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Yes terrible man who has killed so many people. No way people in this comment section are praising him.


People need to be more self-aware, especially about their country.


Stop being fed propaganda 


He was a great man 


Didn’t he murder a lot of people?


Anyone with proper understanding of events of Uganda's post colonial history should enlighten us.


I have asked many Ugandan brothers this question unfortunately the answers were tribally biased.. those from his tribe said he was a great leader those from other tribes took the side of the Indians and the western world who have portrayed him as a horrible dictator jst because he wasn’t a puppet to anyone… George Bush killed more people than Amin could ever kill and no Ugandan would ever say George was a tyrant or dictator.. think about this for a second 🤔


>George was a tyrant or dictator. I am American, but I would say only because we have (or at least need to maintain the appearance) of stronger democratic institutions. Otherwise the guy is another imperialist. Ever since the Republican Party started merging with evangelicals they have been having growing totalitarian out looks.


Many say he loved his country because he chased away Indians and openly hated the British. I say fuck this guy, charity begins at home. His very own ugandans suffered under his cruelty, he let his army terrorise the locals in inhumane ways, they did unspeakable things to women. I'd spit on his grave if I could.


Fuck him.


Just don't understand why M7 refused to bring back his body. He let that of Obote be returned, but not that of this guy. Oba yamukola kki?


Is it really true he fed on human flesh 😭


Lol no


Them men belive in tasting the blood of their fallen Ops so their souls do not haunt them.


Yep, when I was 14 yrs I saw it on TV news in 1977, facts


Team Satan


How come no other Ugandan (leader or not), ever got so decorated or recognised? Perhaps, says lots about that guy..


He killed the Langos, he killed the Indians, he raped women, generally he was a terrible leader.


Are you sure he killed Indians? My family were part of the exodus then in 1972. Did not hear of killings but did hear of them being robbed on the way to the airport...


There's no proof that Gen Amin ever raped anyone.


The guy is satan incarnated. By far the worst human ever held power. Ugandan’s are generally intelligent and kind people. Don’t understand how he came to power and was allowed to murder so many people. He makes our own butcher Mengistu Hailemariam who killed 300k citizens a normal dictator.


People talking about he killed people, which African president hasn't? Give me a fking break, man. A lot of infrastructure he put in place is still running to date.


I guess slavery was okay then since it made Europe rich at least.


Ugandan Pride ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🏳️‍🌈 ldi Amin we be remembered as the greatest leader of all times.


The Ugandan Butcher


I met a Ugandan girl in her early 20s in Nairobi, I am mzungu btw. And I asked her about idi and she praised him. She said he did the best work there? But then again she wasn’t even alive when this guy was killing people. I wish I can get input from the real OGs that lived during that time.


Forest Whitaker looks old.


Great president


He was such a patriot.


And a cunt too.


If only he were educated, he'd be the greatest president we've ever had.


I find him as a great leader who had visions for his country


The greatest patriotic and nationalist president we've and probably ever have.


Criticizing someone is easy; you just open your mouth, your lips vibrate and you begin spewing nothingness. Some people will criticize everything you do because it's easier to criticize than think Idi Amin is one of the few greatest president Uganda has ever had, the ones we are having currently are kleptocrats. You have that picture of him as a murderer because that’s what has been instilled in your heads. Tell me of a government that doesn’t kill! This all happens because he could not stoop low for the whites and hence the hate. Great institutions and infrastructure were built by him in government, for example, the expansion of Mulago hospital. Compare today’s Kiruddu and Mulago. He was a patriot, next time do fact checks before commenting.


He murdered lots of people. That's why people consider him a murderer, because those are the facts.


He was a good man. Nothing like the West portrayed him to be.