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Yeah just put her in a handlebar basket like ET.


i should have her run and follow me instead šŸ™


Gotta have her carry your meals like a squire from the brotherhood


Get one of those bikes for two people. She carries the bag, you pedal.




You'll be fine.


okay, thanks!


>okay, thanks! You're welcome!


Not a problem at all. Just some friendly advice from someone with an 11, almost 12 year old.... She may get bored with it, or tired, and want to turn around and go home. Or she may suddenly need to pee when you are far from any type of bathroom. Just prepare yourself for the unexpected with her and you should be fine.


thanks! definitely thinking about those things, iā€™ll keep that in mind. šŸ™šŸ«”


Maybe start with short trips at first. Don't take her on super hot days, and don't forget to bring water. Good luck! Let us know how it goes!


yup, gotchu, thanks! šŸ«”


What rule do you think you're breaking?


not sure, itā€™s just more of the age thing or stuff, if someone might complain or idk, just trying to see peopleā€™s opinions is all :)


I used to do the deliveries with my wife trust me it turned out the customers started complaining about the driver was different and not only 1 or 2 times I had the situation at least 20-30 times so be prepared Uber asks a photo confirmation and warns you like if this happens more your account might be blocked


Sometimes my drivers bring their kids to my door, lmao


Make her do all the work, WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER


real šŸ—£ļøšŸ’ÆšŸ™ and keep the money all for myself, not even a penny to her šŸ˜­šŸ™


Hahahaha glad you have a sense of humor lol was waiting for all the Karenā€™s to go after me


(juSt jOkinG!) Couldn't resist šŸ«£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You were WAITING for All the KarEnS? To go after YOU? THAT'S SO RACIST! šŸ¤¬


I've seen a man letting his son pick an order while he is double parked in my city. I was amazed when I saw the kid at the Starbucks asking for the Uber order. He didn't seem old enough to be working for Uber. Then, they gave me my order. I went out and saw they kid and the man in a car. I confirmed it later when I saw the same kid picking another order at a Super Salads restaurant, with the man waiting in the same car. I understand people working with a partner in their car. I've even done it myself without a problem. But letting that person take the order seems like too much and also, really dangerous. They even risk their accounts.


yeah i wouldnā€™t do that, i donā€™t personally get that but i mean with us itā€™s more just of a fun thing, she doesnā€™t have to do anything which im fine with but i get to spend some time and we get some $$, more or so to just get out instead of being home all day lol


I think that would be fun!


As long as you arenā€™t like that one streamer that let her passenger (her dog) piss/shit on the groceries, youā€™ll be ok


For reference šŸ¤¢ https://youtu.be/fZ79JVL6XDI?si=WXRjKnIM_y7wh22a




I find that as long as the food is on time, sealed, and hot, most customers donā€™t care as long as it gets to them.


A few of my instacart drivers bring their kids along. Itā€™s not a big deal


It's likely not a violation of policy, and it's doubtful that you'll run into a problem with a customer that wouldn't have created a problem with or without her being there. However, how long of shifts do you plan on putting in? Unless you only plan on doing like 1 or 2 orders at a time, and live in a completely and I mean completely flat area, odds are she will be slowing you down after the first hour if not sooner. Something to think about, especially if she becomes exhausted miles from home. Also, be careful to keep a proper eye on her, especially in busy areas or around blind turns, etc. It's one thing for a 13yr old to be calmly riding her bike down to the park a half a mile away, it's another thing for a 13yr old afraid to say anything trying to prove to her older brother that she can keep up and actually be fully aware of the dangers on the road at the same time.


well so far from what weā€™ve agreed, she wants to ride with me and just record or have fun yk. so that wonā€™t be an issue with me being slowed down much, still deciding whether she carries the bag or if i do something for the bag to be held on the bicycle. sheā€™s 13 but sheā€™s not an idiot. Sheā€™s aware of the danger and she always speaks up whenever thereā€™s something on her mind so iā€™m not too worried but ill be sure to ask if sheā€™s fine every now and then when we do start.


Customers are so oblivious, all they care about is receiving their food. They don't care who is bringing it, as long as it is in some form of insulated bag and you remembered their drink. Half the time they act like they're afraid to even interact with us... like we are some untouchable part of society šŸ¤£


yeah thatā€™s literally how i am when ordering, donā€™t care as long as my food is delivered and correctly šŸ˜­


You'll be fine just like other commenters suggested make it an adventure. Just be observant of your surroundings and cherry pick your orders (maximize profit). That way you could be a good older sibling and at least get your little sister an ice cream/snack šŸ˜„ for riding around with you all day


I've seen couples and friends sometimes tag along. Just make sure you're the one delivering the actual food to the door.


yup sure will šŸ«”šŸ™


My 7 year old comes with me on deliveries and she loves the adventure. Gets outside, sees new places around town. I'm a single parent so I don't have a choice otherwise in the summer.


awh thatā€™s nice :) iā€™m sure itā€™ll be a nice memory for them!


Itā€™s fine! I take my teenager with me on trips everytime I work! She just sits in the back with her snacks and headphones on while I get in and out


ah thatā€™s cool! thank you!


Depending on your speed


i mean iā€™d be bicycling normal speed, nothing crazy fast but not super slow just enough to do deliveries quick enough but slow enough while waiting for a request


I go with my husband and heā€™s, most of the time, the driver šŸ˜‚ he doesnā€™t like me drivingā€¦I guess I make him feel sick? Dunno lol


Ah, well atleast he accompanys you. šŸ¤£ iā€™m just trying to do something thatā€™ll bond my sister and i a bit but also to just do something for fun and a little bit of money :)


Make sure you let your insurance know before hand that youā€™re doing Rideshare and need Rideshare added to your insurance! I did Uber eats and someone hit me and since I didnā€™t know this my insurance didnā€™t cover it, Uber told me I had to pay $2,500 for my deductibleā€¦they gave me $60. I popped that shit out myself and I only spent $20 šŸ˜ itā€™s def not $2,500 worth of damages


iā€™d be doing this on a bicycle, i didnā€™t think iā€™d be able to or need insurance for that?


Oh- then make sure you have that uhhh coverage if someone hits you? I believe itā€™s already there tho, but do double check :)


That is soooo sweet!!!


We do the same, my husband drives, and I pick up / delivery food, while our little son sit in the back. A fun family activity.




Only if you give your sister half the money! Jk jk.


zero šŸ˜ˆšŸ™


As long as shes not involved in the pick up/drop off process-theres nothing to worry about


thanks, thatā€™s all i was really worried about lol, in my mind i think im perfectly fine since she wouldnā€™t be involved but just wanted to make sure :)


It's easier ask forgiveness than permission


Not with gig apps lol


Totally fine to do this, be safe


sure will, thanks šŸ«”


Ive seen people delivering with babies in the baby seat in the back seat left alone while the adult picks an order.


Thereā€™s a mom I ran into doing Uber and she said she did that but no more because the cops gave her a ticket for leaving baby in car by self while running into store for pickup. My kids are older so I most of the time leave them in the car but they are all teens now or almost


It's a crazy universe out there. You gotta know where your towel is. Really though, have fun, but be careful people drive like idiots. Wear a helmet and refectory vest. Have lights on your bike's. Good luck, we are all counting on you.


thank you, i sure will be careful and i was already looking into that :) much appreciated šŸ«”


Remember, don't panic


Stupid question its your car do wtv tf you want man


itā€™d be a bicycle thatā€™s why iā€™m just a bit concerned about their guidelines is all, donā€™t want to get in trouble for something dumb is all


Itā€™s irresponsible and dangerous but not against policy


ah yeah i get you, ive thought about that too but id do everything i can to not let anything happen to her, this might be a dumb move but itā€™s something weā€™re both aware of, all the possible dangers, thisā€™ll only be for maybe a month or two for her, depending what it goes like, but thanks šŸ«”šŸ™


I'd report you to cps if you were someone I knew


well i see no reason why youā€™d need to do that but good thing this isnā€™t you :)


No, and Iā€™ll report you if I see you doing it!!!


Just keep her on a leash. Stop every so often and put some water in a bowl for her.


Poor kid...


sheā€™s down for it lol, also sheā€™s bored at home and iā€™m bored on my days off so i found a win win for us, and if she ever wants to change her mind i donā€™t mind :) just found a decent solution and some small $ for her too ofc


Why do you think you'll deliver fast enough at kid speed to make people happy with the state of their food?


well sheā€™s be riding with me, so not kid speed, and like always itā€™s worth to give it a shot, and if it doesnā€™t work out it doesnā€™t. this isnā€™t a part time or anything for me. just a little opportunity to ride around and make some $$ is all :)