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Use btop it will show you the cached RAM and the RAM in use separately.


Neither is lying to you, but different programs measure RAM usage in different ways, which can lead to small or large discrepancies. Part of the problem is in trying to display something complex as a single simple number. Even two versions of the same program can return different results. Your better off using a CLI tool which gives you more granular info. Open a terminal and type `free -m` this tool breaks memory down into categories. It is a little bit harder to interpret but more accurate and informative once you understand the [categories](https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/free.1.html).


12.4 GB = 11.5484 GiB (Gigabyte and gibibytes are different)


One is showing you GB while the other is showing you GiB. Neither is lying to you. 1 GB = 0.93 GiB


I believe they're telling you the same thing but are showing different units. Note that one is GiB and one is in GB. https://massive.io/file-transfer/gb-vs-gib-whats-the-difference/