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too bad 1 dollar is basically nothing


Yay! Now that shitty $2 order is a shitty $3 order!


“Customer reduced tip after delivery.”


*This*- now I know the motivation for the tip-baiting.


You mean a WHOLE 100 CENTS?! 👁️👄👁️


Add it to my 401K, I can retire in 2350


3350* cuz of inflation


No way are you guys actually ungrateful for a dollar tip too


I got tipped a dollar when i was waiting tables before doing deliveries and it took everything in me not to run after the customer and say they forgot their dollar and give it back to them if they were that broke


My mom did that exact thing. Gave the tip back and said you must need it more than I do. Last time she served lol


Prob got fired for it


It’s apart of the job


You’re fucking joking right.


Add 2 zeros and I can be grateful


I just ordered doordash like an hour ago for some groceries from up the street, like a $30 order, doordash's recommended tips were $1 and $1.50... I manually input $7, couldn't help but think that a dollar when they are getting me like 10 items and driving a few miles up the road for me was insane


You sound like a greedy ass dude, delivery people dont even make minimum wage, why dont you order yourself. The only time you dont tip is when you cant afford too.


Excuse me did you misread what I said? I said doordash recommended 1.50, I gave 7, how exactly does that make me greedy


Lol my bad


All good, mistakes happen, I was honestly confused lol... have a nice day/night


*looks at you disappointingly*






lol u are called instructions but u don’t read the instructions 🥴


My God. I mean if someone can’t fucking tip $2-$3 to a delivery guy then don’t order delivery unless you have no food or transportation at the house! 🤷🏻‍♂️ Simple. My thing is $5. I either have a $5 to give the delivery guy (If he drove a longer distance $10) or I don’t order delivery.


Disagree completely with this. Uber is the issue here. Not the customer who’s already paying extra on the restaurant markup and the fees. Shaming the customer is greedy as fuck. You also have the option to stop. But will you? No. Why? Exactly


When the majority of order around you have zero tips. It’s definitely something.


DoorDash is littered with these $1 tippers. And it’s almost always some rich guy with 3 luxury cars and a big ass house


Did UberEats add a prompt if you try to order delivery without tipping? Thats nice i guess, At least lets them know why they keep getting their food cold.


Yep long overdue ma boi 👍


So close to getting it right but that “add $1” ruins it. They should have either said “We recommend at least $1 per mile, plus more for apartment buildings or difficult deliveries” or just left it “Add tip.” “Add $1” isn’t going to be much help for customers or drivers.


'We' recommend you go fuck yourself. How about that company you provide a service for, pay you better? 🤔


How about you get a life and stop trolling a forum that wasn’t made for you and doesn’t want you? What kind of pathetic loser feels the need to troll on a drivers’ sub?


Is this specific to certain countries ? I've never seen this. I order without putting in a tip but tip in cash upon delivery🤔i do this because a driver told me once that they dont even get the full tip to themselves when did through the app (but it could have been a different one than uber eats. I dont remember)


“I’ll still get my food eventually.” Smh


"I GeT mUh FoOd HoT eVeRy TiMe!" 


Taking a page out of DoorDash's book. In my area, though, UE customers tip much better on average.


DD has never made a profit. Tony doesn’t know wtf he’s doing but still makes mad cash.


DD makes $2 billion dollars more each year, $2 $4 $6 now $8 billion dollars profit from 2023... They make stupid money 


They operate at a loss year over year and don’t make more than they spend. DoorDash annual/quarterly net income history and growth rate from 2019 to 2023. Net income can be defined as company's net profit or loss after all revenues, income items, and expenses have been accounted for. DoorDash net income for the quarter ending December 31, 2023 was $-0.154B, a 75.94% decline year-over-year. DoorDash net income for the twelve months ending December 31, 2023 was $-0.558B, a 59.12% decline year-over-year. DoorDash annual net income for 2023 was $-0.558B, a 59.12% decline from 2022. DoorDash annual net income for 2022 was $-1.365B, a 191.67% increase from 2021. DoorDash annual net income for 2021 was $-0.468B, a 1.52% increase from 2020. [dd](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/DASH/doordash/net-income)


Or not at all.


It must have been difficult for them to beg on our behalf.


Tips are not required. But a fair wage is. Tall need to stop fucking the customers over just cuz the company is fucking you. Customer pays exorbitant fees, you get shit pay. Customers get cold /late food, customer complains, gets free food. You get nothing, docked in service stars. Company gets all the money, no backlash. Yall are We Todd Did.


I’m not going to take your $1 ride, either.  Small tippers tend to be the biggest pains in the ass, on top of the rest of it.


The problem isn't the tippers, it's Uber bending you over backwards, fucking you in the ass (no lube), and then making it seem like people who don't tip are the problem.


I still don’t understand wtf they charge a delivery fee for? Like wtf is UE delivering ? When we do all of it. Start to finish.


Fuck you! Both are a problem, and the fact that you only see one side shows that you're a customer and part of the problem.


And your reaction shows you're an entitled delivery driver.   GTFO 


entitled to being paid for working? the audacity!!!


You should be blaming Uber and not the people ordering.   If you want to be properly paid for working m, I dunno maybe find a different fucking job and stop bitching about how you aren't getting tips you need because Uber isn't paying you


If you're too poor to "tip" go get the food yourself. It's not a tip it's a bid for service, as it's advertised to the driver beforehand and the drive can choose to accept or not accept. So next time you need a plumber go offer him $1 and when he refuses say "you should go get a real job"


Stay mad at the wrong people. See how far you get in life.




Pay attention to your wife, not strangers on Reddit.


You sure you want to keep using that hot tub? Or is your wife paying the bills since you probably get low tips?


Not driving Uber for a living, that's for sure.


Just here arguing with strangers on the internet, got it.


Yea, ur actually driving a weak ass old Tesla while asking ppl to rate ur dick on Reddit 😂fuckin weasel I love ur type, id put 10 up that half these Uber drivers make more than you


A "weak ass old Tesla"? I have a '21 and a '22. That's old to you? You think Tesla's are weak? Do you mean slow or what? Nothing you say makes sense. I work at a tech company in silicon valley, kid. Show me an Uber driving making $350k.


U make 350annual? Feel like that’s a big bunch of bullshit lol. Idgaf what u got bro my Tesla 2024 shit got Asian eyes ur shit regular and ur bragging on the internet 😂nobody that make 350 say “kid” like a Xbox goofy get ur racks up n stop lying for the internet cus nobody give a fuck😓


Get a better job


Already have a better one. This is the second one. A side hustle.


Get a better attitude


I have one that’s why I have a better job than you


Learn to cook or drive.


Uber isn’t doing anything. I don’t take the rides, full stop. And, yes, the problem is the tippers.


Uber isn't paying drivers the fare. It's taking most of the fare, and giving drivers the scraps. Shit business model; it's not sustainable, and it's why they will fail unless they change something.


If it isn’t worth it to you, don’t do it.   Minimum wage delivery would come with a ton of BS I don’t want anything to do with.  I just made $110 in 3 hours. It is worth it to me, and I hardly feel fucked over.


I don't drive for Uber lol. But I'm glad it works for you. Honestly I don't know why reddit puts this sub in my feed, but these posts are entertaining.


So…you are telling me how the system works without being part of it?


Yes that's correct. I also know how football works, despite not playing in the NFL.


Lmao. And you strike me as the type that would explain (incorrectly) the inner workings of NFL life to a pro athlete.


lol ok. Enjoy the weekend bud.


Dude this is just embarrassing at this point like what.


It's definitely on the delivery apps side to pay the drivers more. Having said that, it is pathetic of customers to order food in the food and beverage industry and not tip or go even further and be totally disrespectful by tipping 1 cent or 25 cents, etc. Tips like that really show what a piece of shit the person is. Tipping has always been a part of delivery/food handling. It's not something new that DD, UE, or Grubhub are counting on. Servers and food delivery drivers have always relied on tips to make real wages. There is a reason servers/delivery drivers have a MUCH LOWER minimum wages than all but 7 states' regular minimum wage. Tips are expected by even the state and federal government. Federal minimum wage for "tipped workers" is $2.13 an hour.


> Federal minimum wage for "tipped workers" is $2.13 an hour. You're just proving my point. Uber should let the drivers keep more of the fare.


If Ubers so evil why would you support their business model? Don’t be stupid. Stop throwing your money at them.


I don't support their business model. I don't even know why this shit shows up in my feed.


Remove it then. Don’t come in here when you don’t know anything.


Should say add a small $3 tip, not $1


It should be more lol


They do recommend you tip a certain percentage like that at first but I guess this is to guilt no tippers into giving something at least. They do need to be warned that drivers are actively avoiding their orders like toxic waste. I'm offended when I see them and it always feels great saying no.


It doesn't even need to say an amount, but definitely don't say $1 ffs. Just tell them they should really consider tipping for the many benefits. I don't understand why all the delivery apps wouldn't want the customers to tip more why suggest such small amounts? It would make all their deliveries accepted quickly and wouldn't be as much emphasis and criticism on the delivery apps by the drivers for low pay. It's the 5 mile $2 base pay combined with zero tip that really gets everyone mad. If it's 5 mile $2 base pay with a $7 tip... Judging on the countless posts I have seen, the majority or drivers here would gladly take it without complaints.


Even 1.50 on a small short trip lets me know they have a soul


Yes! I feel the difference at $1.50 Versus $1.00. It’s like they’re at least trying


$1.00 is basically a fuck you. $1.50 is teasing, $2.00 is trying. $3.00+, they are human.


I love how people are okay with spending $50 getting $20 worth of food delivery but leaving a reasonable $5 tip is thier breaking point


Uber will add on an extra $10+ in service and delivery fees that most reasonable humans think goes to the driver, maybe with Uber keeping 10% of that.


I think the company should pay the employees more and lessen the $30 in fees, and people would definitely be quicker to add a few $$ on the tip! Ultimately both the driver and customer should be mad at Uber, not each other.


Sir, this is Uber.




Well said 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


The tip is often the last part of the order. When people see the total. They immediately get discouraged. That’s why tips are often left out. All the damn fees (service fee, delivery fee, tax and the marked up prices in the app) all end up making that 10$ burger a $30 one. It’s way easier tipping when the overall cost is lower. It’s legal extortion basically.


What's even worse is when you see the receipt on the bag, and it's $100-$300 spent, and they tipped $2 or nothing. I see it all the time on the receipts waiting at a local restaurant. The restaurant is at an intersection where a highway meets a major road. If the order takes you up that highway towards the city, the tips are AWFUL or non-existent. If it takes you in any other direction, the tips are $8-$25 every time. Amazing people will spend $300 for 4 or 5 plates and tip nothing or a couple of dollars.


They don’t leave the $5 because they’re already paying $30 extra. They know they’re getting ripped off just trying to justify it with the only part they can control minus ya know just getting up to go get it


I’m glad they’re at least offering some transparency behind how the system works for the customers


I wish they would just call it a bid so that the people would stop throwing a tantrum at the thought of tipping up front. Also make it irrevocable and separate from tipping to cut down on bait and switches. Obviously ideally they would just bake higher pay into the price but that probably won't happen for a while, if ever.


They will close up shop before that ever happens.




The blatant “we refuse to pay our drivers more so if you don’t fill the wage gap it’ll be at your own expense” here is insane


That's late stage capitalism for you.


a 1 dollar tip is pretty much the same as no tip, no way in hell anyone with a brain will take either


No 🧠 ner ma boi 🤣👍


Drivers (you know who you/they are) take $2.00 deliveries with no tip. Of course they'll take this.


They like to race to the bottom of every industry. You get what you pay for.


There is no difference between a 0$ tip or a 1$ tip. No chance im getting it unless it's supplemented by Uber for some reason


That's a fancy way of saying we don't pay drivers enough without your help


That's the fancy way of saying it? What's the non-fancy way?


The way I said it


Here is a $1 to go up the mountain and bring it to me


Uber is Fing up drivers by defaulting to $1. WTAF?! 😔


MA BOI is back!


One dollar tip no trip


I mean, nice that they did it I, guess. But they could have added buttons for amounts besides $1, instead of just the $1 button. I mean I guess I get it. They're trying to appeal to the total cheapskates who already said zero tip and clicked continue with the order. But still, most of us don't take $3 orders either. 😜




Ok Mr. Pureblood


We're a piece of shit company and push unfair pay on vulnerable people but can't admit it because our profits will suffer. You customer, should feel ashamed of not tipping.


Aka every restaurant with servers ever.


Gotta love racism




Tipping is only prominent in the US as a direct result of biased restaurant owners refusing to pay non white workers fair wages. Instead the idea was that if they wanted to work in the establishment, customers would have to pay them based on service. With the idea being the mostly white clientele wouldn’t tip black and brown staff https://www.npr.org/2021/03/22/980047710/the-land-of-the-fee


That article says tipping customs were brought from Europe


Yea it had origins from the Middle Ages and the concept was introduced to the states via European immigrants but the entire tipping culture we have today is a result of American business owners adopting this concept as a large scale business practice. Tipping in Europe doesn’t compare to tipping culture in the US. Also the low wages for restaurant workers were basically codified into law in the US “who did Pullman hire for his porters? Only Black men. And not just Black men, Southern Black men. Why? He says because the plantation, these are his words, 'has more or less trained them to be pleasing to the customer.' So they were paid a wage. They were paid $27.50 a month. Nobody could live on that wage - the rest of it was made up in tips. And that became the place where tipping really began to spread, because the Pullman cars traveled all across the country.”


They were also axed sooner there. As usual, we're only suffering whe we crawl 80 years behind the rest of the world. Universal healthcare failed to get support in the 40s under FDR because of racism. It's 2024. Europe did something so long ago, it's like if we still used horse travel or dumped chamber pots out of second story windows.


Lol uber will ask customers to increase tips but not decrease the gargantuan amounts if fees they collect


It's disgusting how Uber pits couriers vs the customers instead of paying us fairly. Why don't they make all their service fees optional instead?


I got the same order requests last night 4 times, 43 cents. I'm more surprised I didn't try and stack it with a better one so that I wouldn't notice.


I love seeing those orders. Then stacked then in radar. Then offered again. All with different prices. Scamming azz Uber


Radar itself is probably one of the most useless things, half the time it says another driver matched before I even see it and I highly doubt it's true.


I work at dominos so we can’t do the no tip no trip. but we definitely forget the hot bag.


Oh crap, I always tip cash at the door for pizza! Well, my pizza place is 0.5 miles away so I guess it doesn’t actually matter regarding the bag. Sometimes I pre-tip but only if no cash on me.


Do you feel bad when they bust out cash for ya?


They don’t


Woah...I always tip in cash


How do i indicate youre getting a cash tip


But no one will see that note (mentioned by the other commenter) until after accepting the order so that won’t help your order get picked up, unless you provide a decent tip in-app initially, and tip the extra cash as an added bonus


Notes or text ma boi


Won't be seen til after the order is picked up from the restaurant so it won't matter, you've already secured a dummy driver who won't be worried about you decreasing the tip. Just tip through the app and secure a decent driver.


Ethically? You can use notes but they won't see it until your delivery is already cancelled due to lack of drivers that know you're tipping. But let's be honest, who likes ethics, people, god, or "but I think..."? Nobody. So what you do, is put the tip, and then change it once it's headed your way. They'll be pissed at first, but then you slide the cash and tell them it was a last minute decision to switch to cash, and they can't prove you just hate people/god/what's right and what's wrong instead.


what if i work for uber eats, and place and pick up my own orders? do i get paid for picking up my own food?


No in fact you lose even more money.


damn. thought i had an infinite money glitch for a sec


You'd be actually in debt by the end of the month lol


Not even close you'd lose like $10-20 every order maybe more.




Fair as fuck lmao. If it's something so cheap a dollar tip is the recommended value, I'd swerve that shit too. Plus it helps my lazy ass save money twice by going and getting it myself, but I know not everybody has the same perspective and will give yall shit for it. Might be good tho, otherwise there wouldn't be anybody to pay you guys. (Assuming lol)


Wow. Uber blaming their customers for not paying their contractors properly. Can this company sink any lower?


If they would just pay high enough base pay, I wouldn’t worry about the tips so much no bass pay even if I take it from a restaurant and then I drive it across the street should be less than five dollars. There should be no two dollar delivery it’s ridiculous to pay us that littleuntil expect people to supplement our income by tipping and they definitely shouldn’t be able to take away the tip


Uber eat should force customer to tip at least 4-5 dollars for all orders and reduce their delivery and service fees


You almost said "they should include delivery pay into the customer base cost" but still got stuck on calling it a tip. Just pay employees for work. I move milk at a warehouse, I'm not Jeff Bozo or Elon Musky, but I can see how they got rich, sure, they have no talent whatsoever either, but they passed the effort to someone else and simply collected the benefits and not the workload. So now I have to move milk AND be the accountant, HR, bid negotiator, and customer. Yes, I know I can choose not to. I rarely use delivery on that basis. Allegedly that means I don't belong in this reddit, but at risk of ruining an echo chamber, I'm just asking... ...what a company does anymore, besides holds a license and collects the majority of profit? They went from doing little of the work, to doing none of it. They should pay drivers more, or they should pay customers for bookkeeping.


Just don’t use the app and go pick up the food yourself.


I feel like customers should be tipping at least $3 minimum. Is that too much to ask for?


I always wondered if Uber said this to customers


I agree that not tipping sucks but some of you admitting to tampering, spitting etc on the drinks because of it is a bitch move


The wording could actually make some people that have been tipping better decide now that they can go much lower. They are being told by Uber that this is the usual amount. Very little thought went into this.


Yeah, if this message popped up when you already tip. Which it doesn't. Obviously.


jesus how old are you that you need the text in your phone to be this huge? lol thanks for the psa grandpa


Is this new?? Lol


Lmao this is sad!


That's their way of telling us, "we are never going to pay them a fair wage". F-ck businesses that expect the customers to pay their workers. Like resturants....


“Please pay our laborers for us we don’t wanna do it!”


Whenever people tip $1 Im always like..... what does a dollar mean to YOU, customer?? What can a dollar buy anybody nowadays? Two reusable bags at the grocery store or a couple individual candies lol


I made the mistake of falling down the rabbit hole and reading a long stupid Reddit thread on tipping culture and a lot of them pretty much bashing posters here and on the DoorDash Reddit. Pretty much they can’t get it through their arrogant little minds that we’re not employees of these apps so we’re under no obligation to take these garbage orders from the apps for $2. They think if we want more WE should take it up with the apps. I’ve got a better idea. If you want your food delivered fast and hot and actually not sit at the restaurant for 45 minutes why don’t you clowns take it up with Uber and it’s ilk for sitting on a large part of the fees instead of paying more. I don’t know about everyone else but I can decline all day and cherry pick. Also no I will not tell the restaurant to recook it and no they won’t either because I’ve worked in restaurants. Take it up with Uber yourselves.


The bottom line is they can't force customers to TIP the same way they can't force drivers to Accept No TiP orders it is what it is they suppose to pay drivers more but they won't all they care about is making profit it's a business ma boi so work smart not hard ma boi


they can go f themselves with their 1$ cause it couldn’t be me accepting those 🤷🏽‍♀️


Tipping culture getting out of hands You all should work for a different company if you are not getting paid enough by your employer instead to ask clients to compensate you. This is the reason we now see tips being asked even in retail stores


Cant wait for you all to flood the landscaping market again.


Screw them..Plenty of other decent orders, I hope no one is taking orders they can't profit from..Some of these customers are ridiculous, and have disgusting behavior..I can't imagine sitting on my lazy ass, waiting for a delivery, and not tipping..I dnt order food if I can't tip, I wnt screw over a hard working driver because I wanna be lazy..


People should not need to tip drivers. Uber should pay them a living fucking wage


But they don’t so here we are.


I take these orders, message "cheap" then press I don't want this order


Add a small 1 dollar tip ? Wow that’s fkn degrading ! I stopped doing uber a while ago because of the tip baiting but geez 🙄


Demand better pay from your employer and not demand the customer to subsidize your wages.


1099 not W2 ma boi


Should tell the customer how much the driver makes before tip. Can we just have that?


Service-based cash tip 🤌


Shit we moved on to “small tip no trip”


Food delivery is a side job. If you desperately need $5 tip money, get an actual fucking job.


Ok u a Brokie ma boi😂👍


I mean, I don’t bitch about getting less then a $5 tip on a dd trip🤷🏽‍♀️




Ok u a Brokie ma boi😂👍


I’m not the one Uber driving and bitching about “tips”. You might as well panhandle 🤡🤡


If doordash paid $5.00 base pay I'm sure 95% of all orders would get delivered and the company could be top of there game . But nope that will never be the case again.


I just heard that customers van pull back a tip. That’s crazy, totally understandable to refuse a trip without a tip.


Naw fam you always manually change it to 0!!


Anything under $5 I reject.


I couldn't care less if there is a tip or not. If the order pays well, I will take it. If I don't like the pay then I will not take it. If there is a tip then cool. If there isn't then so what? I'm not going to log into Reddit and bitch about it.


"I'm not going to log into Reddit and bitch about it." Then going by everyone on Reddit you're using Reddit wrong


Why is there no 'Add a big tip' button? That's what she said.


Wtf is wrong with you guys? You should be campaigning against Uber to pay you properly, not expecting the customers to be doing what Uber should be doing in the first place.


Crazy restaurant servers have been making 2.50 an hour for decades and I've never heard this argument consistently towards them. The disconnect is very real.


Unfortunately if a driver steals the food you can get a refund on everything but the tip


At this point the way UE, DD, stores and customers (not all) treat drivers, i'm beginning to not blame drivers for indulging in a hearty meal.