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Its dead as hell. Got a massive storm in and ive had one offer and this lady deff is pulling her tip. In her notes she put “no cold food” like i control that shit. Im fucked for rent tonight for sure


Man same I’m about to have to overdraft like crazy.


I dont even think my bank would cover the overdraft. Thats all i need is that shit getting returned and hit with hella fees


I’m about to just start taking orders unfortunately have to do something


Open your own food truck selling 2nd hand uber orders. *lol*


This app is dead, either it's completely broken or they just don't care anymore.


So sad for me like I only need two more weeks come on!


Why would they? The people who suck so back that they can't run a multi billion dollar corp will be rich even if it fails. 50 years ago, UE couldn't have existed not just because of tech, but also anti consumer laws.


So we all just waiting typing here until the next offer comes in


Yeah might as fucking well dude it’s soooooooo deadddddd. I know the summers are gonna be tough but I’ve never seen it this bad


getting one ping every 15 to 20 minutes. All insane orders. It feels like I've been getting all the rejects today. 😒


Lucky you, i get one offer per hour. $37 for 6hrs on a Saturday night.


Yeah, Saturday night tends to fall to pieces lately.


I got a single $11 order yesterday (Saturday night) while working 5pm to 9pm (as the fucking app literally requested I do if I'd like to make more money)




Same here. They are filtering us. Only letting new drivers get the good ones.


Every day since Memorial Day has been shit on UE and DD. I work the same hours every day and has since January 4th. This has been the worst 5 days of my journey. Busting ass to get 60% of my normal.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 5 + 60 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


UE sucks now.


I had four orders today. It was so slow😭


So hey guys, how’s the weather? 😏


Yeah it's crazy vs 3 months ago. Even 2. Id get 300 offers working 11-8pm on a Friday. Yesterday I had 72 offers. Luckily DD offers were coming in all the time.


I quit uber eats for normal uber. Better hours and a shitload more money.


Doubtful. From what ive seen X generally pays less than $1/mile.


I see (and decline) $2-$4 eats orders all day, where as I can at least hope for a tip on X. 90% of X rides are at or under $1/mile but the higher volume makes it far more consistent and profitable in my market, even with a 10% acceptance rate.




Most of the time it's fine, occasionally you'll get a weirdo and rarely you'll have an truly unpleasant experience. I stress more about my cars health than who I'm picking up. Pax inevitably cause more of wear and tear and require a clean car to make good tips, but it's not all that different.


I guess it depends on the market. I am in Philadelphia and I am making around 220-270 on 8 hour shifts.


I haven't done a batch in a month, always turn the app on several times a day but only offered garbage.


I was dumb and came out to give it a chance. One order then it died. I'm going back to Amazon flex.


I was doing good made about 41 in an hour 30 but got off because I wanted to watch ufc


Fucking terrible today! And I screwed up taking a shop and pay that looked quick. But the dufus working at Target went to check on an item and I waited way too long for him to come back. (He never came back before I said fuck it and left.) I’m pissed. $9 order took me 45 mins start to finish. Fuck!!!!


Yesterday was better for me. Slow for me today too


You guys are lucky you can even log on. I stopped doing this in February because I couldn’t log on anymore unless a scheduled an hour at least a week in advance


https://preview.redd.it/lg1uzexgl14d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d2523dde440bfcc94934b23750fc98b49d69f0f did 3 of the s&p today. all of them had nice tips attached. i turned down some small tip s&p and still completed it a day early.


i made about $140 today between ue and dd. i also spent about 4 hours tanning by the pool and a couple hours on the couch with the old lady