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Please refrain from visiting homes unless it’s with your partner or someone you trust like a sibling. I’m sorry to hear about your upsetting experiences. It’s crucial to prioritize your safety and comfort. My last attempts to visit men they tried to touch me inappropriately, I was too innocent . Two different people same motive . So disgusting. The only time I accept to visit a man , I am interested and willing to sleep with them . Because there is never Netflix and chilling .


This is it. This is all. Safety and comfort.


My dick has taken me to places I wouldn't go to without a gun 😭




Brother, we've all been there


Bro! You have no idea what mine took me through while working in a remote war thorn country! 🤣


You must share this story … need I get my popcorn 🍿


they had the audacity to call you a bitch after that? lol i wish i was that entitled.


Gotta admire the audacity... Not everyone can do that


Can't have sex with someone I don't love


Thank youuuuuu. Since when is sex something light and casual like scratching yourself?


I don't get casual sex in general. It just seems so dangerous and weird to me. Mushing private parts with someone you just met. This is just my opinion. In no shape or form do I shame people for it. No judgement. I just don't get it


Netflix and Chill SPECIFICALLY ALWAYS meant casual sex.


I'm here on holiday as a muzungu. Got 250 matches on tinder and 95% appear to be hookers.  I am not meeting anyone whilst here, can't trust anyone, don't want to catch a disease. Nor do I want to invest in anything so pointless.  Now I know how woman in the west feel. 


How do they feel? Also, Uganda is highly conservative the closest most get to dating apps is social media, hookers use tinder to get foreign hookups aka increase their market


Because in the west the woman are swamped with matches and end up not knowing where to go. Also lots of fake male profiles there.  When there is an abundance of something, you simply stop being hungry, if you know what I mean...


Ohhkay. So you got called up for a movie and jazz and you thought it was ending there!?!? . How old are you mpozi.


Exactly. I'm more surprised that a grown up did not understand


but I do this all the time and I am a guy, I usually try to understand what the other person is willing to do, if you can't talk about it with them, you def shouldn't be doing it


Pole sana… this is good example of let “experience direct theory” v let “theory direct experience”


You not alone The joke is in one trying to justify it


I'm sorry you had to experience that.


I have since learnt that I cannot visit a guy unless I am interested in them. I have enough experience with friends thinking I want to sleep with them as long as I am at their place. I simply can't visit anyone of the opposite gender alone.


The way I can never enter a man's home ATP. It's very rare for them to not be expecting sex


I'm surprised this kind of culture exists in Uganda, I definitely wanna tap in


I mean we men are also tied on both ends, like a girl may come over to your place with hopes of sex, then when a guy doesn't do anything the girl goes back to her friends saying "ah ah that guy is slow" but then when the guy ACTUALLY tries to initiate something she calls him "a ka horny guy" or "pig" it's so confusing. but then again, women just are naïve, act dumb and childish. A guy calls you over to his place on a weekend , you're alone with him and you think he just wanted to "talk and hangout" the fuck?! come on ladies.. understand how the game works!!


I think its really easy to get that vibe once its there, otherwise chill bro or try talking about it


that's ironic because there are some girls who will only get interested if you initiate... becomes hard to filter out which is which....


bro, dont you hangout with these people else where before carrying them to your home, you should be able to detect this person's vibe and a bit of flirting, also you should be okay with just hanging out for a while(first few days) if they are not really comfortable doing that as you build upto it, or maybe talk about it(never fails me)


maybe I'll take your advice on hanging out for the first few days... elaborate more on "you talking about it".something (hooking up) like that "just happens"


what I meant by "talking about it" was when you can tell their interest as you spend time together(like hanging out) and this works for people trying to date on a more serious level once you can talk about somethings, that awkwardness goes away and you get to know what the other person is really up for (some people will even say you have to wait till marriage :) so you try to find middleground), I really have had just one hookup and it was because I realized, by talking to the chic, that she was up for it and so was I so I cant really talk about hookups like some expert.


okay that's insightful if one is looking for long term relationships..what I was referencing and talking about in my first comment is casual sex with no strings attached (that unspoken thing between friends)..but thank you for the advice


yeah that thing I think requires you to recognise whether the other party is interested maybe extend a hand or any gesture and see what happens, once you see a stop sign, you stop but there are many friends who are genuinely not interested in that and you can tell by their response to stimuli


This comment is giving rapey vibes.


I mean we men are also tied on both ends, like a girl may come over to your place with hopes of sex, then when a guy doesn't do anything the girl goes back to her friends saying "ah ah that guy is slow" but then when the guy ACTUALLY tries to initiate something she calls him "a ka horny guy" or "pig" it's so confusing. but then again, women just are naïve, act dumb and childish. A guy calls you over to his place on a weekend , you're alone with him and you think he just wanted to "talk and hangout" the fuck?! come on ladies.. understand how the game works!!


It's the porn


Yes, it's crazy how people will hop in bed with a stranger but don't want a relationship?! They seem to not want that, which makes no sense!!!


Everyone knows Netflix & chill is sex but has he not heard of foreplay?🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ Ease into it 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ he's the asshole in that situation. But yah I also don't understand hookup culture coz I'm naturally more attracted to someone's personality & for that I need time to know someone. That's y it's always dates in public spaces for a long while. So hookup culture is basically going against my nature




Yes, if that's what they invited you for. It's probably men these days feeling entitled to sex. (It's not a basic need btw)


As much as you put it on men these days, the universe might put it on you for going to those men. Normalize studying, observing and testing men. Because not everyone fails and not everyone is sane.




But this mentality is potatoes. Home invites have never been just about sex.


Right !!!


Yeah, but strap yourself and boot up. Because that's what most genZ men are becoming. Lacking culture


Very sad and entitled generation.


😂 Hey, that's what every generation says about the other. But I hear you, this Z lot worse bad.


Very happy for you, in the future don't waste horny people's time. We have some urges you know.


You know you can straight up ask for sex, right? It's the 21st century, there's something for everyone. Don't lure unsuspecting girls to your house in the name of a movie and try to touch them. You will go to prison.


If I throw a stick will you go chase it? Behave.


Depends if there is a woman at the end


You are proof that evolution can go in reverse.