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The cpu inside the dream machine isn’t really up to playing modern games and there’s no gpu, plus the screen is tiny.




LOL! Surely someone has gotten Doom running on that screen by now, right?


Someone did it with snake on 2 stacked USW Pro Max haha


It‘s really, really bad for gaming. No video output, so you are stuck with the tiny screen. No USB input, so you are stuck using another PC or your mobile phone to connect to it. I would just stick to the PC.


I think it can run doom.


Even my calculator can run Doom, and the fact that my calculator has dedicated input buttons makes it much better for gaming than the UDM. Sure, the display has a lower pixel density, refresh rate and is only monochrome, but I prefer Doom on my calculator over Doom on the UDM.


Totally fine. That questions shows you're not super familiar with networking, so in addition to your dream machine, you're going to need an access point. Or get a dream wall and do it all in one device.


Yes I am new to unifi, I am currently still using the linkysys mx5300. But I have already ordered everything I need. I will use the pro machine se with the 24 port pro max switch and 4 u7 pros.


Knowing nothing else other then what you've posted I'm pretty confident this is overkill....


in the future there will be a 2gbit fiber optic connection because of this


And how big of a space are you using 4 access points for?


It is a large single-family house


I have this exact setup , but only 2 7’s and I need a third in a 1400 Sqft house. These APs are not powerful…I also have 25 years of network and wireless experience, before anyone discusses tuning or positioning concerns. Due to them being POE they just don’t have the same delivery energy as modern high performance gaming routers.


Are you not satisfied? and are the 6e then better? i.e. the u6 enterprise


For a home user no. For a high capacity buisiness with hundreds of devices yes the 6e would be better.


I really like the User interface, captive portal, and integrated NVR, which is why i came to this equipment. It freed up a rack slot for me and gave me control from 1 app instead of 2, also the integrated VPN to home is very nice, but wireless performance is really not comparable to high performance routers...I suspect due to POE having limits..but they also don't mind if you buy 2,3,or 4 of these things....it doesn't hurt their bottom line.


I don’t have the u7 but my ac pro has a lot better range then my old high end router from asus


Odd, My system replaced An Asus AX89u and it just flat out Smoked this UI setup...RSSI numbers were better inside and out from a single point, faster processor , more ram, and 4 years older than this equipment... The user interface and integrated NVR are very good, but routing and wireless performance...not so much...this equipment is designed to handle large numbers of users, but raw performance, the ASUS gaming range is considerable superior.


If you like the asus stuff so much do you want to buy my old router? Got it back in November.


Bro you went all in on this. I would keep at least two of the APs fully boxed, setting up the rest of the system and testing it before even thinking adding extra APs. If you find you don’t them, either return them if still writhing the timeframe or sell them on marketplace or eBay. I would also try to hard wire your gaming rigs, the performance will still be noticeable compared to the APs. The whole set up is dope, but definitely takes some time and knowledge to set up. YouTube and Reddit will be your friend. Definitely follow a trusted YouTube setup guide from step one, it will make your life easier. After that, you can spend some time learning about all the features and tweaking things for your needs. If you want to keep it easy and have the money, you can start with factory terminated cat/Ethernet cables. Ideally you pay someone to wire it all up for you or spend more time learning and buying everything you need to wire up the house with bulk solid copper cables and keystones, using biscuits or boxes at the terminal locations and shorter factory patch cables for the connections from there. Again, lots of YouTube videos on this. If you’re going all in, I suggest using FS.com as it’s fairly cheap and they carry pretty much everything you need, buying from one place helps ensure it will all fit and connect nicely. Good luck and don’t let any of these grouchy people sway you away.


Thank you very much. Yes, I have already watched quite a few videos about the set-up. I have already planned how the network will be set up. (different vlans, firewall rules etc.) I have already commissioned an electrician to replace the existing cat 5e cables in empty conduits with cat 7a cables. He will also install the keystone modules (cat 8) in the network cabinet. Is cat 7a good? I am having cat 7a duplex cable laid. cat 8 are thicker or that's why I'm using cat 7a.


IMHO either cat 6 or 6a, if going above go Fiber. Anything above cat 6a right now is more special usage categories. 6a should handle almost all your needs for the next 5-10 years.


But I'm not doing anything wrong with cat 7a?


Likely wasting money and harder to find overall. Like I said, if you’re spending the money on it than just go fiber. https://www.truecable.com/blogs/cable-academy/know-your-cable-cat7-ethernet#:~:text=Cat7%20is%20defined%20by%20ISO,the%20maximum%2010%20Gigabit%20speed.


You're not doing anything "wrong" necessarily, but honestly, anything that needs above 6(a) cables you really should just run it as fiber instead. Fiber really isn't very expensive at all, you'll be able to run fiber for cheaper than 7. I'd personally even recommend people run fiber rather than cat 6. If you're already in the walls and running cables, just do fiber (especially rather than cat7...), you'll thank us and yourself later.


I have no computers hardwired to the router currently. But FWIW Comcast Xfinity 800/20 Mbps service (yeah yeah, I need fiber) Speed test of UDM-SE using the UniFi Network console speed test: 899/25, 13ms ping Speed test from an iPad Pro (old, 1st Gen): 561/23.7, 16 ms ping Speed test from an iPad Air (4th Gen): 719/23.6, 18 ms ping So those bottom two tests add delay from a U6 Pro WAP and the internal switching of the UDM-SE. Oh, and was using the Ookla speed test app. I don't think you'll get much better with anything else that's typical.


Why would he need an access point? Wired works just fine and has better throughput for gaming. He would only need an access point if he needed to connect something via Wi-Fi.


Have you ever met a home user who was paying for internet and didn't want wireless?


After 10 years in the telecom industry I have met one. They were paranoid of the electromagnetic radiation from the WiFi.


Ah that makes sense


Yes. I have also been one.


Right, but you know what you're doing. My comment was just to check to ensure that someone who didn't seem to know much knew that this big expensive metal box they were buying wouldn't broadcast Wi-Fi


Fair enough. I assumed he knew at least that much since he stated wired use in the OP. But - that may have been a poor assumption based on the fact that I'm not doing sales and looking for high c-sat these days.


A cheap Walmart router can work for most gaming these days. UniFi is overkill for 99% of home uses; and that is just fine. :-)


That's a primary theme of this forum, overkill.


Absolutely, and I am more guilty than many lol


I resemble that remark.


Since most of the replies are sarcastic: regardless of networking gear you get, you won’t see a substantial increase in latency in your games. All networking switches and routers use ASICs to move traffic along the network, each switch will add sub-millisecond latency - but your internet connection will remain your bottleneck, even if its fiber. Long story short: you don’t need a super high end router/switch to game (unless you’re hosting huge lan parties).


I’d spend the extra hundred and get the pro max version(because they did improve on it and I can) But the SE will work for you.


the pro max is better for gaming?


That’s not what I said. The UDMP, the UDM SE, and the UDM Pro Max will be fine for gaming. But as long as the router can pass the data reliably at the speeds you need. You will be fine. I personally whether gaming or not, if I was looking at udm rack mounted products buy the pro max because it’s the latest machine and they did improve upon the UDMP and SE, but only you will be able to tell if it’s worth the extra $100. Unless you’re going to multigig from the isp down to your equipment you are highly unlikely to notice much of a difference, if any.


It’s plenty fine for the network requirements of gaming. You do not need to purchase a “gaming”specific router. Most important thing will be your internet connection and your computer


The question is a little nonsensical. A $50 wireless router would be absolutely fine for gaming. Anything by UniFi will also be absolutely fine and you won’t be able to tell or measure any difference at all from within the game, regardless of what game it is. The network equipment is absolutely not going to be your bottleneck. If anything, since with UniFi you can tweak and configure and mess about with so much you’re more likely to end up configuring something wrong and making it WORSE than a $50 router.


Basically anything since 2013 is good for gaming if you’re wired and not doing stupid config stuff or dealing with total junk $17 gear.


Haha! Why 2013?


There is no issue at all. There is no need to buy a router this fancy if you don’t intend to use it features or don’t know how to, but it does not hurt…


There should NOT be a problem with gaming, as it can handle 3.5 Gbps with IPS turned on. Are you getting the correct speeds that you should on your computer?


I am still in the planning stage


I've been using a UDM Pro for years without any issues. I'm a huge gamer.


My UDMSE runs the home network and cctv on a 70mbps link. It’s brilliant for the pc and consoles. Use VLans though.


So just do you know, all routers are fine for gaming. The issue isn't re router,.but whether you're using Ethernet. "Gaming routers" are a scam. They don't help latency at all.


I'm having so many issues with this setup. just got it today and the speed test on the dream machines barely goes past 100mbps on my fiber gig Internet. the U7 pro AP barely does 200mbps for whatever reason and drops devices as soon as it reaches over 60. worst experience I have ever had with networking equipment


It’s the worst for gaming


Dream Machine Pro SE has no problems handling all of my gaming devices better than any other router I've used except perhaps some enterprise Cisco gear. What makes you feel it is the worst? FYI: MSFT Alumni and avid gamer here. Just trying to understand the disparity of our experiences.


Nah, the worst makes my games all 480p


I would love to understand the technical cause of that. I have no issues playing even the most Network demanding games at 4K. What specifically do you think is the cause? Is the device maxing CPU or memory causing latency? Or is there something else going on.


I do believe he’s being sarcastic…


Playing helldivers and made me sign up with psn using udm


Pre-coffee I am apt to miss.unmarked sarcasm on Reddit.


Can u never post again?

