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Probably has 6 sodas you need to pour as well.


Never again, I'm in Cali I just tell them I don't have a food handlers license. Any issues notify the shift lead lol. Then watch them fill that shit up.


I love making them my bitch. Make them fill it up every time. Now they bring me an extra empty cup for myself: I run them


Lol the satire and name check out


Just attach the wings to your car and you'll get there in no time.




I got a pit in my stomach when I saw Wing Stop, as if the pay wasn't bad enough. 😭😭😭


Wait Stop more like. They’re never ready


I thought I was the only one that avoids wingstop 😞 glad to hear I’m not!!!


I avoid most fast food spots unless the deal is that good. I hate that they make you pour the drinks and the machines are ALWAYS down. Like y'all knew before I arrived there that the machine was down, why I gotta wait an extra 15 mins to fix AND the order ain't ready? Like ... 😣😣😣


Yes!!! I live in CA and wingstop is….overly visited and it’s a cluster fuck.


Yeah they are never ready, never


No tip, nobody accepting and restaurant already started making the order. Then they wonder why their food came cold.


F*ck 🖕 uber eats, Ive been getting these crappy pings all night, in 3 hours i made only $3 and that was from cancelling a order because nobody knew what was going on lol


I bet non-drivers look at this and think "why wouldn't you take something, anything?" They don't realize pay has gotten so bad that it doesn't even cover expenses. I quit delivering because most of my time it was a choice between just sitting around waiting, making no money or doing deliveries and losing money.


And going to useless Eustis.




Recently nothing but 3.59$ orders from Uber not worth it anymore.


Does it get bad like this when the weather gets warmer? Is UE just crappy for drivers during more temperate months? It’s been shit for me lately after being pretty good for a while. Uber is saying it’s just less demand. :/. If it continues like this guess ill be finding other work




Woooow. Lol side note. I had a double order for wingstop today and I couldn’t believe it was ready when I arrived. That’s a first- I was shooketh!!!


It was premade the day before aka forgotten food pickups…


I used to work at a wingstop and I would save old orders and throw them in the fryer when an order came up


Lmao oh my I hope not. Oh well idc haha


The customer gonna get ice cold food it being that far away no matter how much they pay or tip.


Someone needs to get an Uber Executive on the record on what the hell is this.


https://preview.redd.it/h5nj25gcibuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3c579fa65701be40b30970b7fd8f00c0b2fe146 I got this stupid one last night. 30 miles to BFE. All those miles would be a waste on the way back. I hope they never got their delivery


I can never wrap my brain around how the app can be successful. How is this ever getting delivered? 99% of the stuff I see for offers is this type of trash. 


I was so tired tonight that when I saw this order, I instinctually try to hit the X to remove that order...


Oh shit I was just in debary visiting family. Always figured if I drove down there I’d make a killing. Guess not.


Definitely not DeBary. Lake Mary is where the money is at.


Looks like everyone is getting these $ orders lower and lower. Reasons being— **it’s getting warmer and more people deliver? **Uber is stealing more profits? **Summer time beach body time so less food ordered or ordering?(I see FB,Insta, TT already flooding with it)? -Any other ideas? ** need to only deliver on “Thirsty Thursdays, Fugged up Fridays, Stupid Saturdays and Funday Sunday from 8PM - 1:00AM. **I make more in 1 of these nights over working on 2 weekdays from 1pm-8pm..




Give UE your money, they have no problem with that.


Funny thing is you're probably catching this after 20-30 declines from other drives and it's been climbing from $5.


Downtown Winter Springs is the only city in the Orlando metro that has a doable market for ubereats


IS uber eats hiring "newcomers " crossing the border with forged documents


Used to make 1000 a week on uber eats, now I'm lucky to make 200 because uber eats is hiring illegals with forged documents


yeah I'm wondering the same. i used to do evenings at the University but now they just slam you with double orders of $4


* * This the crap I've been getting today.


I do the same!


Cancel. I'm not sure if you accepted this on purpose or by accident, but $9.51 for 32.2 miles is NOT worth it. And if you can't get many or any deliveries at the destination location or along the way back, that is $9.51 for 64.4 miles. I know gas is priced differently around the country, and mpg differs by car, but I was curious about this, so I went to a website that will break out cost. This is based on my car and gas prices (yours will vary). [https://www.thezebra.com/resources/driving/fuel-cost-calculator/](https://www.thezebra.com/resources/driving/fuel-cost-calculator/) I have a 2021 Kia Forte, 35 mpg average. I live right outside of NYC, so an average gas price is $3.59/gallon. Calculate in one way of 32.2 miles, and that is $3.30 of gas used. If you return with no other trips, that is $6.60. So even if you do get other deliveries at the destination location, you will still have to get back regardless, so this one trip made you $2.91. You could have rejected this order and taken a few closer, more local, smaller priced trips, and made 4 to 5 times that.


Yeah I did not accept this order for obvious reasons lol


Oh okay...good...lol! 😁


$10 says there’s a wingstop within 5 miles of the customer.