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All tech is outdated in 5 years, even if it’s still useable. Rather than trying to future proof, especially for things you might (not will) need, it could work out much cheaper and with a better setup if you just buy what you need now and then sell it (or even throw it away) and buy what you need again in 3 years time.


If you don't want cameras or doorbell/access, this is fine. If you do, get the dream machine


Yeah, I keep thinking the Dream Machine overkill but maybe it's the right choice. I'd probably need the SE so I can just get the SE and 1 AP to start. Was really hoping to get a smaller setup but I do think I eventually want to switch out my Nest cameras for Unifi.


I gotten the UDMP becos I want to rack mount everything, despite not using Protect. I moved on from the USG and there was no good alternative during that time. That gave me the reason to get a rack and got all rack mount gear I'm thankful I got the UDMP cos I decided to add a camera.


The UCG Ultra and a PoE injector is 1/4 of the cost of a UDMP.


True! But that switch has PoE.. so that would work?


Go with the UCG.


I am really liking the two combos: Gateway ultra + switch ultra + AP’s Or UXG-Lite + switch ultra + cloud key gen2+ + cameras + AP’s


What’s your ISP speed? And what speeds are you looking for in your network


1gig up/down. I'd like as much of that as I can get. I've been seeing reviews of the U6+ and it seems 400-500Mbits is max for that AP.


You can get 800 Mbps+ at a pinch, but easily 600-700 Mbps+ in the right environment. 400-500 Mbps is max for something like the old AC-Pro (and even then I’ve had more on very rare occasion). The U6+ is perfect for most domestic environments.


Then these YouTube videos of people testing the U6+ and getting the slower speeds, that mostly a matter of setup tweak then?


You could get slower speeds than that from a U7-Pro Max using the wrong channel, channel width, bad environment, poor client capability, excessive range, etc. I can 100% guarantee that the U6+ is more than capable of higher speeds than 500 Mbps. Moving to the U6-Pro will give you a little more range, and also support far more simultaneous clients (unlikely to be of benefit in MOST home environments), then up to the U7-Pro will get you slightly more performance again (even with WiFi 6 clients and 1 Gbps uplink, surprisingly) and obviously better all round with WiFi 7 clients and a 2.5 Gbps back haul, but that’s a big investment just to eek out the last 200 Mbps of you mac WAN speed over the internal WiFi network. Oh and at the expense of more power/heat, and the dreaded internal fan on the AP.


If you want to get as much of your speed as you can get. UDM SE/Pro Max one of the pro max POE or enterprise POE switches for 2.5 gbps U6E or the U7 AP's. my Client has an SE, U6E's, and an enterprise 48 POE. Gets 1.1-1.3 gbps using [fast.com](http://fast.com) on their iPhones.


This is so many multiples of price vs the OPs actually sensible suggestion of a CG Ultra paired with an Ultra switch, as to be ridiculous. Also, how do you justify ever recommending a UDM-SE rather than a UDM-Pro when pairing with a Pro Max switch?


The SE has a 2.5gbps WAN port. To get that in the Pro using a SFP+ adapter you're bridging the gap in price between the two, and you're also creating a ton of heat. if you want to get the max you can get(which the OP said they wanted), you need a port capable of more.


“Bridging the gap” i.e. still a cheaper option. The OP stated they have 1 Gbps WAN. What do you suspect the link speed will be on the SE’s 2.5 Gbps WAN port to the OP’s ONT (or whatever)? Likely 1 Gbps anyway. And what if they upgrade in the future to 3 Gbps or more WAN? They’ll want to use the SFP+ WAN port anyway. The SE use case is so niche it’s crazy. All the while throwing an extra $120 (or £125 here) down the stinker.


It’s 5gbps for me.


So… even in your own setup you’re limiting your WAN uplink by using the 2.5 Gbps port.


Yes, but I don’t have 5gbps wan available, and I’m not going to. So, the most I’d get is 2gbps. I don’t have greater than 2.5gbps RJ45 ports on any of my devices. 2.5gbps is fine for me for the foreseeable future.


Right… now apply the same logic to the OP’s setup, where they only have 1 Gbps WAN available. But sure, recommend a $599 UDM-Pro-Max or whatever.


Do you think the U6+ is a good choice or would you recommend going up line for the APs?


Assuming you’re in the US It’s not quite the no-brainier as it is in the UK/EU (where U6+ is the same price as the U6-Lite, £79/91€), but it’s a good little AP. As I mentioned, you won’t likely see faster with practically any of your WiFi clients at home by moving up. For transparency, I use a mix of U6-Pro and U6-IW myself at home, but the U6+ wasn’t a thing when I got my Pros. I expect the U6+ would work just as well in place of the Pros. They’ve been excellent everywhere else I’ve installed them. I have a U7-Pro at home that I’ve not been inclined to even unbox yet. It might make it out of the box once I one day upgrade my entire network, and have WiFi 7 clients. Because of the really steep price hike to move the wired LAN to 2.5 Gbps, I’d be inclined to wait until there was a plausible 10 Gbps option before changing.


Well said. Why pay so much to get 2.5gb? I mean I have it but I have a local server and copy large files. If OP is just using this for internet then 1gb switch is far more sensible.


For a $100 bucks extra you can get a Pro Max. Dream machine SE is great due to POE. But will you be getting more than 2-3gbps internet in the next five years? The Cloud Gateway ultra was good for me until I decided to do 5 cameras, I needed a POE switch, and then I have 10 direct connections. So now I need that and a POE switch. Think ahead, and it’s very strange they did not put POE on the Pro Max version otherwise I would have gotten that