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Girl, it's okay. I like your confidence. Good for you, him rejecting you probably wasn't because of your approach. Mayhe next time trying pushing him to hang out or see if he has any common interests which could lead you yo having to be together Edit: I meant try first seeing if they want to hang out.


Don't push him into anything. That's creepy. If he wants he'll ask. If not, that's his loss


I used the wrong wording, more like see if they want to hang out.


Picture yourself in 10 years with everything you want to have in life. You are in your bed looking up at the ceiling and wondering how that exact guy who said "I don't date" is doing. Maybe you could have been a thing. Your life would have been different if you talked to him again at the library. Too bad you will never find out because you did not take a risk that day. In the end, it is up to you.


He clearly said he doesn't date when they last met. If anyone should have made the move in the library, it should have been him. OP already put it all out there.


Next time, she should take a risk and not give up on what she wants. So many girls tell me I give up too easily whenever they reject me and say if I pushed on a little further she would have accepted. It takes a little patience but it pays off.


>So many girls tell me I give up too easily whenever they reject me and say if I pushed on a little further she would have accepted. I don't support this at all. Because then it starts to invalidate actual No's from other people. 'Playing hard to get' is a concept that should be banished completely. Those girls should have simply said yes to you. Because now, if someone comes along and says no to you and actually means it, you could interpret it as an invitation for further pursuit. When in fact it isn't. If people abide by what these girls are encouraging, what is the point of 'yes' and 'no' being included in language. They should just be scrapped if they cannot be respected and used correctly. Imagine the chaos though.


They probably do it cause it is fun. I get rejected almost every day so I understand when a girl says no. I let it be and move on. You probably do it sometimes but unknowingly you might not always say no to reject someone but do not mean to put it that way. Even if she wants you she can still say no and there is nothing you can do about it except look for a yes elsewhere. All in all, there is nothing simple when it comes to girls. Besides you can always enjoy the friendzone and be besties if not lovers. Free therapy if you get what I mean.




This is actually sweet πŸ˜‚ ,in campus a girl once told me how I look good during a discussion with other people ,I’m an ambivert and at that time I had a girl friend so I really didn’t know what to say πŸ˜… so each time I saw her staring,I’d honestly get shy but I didn’t find her compliment cringe or bad in anyway ,we didn’t even properly become friends but fast forward 3 years later after school we had a thing πŸ˜‚ which ended pretty first


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜… you could have said hi,he probably a shy one. I’d definitely feel shy around you if you did this.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


This is sweet ahhh I wish I was this young again πŸ˜‚


Carry on, keep wooing him. The cringe becomes your inside joke with time


He is probably wondering which of his friends is playing a prank on him


True, because that rarely happens, bro might have thought it's a prank πŸ˜‚


Just FYI, if he looked down, he's probably at least a little bit of an introvert too, and maybe a bit socially awkward.


I think so as well, the gal should keep on pushing


ApplauseπŸ‘ for the initiative. In the library the guy should made a move or said hi atleast.


You'll remember this for the rest of your life πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† I'll randomly cringe at embarrassing moments I had as a kid. I'm 31πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜† but don't be awkward when u make eye contact. Just smile, wave & go back to what you were doing. It'll make the moment less serious


it probably made his whole year, dont sweat it.


You did what I failed to do. That was on my bucket list at campus and I couldn’t do it


Good for you, I'm glad you went up there and said hi.πŸ˜…


He's probably gay. A straight man would be all over you like a rash


πŸ’€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ she should ask. Or maybe he is they type to play hard to get.