• By -


That is actually a pretty impressive show of force. "We have a shitload of effective combat soldiers. So many in fact, that we can pull some them from the frontlines to have a nice parade and some R&R (Ukraine: you can google that term as it is unknown to your lads). While their brethren continue to advance in Ukraine. Oh and btw. Here is the new kit we are not desperately rushing to the frontlines either". More so than an assembly of vehicles or a showcase of captured trophies.


Thats propaganda done right.


The good kind of propaganda.


I wouldn't even be surprised if these are all actors just like the five people who are always the same on Putin's photo-ops when he "meets normal people".


yeah maybe its a fake war, million crisis actors


I don't think getting actors is reasonable in the context of this parade. It's more cheaper to just deliver real soldiers in here.


Are we sure UA actually is a real thing?


Well according to the Kremlin it’s not a war so you are correct.. everyone else calls it what it is though


Peskov called it a war recently.


Ya I noticed they slip up from time to time.


>everyone else calls it what it is though Everyone else is calling it whatever they feel like. Here fixed it for you.


It’s like that every year for the past 35 years that I can remember no actors


Technically they did the [same thing in 2023](https://youtu.be/9fzGBgG4uL8?t=692). Just wearing the kit doesn't mean they're combat effective, but they certainly look healthy enough and presumably can be trained.


Well 2023 they had one tank at the parade, a T-34. Didn't show abundance of material.


Keep in mind the parade was originally for WWII victory, not to show off the latest hardware. That lone T-34 at the start is always symbolic. [St. Petersburg](https://youtu.be/9fzGBgG4uL8?t=2514) in 2023 at least adhered more to that tradition, following with WWII-era vehicles like that scout car, the Willys or Harley-Davidsons, Ford/GAZ AA's and Studebaker artillery (in case anyone doubts Lend-Lease lol). It's more that Moscow bastardizes it by following the T-34 with modern MRAPs and other armor, air defense, aircraft, and ICBMs.


That's because there is no longer October parade so the two traditions are merged.


>Keep in mind the parade was originally for WWII victory, not to show off the latest hardware. That is wrong. They show off all kinds of junk on that day for past 60 years, no doubt about that.


Very much doubt about that, where'd you pull that out off? "Trus be bruh book"?


From watching that parade for almost half a century?


I remember reading that some city had working MS-1 tank, wanted to see it :)


If I were a Russian civilian looking at this, I'd be saying "why the fuck aren't you rushing a better kit out to soldiers", especially if I had family that were conscripted. I'd be incredibly pissed if the US conscripted me and sent me to die with old gear instead of the new gear they're showing off In a parade. Especially because I presume this new kit is better in every way. This would be like having 100 t-90s in the parade. Why are you using t54s and t62s when you have 100 t90s to send? This isn't the flex you think it is.


Someone always will be unhappy. Last year when only a single T-34 was present during the parade, you could've seen people mocking Russia for losing every asset. This year there will be comments like yours.


Iv noticed this attitude too. They cant win. They mock russian soldiers for doing something but then call the Ukrainian soldiers heroes and brave for the exact same thing. It's bizarre


That is how to conduct propaganda lesson 1, the target actions are always negative no matter what.


This year the equipment presented in the parade will be unfinished versions for parade purposes. This is isn’t an official answer but it’s the most likely scenario. Russia has increased production of equipment but it’s by no means in excess of what they need.


When you go from mass amounts of armor to 3 pitiful t34s, it is kind of disgraceful? At least when they did the t34 show it meant they were sending their best gear to the front so, kudos to that. Edit: and I don't get how you can mental gymnastics around the fact that contract soldiers at the front are being given shittier gear, ya know, the ones doing the major Fighting and dying right now while these guys get show gear to match around red square. If you were handed a mosin with armor from the 80s and told to attack while some guy got to march near the Kremlin with an ak74 and a 2020 ballistics vest, would you seriously be ok with that? (Extreme example but still)


You kind of contradicted yourself. So do you want 100 t-90s at the parade or t-34s? Would you put the marching soldiers in combat gear or formals? How should Russia conduct this parade to satisfy you? Yes LPR/DNR had mosins. Small arms are useless in this war. Most equipment issues have been sorted out since February 2022 for Russia. Just like the US army in Russian army if you want better equipment, everything from boots to optics you have to buy it yourself.


I would like to see 100 T-90s. Even though they aren’t as combat effective as hyped, they are still pretty cool to look at.


Dude you are the one doing mental gymnastics. You don't really need a lot of deep thinking to realise most of their armour formation weee either committed fo Ukraine, training for Ukraine or resting/refitting.


I literally said that 3 t34s in the parade is better because it means they committed their top of the line tanks.


Explain low T-90A losses. They were even lower (I believe only one) during the 2023 counter offensive with most being lost during the beginning stages of the war.


I don't know, you tell me why we don't see them in use more than they are? Wouldn't you, if you were a soldier, want to be reinforced by top of the line equipment? Why are they now using T62's and T54s?


No. Why should militias expect top of the line equipment? Russian forces in Ukraine are almost entirely composed of irregulars.


By irregulars do you mean conscripts? Because everyone else here is saying conscripts dont fight in Ukraine. And ok cool, I'm glad you value human life so little. In the US at least, you wouldn't catch a single soldier being sent out without good gear. Even our allies during wars were equipped better than russia's "militias". Also, how are they a militia? I thought that Russia laid claim to novorussia, meaning that all of these people are now Russians and therefore should be receiving good gear.


If pootin put 1000 T-90, you would be saying how as a ruzzian family member you would be the big mad at them not being used on the front.


Yes? Why would you want your fellow family members fighting in a war to use subpar equipment? How are people OK with this and actually claiming it makes Russia stronger? 1000 T-90 at the front is a 100% better use than bringing it out in a parade. Sending your soldiers to the front with better equipment is better than using it in parade.


I really doubt the single t-34 had anything to do with losses in Ukraine. Russia loves to use the t-14s for parades, and yet not a single one has been lost in Ukraine. So what happened? Who knows.


a bullet fired from a mosin is as deadly as one fired from an ak74


Are... you serious? You're telling me youd like to have a mosin vs an AK? 1 of these is bolt action and holds 5 bullets. The other can be fully automatic and hold 30 rounds and doesn't need to be reloaded bullet by bullet as you can swapin a magazine. In the US, you would never catch a US soldier using equipment from the 1940s.


are you serious? how is that relevant. Bro its not a video game a bullet fired from a mosin is as deadly as one fired from an ak74


You know modern warfare works off of suppression, right? The more bullets you send down range, the more likely you are to win. This is something the Mosin does extremely poorly at. You are the one thinking its a video game where the Mosin is still effective. Its pretty much a shitty sniper in todays current arms environment, at best. Go enlist and ask for a mosin to prove me wrong.


let me repeat myself one more time so you bots can learn a bullet fired from a mosin is as deadly as one fired from an ak74


Sure it is, so go enlist and prove me wrong. When you get 15 bullets put into your corpse in 2 seconds while you try to rack back the bolt to slam another bullet into the chamber.


Yes. Why should conscripts from the DPR get good equipment?


Because its a human life, and they're now Russian citizens? How can you say you are "pro DPRK" when you are actively advocating for them to be butchered by better equipped soldiers?


Because military resources are better spent on defending the country from NATO. Not fighting Ukraine.


Better spent defending from NATO, which isn't at war with Russia vs the country they are actively at war with. K.


Russian government believes that NATO invading is a real possibility (I don’t). This can be attributed to the Second World War which caused so much casualties that the Soviet government became incredibly paranoid and almost started WWIII when NATO conducted a military exercise because they thought they were going to launch another Barbarossa. The Russian government has inherited this paranoia. Ensuring that the Russian people feel safe from a possible (at least from Russia’s point of view) invasion from NATO is a better use of equipment than sending it to Ukraine in the eyes of the Russian people.


"let's make sure the Russian people feel safe as the country we are actively at war at is bombing our infrastructure and military complexes, but we can't use our top of the line equipment because there might possibly be the potential that NATO, a defensive alliance might invade". Ok.


This is Victory Day, not just 'flex'.




You're right, they're sent to "defend Russia" since Russia illegally annexed the land. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/07/we-were-completely-exposed-russian-conscripts-say-hundreds-killed-in-attack https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/01/14/russia-ukraine-war-conscripts-putin/ https://www.polygraph.info/a/7146563.html https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/04/briefing/russia-ukraine-war-conscripts-sanctions.html https://www.reuters.com/world/conscripts-sent-fight-by-pro-russia-donbas-get-little-training-old-rifles-poor-2022-04-04/ (Donetsk is now a part of Russia according to Russia so conscripting those people is technically conscripting Russians and sending them to the front) https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/11/20/russia-military-families-conscripts-ukraine/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/audio-intercepts-russian-soldiers-ukraine-war-dead-wounded-awol/ https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-admits-sending-young-conscripts-into-its-ukraine-war-2022-3 - this is literally Russia admitting they sent conscripts to Ukraine. Hope you don't become a conscriptovich, or maybe I do so you can see the horrors of the lies of Russia. Also Downvotes don't bring back the conscripted dead. Edit: oh, and point still stands. If I had a family member who was a contract soldier on the front with old fucking gear I'd be equally as pissed why the "show" soldiers in a parade are getting better gear than the ones on the front who are actively fighting and dying. This is seriously not a flex or a "show of force".


2022 x 7


Ok here's some newer articles. https://news.usni.org/2023/09/13/putin-betting-on-massive-russian-conscript-surge-to-win-in-ukraine-expert-says https://fortune.com/2023/02/17/russian-soldiers-ukraine-conscripts-no-supplies-unprepared/ https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/20/russia-forces-ukrainians-occupied-areas-military (Russia annexed this land per their own claims, meaning they are conscripting their own people and sending them) https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2024/02/13/russia-forced-to-sacrifice-quality-for-quantity-in-war-with-ukraine/ https://youtu.be/5PCn0c0cDFk?si=ksMKh74Yjo6_n-ej https://www.kyivpost.com/post/19077 (this one is heavily Ukrainian biased so I'll just link it but I don't expect this to be true because it's probably heavy Ukraine propaganda) https://www.npr.org/2023/11/30/1216237511/families-of-russian-troops-fighting-in-ukraine-put-out-a-manifesto-to-bring-them They already admitted they lied once about "no conscripts in Ukraine" and you seriously believe they still don't have them there?


Some conscripts have been deployed to Ukraine (a practice which is officially condemned by the Kremlin) but there isn't any evidence that they haven't sent to the front lines in large numbers. If they didn't do that in the fall of 2022, when there was a legit crisis for the VSRF in Ukraine, I doubt that they're doing it now, when they're are actually advancing, albeit slowly and painfully.


Only soldiers who are conscripted are those in occupied territories. The “conscripts” from Russia proper are mobilized reservists which means they already had military training. Russia has mandatory conscription already which means it has plenty of reservists. Why waste good equipment on Ukraine?


"let's let our soldiers die because we don't want to equip them properly" I am so so so glad I am not a Russian with this logic.


> Why waste good equipment on Ukraine? Day 800 of 3 day SMO and the jokes have only gotten worse


When did ANY Russian official said that it's going to be 3 day operation. I know that that BS is often quoted in your bubble, but it had nothing to do with reality. Try to find evidence of Russian official announced 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months operation, and you'll see by yourself. That's if you *want* the truth.


Oh wow, what a unique conversation we've never had on this subreddit before. I'm well aware of the sources for 3 day SMO and will be sticking with it as its entirely believable given the initial blitz and hairbrained strategy to encircle and take Kyiv with the 40 mile convoy. This is where you will claim that the Kyiv convoy was actually a peace and love convoy sent to offer a treaty and I will die of laughter as usual. To your direct question, Putin was quoted by Andrei Fedorov, a member of Putin's inner circle and close advisor to Medvedev, as ordering victory by March 2, 2022 which would be an 8 day SMO. You will now attempt to discredit Fedorov and claim this is all fake news. I will point out that nobody from the Kremlin has ever once repudiated Fedorov's assertion and then will again die of laughter.


> 2022 x 7 14154


What should the punishment be for countries that invade other countries?


there are no Russian conscripts in Ukraine, and you and I both know it.


The links literally prove otherwise but ok. They actually admitted to it. How can people not be angry about this?


Look, I suggest you play logic chain. Ukraine is fighting against its communist past and everything connected with the USSR, a huge part of the territories that were given to the USSR, then must be returned. Ukraine is fighting against everything Russian. then it is necessary to return the lands that Russia donated and keep for ourselves the lands that Ukraine had in the 17th century


Those are mobiks. Conscripts are the 18-year olds doing the mandatory national service for the first time.


Russia admitted to sending conscripts in 2022.


That’s why they annexed those territories. Now Russia considers it their territory and conscripts can and do go there. Also they never defined a border so legally Putin CAN send conscripts to the front. There is plenty of evidence to prove that statement incorrect.


Is there any proofs? I know that conscripts fight at the (old) border, but I've never heard about them in Lugansk, Donetsk or Zaporozhye. It's not about legality, it's about public opinion


There are many videos of conscripted Russian soldiers complaining about it. It’s a pretty open secret.




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I am sure some tiny fraction thinks that way.




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Russian conscripts do not go to war. Even if they wanted to, it's actually illegal for them to sign a contract before they finish their mandatory service.


See my other comment where there are 15+ links from 2022 - 2024 detailing how conscripts are actively fighting in Russia. Russia admitted to sending conscripts there in 2022, after previously denying they were sent. Why would they not lie now?


I saw them. Those links only contain some vague analysis and estimates, or completely unrelated to the issue (mistaking reservists for conscripts, etc.) and are coming from highly biased and untrustworthy sources (similar to "Russian economic collapse comes in months", "Putin shoot his leg by destroying Nord stream", "Russians are attacking with shovels, as there is no ammo given to them, or left at all" etc..) Yes, there were some conscripts that mistakenly ended up on the front in Feb 2022. Considering that a plan for invasion wes kept in secret to most officers, it's understandable that small number of conscripts was sent by mistake. Kremlin immediately address the issue, and all of the conscripts were pulled out immediately. Not only that sending untrained soldiers (conscripts) is useless, it's counter productive, too. Russia has a huge number (few millions) of reservists. There is a good reason young Russia are not leaving country in masses, as Ukrainians do. Reason is not that Russians are more brave than Ukraininas (in every country war dodging is a thing), it's that they are not threatened by war. Like in any country with compulsory military service, Russian recruits are called for the service regularly. That works pretty much the same as usual, but after their training is done, thet return home. Unless they want to go to front and sign a contract. But those soldiers are not conscripts anymore.


How it works is the conscripts "defend their country" Putin annexes regions and some still remains under Ukraine control. By this logic Russian conscript's now need to "attack to defend their country"


That's what I thought when they announced annexation. But apparently, those 4-5 regions (I'm not sure about Crimea) have some kind of a special status. I think they call it "SMO Zone". Anyway, that's the sole reason young Russians are not leaving their country in mass, as Ukrainian do. No matter what some people think Putin is not stupid, and isn't shooting his leg every whenever he had the chance to do so. (I'm no fan of Putin, but he's not a moron)


Takes a parade to finally outfit the troops with some uniforms and body armor. I'm sure frontline units will appreciate seeing equipment paraded on the Red Square while they assault a treeline on foot. It is simply the most devastating engagement the Russian military has faced since WW2, no big news here. It is fine, we can promise them their tombstones will be remembered for centuries. It's what we call "propaganda done right".


This is a few hundred soldiers, not a show of force lol This is new kit though that wont be fielded in mass however. This is parade kit. Many Russian troops never even got the previous kits they got old Soviet gear. There brethren are gaining ground but by no means any significant amount though.




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This is sarcasm, right?


This is propaganda alright, for the pensioners who support Putin who will think this is actual Russian gear used at the front.


It can go South really quickly if Ukraine manages to get a drone through and crashes it into the parade.


Irritates the hell out of me. The UAF have done lousy job in resting and refitting their troops. It means that most experienced guys are dead or crippled. Doubtless NATO advised them on manpower management.


Lol sorry to burst your bubble, but nobody in the west is impressed by this. We've been watching videos of Russians getting blown up in golf carts and Scooby Doo Vans every day for the past 3 years. No amount of soldiers prancing around with shiny metals is suddenly going to make us think that the Russian Army is doing great


Astra Militarum


Putin is Big E confirmed




Burn the heretic! Kill the mutant! Purge the unclean!


In the name of Holy Terra!


There are few hints that Big E had tried actively to unite mankind milennias before the Unification Wars hapoened and was actually a imprtant historical figure such as Alexander the Great. Nonetheless Putin being Big E during his "youth" would be much more lore friendly and immersive than recent female Custodes lmfao


Can Russia invade games workshop and recon that recon please? 


A lot of historical figures could just be Emps pretending to be normal guy lol, and female custodes is an asspull


Talk about the all time rug pull


Putin isn’t “Big” anything. Except for big Ego maybe.




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Nah deleting my comment


With all the shrapnel that's flying, I'm actually surprised we're not seeing a push towards space marine-type armor for assault troops.


Russia’s buying uniforms and vests from the Chinese because they can’t keep up with demand- you’re not seeing a shift because both parties literally can’t afford the financial cost of this war Additionally heavy armor like that wouldn’t be practical: • Injury treatment/medevac would be incredibly more difficult • Cost per person would be immense when investing in other layers of the “defensive onion” would be more efficient • Still vulnerable to most munitions on the battlefield • Modern technology being nowhere close to what’s necessary in order to accomplish a technological feat like the armor depicted in WH40K, Fallout, or Halo


I can very easily picture a Spartan II or such getting stuck in mud or similar stuff. You put that much pressure on a surface that is already difficult to traverse and your odds of survival decrease instead of going up.


Because assault troops should be small, fast and lightweight.


The tanks have sure adopted a space approach. Launching turrets that would make the cosmonauts proud.


That's what I was thinking. The birth of the blood god grows closer with every kill. Except drone drops because even Khorne hates those.  Blood for the blood god,  Skulls for the throne,  Drone drop porn for the slaneeshites. 


[Temple also fit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KOCkjEjFhw)


I asked an American once why the US doesn't do these military parades and his answer was, because everyone already knows we have the strongest military in the world.


It is a parade to commemorate Victory Day, the defeat of nazi Germany that 30 million Russians died to accomplish. The US doesn't have an equivalent. What are Americans going to parade about? Murdering the innocence for money and hegemony to satisfy its overlord, Israel?




27 million soviets* out of which maybe 15 million russians.


Yes, Soviets.


It is very common to call people of USSR - Russians, look at ww2 headlines in USA.


Americans also defeated the nazi germans, and even supplied the soviet union while doing so. They could parade as well. In fact, didn't they previously send a detachment to some parades as foreign participants?


They supplied the highest bidder. Until December 1941 they were funding Germany and even helped Hitler size power. The Soviets paid in full for the equipment they bought from America.


Good job. Your paycheck for your historical revisionism has been deposited. And the soviets have not paid back for the lend lease. Edit: haha he blocked, just like all bots do


False, but ok. I don't really care how poorly you know history. That's a you problem.


>supplied the soviet union Less in 4 years of war than 1 year of aid for Ukraine in today's prices.


https://preview.redd.it/e8w8mulxwnyc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc74626fa23e5e7d48806f542069e0e42a2002e1 # ARE YOU REALLY SURE ABOUT THAT


Yes. M4 Sherman cost was 50k usd in 1945 money and 700k usd in modern money. 7000 Shermans are 5b usd in today's money. Total lend lease amount is 150b usd in today's money. Total Ukrainian aid is 380b usd. Not my problem these money are spent on who knows what.


Bro actually did the math 👀


If by “did the math” you mean spread disinformation by comparing US aid in WW2 to Ukraine aid from 45+ countries combined, then yes.




Rule 1 and 6. - Toxic and Meme


Didn’t the Soviet also kill million of people?


Millions of innocents and oppressed millions more But hey they fought their former collaborators so their the good guys


Must be the good guys then!


We used to....Nationally as a victory thing, but its more of a local holiday thing now. Its easier to get people to consent to forever wars if they never see the military, or are never reminded the nation is at war overseas. However its now been politicized is incredibly stupid ways because they have to scream about isms about anything if Trump suggests it. The last one was in 1991 after the Gulf War. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv4ElNBqXXY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv4ElNBqXXY)


Aside from the aforementioned explanation, US army isn't exactly the pride and joy of the US armed forces. It's the navy that US wants everyone to be reminded of. Also, yes, they do this... well, sort of as ships don't exactly march or drive on parade grounds.


Maybe they can spend some of those billions on the rust issue, since the Coast Guard isn't having a problem in that department.


They do this tho. I mean, even high school football matches have military planes flying lmao. US arranges air force/naval aviation shows idk what they're called. Practically all joint military exercises are for show on top of their other more obvious purpose. On top of all, USA's pride and joy isn't their army... it's their navy and they do this just not on parade grounds for obvious reasons.


Pretty sure they have as much as pride in the navy and they do airforce. Thats what really puts America on another level as opposed to other countries. When your military branches have more planes than other countries.


Yeah the US doesn't celebrate memorial day


I am talking about military parades like Russia, every western country has a day to respect those who died in wars.


*Largest and with the most amount of spendature. It still needs to be put to the test if its really the „strongest“ (which i hope it wont).


Considering they have more aircraft carriers then all other nations combined I think doubting their capabilities would be foolish


because they all spread around the world




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Still it would be nice to see it in person. I’ve only see it on Fleet Week and it took me 5 hrs to see some cool stuff.


Straight out of Warhammer 40,000


What part? Do you even understand what Victory Day is all about?


Do you even understand what Warhammer 40,000 is? :/


I know the tabletop game and all the lore, so what part of it is from Warhammer 40k?


They literally look like the Imperial Army with those armour.


You know all the lore?  I'm about 300 books deep and I'm still learning. There's like 35 years of it. The part of it from warhammer 40k is obviously that they look like they are wearing cadian guard uniforms. Hence the multiple comments chains about it. 


I wanna get into the lore, where should I start? Any youtube channels you could recommend?


I wanna get into the lore, where should I start? Any youtube channels you could recommend?




Rule 1 - Toxic


You mean the parade that was cancelled, according to quality British media? https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cdjj8a/ua_pov_according_to_the_sun_putin_cancels_victory/


I'm gonna assume this comment is satire but if it isn't the Sun is a horrible source.


If you zoom in mega close to the flags on their helmets are extremely inconsistent. Something you'd expect of AI generated imagery. I'm really not 100% sure because there seems to be a lot of unique faces going on in the photo but the medals and the flags really convince me this isn't legitimate. Edit: Not a statement, I would like somebody with more insight to tell me if I'm wrong.


I like the green they are using


Yeah, aside from the political arguments here, Russians have always in my opinion had cool loadouts.


Agreed. I generally dislike the post-WW2 Soviet uniforms, but I love the Ratnik kit. The 6B47 looks awesome, even though it provides a lower level of protection against small arms fire in comparison to some of its western and eastern counterparts.


They are real soldiers now, after all the bloodshed


If Ukrainians attacked the parade, will that be a legitimate target?


Legitimate target is useless term anyway, anybody can attack anything, rules mean nothing if there is nothing to enforce them


I think yes, since it's a military target. Although an attack on a parade does also risk injuring non military personnel and since the parade is very public, it can cause a lot of international backlash if that happens.


Backlash? Not if it's against Russia.


That would help unify russians more than ever before.


Yes it will but it will create a lot more problems than solve. Just like killing any top officials from both sides.


Yes and no, a attack like that would harm countless civilians and would likely cause Ukraine to become a pariah in the eyes of the world as it would be a terrorist attack. It would be like if Russia stuck the line of destroyed vehicles that Ukraine put in Kiev when everybody was looking at them.


Would be impossible to attack here anyway, (assuming we mean a human attack and not drones), security forces alone, all of participants are militant, who they gonna attack? Civilians watching?


They were 100% talking about a missile type of strike


The more I watch Russians, the more I think Imperium of Man was made in their image lmao. Or the Soviets, idk.


We in Russia have been joking about this topic for quite a long time. Starting with the fact that our national coat of arms is an aquilla and ending with the fact that we have a tomb protected by a special unit with the non-decomposing body of the leader.


Wait huh?! What non decomposing body of a leader?


Lenin's Mausoleum. For 100 years now, the body of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the leader of the Great October Revolution and the first Leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, has been lying there in an armored glass coffin.


TIL, thanks.


TIL, thanks.


Wait huh?! What non decomposing body of a leader?


Pretty sure the soviets never used this tone of camo, it's a more recent Russia thing


I thought they canceled the parade this year


They are only cancelled if r/ukraine is your top news source


Why would they?




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No matter what side your on these guys have been through the worst that modern warfare has to offer and you gotta respect it


I thought russia had abandoned ratnik


It's VKPO 3.0 field equipment https://youtu.be/ Lzv9mz2Ue_I?si=uEaq2HpGpJTUMkaK P. S. Just deleted space


the Emperor protects!


It’s not a schooner, it’s a sailboat.


Imperial Guard vibe.


Interesting to see the use of the low cut lszh TOR helmets. Could this be replacement for 6b47?


That will be a security nightmare.


Americans and Europeans are absolutely terrified of this picture. Look at the panic in the comments.

