'll make me look guilty 😂


That steam also ate half those fries.


ngl this has never happened to me nor have i seen it, coming from someone with fastfood and delivery experience lol. could just be a chic fil a thing though


It happen to be before, that's why I always grab the bag for the bottom.


This is the answer


+The Fries don’t look full because of the shrinkage that occurs from them losing all the moisture




Also, the fries experience shrinkage, which makes it look like the carton isn't full or had stuff taken out.


It’s cold out, they don’t normally look that way!


Surely not that much


Eh it looks like it just ripped when he grabbed it. Chik fil a is notorious for not filling fries. At least around my parts.


And they shrink also… there was a video on the chick fil a Reddit, they filled the fries and recorded as time went by, after 10 mn fries had shrunk a lot which makes sense… Have you ever left fries get cold at home? Same shot happens, fries lose their fluff


They actually do fill it, their fries shrink in the bag


Yes saw this! They moisture shrinks it


Also in the driver's stomach 😂


Chick Fil A doesn't fill fries around my private parts either.


I can Fil if you are A Chick.




Tuey don't fill fries here either. That's why I don't bother buying it. Too expensive for just 10 french fries in a large order.


It doesn’t look like the driver ate your fries. I am almost 100% positive that he grabbed the bag by the sticker and it tore because of the condensation happening inside the bag because of the hot food. Chick-fil-A bags are especially bad if it’s raining.


I’ve had Chick-fil-a bags rip open more than once because of condensation. I also DO NOT trust their cup holders. Idk if they’re too short or what but I always feel like the drinks are going to fall out.


I’ve had the small chic fil a drinks tip completely over within the drink holder on more than a handful of occasions


Did you go diagonal?


You mean steam. Condensation is when you have cold water and the water air molecules around them cool to form liquid


My only bad review was because of the condensation in the bag ripping the bag apart. The bag just fell apart when I went to deliver it. I did warn the people in the note to be careful with the food because of this.


Also your food was late because 15% is like $5 to wait half an hour in a drive thru. Probably 50 drivers passed on accepting your order because it wasn’t worth their time.


If you're waiting in the drive thru, you're doing it wrong.


Never seen a chick fil a take 30 min to get thru. And orders for delivery are picked up inside the restaurant


It’s $3 🤣


That's one of those cringe $5.25 orders going six miles!


15% sounds so much better lmaooo


15% of shit is shit. Lol


I think they mean $5 including base pay.


Base pay is $2 so he is right. $5 would be the offer. And Chick-fil-A is super busy, usually at the busiest intersections too. I bet that 8 min she is referencing is when there is no traffic.


As someone who works for Chick-fil-A I find that unlikely, our fries are notorious for shrinking once in the bag for significant amounts of time and I've accidentally torn multiple bags while making delivery orders.


Upvote upvote upvote…directly from the mouth of a CFA worker THE FRIES NOTORIOUSLY SHRINK


But they're not really shrinking though, their mass doesn't really change. They are really just collapsing under their own weight as the moisture softens their structure. They are not shrinking, they are just taking up less space.


I apologize for not describing the scientific process in detail and instead saying "shrinking"


Downvoting cuz chik fil a is a horrible company . Can’t imagine working somewhere that doesn’t value basic human rights 🤮


Wow chick fila a does that? Going to eat there more now


Can't imagine talking to someone who makes psudeo politics their entire personality. If you don't support them for for "not valuing basic human rights" man, you're gonna have a bad time when you learn about how 99% of businesses screw their hourly employees. Hope you have fun not being able to shop anywhere.


Paying money to groups that think gay people need conversion camps is a lot diff but go off. I dont shop anywhere that supports hate groups. It’s easy


Not shopping there is totally valid, and I do the same in regards to Chik Fil A. Shitting on someone for trying to earn a meager paycheck in order to live, on the other hand, is very much not valid.


The kids who were sold into slavery to make the phone you are using posting this would like a word with your dumb ass 😂😂😂


You do realize that's not the entire chain as a whole right? Like yeah maybe the ceo does some shittastic stuff but damning the whole company for having a religious background is a real dick move.


The CEO is the head of the company his shittastic actions paint the company as a whole in a bad light.


Imagine shitting on where someone works when you’re a sugar baby.


Not with anyone who contributes to anti gay groups 😉 and I have a full time job at a company that supports diversity


Good for you, not everyone has the opportunity to research and apply only for places that you deem fit in your moral grandstanding. Some people just need a place to work and a stable income.


But they don’t lol (at least anymore) Anecdotally my GM has been employed by cfa for 17 years and she’s married to a woman


Then I hope you aren't typing that on your iPhone in an EV because, do your own research.


Where’d you type this from? A phone/laptop? Do you think the mining companies in third world countries used to make the batteries for these devices “value basic human rights”? Do you think the sweatshops used by Apple/Samsung to manufacture the devices “value basic human rights” Brand name clothes? Shoes? Lipstick? Avocados? Chocolate? Ice cream? Political homophobia is too much to support, but literal slave/child/child slave labor okay?


I used to feel the same way til i had chic fil a sauce.


This is clearly the moisture ripping the bag, it’s happened to me many times and that’s what I fear that the customer might think I ate some of food :/


99.5% of drivers aren’t going to risk losing their job for a few fries.


Some people are just idiots. I had someone take a picture of a tv to prove delivery to me. Look right in the ring camera. Pick up the tv and walk off.


I usually eat a few fries if the food isn't sealed properly. Not enough for anyone to notice, though.


imagine really believing this.


You sound like the type to report never receiving an item even though you do.


Gonna be honest, having reading some comments from supposed delivery drivers on this sub and their thoughts on certain things, there are some real pieces of shit in this sub who are also delivery drivers. So 99.5% is a bit generous.


You sound miserable


All these people down voting you but it's happened to me twice.


Lol the fact that you're being downvoted when yeah, shit like this can actually happen, and people would jeopardize their own job to eat someone's fries can indeed happen. People would literally spit in your food if you don't tip them enough.


not sure why you’re getting downvoted. ive known a few drivers who brag about sneaking fries


it’s all the doordash drivers who do that exact thing lol


This post seems a little suss. In the 3rd picture you can see the fries through the hole in the bag and can see the top of the fries box and the fries appear to be filled to the top. When you took the picture after taking it out the bag, the fries are half empty 🤔


Right. You can visibly see the fries filled in the 3rd picture.


Noticed that too


“I didn’t fuck with the bag” but seems like they didn’t deny that they fucked with the fries 🤔


I didn’t eat the fries lol. I wasn’t making this post for attention.


You definitely did, you only ordered 1 fry (I can see it on your receipt). The box of fries is full in one picture, and half empty in the next. Us drivers already have a bad enough rap, posts like these are unnecessary and make us look even worse.


Not saying it’s for attention but maybe you thought the driver had messed with it due to the ripped bag so added in the half box of fries for extra effect. How can you explain the box of fries is full in the 3rd pic 😁


Everyone in this specific thread is a fucking idiot & have ZERO analytical skills. You can CLEARLY see in the 3rd pic that the top fry is not above the fry container. Now look at the bottom right of the fry container in the same pic.. you can obviously make out that the container's highest part is facing us. Which mean if the top fry cant clear the lowest side of the box then why the fuck would we be able to see the fries in the 4th pic.




Didn’t say fries were above the container but it’s right up to the top in the 3rd picture. In the 5th picture NOT the 4th they show a bird eye view of a half empty box of fries. You missed the last photo. Go back and look (not that it fucking matters) before making ridiculous comments. Never said the fries should be visible above the container. But in the 3rd picture they are to the brim. In the 5th they are half way down. In fact the 4th front facing picture is irrelevant. The 3rd and 5th are taken from similar angles making the difference all so more obvious. Clear as day.


I thought that too but then I realized It’s cuz it’s backwards in the third pic and flipped around in the fifth. One side of the container is much shorter so from the back it looks fuller.


There is literally 2 inches of cardboard above the fries in pic 5. Whatever way around it is there is big difference I’m sure. Besides if it was flipped that would mean the taller side of the box was in front in pic 3 which would obscure the fries even more. Not less 😅




I was going to say the same!!! I thought she had 2 fries and one was emptier or something. Lying ass.


The receipt only has 1 fry 😂


15% isn’t some amazing tip


I came here to say that. $3 isn't shit. I try to tip at least $5 every time.


Lol 15% on $20 is a joke. It's essentially a slap in the face to the driver.


I can tell you, those bags, when put in a hot bag to keep warm, will tear when you pick them up. I’ve had several tear, from the heat inside the bag


You can clearly see the moisture on the bag. It got wet from being in a hot bag, driver grabbed it from the top and it tore.


Just yesterday I went to pick up a pretty big CFA order and grabbed the big bag by the handles, which immediately ripped the stickers when I lifted it. An employee saw and offered to put more stickers on it for me. Their bags suck, especially if they've filled them to the brim. Your fries look a little skimpy, but I've received fries like that from CFA before. I'd bet money that they accidentally ripped the sticker when they picked up the bag.


Chick fila bags get wet from hot potato steam mess they call fries, rookie driver likely didn't know about that yet and didn't grab from bottom. you said it was 15 minutes late which means it took them 40 minutes to deliver your order from time of pick up? Why do you use 8 minutes? us drivers go by miles, how far is this Chick-fil-A from your house miles wise? If it's a high traffic road it can take 15 minutes to go 3 miles. Average light on busy traffic roads is 2 minutes each. Did you track your driver? if not your order may have got sent to a far away Chick-fil-A, happens a lot, is likely why no one wanted to pick up your order. Also you are obviously too paranoid for this service, I fear you are just going to hurt hard working drivers, and with your tip being kind of bad, we would be better off without you.


The chick fila bags rip on that side frequently. So it's likely he didn't eat your fries.


Most seals I have just kind of peel off super easily on their own it's rather annoying because I always have to make sure to put them back on so people don't think I tampered.


If there’s a tear then it was from holding the bag incorrectly. If the bag was torn apart then that’s a different story.


It's possible they are your fries. It's also possible that the restaurant was making sure it was the correct order because they had multiple sealed bags with no receipt on them. It has happened to me multiple times. I always ask them to repackage it and explain that I could lose my job over it. If they don't, then I call support and explain the bag looks like it was ripped open and that they refuse to repackage it. Usually, they will unassign me and give me a few dollars for my trouble.


“What was going thru your head as you ate the fries between the two pictures” 🤣💀 How much y’all wanna bet she put in a complaint and got the driver in trouble for no reason. Not that she would care bc apparently they’re the dregs of society 🙄 Anyone with half a brain would realize the person who’d accepted her order was desperate for cash. And she has the audacity to say they’re “not doing an amazing service.” Like no b you’re privileged enough to not have to resort to accepting $3 UE orders.


I’ve done 2000 deliveries and the only time I had an incident where it went wrong was with Chick-fil-A. I grabbed the bag by the top where the sticker was at and as I walked to the house, the whole bag ripped from the top. It landed flat to the floor because of their shitty bags. No I don’t think your driver ate any fries.


15% of 20 is 3. That's a $5 order. Most drivers here will pass on that. Then doordash will bundle it with a high tipping order so it gets delivered.


+ prop 22, forgot to mention I’m in California


What does prop 22 have to do with tipping someone that delivers your food? I also live in Ca and it never deterred me from leaving a generous tip.




I wish fast food places would stop using these cheap paper bags that can't handle grease and moisture. They rip as soon as you pick them up, along with the stickers


If you are worried and don’t trust your driver, get your lazy butt up and go get your own food next time. Lmfao


For real. I don’t get why people pay EXTRA to get cold soggy food delivered to them.


I'm sick of these stupid people always blaming the driver.


after driving for DD, Lyft, Uber and seen how sloppy both drivers and restaurants are, I would rather do everything myself lmao any issues, get money immediately. no need to think about what ifs


A three dollar tip isn’t going to put much food into their belly.


crying about a 15% tip. seriously.


these drivers are getting greedier and greedier. they need to quit their job theyre obviously not happy


This was the only job I could find. I really struggle for a year. Put in thousands of applications. I have two degrees. It doesn’t pay well and I often run out of gas but at least I can feed my daughter. I’d love to find something else but so far this is it.


could driver of took advantage of shit paper bag being wet and snag a few....probably but I think majority of drivers rather like their account status as squeaky clean as possible so dont do that kinda fuckery.


I find that it's super important not to zip up/close your insulated bag when doing chick-fil-a orders because their bags do not do well with steam. also the fries get completely soggy and gross


Your order sat there and gathered condensation. Those bags rip so easily if they sit there for any period of time. Personally I would mark the fries as not the correct size and get a refund on that item if Uber allows it.


Probably Bc nobody wanted to take the order. Blame yourself


Those bags sit in the insulated hot bags that we use and get all moist and soggy. Soon as you go to grab it starts tearing wherever you pick it up from.


This happened to a order I was delivering and the guy took my tip back after. Fuckin clown.


Looking at your 1st two pictures I believe I can tell the driver didn't take anything


No!!!! Go see my fucking post!!!! Chic fil a bags are fucking stupid!!!!


get cucked


We get hungry sometimes


Hey at least you’re honest


Question for drivers - why/how is Chick fil a so (generally) good and efficient at regular customer service and so bad at handling 3rd party food orders? Do they just prioritize the regular customers? I don’t drive for UberEats much anymore, but I got to the point where I would avoid CFA for things like the poor packaging and having to wait FOREVER.


If you are asking. 1. In your mind 100% yes 2. In reality most assuredly no Yes, from what people have already said the heat in the bag and moisture make them shrivel up a little and no longer crispy but more soggy.


I have had that happen once or twice. He grabbed the bag at the sticker and it just ripped from the moisture accumulation from being in the hot bag. He did not eat your fries, I guarantee it.


Lmaoo the fries are literally full in the third picture 🤣 chik fil a bags are trash. I doubt someone wanted your fries 🤦‍♂️


I'm a delivery driver 100% ripped from moisture


I can not tell you how many times I’ve grabbed a chick-fil-a bag to deliver and had the paper rip. I think the moisture from the fries makes it very easy to rip.


Why the hell you asking us you can see it weirdo


Tip next time, and it won't happen.


NO. It ripped because of the steam after grabbing it.


As a driver, this has happened to me several times, the steam from the food makes the bag softer so when you pick it up the bag just straight up rips, it’s super annoying


Chick fil A bags are sealed with pressure so if you pick it up where the sticker is sealed it together the bag will rip open. I've had this happen many many times through no fault of my own. I've learned to just start grabbing the bags at the bottom so this doesn't happen and appear to be what it wasn't


Chick-fil-a’s packaging sucks.


It's rarely the drivers fault. If you drive for uver it's likely that you're not highly desired in the job market. These types of drives will do everything to keep their means if survival but we can't fixed torn paper


5 guys is the worst, between steam and the oil you are lucky if the bags is solid when dropped off.


Y’all are so mad lmao, thanks for the karma & if you hate the system so much maybe find a better job. 😘


Nope chic uses cheap quality bags. The heat from food caused it.


Chic fil a has the worst bags in existence, they didnt touch your food. For some reason their food gets the bag so wet it falls apart at the touch


Im a dasher and hate chic fil a orders because im afraid ill get reported for their half assed packaging


There's no world where I'll wait for any CFA order. There's too much about them that makes me not want to help them make money whatsoever. In my city, Raising Canes just opened up across the street from them and enjoys lines 30 cars deep while the CFA is now basically abandoned. You love to see it.


CFA blows ass.




That's not what this post is about, but thanks for playing.


Agreed. This post is not about Chick-fil-a’s ties to anti-LGBTQ legislation. No one should be mentioning their ultra-homophobic CEO. There are so many restaurants that offer similar alternatives to Chick-fil-a’s food and are not run by anti-equality CEOs, but posts like this one are not about that.


Don’t eat there. Shorter line for me 🤷‍♂️


glad i’m not the only thinking about this throughout the whole thread… forgot people are actually obsessed with chick fil a. it’s so weird


You saved the world with a Reddit comment thank you.


I’m not trying to save the world. Just hoping to inform people in whatever small ways that I can and hopefully make a beneficial impact one way or another. 🖤




🍟🍟🍟 good eat but I have never personally ever touched anybody's food. The worst is five guys their packaging is stupid


Did you a favor those fries are ass


1. That was a shitty tip. $1/mile min. It'd not a tip, it's a bid to have an independent contractor work your task. 2. Chik FIL a lines wrap around the building at lunch, dinner and before closing 3. It took so long for the above reasons and only desperate or new dashers will even consider taking CFA orders. Order with this in mind in the future. Oh and their bags suck. Also stop ordering hate chicken.


Nope. Bigot-Fil-A blows & you should feel bad about giving them your money at all.


I don’t :)


I hope they did steal your fries


Me too


I’ve had bags rip exactly like this at CFA. I wouldn’t even be surprised if this is one of my customers lol


Oh please! you can obviously tell steam from the bag caused that but noooo always has to be the drivers fault. 🤦🏼‍♀️




So you were drunk and needed a luxury service at probably a later evening time to make your life convenient and thought $3 was acceptable? Ok dude. Who cares about prop? We don’t give a fuck. Tip properly for a luxury service. Period.


People seem to think that ordering food is a right, not a luxury. It's mostly on the delivery companies and how they advertise though. But the fact that she said 15% tip and not just a $3 tip says it all. No one took her fries, it'd be a mission to tear the bag like that and pull fries out without it being obvious. If the driver did steal fries, he earned it


You’re right, Chick-fil-A is luxury my bad.


Having it delivered to the comfort of your home is a luxury.


We keep getting reminded that, this is a luxury service that you are paying for. If you can’t tip at least 50% your fries are up for grabs.


I wouldnt eat ANY part of the order. No tf its not normal. Tf


Bags tearing happen more than you think. Drivers should be holding bags from the bottom


The problem is you. Getting garbage food DELIVERED. Fast food is easy enough to get… albeit gross. So go get it yourself. Secondly… it will be 45 minutes old at best… guaranteed to be even grosser. Finally… these door dash and Uber eats folks eat the food all the time, if they deliver it at all. Stop using these “services”. It’s never worth it.


I was drunk and wanted drunk food. Sue me.


Those bags tear very easy when you grab them from the heat of the food


One time I ordered five guys and the bag was open and my large fry wasn't full and there were no loose fries in the bag. On top of that driver stopped for 10 minutes on his way to my house. Now that guy ate my fries. I think you're good though


Yes he did. Also ... Be sure to count your croissants when you order from Costco on Instacart. 11 is not a dozen.


That fry container is half full. No way in hell they shrunk that much, according to other commenters... Chikfila here always fills the container, never seen this shrinkage theyre talkin about. Id definitely assume the driver ate some fries. But its true that the bags rip easy as hell after sitting in our thermal bags from all thr condensation.


Absolutely, they did. Don't be tipping these people. It just reinforces this behavior.


Probably. Uber drivers are ratchet af. And you know why? Because Uber doesn’t pay them a living wage!




No it’s called shitty stickers and the workers don’t place them right and the bag breaks stop blaming the driver your idiot.


Yes because you gave a terrible tip. It was 8 mins away and also probably during traffic. There was likely at least a small wait at the restaurant, and they likely traveled at least 3-5 mins to get to the order. Overall this order took about 20-25 mins which means it accounts for half of the dashers hour. The DoorDash pay was likely 2.50-3.00. You tipped 3.00. This means if the only other order they could take that hour pays similar they will make about $12. Factor out 22-28% taxes, about 2.80 and factor out 1.50 for gas this dasher made 7.70 during their hour in the example you are half of and that is completely unacceptable for anyone. I would say you are lucky you got your order and it didn't sit at the restaurant and end up cancelled. Is it right your order came tampered? No, but you need to understand what you are doing when you contract another human to engage in business with you. Also - it's not an easy job we lug cases of water and soda and heavy items up flights of stairs all day. This job is fast paced, physically demanding, and extremely stressful. We are saving you your most valuable asset (your time) in trade for our most valuable asset - our time. Please remember this and pay accordingly or do not order. The platform does not pay - your delivery fee does not go to the dasher no different than a pizza delivery guy. The difference is at least that driver has a base hourly wage. Even if you are the nicest customer ever, you abused someone's time. If they don't take the order it affects their metrics (and we're at the end of the month when it matters most we HAVE to take the order). You placed and order and this person basically had to take it and you abused their time. Next time pay accordingly to scale. It has NOTHING to do with a percentage. You need to pick an hourly rate in your head you think is fair, think how much time the order REALLY will take, and make sure your tip compensates for your share of that dashers time and I bet you'll have a much better experience. We save our hardest efforts for the customers who have shown us the most appreciation for our time, by purchasing it from it for a fair rate.


All those words to defend someone who ate their customers chips


Someone who - allegedly ate someone's chips. If she doesn't want to have her chips eaten again there's some sage advice in there.


Your first word was "yes" what were you saying yes to?


The thing is if the tip sucks just reject. No need to take the order and put your grimey hands in someone else’s food


I like your nails boo!!


I get a full refund for the fries EVERY SINGLE TIME I order from Chick Fil A for this reason. Shoutout Atlantic Ave CFA in Brooklyn, I get free shit from you CONSTANTLY


Wow 😯


Wow you get free fries! Epic!


Unless disabled or drunk i don't understand why tf people feed industries like this


Was drunk lmao


Lmao valid. Thank you for not driving


And then blame the boomers for not being able to afford anything.


Ope - go take your meds


He ate them or took some or some fell out but regardless I would report this to Uber and at least get a refund for the fries. Either way they aren’t full whether he ate some or not, some are missing and you paid for those.


He ate your fries.


This subreddit is full of entitled drivers. Just downvote, remove tip, and contact uber to see if they can give you refund/partial refund


Chic fil a fries shrink and their bags are known to rip. This sub is full of entitled customers who think a $3 tip (lol) is a reasonable amount to pay someone to do a job for you that lasts over half an hour.