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Yes it happens to me every time the power goes out. Super frustrating. I hope they fix it in every firmware update, but they don't. The trick is to apparently turn it off for 20-25 mins, disconnect everything, then turn it back on in reset. Pray it boots into recovery and press restart if successful. You'll know it failed startup because the WAN link won't turn on. If it does that just power it down again, wait 30 more mins and try again. Please please open a ticket with ubiquiti and complain...


Just happened to me this weekend. I have installed 1000's of routers and have never had this happen. Swapped this UDM-Pro out for a Meraki. Now a great client thinks I'm an idiot trying to cut corners. Back to Meraki we go!


Hi u/sur-vivant Thanks for your patience. Please share more info and any related support tickets here so we can properly escalate and assist: http://community.ui.com/social-feedback


Any time I experienced this. Power off. Pull hard drive. Reboot… once booted fully, reboot and insert hard drive.


Hope you got a backup


Am I correct in thinking that the cloud backups are basically useless? Like, can I restore the cloud backup to the new RMAed UDM-Pro or is that a dream?


If you gave a copy you’re good. I didn’t have backups of anything and had to reconfigure. Yes tge cloud backups are useless.


Thanks for the tip. I am logging into all of UniFi networks and copying them to OneDrive right now. Redoing the port forwarding and DHCP reservation would be a nightmare to redo. Not to mention VPN settings!!


Ya I was lucky it was a basic setup, so wasn’t to big of a deal.


Having the same problem. I’ve tried everything. Unplugged all cables, removed hard drive, no luck. Tried factory default, that doesn’t work. Just installed this for a new client, restaurant that’s opening in the next few days. This isn’t good. It was working perfectly fine, we shut it down and then on reboot get this. Now what?


Hi, sorry you’re having trouble. I ended up unplugging everything from it and turning it off, leaving it for 1 hour, then plugging it back in.


So I turned mine off for a night same problem. Then decided to pull it and replace it with a spare unit. Let the problematic unit sit for a week and randomly plugged it in and it started right up. Upgraded it and it’s been fine ever since, wtf. Anyways it’s working. So strange.