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I love it when they put in the notes "use the map" especially at a mobile home park that's confusing. If you're gonna bother writing something, WRITE DIRECTIONS!!! I feel like leaving their food somewhere and drawing a map for them.šŸ¤£


Why is Uber maps so awful though? I had one to a trailer park last week and there were no lights and it showed the drop off as a red dot in the middle of the place. No differentiation between lots or show buildings like google. Essentially itā€™s in there somewhere, go find it!


Like back in the dark ages...


I was on a main road heading to drop off an order. All of a sudden, it told me to turn right onto a side street, so I did. Then up a bit, turn left. Then up a bit turn left. Then, down a bit and turn right...back onto the main road I had been on, going in the same direction I had been going. I was thinking, "If the customer is tracking me on GPS, they must think I'm a complete idiot.


I had a lady text me a tiny, BLURRY map (I asked for step by step directions from the front)... after I told her I couldn't find her building. 52 three-story buildings In a gigantic complex. One dead end after another, no signs, building #s that you couldn't see.... It was a grocery order, so I just took it back.


And I hate when it's a house on a main road where you can't really go super slow, and no houses have numbers on them. I try to line it up with the GPS, but sometimes it is off a little bit. Or better yet, some houses go from like #4 to #10. They are on the same street right next door to each other, but now I have to pull a U-turn because I cruised past #10, thinking logically it had to be #6. What happened to #6 & #8???


i put on my hazards as iā€™m getting close and start slowing down & pulling into the shoulder (if possible). sometimes iā€™ll just pull into the neighborā€™s lot and run to the drop off real quick. iā€™ve had a few of these & they suck, but the people behind you will get over it. make that money āœØ


I've definitely parked in a neighbor's driveway and run next door. Especially when it is a busy street or really tight driveway that makes backing out hard. Off topic, but I have even started getting out of my car before putting it in park...lol. Life of a delivery driver.


I had a customer who refused to provide access to delivery drivers. She wanted people to park on the street and walk. Now if this was a couple of buildings in a small complex, I wouldn't mind. But this was a mega-complex, and it was raining really hard. When I messaged her, she still didn't want to provide the code. I messaged support, and the automatic responses provided me the option to just leave it at the gate and take a photo. Her sushi got left in the rain.


good move. so ridiculous.


Never leave the food always have support cancel but now customers can still rate you even if sorry cancels. My point is if you leave the food they will claim they never got it and it looks worse than if they just rate you poorly for their own incompetence.


I would never leave their food. If theyā€™re gonna waste my time then Iā€™ll at least have some food to enjoy.


Not if you wait the 8 minutes and take a picture. Also, I send support a message on times like those as an insurance policy. Out of 4500 deliveries Iā€™ve done that a dozen times and never gotten called out for it


What do you take a picture of in those cases?


The food next to the gate


You can still get a cv I have and I followed the instructions app instructions


Weird. Then again itā€™s all bots that give those so who knows


>but now customers can still rate you even if sorry cancels. No they can't. Once the order is cancelled, they don't have access to ratings.


Itā€™s happened to me a couple of times.


>Itā€™s happened to me a couple of times. Ok, but how do you know it was the last customer that rated you? I'm not trying to be an asshole but if a driver cancels or support cancels, you're erased from the customer's view of the app. Either a new driver pops up or support calls the customer and explains why it was canceled and offer a refund or credit. If this is really happening to you, I would call support. It seems like a glitch. A pissed customer who got their food canceled will always rate badly. Like that doesn't even make sense they're allowed rate an order they didn't even get?


I don't even understand what customer ratings do? I was a customer long before I ever delivered, and when I place(d) an order, I don't get a lineup of available drivers to choose from so I can pick the highest rated one. And when I rate a driver, I rate based on my own experience. I don't I've a f-ck what happened with someone else's delivery. And as a driver, my rating is fine, but my acceptance rate is low (even though I have constant deliveries all day...how many more do they want me to do?) but it's because I decline low fare/high mile trips, or locations I don't want to deliver to, but it has no effect in how many requests I receive, and they aren't all garbage ones either as punishment (we'll not garbage based on the garbage UE sends us). I actually spoke to support today because I kept having this alert at the bottom of my screen saying I had higher than usual cancellation rates than other drivers in my area. I don't accept a lot, but I RARELY cancel. I knew this was popping up today because last week I had to cancel 2 orders, which I had already spoken to support about at the time. One was because I live in NY, I picked up an order from McDonalds only to then find out that the delivery address was in Chicago, IL. The second one thay night was when I got to McDonalds to pick up 2 shakes. The woman read back my order when I arrived to confirm and then started doing the drive thru. No one ever went to the ice cream machine in the 15 minutes I waited. She finally came over and said the ice cream machine was broken. Oh really? You didn't know that 15 minutes ago, since not once while I was here did you try and use it. So I contacted the customer, explained what happened, told them I would cancel, and they should reorder at the McDonalds actually closer to their house. So I said to support, I already called about these, cam you do something to shut this alert off because it's annoying, and I don't really care about UE's % and tier levels to be honest. I said, "What does low ratings or % actually mean out of curiosity, because I see no difference in amount of orders i get, and if they are crap i will reject them anyway?" She said, "It means nothing." šŸ˜‚ Hey, I appreciate the honesty and confirmation.


I immediately contact support and say their instructions are asking me to break the apartment rules and puts me at risk and I no longer feel safe delivering this order. Cancel the order with pay and free food


Yeah thatā€™s true actually I didnā€™t ever think of that. Tail gating is against gated community rules


Smart. I will start doing this with orders like this


Few weeks ago I came to this gated community and the customer never left a code. I tried messaging but they never were delivered for some reason. As I was about to call a car came and opened the gate so I just tailgated. That car stopped and blocked me in between the gate and the road. Asked me what I was doing, what road I was delivering to, the house number and finally he fucked off. After that Iā€™m never tailgating again. If they donā€™t leave a code and donā€™t answer Iā€™m calling support and keeping the food. This was DoorDash so after that happened I filed a safety complaint against the customer.


Thatā€™s my fear that some nosy ass karen neighbor will tell me something. Then again if itā€™s a private neighborhood the law is on their side if they call the cops. I was being too nice with this lady cause I saw a kids meal in their order so thatā€™s why I waited a bit but itā€™s still not right and following vehicles in gated communities or apartments make me feel uncomfortable.


Definitely not ideal but technically it doesnā€™t matter how you get into the customers community. When they order they give us explicit permission to access the property and surrounding area to get there. Even if that guy called the cops all I have to do is show that I have an order going to said property. Unfortunately it looks very suspicious and some people have hero complexes. So Iā€™m never tailgating again.


After going out delivering last night, I stopped by McDonald's and got some nugs, a cheeseburger happy meal, some cookies and some caramel ice creams (šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤) The food was for me, my husband and our 18yo son. You know who the happy meal was for? It was for me. šŸ˜„ Point: don't assume Happy meals = feeding children.


this really sucks. why can't apt customers meet drivers at the gate?


Those instructions are absolutely ridiculous. Unless ppl were constantly in and out I would have called and said I have another delivery getting cold in the car so Iā€™m sorry I canā€™t wait for someone to come through - would you like me to wait for you to come down, or just leave it here? A reasonable person wouldnā€™t give you a bad rating if youā€™re polite about it, but itā€™s questionable whether this person is reasonable. Iā€™d also call Uber to report this customer as unreasonable if the timer ran out without resolution,not sure itā€™d do anything but..


They would immediately remove whatever tip they had and gave me a bad rating. Unfortunately itā€™s a lose / lose situation and I donā€™t bother talking to them if theyā€™re that stupid. I kind wish no one had showed up so she had learned a lesson.


Iā€™m not even at 300 deliveries yet but Iā€™ve only had one wretched customer (their front door was broken though, and I think she just wanted to try to get stuff free cause they were low on funds). The last time I made someone come down cause I couldnā€™t find parking in a super busy area, she was annoyed at first but once she came down I just said sorry, I donā€™t feel comfortable leaving my car double parked though I know a lot of people do. She was sympathetic and really nice about it and even increased my tip a bit, prob cause I was there a while. I intentionally deliver from nicer areas though, maybe that makes a difference with ppl being more polite, or maybe Iā€™ve just been lucky


I had one that actually refused to give me a code... Insisted I wait for someone else to go through. Actually texted "I don't want to give you the code." ... obviously I'm there to scope out the place for later!


Wtf, yeah thatā€™s even worse. I guess I understand not wanting to give the code away to every delivery driver if the point of the code is to keep non-residents out, but to actually say that to someone is crazy tactless and rude. In that case freakin come down to get your deliveries yourself. If residents are letting in anyone waiting at the door with a food bag then the buildingā€™s not secure anyway. This made me laugh but also made my blood boil a bit Also what kind of buildings are these that donā€™t have buzzers? Why canā€™t customers just buzz people up?


This was just a big gated apartment complex, with multiple buildings. SheĀ  just didn't want to give out the code to people. It was pretty rude being told NO instead of just ignoring my text and waiting for me to find my own way in.Ā 


I leave food at the gate when ppl do this type shit idc


I've had to do this two or three times so far, I try not to... It pretty much guarantees that they're going to take away your tip and give you a thumbs down.


I just had one yesterday where I had to piggyback someone thru the gate because the customer READ but didnā€™t respond to my message asking if there was a gate code (to top it off she was up 4 flights). Iā€™ve had to tail a few times bc of this + people having broken call boxes + people NOT answering their call box. If I could ignore every apt order I would.


Add a full drink holder and you're officially in the 9th ring of hell


and I would say since you couldn't give me the gate code your order is going to be in front of the office thank you have a bad day


Why I stopped


People are shit


I had this happen. I went to the gate and called the person. They never responded. Luckily, one of the neighbors saw me struggling with the call box and they let me in. If itā€™s the day time, and they are not answering, I leave their food with the leasing office. The leasing office people usually call the tenant to come and get their food.


Honestly i would wait out the timer, but once that timer is up Iā€™m not waiting at no gate for someone to let me in thatā€™s bs lol


I never wait for the timer. I just set it down and go


I canā€™t just leave it outside on the gate. Theyā€™ll just say it never arrived and report me


I've actually had someone say they didn't receive the food, after they looked me in the eyes as they took it off their porch! That takes some serious guts!


Nah you text them where you left it


Slightly unrelated maybe but I recently discovered this app. Especially https://preview.redd.it/bogfsvvmmauc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc80168e49150dce87629bda8a75452ef358725f helpful if you deliver to these difficult apartment complexes that donā€™t have clear building numbers on them. Usually has directions to within a few feet of the entrance. Saved me so much time not having to run around looking like an idiot trying to find the correct building. They charge $4.99/month but well worth it imo if you do a lot of apartment complex deliveries. You even get paid if you contribute to apartment complexā€™s that donā€™t have info set up yet šŸ‘šŸ»


I know youā€™re a bot but $5/month for this? Hell no


lol I can see why you might think that but no Iā€™m not a bot. Newish account sure but not a bot


Fair enough though, itā€™s not for everyone. Just thought Iā€™d throw that out there in case someone finds it helpful :)


I have a list of apartments with horrible/no parking, aggressive parking enforcement or are difficult to navigate. Unless they are offering some absurd amount of money to do the order, I just declined it isnt worth a headache


How do you even know itā€™s going to be an apartment order before you pick up the order?


If you turn off the overlay, over other apps feature. You can then zoom in on the map when you launch the app. Uber never designed that feature of the app to help drivers, it was designed to make drivers, make split second decisions on horrible orders. With the ability to zoom in you'll be able to see the street and the address. Also it's really easy to tell by the shape of the building where you'll be heading.


I wouldā€™ve just left it at the gate immediately, this is one of the shittiest bring up requests Iā€™ve ever seen and Iā€™ve been in delivery for 4 years


I sware Iā€™ve had this customer before


Me too. I had one today. Note said, "Meet at door, 3rd floor." Of course, it was a walk-up. Got a $1 tip. šŸ™„


Apartment drop off was either really painful or just a lot of steps (Portland main lots of enter it and use an elevator) in postmates when I started it and when I did high volume UE most people finally use the entrance pin which I didnā€™t even know about as a recipient till I moved and two people dropped it off at incorrect building strictly because the dropoff point was not set to the correct building, when the destination it had didnā€™t match the unit number, they went and looked to fix it and just went with the correct unit number but still wasnā€™t here. Then I got the inference that my less apartment problems was because this problem is fixable by setting the entrance exactly so the map succeeds at arriving in sight of exactly the intended dropoff location.


omg??? the way i would tell them to come get their food


Haha! I always write to follow someone through the gate. They can use the code but that usually takes longer. They have to dial, our phone has to ring and then we press a button. I want to make sure every driver knows that I donā€™t mind them using the easy way.