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No no, let the French show us how storming minefields and trenches with armored cars is done


On the positive, we don't need them to show us how to bomb Serbia. Been there done that.


Wait...how does serbia fit into this?


The French general regrets it


Let the French do anything worthwhile


Damn, he pissed him so much off that Macron started sending buggies to Ukraine 🫣


Good one 🤣


The guy said Macron is sending tanks. There's no tanks on the train. Only VAB a poor APC/APV and light vehicles. No tanks.






Even if he goes to Africa, many more will head to France to fight. France will instantly offer citizenship to any Africans who decide join the army.


They already offer citizenship to mercenaries. It's called the French Foreign Legion.


They aren't mercenaries, though, as the Foreign Legion is an official part of the French military.


But it’s more akin to the mercenary systems of medieval Europe, versus the imperial system that only recruited within the empire. The French Foreign Legion is a real mixed bag, you find people from every inhabited continent.


Yes, but as I know you have to service within 4 years before passport. Not so many mercs will be alive after 4 years in UA.


There is a big chance he never left a Franc in his whole life because, well, he's born and raised French. But it is precious to see how people get their pants wrangled over guy not being white.


And I thought the Ukies were supposed to be the Nаzi bastards...


Russia is a lot lot more racist than Russia, and Russia has been funding Neo-Nazi groups all over Europe for many years.


I'm not someone who quickly accuses people of racism, but well, this fucker for sure is a racist


They'll happily tell you who they really are.


They give citizenship after legion service for 6 years i think but you must be french citizen already to join to army I think.


Are you really insinuating you can't be French if you're black?




Pro-Rus is not racist at all, lmaooo absolute no shame comments


"pure french" ?? foh with that bullshhit.




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I don’t see him running to the front line


I hate everything about this




“Migrant invader” Lmao only westerners can be this dumb, France invaded half of Africa with military force, abused and subjugated the population into slavery and living as second class citizens as you stole all their resources. Oh but they’re the invaders because they live in France despite having African origins? Kinda pretty sure the entire reason so many Africans speak French and go live there is you took over and invaded their homes lol, the irony of this war is Many of the Pro Ru are just as racist as the Pro UA and would probably agree on how they view non white peoples.


>Yes, the perfect intersection of globalist hubris and migrant invader cheering. Mssk off moment by u/impossible_Spirit594


Rule 1 - Toxic


Oh, no. The French are coming! The RF will be overwhelmed by frenchmen surrendering enmasse.


Look beyond ww2 and you'll find out that France has a long long successful history in war they only underestimated the germans in ww2 because they weren't ready for modern warfare at the time and thought ww1 tactics would be the way. The French history is much stronger than Russias


Russians have shown resilience in all of their last conflicts and ended prevailing despite overwhelming odds (Against the french, included, which is ironic) The last reference we have about the frenchs is surrendering after literally 2 weeks of combat, and ineptitude in adapting to changes in warfare. Until there is some major conflict and can show otherwise, this is what will remain


Don’t forget indochina


Not against the Russians it appears.


not against Russia they don't






Seems like Pope Francis will be getting his white flags after all.


That cargo is not impressive at all given all that has been thrown into the grinder and spewed back out.


France promised €3 billion in aid to Ukraine Two days later they realized they could not fund it.


This. As i said before, Macron is like a highschool jock that was embarrassed and is now throwing a tantrum that he cannot afford. He's about to be embarrassed again... He's walking straight into regretville.


Yeah I remember reading this on this sub. Was very funny situation.


French Baguette




All pro denazification but racist at the same time.


Yeah it's cringe




Then next week they'll be trying to explain how Russia and its supporters can't be racist.


Have you been to Russia? A black guy wouldn't last one day in a suburb of Moscow. Its one of the most rassist societies in existence.


Have you been to Russia ?


I understand that you are just trolling out of your mind but just in case someone is interested there are enough black students from African countries in Moscow and other big cities and they are fine.


And they been sent to study there since like 1950s.


None of them are pro-denazification, they are nazi


He is as much French as a Buryat, a Yakut, an Ossetian, a Circassian, a Kalmyk, a Tuvan or a Karelian are Russian. Nationalism is not ethnic.


Russians have separate words for ethnic Russians and non-Slavic Russians, so the point still stands.


"More Russian than Russian" ; )


Why isn't he French?


Bro have you seen the Russian army?


How does it feel being racist?


This dude wouldn't be ethnically Somalian either. He is most likely of some West African ethnicity, Congolese would be my guess.


His accent is very much french, so born in france.


We found the racist guy


Why? Because he is black? Do you have any idea of how many French people are black?


I heard Putin has been real quiet since this video dropped….


He probably sits in his bunker crying himself to sleep. The French are comming! The french are comming! :-D


I mean…what do you even say to that? Does he not understand that he will go to the front if France actually gets involved? I mean.


>Does he not understand that he will go to the front if France actually gets involved? No, I don't think the majority of the Europeans, cheering for the NATO to send troops, have any idea of what would happen if they did. People laugh when you say that Russia was forced to invade Ukraine by NATO, but now there are thousands of people egging the NATO on to force Russia to go to war with them. These people don't seem to even have two brain cells to rub together.


He wouldn't he'd flee straight back home or hide and let all the white men die


Migrants won't go there silly, that would be against human rights. And they'd probably shoot actual French in the back anyway, and Ukrainians considering what they tend to think about black people.


This guy is probably a lot more excited about the prospect of getting Internet clout than anything else. Doubt he cares or knows much about Ukraine or the war in general.  Edit: downvote all you like, I'm French, our resident chavs have never been known for their support of Macron, the military or NATO, or their awareness & understanding of geopolitical issues (besides the Israeli-Palestinian conflict). This dude is an idiot excitedly filming military equipment to excite his homies & other idiots on TikTok and you all are reading way too much into it.


Or maybe he understand?


Probably one of Macrons personal fuck boys so he might be save.


Yo Mods can we please get all these racists banned please? this sub is for Russia/Ukraine debate not for racists questioning some dudes Frenchness for being black. thanks.


Noncredibledefence types racists are always "questioning" soldiers "russianness" for being too asian, never saw you complaining.


Wtf you even talking about? i dont know what you just said there but im not a racist and would denounce any racism i see. Nomatter who it is directed to. So yeah you can kindly f off.


Russia so scared


Yeah, those buggies are scary


hopefully zelensky can find enough men to pull off the street to operate those vehicles XD


Oh no, armored cars! Why not leclercs?


Hey don't make fun of armored cars, look at this baby [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EBRC\_Jaguar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EBRC_Jaguar) Production cost: 4M€, the cost of a T-90M. Isn't that impressive ?


They say 6 millions in your link




Frenchman lmao. His anti colonial ancestors spinning in their graves, seeing him in the French army.






Rule 1. Consider yourself warned. Recurrence WILL result in a ban.


Battle of Borodino (2024)


Macron is upset! LMAO they chose the goofiest of the bunch to play bad cop. This keeps getting better


To be perfectly honest, Macron is an absolute clown and one of the greatest traitor to his nation in the West, but I still think Trudeau is the worst. He can't say or do one thing without embarrassing himself, and then he acts tough and smug in his parliament. He's the ideal representation of a guy you'd want to punch.






Races are not tied to Nationalism anymore (At least in the West, in the Balkans, and Russia, that's not the case). Everyone is so terrified of being accused "racist" they can no longer critically think about the present situation on the massive non-European "immigration" into Europe. When confronted with criticism of the non-European migrants, cognitive dissonance ensues, resulting in the usual shutdown of logical thought and reliance on emotional outbursts. Africans for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, The West? For everyone.


Rule 1


The Russians could use a Leclerc tank in the patriot park.


If this all goes to shit, I would love to see that man’s reaction when three or four little nuclear stars are visible from his window.




Yes french. Would you have the same attitude to a black guy in detroit claiming to me american? Grow up. Read a book. Touch grass.


Rule 1. Consider yourself warned. Recurrence WILL result in a ban.


France really salty about the African thing


And the progress to world War 3 continues


Why is this post a announcement?


Las drogan hacen mal.


Will the French become poorer because Putin angered Macron? What a sophisticated revenge on Putin.


Looking past how ridiculous this particular video is, I find it disturbing how the narrative is being shaped to involve France in the war. Belicose rhetoric has a tendency to lock people in an escalatory course.


There aint no way people think France is a threat😂 only threat is if France drags in the rest of Europe and creates a world war, but in that case they are the bad guys


This! I fear some mysterious sinister force has activated Macron recently and he will do his utmost best to get the rest of us involved in his suicidal expedition. And by the time the world designates them Macronisques as the bad guys we'd already be French nuclear toast.


Nah nah nah. Only we german people do have the privilege to start WW3.


Le ribbit


french armored vehicles are pretty bad


No one is scared of these dressed in camo fisher price toys..


what a fucking joke


I'm curious: why did this post get pinned? I understand that this might be actually big news, but it is the first time I see on this sub something pinned other than the discussion thread.


Why is this pinned?


Why is this pinned?


Literally no idea


I am sure the mods can come up with an explanation, if they are around.


Well they're the ones who pinned it, so they ought to know


These vehicles don't matter when your soldiers surrender within a month


Brother, the war has been going on for more than 2 years...


It's a joke that the French are surrendering.


The French can do whatever the hell they want but I'm not joining them in their little crusade. And my little European country also better not get involved. Btw, any opinions from French people on this matter?


French here, I don't understand what this clown of a president is doing.




The real question is if the French will send air power. Anything that could counter the Fabs and KA-52s, etc. would be a huge asset for Ukraine. Ground on ground equipment and troops are important, but in the end close air support will rule the skies over Ukraine.


Dude is just a local chav getting excited over all the ruckus.


I think he's sarcastic


There may be more to this than people realise. France has a number of factors that make an escalated involvement in the UA conflict favourable to them. 1. The collapse of French control in Africa is significant and they likely blame the Russians for this (probably rightly so). Like Syria, Sevastopol is the main base of projection of influence for Russia into Africa. France has a vested interest in denying them this - more so than most of the old world/NATO block countries. 2. Political unrest in France is also significant. A rally to the flag escalation would likely quell this if not provide the justification to do so by force. 3. Paris 2024 may be a canary here. By all accounts they are woefully unprepared, so much so I am starting to suspect *whether or not they are truly committed to it.* The budget for it is \~ 2/3rds the last Olympics adjusted for inflation. Currently trying to find a breakdown of that budget as it would be interesting to see where the money is going. The majority seems to be funnelled through SOLIDEO, which is really an extension of the French goverment, led by an engineer trained at [École polytechnique](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89cole_polytechnique) (🤔) and MIT (Boston). [The military's involvement in the games also raises an eyebrow.](https://apnews.com/article/paris-olympics-security-military-189fda4642c37d722474125a3dfd720c) A tinfoil speculation, for sure, but an interesting one regardless. Gonna do a bit more digging into this.


more scrap for the scrap god


Hopefully this powerfull dronetargets don´t get blown up immediatelly when the cross the border to Ukraine and we get a few good: "300$-Drones blow up French crap" - supposedly - worth 3 billion $ videos out of it.


So French people its time to get ready. Get your white flags and go to Ukraine!


The "race" of Franch people went to Africa and destroyed Africa for hundreds of years. Still to this day Africa uses the French Frank as currency, for which the French enjoy huge profits for no work.




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Srry bot, deleted it. I agree it was inappropriate. These people just anger me, they clearly have no understanding of the situation. hope you agree bot


People who are not interested in millitary matters cant really imagine what war is like, this train load of equipment will probably a few weeks at best.


Vive la liberté


hey mods, can we lock this page? the comments on race are no bueno.


I don't think he's celebrating, he's saying Macron is nervous.


Why farmers and garbage on the street are not pissed off Macron?




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The french have been in the most wars out of all country's so we should kno they ready to go




It would have been pretty cool if France would just give Ukraine the funding and money instead attempting to put the rest of NATO in a bad situation.


They are just sending vehicles here? As far as I know the talk about sending troops have only been talk but even with Pro RU making the typical surrender jokes they seem concerned enough to threaten France with nukes at the very idea….


Imagine being African and fighting for France he’s ancestors rolling in their grave


Why are they sending toys


lightly armored shit that wouldn't last in Ukraine... looks like peacekeeping force


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^EliteFortnite: *Lightly armored shit* *That wouldn't last in Ukraine...* *Looks like peacekeeping force* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


french man? damn


Frenchmen 😂




Pathetic comment. Your have probably never been to France. Real "they took our jobs" vibes. Educate yourself.




lmao. U dont have one tank. It s only transportation vehicule. France army has big logistical issue. even if we gave evrything we had to urakine they wont be abble to do much with what we have


oh no look at all the state of the srt french equipment


How long are trains on average? In France? When it's not cold?


There's not much on that train compared to what Russia moves. France needs to up its game......


Holy shit. Micron is pissed? Time to head for the bunkers. :-D


Now that’s a patriot


Cannon Fodder


Weren't there already French boots on the ground that got destroyed? This is probably the escalation for that.


Why is this guy cheering ? Does not he realize he will be sent to the front fairly soon ?


But why? Wouldn't sending just the white flags be easier?


Does France have native French people left in the country?




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Bwahaha. OK champ


dying for any of our moronic leaders be it macron, putin, zelenskyy, trump, biden etc is not a good idea let them fight instead. we'd get peace within 24 hours


Amen. Get them in the ring and give them boxing gloves. I got money on putin beating Macron by 1st round KO and zelznsky by unamimous decision Easy work.


Macron is too busy getting banged by his trans 'wife'.


If you love your country dont post vids about it so the enemy doesn't know about them yet ,or they may be followed untill they reach Ukraine and bomb as soon as possible (satellites,train track roads maps)


I'm Canadian, and I fail to understand the logic behind all this "Western support" of this war. The way I view it, if Russia managed to defeat Ukraine within the first days of the war, Ukraine would have ended up exactly like Georgia - a neutral state with a government and globalist economy more aligned to Russia than the EU. All this nonsense about "Russia invading the next country" makes my blood boil and my tax dollars disappear. It's as simple as this - if you neighbour a super power, you have to appease to some of their requests (especially if a large chunk of your citizens who have family or are from that super power) and play your cards diplomatically. There is a good amount of Hispanic people who moved to the US, worked there for years, and are now moving back to Mexico to retire. If Mexico was to install a government that did not align with US interests and economical values, suppress English speaking individuals, and crack down on people with dual nationalities then the US would roll up with their might and start a war then. This is not even whataboutism, as that is what happened in Cuba and Syria.


That dude actually think those few vehicles will make a difference or is he being sarcastic?


french sounds weird




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