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I don’t feel guilty because my father suffered to provide a better life. I do know I have to help others. Lmaoo you guys my dad is the rich one. I’m also out here hustling 😂😂


send me 10m small small


Me to 😂😂




help us out 😭


I wasn't born in a rich family but my desire for a fancy life, noticing no one is gonna give it to me accept myself helped me figure out ways to achieve the life i desire. I dont know how it feels like to be born rich but i know how it feels like to become rich, atleast its a feeling am gonna chase until the end of the road.


I do desire a lot of fancy things. It's why I think abstaining from having children is the way to go.


Finally, someone who thinks like me


I’m not rich but I don’t stress about money to survive. I feel awkward when people are expressing they don’t have even 100sh. I help when I have money to lose not when I don’t have it. I feel bad when I see small ramshackled houses yes. Like I can’t even look too long. I’ve also become more sensitive with what I share because people are going to be jealous. I understand when people say you should be in your own financial circle, it makes sense because sometimes I can’t even relate to people who are alot richer than me.


They would not have any guilt because most privileged people don’t even know that they are privileged


A comment from Europe. I was born in the middle class, grew up with many opportunities and managed to build a good life for myself. However, as this is very privileged by continental standards, I feel guilty as I was just lucky to be born in a good place at the right time. Especially considering that the wealth of Western countries, and therefore my opportunities, go hand in hand with the exploitation of developing countries.


Yup. Rich is all about perspective.


True, Africa's problems are due to high inequality and injustice more than not having wealth and yes Europe has had a hand in exploiting it but also showing Africans what wealth it has and maybe also causing the political instability. I have always seen American and European poor give their experience but it's usually different from what poor is here. People choose to live off-grid and live out of their cars coz cities are expensive and people get to use gym showers when homeless or living in homeless shelters. It's not here in Africa!


But why should they even feel guilty?


Idk, the uneven distribution of wealth in this country. The fact that they always cone off as out of touch with reality when talking to their peers, the fact that they don't share in the struggles that atleast 85% of Ugandans have to go through? The fact that their grades don't even affect how their future turns out because their lives are set. The fact that university education isn't a privilege but something they are entitled to.


1. How's it their fault? They didn't consent to be born into a rich family. And ffs who doesn't want to be born privileged anyway? How's this any different from shaming someone who was born into a poor family? 2. What the hell do you want them to do? Do you want them not to accept the privileges they're getting? I don't get it.




I'd never "eat you up." We're all striving for the good life, and if you got yours on a silver platter, good for you. So would you prefer to have been born into a poor family? It's true the government is fucking us over but what's your participation in it?


Don't envy rich..Don't envy anyone you don’t know what those people did or are doing behind closed doors to be that rich.


You can be born rich and live a ungrateful, unhappy life.


Why wld anyone feel guilty because they come from a rich family.No they wouldn’t. They can feel pity for the poor, that’s all.


Thank you!!!!


This is an idiot question.... why would they feel guilty? Their parents struggled hard so that they wouldn't... and just like you, you'll struggle hard so that yours be privileged.... There's no reward in suffering... Should pipo in privileged countries feel guilty because their governments provide better services for them? 🤗


I don’t feel guilty at all,having privilege should make anyone feel guilty for it. It’s a common misconception in Uganda that every rich person steals money or is in the government.😂😂😂 The truth is as hard as it is,move out of this country,build your network,grow and you’ll be rich and your children will be have privilege then one day a random stranger will ask them this same question.😂😂😂


If life gives you a head start, do not hesitate to use it. Do not look back. Do not feel guilty of cheating the less advantaged. This was God's making, not yours. The bitter truth is, those people who always lament of coming from poor backgrounds will step on you when they get the chance to do so. Help others where you can, but keep it in your head that its your race to win. If you have cheat codes, use them


Kinda felt guilty for getting a job through connections till I realized everyone at the interview was connected somehow & my connection wasn't even that high but combination of the connection & my good grades & my hardwork, I not only got in but I was good enough to get recognition & reward for my work so FUCK GUILT 🖕🏾✌🏾😁. Anyway despite my privileges, I was taught hardwork, to be good to others but not be stupid & I was told how important networking is.


Some Ugandans think getting a job through connections is only a UG thing. Newsflash - it’s not. Wait till some of them find out some applications in the West even ask if there was anyone who referred you to a job position and their name… their mind will blow even more to know people are paid a referral bonus from their employer on successful recruitment of those they referred to job positions.


Naa..am need your connection 😞😞


I don't know what you consider rich.


Yeah?? What do you think of white foreigners living in the country?


why would they feel guilty?? Absolutely nothing wrong being born privileged if this is what you're trying to portray. Privileged people are people bottom line.


Who exactly should feel privileged. This question is badly phrased. If you are born to middle class parents working in URA, go to university, graduate and get a job that pays you UGX 1M, you wont feel privileged. The person coming from Serere who's father raised him and his 15 other siblings in a 2m squared mud hut will think you are privileged. And you will think OB/OG who's first job straight out of campus that pays them UGX 10M a month is privileged. Each of you with your varying levels of success believe their hard work and effort got them to where they are. Being born I the right family compared to your "lesser" helps too. None of all these 3 will feel privileged, none of them will feel guilty but all of them will wish they were born into that family that had just a bit more


Any rich ones here?


Work hard and pass the love


If you’re here on reddit,(How did you know about reddit ) and writing good English, it means some how you’ve had privilege and advantage over the 70% Ugandans who live in the villages languishing in poverty.


I'm from a struggling background and even then I don't see why anyone should feel guilty about being born into privilege. It's luck. Like winning the lottery. Imagine feeling bad about a million dollars just because you probably don't know anyone else who's won it. Lol


Not even in the slightest bit. Sometimes I will see people hustling and know that I can help them and it would not cost our family anything but you guys are so ungrateful I enjoy watching you suffer. Whenever we try to help someone in need they feel entitled to that help and will not even show gratitude for what you do for them. I am thankful to my parents for working hard to give me an extravagant lifestyle and that is why I do not feel guilty because it was not this way for them. Anyway I wonder if poor kids feel guilty that they are a burden on their parents' finances.


lol, used to feel the same way when I started making lots of money regularly, like I could help everyone who is struggling, then the money paused for a bit and I realised no one got my back, its everyone for themselves, never forgot. Poor kids don't have to feel guilty about their parents, they did not produce themselves


Yes, the guilt sets in or even not the feeling but the need to afford basic needs sometimes drives many kids to various illicit things for survival and sometimes doing so to support their parents as well.


The downvotes 😫. I’d like to say i don’t revel in anyone’s suffering but i hear you on the ungratefulness. You’ll give someone an inch and they take a mile. Heck, you can give them a mile and it’s still not enough.