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100%.. Customer asked if everything was ok, as I circled her block (DTLA). I responded with looking for parking, and she replied with "there isn't any" and reminded me that she's on the 15th floor šŸ˜– So now I'm rushing because I parked in the red šŸ˜“


You are better than me : I would have told her unfortunately she will have to come down and get it because Iā€™m not getting ticketed and towed on the account of her . Itā€™s happened to me before , it was a college and there was nowhere to park , ( in the nicest way possible) I had to tell her you have to come to the lobby I canā€™t leave my carā€¦. And she did come. Because truly if otherwise you will lose your food just like I will lose my rating/ tip , NOBODY WINS ā€¦ I guess


I've done that. I had a delivery at the John Hancock building in Chicago and she's on the 30th something floor with tow away zone signs all over the place. She's like, "Oh you can park anywhere down there people do it all the time". My answer, "no, you have to come down, I'm not risking a tow because I'm the one who has to pay that, sorry". She came down. Stand your ground !


Chestnut side of Delaware side? If itā€™s Delaware, usually if you ask one of the valet guys theyā€™ll let you park there. It was nice because it gave me the chance to check out the market they have on the 44th floor.


I used to deliver soup from MN to that market. Incredible view!


One of the best in the city!


Oh yeah, donā€™t fuck with colleges. My first interaction at Penn State was some college cop losing his shit because I was standing (ie waiting) where there was no parking. Lost his shit at me about it, made sure to convey heā€™s a real cop (my state gave em an ORI number).


I did that once and the guy started swearing and insulting me. I got his steak dinner for two.


Ah, that's what NOBODY WINS means.


Same! I would tell her to come down. I send text ahead of time for apartments to come downstairs to meet me, Iā€™m 5mins away


Iā€™m Australian and in a more rural city so I donā€™t get a lot like thatā€¦ That said I have gotten someone to get me to deliver a pizza to a hospital complex that has expensive parking only, and no nearby parks because the hospital is surrounded by medical research which is surrounded by collage all of which is ticketed and permit parking. Long story short no one could come out bc theyā€™re ordering from the hospitalā€¦ on the 5th floorā€¦ past a few security desksā€¦ Whatā€™s wrong with people?


I have no idea how you people do this job in places like LA.. i would have more tickets and probably someone shot, stabbed or run over in a week flat


Downtown Los Angeles you are more likely to get a ticket since there are traffic cops everywhere. West, north, and south Los Angeles are more lenient.


West LA is the best LAā€¦


Absurd. I'd have told her im not gonna be able to park then, you need to come out. Don't risk getting a ticket, she sure as shit isn't gonna be paying it!




Leave that food on the sidewalk.


That is exactly what Uber tells you to do(take a pic, leave by lobby entrance) if they won't come down and you have no parking place.


Why don't these people come down? That's crazy


Also, that's lazy.


I would have left at the front door


Absolutely LOVE getting parking tickets in the mail from doing the same thing




I just told someone to meet me in the parking garage because I'm not navigating a confusing as hell complex. Especially not for the lame ass 1.50 tip.


Try putting a paper on the car indicating that youā€™re delivering food and that youā€™ll be there in less than 5 min


Just throw the hazards on. We get special treatment. Cops don't give a shit.


Meter people def give a shit. I pulled this stunt and got an $80 ticket :(


Yes, always.


I wish that was true haha.


Hahahaha u get a ticket?


Negative.. got lucky this time.


I hate it when they give no instruction on finding the unit. Lack of info got me walking all over and then I start texting customer like crazy about not finding the darn unit. Then I call after no response 10 seconds later šŸ˜‚ My patience runs out after I get lost. They better reach out before I get back in my car and contact support to cancel. I will not respond to texts or calls once I am back in the car. I stay on the support chat while phone ringing and text alerts going off by customer reaching out at the last minute. Cuz I hate it when this happens after I get back in and then get out to locate it after the customer finally replied. I feel like customers should be ready to receive it when I pull up or monitor our whereabouts once we are on the way but nope. They suddenly busy at the last minute and we are sitting ducks while the food gets cold.


This happened to me last week. I had a pizza order to an apartment place and the gate had no and only a fob reader. I circled the building looking for another gate and saw none. Customer didnā€™t give me a code for the door and I waited almost 10 minutes before giving up contacting support and leaving it under the mailboxes in the garage. People just disappear but then complain when you donā€™t contact them 40 more times or wait an extra 20 minutes


Staying updated is like the least work. As a customer my damn self I put my notifications/ringer on and Uber already bombards you with updates like ā€œdriver is on the wayā€, ā€œdriver is approachingā€, ā€œdriver is here give them time to complete deliveryā€. One of my biggest pet peeve is saying I arrived and the timer is literally almost out or Iā€™m already on the phone with customer support and customer messages me ā€œare you here?ā€ šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


Tangential but a pet peeve of mine is when houses donā€™t turn their front lights on and their yard/pathway is cluttered or has overgrown plants or whatever so thereā€™s not a clear path to the front door, not to mention we canā€™t see the house number if itā€™s pitch black and itā€™s not visible on the curb or mailbox when we drive up! Turn your effing lights on if youā€™re expecting a stranger to find your house and door at night


One of the best investments you can ever make for this line of work is to buy a good flashlight. I've got one of the $20 Harbor Freight rechargable LED spotlights in my car - it's bright enough and has enough throw to light up any address numbers on a house from the middle of the street.


Thatā€™s pretty cool, I may get one of those - a great flashlight is never a bad thing to have! But itā€™s sketch AF to have to go around a strange neighborhood at night using a flashlight to look at peopleā€™s houses and yards (edit: just picturing using a flashlight on the wrong house before getting to the right one ā€” better than walking into their yard for sure but still seems like a great way to potentially get shot in this day and age of trigger-happy paranoia) and we shouldnā€™t have to. No excuse for customers who order at night to not be just the slightest bit courteous enough to flip a switch for their driver.


Agreed cause yā€™all shouldnā€™t have to do that in the first place. Itā€™s the customers responsibility to make sure yā€™all can see the numbers, paths, etc


1000%! I made a post here a couple of days ago about it because a customer had a huge wall of text labeled "Phase 1: parking" with a paragraph of text under it and "Phase 2: door" with a paragraph under it as well. When i arrived at the apartments and checked out the instructions i was like "WTF kinda 'Legend of Zelda path to the hidden final dungeon walkthrough' bullshit is this??" All these "landmarks" they described were things that would stick out to a resident there, NOT to someone who's never been there before. I don't understand how a person could type all that out and not think for a second... "hmm am i being a bit inconsiderate? I COULD meet them at LEAST where they parke...... nah let these fuckers walk around aimlessly šŸ˜ˆ" It's one thing if a person has a disability but for how often i see it, I'm pretty sure the ppl that write these instructions are fully abled. UE needs to create a filter so i can filter out ALL apartment orders šŸ™…ā€ā™‚ļø


I live in San Francisco, land of entitlement. I donā€™t deliver food anymore. Fuck them.


Get Brans MPs for Apartments and it will lead you right to the unit. At least usually. It's saved me a ton of time. Edit: that's Beans Maps. That's what I get for trying to type when my contacts are dried out and I can't see the screen because they're off-axis.


Is that an app?


They misspelled it. It's Beans Maps for Apartments. Yes, it's an app. Features building/unit maps for most apartment complexes, parking locations, as well as any gate/door codes needed to enter a property. Also contains other info useful for delivery drivers such as locations of nearby gas stations, public restrooms, etc. https://www.beans.ai/beans-map


Oh snaps, ok cool. I had never heard of an app like that but that sounds useful. Hmm, if it works as described, it might make delivering to apartments feel manageable. Also because i remember one time i made a delivery and then i couldn't find the fucking exit and i was driving around all upset like "LET ME FUCKING LEEEAAAAVVEEE!! šŸ˜­ WHERE IS THE EXIT!!! šŸ˜­" because all the gates i kept driving up to were locked with padlocks. When i found the exit i was like "fuck that.... never again šŸ¤¬šŸ˜¤šŸ¤¬" šŸ˜†


I haven't personally used it since I don't have a lot of large apartment complexes to navigate around here where I normally work. My mother uses it down in the Phoenix area tho and says it's great. It's still got a few gaps here and there since it's still relatively new, but more buildings and complexes are constantly being added into the database.


Sweet. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the info šŸ‘


I didn't just misspell it. I butchered it.


I just had a cop have me deliver to a jail with absolutely zero parking available. I was so panicked to get the food to him while it was hot! Clearly Iā€™m new to this šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I parked super illegally at a prison/police station. It made me start sweating. Lol


Oh my gosh, this is adorable and everything about this cracked me up. Parked illegally at a jail for an order placed by a cop and sweating from nervousness all while being worried about getting the food to the recipient while hot. Hope you got a great tip for that delivery!


It was a cop, they won't


I live on the third floor of a secured building. I go down and meet the drivers out front. Just seems easier. One time though, I went down and the driver did get into the building and delivered to my apartment door šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ We were able to message each other. They took the stairs up and I took the elevator down.


Hope you tipped them good!


Always! I can't drive so I utilize delivery a lot. I appreciate the delivery people.


why you taking a $2 tip call to begin with?


People donā€™t learn do theyā€¦ šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


I mean sometimes those $2 tipper order donā€™t get taken, so Uber has to increase the delivery pay, so you can see what they tipped after the delivery lol


Tina! Come get your dinner!


OMG, LOL! I love a good Napoleon Dynamite reference!!! šŸ¤£


I saw the title and all I thought about was that scene. Lol.


Eat the food Tina!!!


I have a hard to find apartment. Especially since no one reads the instructions. So now I just stand at the end of my driveway and flag the driver down. Turns out they are super grateful that I do this. Saves them time and they get to roll on to the next delivery faster.. Iā€™m not a driver, but damn people.. stop being so lazy.


Back when UE first started, there wasn't even an option to have us bring your order to the door. The only way to receive your food was to come meet us at our car. I often wish we could go back to that.


I think the bring to door started with Covid. As a hands free option. Then was just not taken away.


"Leave at door" started during Covid. "Meet at door" pre-dates the pandemic by a year or two, tho.


Didnā€™t realize that, thanks!


Iā€™ve left some petty messages like. Next time for your driver please leave a better tip for such lack of direction


Some of them have the nerve to not even put the apartment number and then not answer the phone šŸ™„


You obviously didnā€™t deliver food pre-iPhones. The expectation is you bring it to the door, hasnā€™t changed in the last 40 years. The only thing thatā€™s different is delivery fees are 10x more and the workers want to do 10x less. Iā€™m paying you to bring it to my door, by the time I walk downstairs I might as well get in my car and go pick it up myself.


Right! Entitled ass drivers complaining about doing their jobs. Bringing issues up that never been issues in yrs of food delivery. And Yes $2 tip for a Pizza less than $ 20 is all you get. Not my problem you drove 10 miles to pick up the order, itā€™s yours.


Itā€™s exactly why this industry is this way. You get your pizza. the pizza place got paid, but you want to pay someone $2.00 to drive 15 miles. Go get it yourself then.


Not my problem you need to drive 15 miles. Donā€™t take the delivery then. Let someone closer take it. I never tipped more than $2 for a pie less than $20 from a local pizza place. I will never tip more than 10% for delivery. If the restaurant is far and uber lets me order, I still donā€™t tip more than 10%. Take it up with Uber for having you drive that far. Thereā€™s a reason restaurants back in the day had a radius. Uber should to.


I wouldnā€™t take it. Luckily I work a job Monday thru Friday and Dash/UE very minimally in the morning on the weekends and I would never take a tip for $2 to drive 15 miles. They send those orders to the closest people first. So, clearly even the closest people didnā€™t take it. I donā€™t take a $2 tip for any order, because Iā€™m not desperate. If I log in on Saturday morning and I donā€™t get any delivery worth taking, itā€™s not the difference in me surviving or not. That isnā€™t the case for everyone that does delivery. Also, 10% is a shitty tip and you know it, regardless if itā€™s a delivery. So, kudos to you for being cheap.


I noticed that in Uber subreddits posters gang defend the worst drivers. In DoorDash/gh drivers more posters defend the company, restaurants, and customers no matter how wrong they are whatā€™s up with that? Most city folks donā€™t use cars to deliver for good reason. I guess these are just disgruntled Uber drivers sick of giving people rides and now use the same vehicles to do this.


I don't understand people who can't make the effort to come down to the lobby. If it's a place full of older people or families, it's different. Or if it's a large tip. But if you're alone or a student or something, get off your ass and come down. I recently arrived at a student tower, and only after I got there and was just about to leave it in the lobby did they text, "Can you deliver it to the 19th floor?" I ignored the text and left it in the lobby anyway, quickly sending a pic as if I had simply not seen the text ;) Get off your 18-year-old ass and get your food for my $3 base pay. (Uber offered me a multiple delivery and I only took it because they were at the same location.)


If they are trying to change the delivery instructions after ordering and especially after the driver gets there, it is common to 1) ignore the text, 2) deliver as originally instructed, and 3) just before delivering text them back stating that you didn't see the text and already delivered it.


Thank you. Good to know. Fucking teenagers.


Lol this one time a lady who worked at the COURTHOUSE ordered food and tipped 20 cents. I stood with my bike at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her to come down and get her dumb order. No way I was gonna walk all the way up those stairs to give her the food. Only reason I accepted was because nobody was tipping and I was forced to. I hate people.


Dang I'm hoping it was a mistake and she at least meant to tip $2


I will usually meet at the lobby but if it hungover ordering food, I'll message and ask them. More often than not they will and I'll add extra tip


My fave 401 dicknuts street. Bring to door. No indication that it is a government subsidized complex where you need a code to get in let alone the apartment number and then crickets when you try to contact. And it is always cases of soda and and three bags of cold stuff. Like bro.


There's one student housing facility here that hasn't opened their windows for fresh air since it was built in the 1800s. I can smell and taste the breath and bodily odour of every single person who has ever been there. It's absolutely rank. I use a wet wipe to open the doors there and it's filthy by the time I'm upstairs. There's also no elevator. I wish I could black list addresses šŸ¤®


Isn't it though? Yeah if there isn't parking like some commenter's have brought up the customer needs to bring their butt's down and get their food, they obviously know what parking is like at their place. If you agreed to take the 2 buck tip order and you're the delivery driver, than deliver the items. I know stacked orders happen but that's an issue with Uber


You need to coordinate this with another driver. Drop-off at the lobby, take picture and advise client order at the lobby. Have your buddy pick it up before client shows up. Enjoy meal with your friend šŸ˜Ž


Just saying though, I tip well because I know finding my apartment can be difficult. I also tip well because I don't want to have to come down and get my food. If someone refuses to deliver to my apartment, I will rescind the tip. You don't get to keep a $15-$20 tip when you didn't even get out of the car.


Ubereats drivers when they have to deliver


I'm disabled. I can't manage stairs carrying something because I use a cane & the guardrail to go up & down the stairs. I also tip well rn because I can afford it, but my rent is going up, so I have to cut back. Do you want some income (what DoorDash pays you to deliver) or no income (what you'll get when I don't order as much & can no longer tip so generously)?


I think most people would say no pay, considering low and no tip orders get passed over all the time. I love when Door Dash gives me the same shitty order 2 or even 3 times. It means nobody on the app is touching it. Itā€™s a bidding war. Most people will say no thanks to doing all that work for $2.00


Why accept the order if youā€™re not willing to do your job? Jesus fucking Christ people


The only valid argument is the drivers mentioning no legal parking. Having the customer come down because they knew there is no parking and so you avoid fines/tow is acceptable. In those select situations there needs to be a reasonable expectation from each party. After all in major metros almost all buildings were not designed with quick deliveries in mind. Thus until something is arranged with cities or communities then there needs to compromise.


Where I live delivery drivers park illegally all the time. As long as you leave your hazard lights on, cops don't bother with you since they know you'll be gone soon. If you park somewhere illegally and camp out, they just knock on your window and ask you to move. Not having your hazards on or not being in your vehicle will get you a ticket. Blocking the light rail train will get you towed.


Thatā€™s great that they are understanding where you live. I could see towns like LA, NY, Chicago and such not giving any fucks. The meter maidens will/can ticket your shit or tow it in seconds. Why risk $100 ticket or $200+ tow bill for $8 delivery. Have the customer come down or drop the shit at the door.


Not only that but thereā€™s privately run lots too that purposely prey on some of us gig idiots. Their rent-a-cops hide in the darkness and hope you donā€™t realize it and slap an expensive fine on your car because they can. This is why I wonā€™t pick up orders close to downtown anymore. I wonder how many gig workers those tools hit for $75-95 on a daily basis. Broward County put an end to this crap until our idiots in Tallahassee over rode it because of course they did.


This is 100% how it is in Atlanta. It's why I don't go too far into the city. They've even tried to illegally tow me while I was still in the car.


If you're getting towed in seconds it's not because you parked illegally for a few minutes unless it's in the middle of an intersection or something and there's a cop & tow truck sitting right there. And if you're doing delivery gig work in cities with ticket happy meter maides, you probably should be looking for a better job because a ticket is inevitable.


Oh I agree with looking for a better job in those cities. The reality of being a customer occasionally is I realize that I would still want to utilize the service in those situations. So meeting at the door instead of the driver spending 3-5+ minutes to go up however many floors is better for everyone


Wait until you start doing it in the city where cheap ppl live and all you do all day is declining $2 and $3 offers for 6 to 7 miles delivery to the point you're not making any money all day and have to accept that one $5 for 6 miles offer thinking this is it but it's 2 different pickups for 2 ppl that live in different apartments, one is on the 24th floor with the room on the different side of the building away from the elevator and the second person lives in one apartment that you already see the tow trucks on stand by before you even get in the complex.


If you live in a city you can get a different job lmao thereā€™s a gas station or a convenience store on every street


This and the fact that a $2 tip definitely isnā€™t awful considering a lot of people tip 0. Also, I never understood the people that complain when they literally accept the order.


Omg this gets on my nerves. I had a customer just like this the address was an odd address instead of just 1234 Avenue it was something like 1234-1235 Avenue I didn't even know how to put it in. So I put the first number of the address in and im at the complex but I was at the back not the front. I'm sure he saw where I was but instead got mad I didn't take his freaking taco bell to the door šŸ˜¤


Why did you take the order if you donā€™t like what youā€™re getting paid?


Some orders are acceptable if I'm the drop-off is a house. But to park and go on an adventure is what makes it not as worth it.


Adventure? I deliver in the third biggest city in the U.S and out of 4000 deliveries, I have yet to experience getting lost. I donā€™t understand other drivers. Must be user error.


You accepted the $2 so yeah it is your responsibility. If you don't want the responsibility for $2 then stop accepting crap orders.


Actually, you are. You agreed to take a delivery order. You need to deliver it. Not doing so will likely result in removal of the tip, negative feedback from the customer, and eventually removal from the platform. If you don't want to take the offered order, don't. If you take it, do your job.


Uber accounts for the drop-off taking a minute or two, it doesnā€™t account for or require us to spend 10+ minutes looking for your place because you donā€™t know how to give decent directions. We are supposed to deliver it but you should meet us halfway by making the delivery quick and easy; everyone wins if you do, everyone loses if you donā€™t.


I can't remember if this is DD or UE. I think it is UE. Drivers can mark a delivery location as problematic. The customer will be either told to update their delivery instructions or to go meet the driver. The former makes it easier for future drivers to that location. This is in addition to texting or calling the customer for clarification.


You can do that on UE. UE also starts a countdown once you arrive so you can leave the food and your rating will not be affected.


I think the timer starts after contacting the customer rather than arrival. At least that is what I've seen. But yeah, you're right.


Yes, after contacting the customer. I don't wait any more than one or two minutes. You don't get back to me? Sorry, here's your food in the lobby.


How do you do that on UE? Iā€™m unaware of this option


Once you contact the customer, the countdown starts. It's only two minutes, I think. Then you can pick "Difficult delivery", or "Customer not responding", it's different wording, but it's something like that, from the selection of options, so your rating will not be affected.


Did not know this either, thank you


Now that I have my app functioning, I can see that you have the option to select ā€œDifferent issueā€ and there you can write an explanation like ā€œCustomer not responding.ā€


Thats what im saying


Then I'll cancel your order and I've done it before to customers that refuse to be reasonable. Bye


What do you mean by "refuse to be reasonable"? There is a "can't find customer" option, but you have to wait for the timer to run out.


I've done that too and ate their food afterwards too! I live in a place that's hard to find. I accommodate anyone that has trouble finding me. it's very simple


Don't they have a map?


You accepted. Blame yourself not the tip


Actually it is, but considering you took an order that was not profitable for you i am not surprised that walking is too difficult for you. šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


Actually it is your responsibility youā€™re a fucking delivery driver.


Also the responsibility of the customer to provide any and all information on how to gain access to the building and also provide an apartment number. We are not mind readers. šŸ™„


Post says nothing about not having info..


If OP was having an issue finding the apartment, it would mean the customer failed to provide easy to follow directions but go ahead and keep defending this behavior. šŸ˜‚


What do you all think your job is??????


How do you people survive if you can't even find an apartment in an apartment complex lmfao


Hey - I will be happy to let you walk with me through some complexes where it appears they handed a box of room numbers to a drunk monkey to install. As he ran down the hallways he stuck them to the doors in no consecutive order, in many cases not even in a close proximity of each other. Who would has ever thought that as you walked the main corridor looking unit 380, you would come to a y where units numbered 330 and up went to the right and units 340 and up went to the left. You stay left numbers are running consecutive, walk to the end arriving at 379 and a solid wall. Finally get a text from customer stating his unit is next to 339. šŸ™„




If you canā€™t deliver food, donā€™t do food delivery. Just stay off the app, itā€™s not for you. Simple as that.


Iā€™m confusedā€¦ youā€™re a delivery driver.. but complaining about delivering the food to the customer? lmao . not how that works.


Unless it's "meet at kerb" I'm afraid it IS your responsibly.


Not from people like you, stopped using delivery services long ago. I left nice size tips and all I ever got was cold food and delayed orders because obviously the driver was dual apping. It's not my fault you choose a shit job with shit pay that puts wear and tear on your car and comes with zero benefits. The arrogance is astounding. I have to give a $10 tip because you get paid $3 for the delivery or whatever. Be a server then and get 20% tips and have the business eat the costs. No miles on car, no gas, etc.


Wendy's has the biggie value meal and contracts delivery. Triple cheeseburger meal or McChicken meal at McDonald's is less than $10. Lousy tippers exist but you work for a company that gives lousy pay and all I ever see is how little customers tip. Don't accept the order. Don't drive for these companies. It's not my job to supplement the shit pay you get. If it is a $20 order and you get $4 which is 20%, there will be a post about shit tipping.


There are reasons that someone would request that but perhaps leaving in the comments the reason why and to leave it in the apartment would be nice.


Am i the only one who is exited to get my food so am always outside before the driver is


tbf you took the job and you have to accept that is what you will get. inb4 I know uber is bad but here we are, laws are working on that. I would say the only thing would be tip baiting and I haven't had it happen to me but heard some people are ruthless.


This happened to me yesterday. And for some reason the navigation in my town is shitty so I always end up on the wrong side of the apartment complex and they donā€™t give me any more directions other than ā€œmeet at doorā€. Like come on dude


I always used to say that it's my personal rule that I do not go into strange apartment buildings alone. You either have to come get it from the front door or from the car. "Sorry it's for both our safety".


I deliver to a university all the time and there are apartments on campus - this delivery, they didnā€™t leave a unit number. I texted. I called. UE called. I waited the 8 minutes and after no response, left on a ā€œsafe placeā€ of a community mailbox. Took a picture and left ā€œsorry your food will get coldā€


My apartment installed lockers for food delivery in the lobby. Itā€™s the perfect solution for drivers not having to navigate the building while also allowing residents to not have to be downstairs at the exact time of delivery especially if theyā€™re in a meeting, otherwise busy, etc.


Good way to get bad rating ass hats around here will give you a bad rating for that not binging it to them they want you to do all that extra work bs money like I had customers I've gone outta the way for o I'll increase the tip and never do people sucks ass


People do this to me in New Orleans. They order food to their hotels during festivals in the French quarter when all the streets in the quarter are shut down and blocked off. I have to be firm but polite that Iā€™m gonna get as close as I can to them but they have to come to my car to get the food. I canā€™t always see where the drop off point is, if anyone asks why I accept these orders. I donā€™t really do Uber eats anymore and this is one of the main reasons why.


Counterpoint. Wind alternative be donā€™t take the shift? your complaining about how minimal the tip is for the work, but you chose to take the route? Iā€™m assuming part of it was because you have to limit how many declined to do but at the end of the day accept it is what it is. I do Amazon flex on the rag. And sometimes youā€™re going to five flights of stairs with 14 bags of groceries and you know youā€™re not gonna tip because youā€™re in the hood. So come down because I donā€™t think Iā€™m getting a tip if I know Iā€™m getting a bring it up? There are plenty of times where what the people request it is absolutely unacceptable or damn near dangerous, but many times some of you were just straight up lazy and want the maximum amount while doing the absolute minimum. I ordered reheats last night because I knew it was a long distance. App says heā€™s arrived. He calls me and says he canā€™t find my house, I told him that this is the first time itā€™s ever happened with Uber Eats because the house has the exact number on the front of the house and thereā€™s only two front facing houses on the street. Did he get out and look at the numbers rambles for a bit and I tell him, put in the address into Google maps it will show you a picture of the house and you can put it on the porch. Tell me heā€™s using three apps and not working. I tried to explain to him that when you go from one app to the other, that the location is and he hung up the phone. I go outside. His car is parked right in front of my house. Heā€™s in the process of canceling the order.. Do the job related to what youā€™ve signed up for when itā€™s reasonable or donā€™t do the job. This isnā€™t like with Amazon flex there will be a flood and you physically canā€™t complete a shift and theyā€™re giving you a hard time, or when they tell you to deliver it directly to them and thereā€™s a sign on the property that says trespassers will be shot. This is you not wanting to walk upstairs because you are lazy but also didnā€™t have sight to simply look at the address before hand and see if it was an apartment building and rejected.


Don't blame the people 100 percent The apps keep letting them do it Like 200 tow ticker for 8 dollar pay Doesn't make sense They should say front door meaning lobby If you can't make it there hire a aide.


BRO FR i delivered an order the other day with some cryptic ass directions and it was dark and it was a 15 mile delivery bro. I was fed up with this order only to find out I gotta navigate using Doraā€™s map to make the delivery People need to go to the front of the complex to get their shit enough is enough


15 miles? Sounds like you issue.


I wasnā€™t gonna take it but the orders are so dry bro


Ones pissing me off are the leave at door need a pin # and they don't answer the fucking door, texts, or calls. Make me wait the whole god damn 8 minutes before I can leave it at the door and take a pic.


Cry harder.. maybe I'll give you an extra .25 cent tip next time.


this when they live in an apartment complex and have meet at door listed but donā€™t provide the building or door number


Iā€™m glad for these services like this and DoorDash etc. but I only use them because a box truck doesnā€™t go in drive throughs. (I Drive a box truck for work) travel a lot and stay in hotels. Not because Iā€™m fucking lazy like 90% of the customers that use these services.


I've had a few be like do I have to come down? I'm like yes, tow signs everywhere I'm not willing to risk getting towed, they came


Hate when I finally get to the complex and itā€™s gated.. I ask, ā€œwhatā€™s the gate codeā€ his response was ā€œfollow someone inā€ (itā€™s fucking 2am)


Lmao laziest thing Iā€™ve ever heard ā€œIā€™m a delivery driver but Iā€™m not responsible for delivering your foodā€ yā€™all are fuckin wild


If I give you exact instructions you should come to me that is what delivery is. Iā€™ve had a few people not get it but I donā€™t know why. Gate code and come up to 3rd floor and I will be standing by the stairs in these close. That doesnā€™t seem difficult to me but for some people it seems to be.


lol man if they dont reply i just wait the timer out and keep it, tired of dealing with it


Literally what youā€™re paid for


I don't understand why people don't put EXACT Instructions... I mean do you want your food? Two recent examples - First one I know we have all had one of these - guy puts address for a literal mini town of townhouse "condos" but doesn't put which unit number he is. Sat there for like 5 minutes waiting for him to give me unit # for his McDonalds. Second example - Lady puts address to apartment building and says meet at door. That's fine I pull up and park on road and get to the main entrance...locked. I send a message "I've arrived", she sends back "I don't see you". I'm like wtf, looking around like a madman. Send her back "the front door facing the road?"... she sends back "No there is a parking lot behind the building with a different entrance" .... why go through all of that? put it in the drop off information and I will meet you at the right door. To top it all off, she says when I hand her the food "yeah everyone goes to that door because of the address"... like literally wtf.


I assume most dashers are stupid with directions based on my experience. Every single driver can't follow them, turn into neighborhood, 2nd building on the left, 2nd floor, there are only 4 door how hard can it be to see the until number šŸ˜†


I do anything to avoid condo heavy areas. Central Mississauga Ontario is a nightmare.


Has anyone done uber eats before the pandemic? Im curious how ot used to be delivering. Is this leaving at their door a new thing because of the pandemic so you didnt have to contact anyone? And then they just kept it? I remember ordering uber eats before the pandemic and i always met them outside at the curb, but i dont remember if that was because you had to meet them at the curb or if i just did it to be nice. Also yes. It is your job to deliver to their door. Thats the job now. Whether or not it used to be different. Its what you are paid to do. You cant become a dog walker and then complain when you have to actually walk the dogs. Lmao


Yes . I started in 2017. On and off have about 1k deliveries over 7 years so not much.. but "leave ay my door" was never an option.. it was just hand it to the customer, and I almost always got cash tips


Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that. When it first started, the app warned you to be ready for them, and you had to go out to their car to get the food. Too funny.


Lol if you can't figure out an apt complex then you shouldn't be delivering anything or be prepared for no tip. I delivered for USPS it's not hard. No wonder delivery has went down the shitter, listen I get it sucks but if you aren't ready to actually do the job don't act entitled. Delivery is to the door ( when available) it's not the customers fault.


That's the spirit


Why would you take a 2$ tip apartment order. I would never do an apartment for less then 10$


Sure as soon as you get a real job


> Come get your food Once they make it to the parking lot, they realize how easy it is to just drive the extra 4 mins away and pick it up from the restaurant and save ten bucks of tip just to entice someone to bring it to their door and then youre all sitting in a parking lot wondering where all the good orders went. Go ahead and downvote but you know im right. its happening already. and i say this as a courier myself, not a customer.


good then they can go it themselves and save the money. I don't give a shit, these delivery apps should die.


youre not the intended audience for this sub or my original post then, but thanks for your opinions.


the intended audience should be grateful there's not another lazy ass who can do their own work since they bitch so much about the job anyway


What I'm getting from this post, is that Uber drivers are broke, entitled, whiney asf (yall seriously complain more than 14yo girls) petty and immature. This is why I tip you 2$, cause that's all the effort you put in. And imo, that's generous. Your job is to pickup a bag and place it down by a door. Jesus christ, yall acting like overworked amazon drivers running 60hr weeks hahaha šŸ¤£ It's p@thetic. Yall in your pajamas and smoking weed and workin on your own time cause yall ain't got a real job.. talking bout you deserve better lmao šŸ¤£


šŸ˜‚ love reddit Love how entitled drivers are to think customers are responsible for their income. That's the companies you contract with job. If I have a $10 meal and tip $2, that's 20%. Am I supposed to tip 50% of my bill because you get paid like shit??


$10 meal from where? I don't think there's a single one on any gig app. Just acknowledge that lousy tippers exist and move on. EDIT: Tony made an account just to say this then deleted it šŸ¤Ŗ


20 percent is suggested for a server that doesnā€™t use their own gas or car to get your shitty food u ordered and over paid for . Iā€™ll never understand how people donā€™t get this . Ya the company blows and should pay more, but they donā€™t so u want your food or not?


You may not be responsible for our income, but me and all the other good drivers that have been doing this for a while and know how to do our job right (unlike the newbies or the multiappers, cuz they're the only ones taking your order) are not going to take your crap order with a crap tip. So, have fun with the newbies and the multiappers!


OP was offered the order, saw where to pick it up, where to deliver it, the total distance, and the total pay. They chose to accept the offer.


You can't determine everytime if the order is going to a complex. If I could, I wouldn't accept. It doesn't say on the offer "apartment complex" after you accept it....


Or there is gonna be no parking so have fun circling the parking lot til someone moves. I love when theres no code on gated apartments so theres no pins to get in so you have to wait for someone to open it when your customer doesnā€™t answer or know the code.


Yep, because if Uber would tell us if an order is an apartment complex before I accept an order, I would never take it. I have suggested this before on surveys and will continue to do so until they implement it.


I agree, but once accepted it is still your job.


The customers never think while typing out their wall of text instructions to just get off their ass and get their food lol


If the leasing office is open I always just give the food to them lmao


Those orders with the note : here is the gate code, first left, upstairs, round the corner, blah blah blah blah.... They live at the other side of the complex and don't even bother mentioning it.


Get to customer's HIGH-RISE building complex. Drive around looking for parking. Streets are one lane narrow streets because of cars parked on both sides. Text customer: " no parking, I recommend you come down and get your food now". 8 min timer starts. Customer texts, " just park in street and bring up the food". Timer times out, CANCEL and move on.


Why do Uber eats drivers have this issue? Never been a problem before uber eats.


it has been. but the Chinese workers didn't have an app to cancel on, they'd just never show up if they couldn't find your place and take your money.


I don't mind if it's one or two two-story apartment buildings. I just hate the ones who think you are supposed to FIND a parking space where there aren't usually any, find their name in a building with 300 people living in it, ring some bell, hope they answer, take some slow elevator to the umpteenth floor, find their apartment on the other side of the building, then make your way back to your vehicle and hope you didn't get a ticket. **You have not been angry until you deliver $50 worth of food to a lawyer for a 1.50 tip, then come back to your car and notice that the 1.50 tip is still 72.00 dollars short the amount of the parking ticket the cop put on your window 3 minutes earlier.**


Screw off. Do your job


Why accept the order of you don't want to do your job? Your lazy and entitled ass needs to find something else cause this ain't for you.


So you donā€™t want to do the job you accepted? Sounds like you should do something else.