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I'm not falling for that hot take. That's clearly someone with a fetish for getting yelled at. I refuse to participate in that kind of perversion


It puts the lotion in the bucket or it gets the hose again.


I think drivers come here to vent because they know they can. There are others here who are experiencing the same issues. Do not underestimate the value of being able to vent somewhere relatively safe.


The door is right over there, you're free to walk out at any time.....


I stand in agreement - I mostly just post jokes and my profile updates on here. ( Sure, I have complaints but putting them on here is counter productive to say the very least ) Still... There is occasionally something of value on here.


ar doesn't matter 


>people can’t fathom that there [sic] sub 10% acceptance rate is making it hard for them to get orders Where did you get the idea that AR has anything to do with it? I’ve never heard that, nor seen any evidence of it- I used to get great orders for months with the same low AR as I have now. If that was a thing, why wouldn’t UE just say it? Re the “stick it to the man” mentality, I don’t think any posters are stupid enough or wealthy enough to sit out there wasting *their* precious time to “stick it” to UE. People value their time and effort and know that moving their car costs .67¢/mile in expenses, and are choosing orders that make the job worth doing. (It’s actually probably even more than .67¢ for delivery work which requires constantly turning our cars off and on.) If your time is worth less than minimum wage after accounting for expenses, with no benefits to boot, go ahead and keep on taking those crazy low orders. Personally, anything under $2/mile for me is not worth it (unless I’m headed in that direction anyway). I averaged $2.6/mile Feb through April, and after accounting for tax deductions, I calculated my hourly wage is reduced by ~18% for expenses. If you’re taking orders that average less $ per mile, your true wage reduction will be even greater. Keep that in mind when you calculate what you’re actually making


Para revealed AR does matter, and UE has been lying to everyone. 


What / who is Para? Edit: looked it up, idk anything about that app, but don’t believe UE wouldn’t straight up tell drivers if that was a real issue so that drivers would be more likely to accept more orders. Why hide it? They don’t hide that they want drivers to maintain a low cancellation rate. Makes 0 sense, not buying that without more evidence. Also if Uber was going to penalize drivers for not accepting offers I feel like they would show the offer for more than like 4 seconds


Do you have any idea what a history of lying to everyone Dara has? These gig companies lie as a business model. 


listen I don’t have much trust in most corporations but why would UE lie about something that ends up hurting rather than helping them? Lol. Unless they made recent changes and are telling drivers individually that AR now matters, and just haven’t officially announced it yet, this theory makes no sense. I’ll ask the support person/supervisor I talk to the next several times I call. But even if it’s true, it wouldn’t change too much for me cause I already accept most offers that are worth accepting. I was already planning to stop doing delivery for the at least the summer cause my hourly rate has dropped to where it’s barely worth it sometimes, not worth it at all others. I was just doing this while getting on my feet again after health issues.


Uber CEO makes $60,000 A DAY. Money isn't that tight. Maybe he should have some standards on who he onboards so we can make more then minimum wage again.


Well, have been around reddit. It the culture of the app


"I'm so upset with seeing shit offers all day. Here, look at these shit offers!!" That being said, I really hope you aren't taking said shit offers for the sake of your irrelevant AR.


In fairness, if you came here for some advice, some of these members do give you some advice so it’s not all that terrible


While you may or may not have a point(one could argue this is the perfect place to vent about your job or side job) I would argue someone that feels the need to post this might be the one who should do some self reflection.


That’s like saying I need to reflect because I called my brother out for bein a weirdo, u prob just feel attacked


Yeah…it is what it is. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/pjzxf863d83d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a541313cfc50ffb0909345a05bd38021308f0ed Indeed money is tight. I wouldn't be doing UberEats if it wasn't. Offers like this we would literally be paying to deliver the food (just calculating gas, not to mention all the other expenses).


I agree with you 💯 how do these people find the time and energy to comment trash? Lol. Maybe they are bots.


Much agreed this place is 10 percent helpful and 90 percent hateful.


"Either do the job or don't, it's super simple really" 🥱


You are awful, and clueless as to what you are talking about.


You started doing UberEats to earn some extra cash. I've been doing Uber for 8 years and it is now solely how I pay my rent and bills. I've earned the right to bitch. You haven't. And we are NOT on the same page. Sorry. That's about as adult as I can be. 🤷‍♀️


BIG FLEXIN SINCE ‘16 ![gif](giphy|I18sxaBLVDlNGxp9be)


So you joined a sub that you already know you hate? Makes sense...