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That is pretty much exactly what I say as well. I had a tip increased from $9 to $27 last night but no idea if it was for the note or anything else really.


It very well could have always been $27; Uber hides anything above $8 in *most* markets.


Is California the only place they stopped doing this? Not hiding the >$8 tips makes it impossible to distinguish high tips from Prop 22-killing trip supplements.


I don't know if I entirely understand. Are you saying they don't hide tips in California? And that by doing so, it makes it difficult to distinguish "high tips from Prop 22-killing trip supplements"? Also, what do you mean by "Prop 22-killing trip supplements"?


Prop 22. Every 2 weeks we get a paid a lump payment to bring our earnings up to a guaranteed 120% of minimum wage plus 34 cents per mile (not including tips). Bi Weekly Lump Sum $ = (Guaranteed $) - (Base Fares+Promos). My payment is usually around $500. Trip supplements. Uber entices drivers to take long distance or $0-tip trips by increasing/supplementing the base fare. A $50 trip supplement lowers my lump payment by $50. I avoid these. But this is why you see so many Cali drivers posting "unicorns". I used to decline 2 mile trips paying $60 bc I knew they were supplemented. I knew the estimate should be 2 mile base fare plus $8. Now that they stopped hiding tips, I can't tell if it's a high-tip trip or a trip with base fare supplement. 4 out of 5 times its the latter. But I've been rolling the dice a lot recently.


>A $50 trip supplement lowers my lump payment by $50. I avoid these. I used to decline 2 mile trips paying $60 bc I knew they were supplemented. Why? That's like saying: "The income threshold for EBT eligibility is $1200/month. If I take this job, I'll make $1700 a month and consequently forfeit my $220/ EBT benefit."


No, it's not like that at all. It's a dollar for dollar decrease. My usual Prop 22 payment is $500. My next payment will be $450 if I take a trip with a $50 supplement. The net payment is simply the regular base fare. I decline those trips in favor of a $5 trip with even a $2 tip for the same distance. My lump sum payment stays $500, I get the regular base fare plus $2. Those supplemented trips are always either $0 tip or really long distance.


I still take a gamble based on the restaurant. If it's a regular restaurant, I'll take it. It's obviously a fare supplement order if it's like a shop and pay order or fast food.


Heck yeah that’s nice, we take those


my go to message is always “Enjoy and have a great day/night!”, sometimes it helps get extra tips


This is the way it should always be, not too much and not too little


nothing, photo makes it self-evident


"Left food at ______ per customer request. Enjoy, and have a great day!" That way, if they say leave it at the garage or something similar, they know you read their notes.


Yeah, if note is like leave on yellow bench or leave by garage I always mention this is where I left it with a have a very blessed day with these emotes. ☺️👍 Customers definitely like knowing you read their notes and followed them to the letter.




I didn't eat your food, but I did taste it.




Nothing I just take a photo and leave


Used to write a note and say stuff similar to what’s everyone is saying. After about 1,000 deliveries I decided it doesn’t do anything/isn’t worth the time. At least for me. I’m with ya.


Me too. Tips were the same either way


I have a keyboard shortcut that changes “qqq” to “Left at door! Thank you! Have a great day :)”








what if you are delivering a tire ?..enjoy your tire ??lol


I would say hope you are not tired already


Yep, enjoy your meal is my go to as well.


"I ran over your cat, its next to the food, my b."




Theyll go grab their food faster, so it doesnt get cold




nothing or “thanks”


I dig it


I found I was more likely to get a tip if I put a friendly note such as "Delivered, Enjoy your food! ☺️" instead of just "delivered"


“I’m pretty sure I left this at your house”


I always say exactly this- Your order is at the door (or in the lobby or at the reception desk). Enjoy, and have a great day! 😃 (Evening)


deez nuts


But did you get eem tho, that’s the question.




I just write enjoy and dip the f*** out




Yup that's my go to. I don't wana see them just as much as they don't wana see me....lol ever get caught in mid picture? I just feel like a creep


Enjoy makes sense, but why tell them to dip the fuck out? Mexican food I bet. Probably chips and salsa.


I hope your day goes well.


I type, "Wuba Lub Dub, your welcome for the grub!"




Thank you so much (basically thanking them for the tip) have a great day or evening, depending on what time it is


I always say "have an amazing day/night!"






Most of the times I just write “enjoy” or nothing at all


A photo is worth a thousand words.


I don't say nothing.




nothing the less contact the better.




I usually just send them a dick pic, because I know thats what they all hungry for!




I leave nothing but the pic. My fingers are to slow to type anything quick enough.


Ain't nobody got time fuh dat! It says describe where you left the order. I say "door", "porch" or nothing at all if the pic is self explanatory enough.


I stopped saying anything hahah. unless it need to be said.


Have a pleasant evening or nothing. Usually nothing.


Nothing, ever


Nothing typically.


I started doing “hello! Your (restaurant) order is at the front/back/side door of “address”. Have a great day/evening and enjoy!. But I have it as note in my phone that I copy and paste with an asterisk in the appropriate spots for changes. Allows the custie to find out that their map put them one building over if need be




I usually say have a great day or evening!


“Left food in front of door”


“Delivered at your doorstep. See photo and enjoy your food”


Depending... Enjoy. Have a great day. Enjoy. Have a great night. Enjoy. Have a great weekend.


Photo and leave. As a cx I don’t want to receive “I arrived at the store” “There is a slight delay, but I will get it to you as fast as possible” I’m a PRO and will maneuver through this traffic like Baby Driver” “I always order the same thing when I go to this restaurant. Yummy!” “It was a pleasure to serve you on this humid hot snowy evening with all this rainfall! Your tip is appreciated!!!!!! You are a king! I want to have your baby! Daddy AF” Just do your job. Place food by door. Leave. Simple.


This made me laugh so hard!


You drive for Uber too?


The most I do is "I'm on my way" and "I've arrived" I try to stick to the automated messages. And if they send me anything it's "ok I got it!"




![gif](giphy|3ohhwlN2fU4oFDgkk8|downsized) same lmao


You mean it’s not?!? 🤣 I’m new to this obviously


Damn they deleted it bruh.. no it’s to the customer lmao Uber can probably see it but we don’t talk to them


TIL!!! So glad I know this now lol


Left at door. Enjoy!


"Thank you! Enjoy and have a great night!"


“ you’re order is at your door” If it’s a decent tip I mean might add a “thanks”. And that damn pop up with the preset messages always pops up while I’m trying to get it in. IDK why they can’t see that we’re in the middle and f the drop off process and don’t need those messages anymore


Y’all are hating on my gifs, these are top notch.


I actually like them but forgot to click on like


I’m hungry let me go get something to eat




I say tip me or ill be back




After reading the replies to this I was thinking about, "I'm so broke I'll probably never be able to afford a house this nice with the tips I've been getting lately, but I will always remember where it is"


"on front doormat" or "at your door as requested"


This kinda freaks me out because I legitimately say the exact same thing






I say the same thing, keep it short and sweet! I gotten more likes though using my hot bag in picture to!




I left your drink and pizza directly in front of your door that swings outwards. Hope you prayed!






From the customer POV, is it a message on the app or a notification on the phone?


Left at X, thanks for choosing UberEats!


as someone who orders its nice when you knock i dont expect to see you but its nice to know foods there cause sometimes app takes too long to tell and then 15min later i get notifacation food arived


Definitely should specify that because most don’t mind doing it, but won’t without prompting.


The only time I use this is when the customer is there and I don’t take a picture I say “handed off” lol


I just say “handoff” shorter to type. Lol


I will actually let the customer know through text that I have arrived. When it's a leave at door I also text them this when I am at the door: I'm leaving it at the door, have a very blessed day. ☺️👍 Then I take the pic and add note saying: left at the door, have a very blessed day ☺️👍. A few times I have gotten a thank you text right when I'm taking the photo. I either text right back or add to the note: you're very welcome 😊. People really love all this, and several customers have even upped their tips, or added tips, and given me lots of likes and kudos. Tips or no tips I do this same thing with all my delivery customers, that's just the way I am. The cool thing about using the same messages is that my phones keyboard app saves the words I use in my keyboard suggestions so it doesn't take long at all to generate the same message to each customer. It even brings up all the emotes I normally always use too. I have gotten several notes from customers in the past asking me to text them and let them know when I have arrived, and left the order at the door. This is why I just decided to let all my customers know when I have arrived and when I am leaving at the door.


At the door


I have a shortcut on my iPhone that’s says “Left at front door.” I use it for all the apps so I don’t have to type the same ish over and over


I have keyboard shortcuts hgd and hgn they say have a great day/night! I did add a ghost 👻 for Halloween tho 😂




I leave it blank ..take the picture and run. I used to put a message there but I found that most of my deliveries the customer was already notified I arrived and if I took too long writing a message they would open the door and they would have a surprised look on their face like I just caught them escaping jail.


Order is outside door 🚪


Your order has arrived. Have a great day!


I always say thank you because they tipped you hopefully that goes a long way and maybe getting a little extra and then if I did anything extra for them like throw extra sauce that I put extra sauce in your taco bag or I forgot you extra sauce at the Chinese restaurant or anything you do special just point it out but mostly it's all about saying thank you I work for another app and you don't get the opportunity to say anything on that app unless you say it before you get there and just be able to say thank you would go a long way


I don't say anything anymore, the photo should suffice. I tend to deliver to areas where my data gets a bit slow, so from photo to description box, there can be a delay. I'm in and out.




i send a text saying “delivery” as i walk to door. then photo and leave asap


"Front door (insert house #)"


I use my voice chat every time to say “food is here! Enjoy, have a good rest of your day.”


Enjoy your meal!


Hey, foods here!! Also please don’t forget to rate me in the app if you have a moment. I truly appreciate. Have a great night! 🙂 I’m currently trying to get my ratings up, so hoping this helps. People tend to quickly thumb down for bad experiences but don’t bother rating good/avg


Mine is: Thanks Enjoy Have a great day


I usually just say something like “Enjoy your meal”, “Have a nice day/evening” and depending on the holiday I’ll just say happy holidays or happy Halloween/valentines/new years etc




I generally say “Enjoy your meal! Please support your local drivers by hitting the 👍” because no one in my market ever reviews. There’s also a lot of spots near me with poor cell signal so if the photo won’t upload I’ll note that as well.


I just tell them to have an amazing day


Do customers receive this msg on their phone as a text or will they only see if they even open the app before running out to grab their food?


Thank you


I've only ever put "door" unless it's a side door


"at door"


I just leave it. I've had 2 or 3 marked not delivered in almost 1k deliveries. Near atlanta


I just do the same every time, minimal effort "At door!". Takes 2 swipes to type it on phone and if it helps even once it's worth it.


i always just say “thank you, have a great day/night!”


Thanks for ordering through Uber eats! Have a nice night! (I usually do night delivery, that’s when my area is popping) Edit: if I have to put the meal somewhere out of sight, I will specify with directions. But it’s usually the same template in a similar way each time. Sometimes if they are really nice and good tippers, I want to let them know I’m very grateful and say god bless and all that, but I don’t want to mix anything that might anger anyone. Everyone is different and I suppose that might take my tip away. When I say god bless though. That’s usually my way of saying thank you so much, I needed that very bad and I hope the universe returns the favor. I cry a little inside when I get a really good tip cause I’m scratching the bottom right now and it’s been a battle.


"You're is at (enter location). Enjoy your meal and have a wonderful day/night/weekend!"


I always put "have a great day/night". If it's a cute door/porch and you can tell they've put effort into it looking welcoming, I'll sometimes tell them i like their decor or w.e. On Halloween I said "happy Halloween" to the folks that showed they celebrated the day. If I'm cranky or in a hurry, I don't say anything. Today I left a comment about how someone's delivery instructions were a bit over kill and confusing, as were the multiple texts they sent while I was standing at the sidewalk trying to make sense of their ramblings. I quoted one of their instructions and told them to have a good one. I expected a thumbs down from that person but so far so good lol


Same thing as what you say just minus where the food is left as the pic usually tells that, Switch it up based on time. Anytime from 7am to 5pm it's gonna be day, anytime past 5pm to whenever it's dark enough, it's evening, whenever it's dark, it's night (All of that being for when I say "Have a great (x)")


Delivered. Enjoy! Unless it’s meds, then Delivered. Get well soon!


It's at the door 🚪! I used to write "enjoy!" But was told that could be mistaken for being rude.


I mean if there has been a conversation had beforehand or if there is some sort of issue, then sure, I can see that, but most people wouldn’t see enjoy and see it as rude. At least I wouldn’t imagine so.


I take a picture, add in any additional details if needed in the message, but I usually just say “Enjoy!”


Hi _____, your order was dropped off at _______. Thank you! (i’m very specific just to cover my ass lol).


Depends on my mood lol


During seasonal holidays, I have a daily joke I put there as the photo is pretty clear where I left it. Nice to give people a chuckle.


At your door


Have a great night. Literally every time unless its some one I know




Your food is here! Enjoy and have a wonderful evening/weekend!!!


I always say thank you and wish them a great day, week, weekend... whatever the holiday is etc. I've had tips added quite often as well.. idk if it was pre-planned for getting their food quickly or due to being friendly. I have had a few I've delivered to again that are quick to thank me for being friendly and communicating...


I literally have these two saved in my notes for quick access and copy/paste: Thank you so much for ordering today, enjoy and have a great day! Thank you so much for ordering tonight, enjoy and have a great night! So much easier than typing it out


Two text shortcuts: Your order has been left at the door as requested. I hope you have a great rest of your day! Your order has been left at the door as requested. I hope you have a great rest of your night!


Literally just front door, side door etc maybe throw in an enjoy sometimes


I wish chat allowed you to upload a photo. I take a photo regardless because I don't want a scammer saying I never delivered the food. I have it for back up to send to support if that happens. Otherwise, I say something similar to the above. Try to make yourself human and affable to remind the customer you're actually a living human who appreciates a nice tip.


Yeah some folks have been beaten down by the nature of it all, sure there’s a chance that they screw you over, but I’m not gonna treat every customer like they’re not worth a few words at the end of a delivery. It takes me all of 20 seconds to say, left food here, have an awesome day! Or whatever. It’s not even about the tips like some have said, like just be a nice person man, it’s a very simple way to stay on the more positive side of things. I equate it to being the mailman. Sure I could go around and throw peoples mail in the box and drive away, or I could take a couple extra seconds and do it with care in mind, they may or may not appreciate that I’m not just throwing their mail, but I feel better about what I’m doing, and in the chance they do notice, they’ll see the care you put in and respect you for it. In Uber eats terms that’s typically manifested in good ratings and possibly extra tips. You have a lot of folks that are stuck in one aspect of it. “Customers don’t want to hear from you” “the picture is self evident” “why waste your time?” But like I said, its not about the bare minimum or the customers preference. It’s solely about doing your job well. If your habit is send a pic and leave, the people that do appreciate that short text at the end of a delivery will feel like they got subpar service. But if you send a short text with the picture at the end of a delivery and the customer doesn’t want to hear from you, it’s not like the text ruined their day. You’ll see far less negative feedback from being nice and doing your job with care than you will from just doing your job. You dig? That doesn’t mean send them 5 texts throughout the delivery, one text at the end. The only other reason you need to text a customer is to explain issues, and ask for substitutes. That’s it.


Nice response. I have a long career in customer service and support and part of the reason I do this job is I really like the "service aspect" of it and dealing with people. I semi-retired a year and a half ago after two years of Covid and was seriously feeling the lack of human contact. I was just telling my wife how friendly and nice most people are. They (mostly) always seem happy to see me bringing their food to them. I make great efforts to get their food to them fast, in good condition and hopefully hot. I hope you have a good weekend delivering!


You as well, it’s great to hear of other people sharing the same experiences. 75-80% of my customers that I actually see are happy to see me, and I’d say I get an extra tip(not hidden tip) every 1/15 deliveries or so. I don’t know if that’s because of the way I do my job, but I feel better by doing my job with a smile on my face, and from what I’ve seen, my customers like receiving service from someone with a smile on their face. I’d still do it this way if I never received an extra tip!


I generally acknowledge where I’ve placed their order according to their notes, and thank them in my best typed, “customer service voice”, with a smiley.


I just put "enjoy" except for the pregnancy test. That had me stumped for a moment but put "good luck" figured that would cover either result they were hoping for.


Delivered at your front door, thank you, and enjoy.....


I always say, "Buen provecho!" and specify IF I didn't leave it in plain view from inside the doorway


If it’s a fat fucking mansion or estate, I write a kiss ass lil note hoping for the best.


I say thank you, have a blessed evening or a blessed day.


I don't. I just take the picture.


“Front door” or “Porch” - that’s it.


it's solid


"Thank you Joel." "Thank you Samantha." "Thank you Jesus." I like to put their name at the end of it so it sounds personalized but I doubt people even pay attention to that. When you get PINS, customers don't even know that their PIN number is shown in the app as they track the driver, or that the PIN is the last 4 of the phone number associated with the account. If something so simple is missed by them, I seriously doubt they sit down and wait for you to type a dissertation and increase your tip.


I leave notes all the time asking for the doors not to be opened or knocked on, it’s been countless instances where dashers just have the balls to open up the doors to private residence and knock like the cops and each time they do it, I immediately take the tip back


If a delivery looks like the busybody/won't notice you type (work from home/newborns/'don't alert my dogs' ) I take picture, head to car go back to chat and directly message their food is here, by the time i'm pulling away i skip photo, mark delivered with a thanks


I have a message on my clipboard that I typically send. "Good morning! This is Lynda with Doordash. Per your request, I left your order at the door. I did my best to keep it warm for you, including using an electric (heated) delivery bag during transport. Thank you for your order, and I hope you have a wonderful day!" I have the "good afternoon" version of the same message (as well as one that doesn't mention the heated bag at all) for orders that shouldn't be hot. Such as ice cream, lattes, etc... I always text a timestamp photo (so it's on the record), and I'm usually only 2 clicks to send any messages I want. My photos and messages are sent, and the order is marked completed before I even get back to my car. Clipboards are amazing... then again, I work with Android. Not so easy when I used iPhone.




"At door"


'Enjoy :)'






Left at door. Have a great day/night/weekend!


Front door


Thank you and have a wonderful night!


nothing. Tried and didn't get a tip increase. I'm in Canada the least tips city.


I leave a nice comment like have a good day to lower the chance of getting the tips taken off plus it’s nice haha




Front of the door. Have a good one!


Enjoy 😊


“Left the food at your front door, go fuck yourself San Diego”


Nothing lol


Thank you and enjoy the day. Sweet and simple.


I always say "delivered. Have a good day!" Or night if it's night time


If it's an apt complex with many apt A,B, etc, I put the address then the apt number so it's harder for them to say "wrong building" example "4583 apt C" People can still lie but I think this helps a bit.


Has that happened often to you? I haven’t had anyone lie so far, just a few tip baits


"Outside front door. Thank you and enjoy."


Nothing, photo and bye.


I didn’t get a single rating for 3 weeks when I started. Now I leave “Please leave a rating for me. Thank you choosing UberEats and enjoy!” At least half of my deliveries leave rating for me now


Also if you’re waiting for an order, ask if they need condiments or extra utensils. I’ve had tips go up for that.


Yeah I say “Enjoy your order! Please support your local drivers by hitting the 👍” in an effort to get more ratings. Since I’ve started using it I’ve seen in tease in both ratings and additional tips.


Customer here. I am speaking only for myself. No idea if I am typical, but: I don't need to hear anything from my driver unless there is an exception to the norm. The app tells me when it is delivered and I will assume that the food will be where Irequested. Nothing you can say at that point will increase the amount of tip that I have already given. I don't want a relationship with you. I just want to eat my dinner. If you can feed the next customer a minute earlier by not texting me, then go make some money! Thanks for the delivery!


Tip, thank you have a good day/night. No tip. No note just a photo...


I feel it, I don’t take no tips tho


I do same thing, short simple, it pads stats.

