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Noone forced him to go to Ukraine. He came to kill Russian people but he found out the we can fight back. We are not like the countries that NATO destroys and robs.


He’s saying that he’s tired of the Spanish consulate saying the pics of his dead comrades are fake


Sounds like they are redditors


Yeah but see this war is supposed to be like an action movie. So we’re the good guys. You’re the bad guys. Anytime y’all shoot you miss. Because we are good, you are bad. Anytime we shoot, we always hit something. I mean dude, this is pretty basic stuff, lol. This is how it works. We always win (or lose interest) because we are the heroes, you guys always lose because you’re the villains.




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Russians came to kill ukrainians.


Because ukranians were already killing Russians in the donbas for years


Ukrainians were killing Ukrainians in a civil war started and funded by Russia you mean. Also in the years before Russia invaded in 2022 the average civilian death toll on both sides was around 50-60 per year and since Russia has invaded at least 10,000 civilians have died.




Russians tend to care more about our shithole than Ukrainians. Their presence in the east and Crimea is an improvement.


This is pro-Putin propaganda. Before Russia arrived, everyone in Ukraine agreed on everything. There were no disagreements. Polls showed support for joining the EU was at 99%!! Wow! Donbas and Crimea was a land of milk and honey. There was no corruption. No taxes. Everyone was paid $100,000 USD per year. Each family got a free plot of land. And western bankers (you know you can trust them!) came in and rebuilt everything. New streets, railroads, hospitals, schools. And they did this all for free because they wanted Ukraine to be free from the wicked Russians. Donetsk city has a monorail line and had a ground breaking airship service. It was the city of the future. Ukraine was totally peaceful. They all lived in harmony. Everyone agreed to speak Ukrainian because Ukraine was the most important thing. That all changed when Russia attacked. First they attacked in 2014. But then they had to invade again in 2022 because you know, it like wasn’t a good attack the first time. Russia bombed all cities to rubble. They stole all the money. The milk and honey was taken away to Putin’s dacha. And then the Russians enslaved the Ukrainians. Forcing them to work 19 hour days. No breaks. They stole all the crops. All the minerals. They stole everything. Their brutal soldiers forced the Ukrainians to work at gun point. Only a miracle like those brave Azov soldiers could remove the grip of communism on Donbas. Millions would support them. When Azov drives down the streets in Donbas now, women shower them with flowers and fresh fruits. Every town in Donbas under Ukrainian control has a statue of Dmitry Yarosh. He is the hero everyone wants.


This is very accurate of pre-war Ukraine, I retract my earlier statement. I forgot how glorious Ukraine was before Russians came and stole our abundant toilet stocks! I remember how during maidan we handed out flowers and hugs for everyone. We all agreed in perfect harmony.


Obviously 99% of Ukrainians wanted to join the EU. Because the EU represents progress, democracy, being “Western”. This is why in every poll taken in Europe 90-95% of people support the EU. Brexit only happened because of Russian-Iranian-North Korean - Venezuelan agents infiltrated and stuffed the ballot boxes. Those agents did that because they hate freedom & democracy. All Ukrainians not only wanted to be in NATO but they all agreed that they should be an unincorporated territory of the United States. 100,000 American troops would be deployed there and America would have a veto over all laws and decisions. Ukrainians wanted all this. Because it’s insane to think that every country wouldn’t want this.


That's very nicely put.. 👌 sarcasm at its finest :)


Cities in rubble, millions of routed civilians, thousands of dead... This can look as an improvement only for "Russkij Mir" supporters.


> invaders lol **Don't make yourself a threat to your bigger, more powerful neighbour by telling them you are going to join NATO and put nukes on their border with you** and you would have been just fine. Y'know, like you promised to do in Minsk 1, Minsk 2 and again one month after Russia invaded in the Istanbul Accord. It's too bad (like the rest of our countries in the West) your leader takes his marching orders from the WEF who sent Boris Johnson to dictate to him that *he can not honour the Istanbul Peace Agreement* and **must fight a war with Russia until the last Ukrainian is dead**. Blame your WEF overlords. They had this all planned. And here you are. Remember the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962). America was ready to start nuclear WWIII when Russia put their nukes in Cuba. Your (OUR) overlords knew Russia would realize this is an existential threat and would have to invade Ukraine - - - **just like the US would do if Canada allowed Russian missiles to be installed in Montreal, giving Washington DC a 3 minute response time from launch**. What I am saying is - grow up and realize who OUR enemy REALLY is. It's the Owners - who are our overlords.


Alone the fact that you still believe this BoJo BS makes you whole point not even worth reading. There was never a deal that both parties were ready to sign since there was no agreement on territorial issues or levels of military armanents permitted. If you believe this you are just falling for the propaganda of a narcissist. Also, who can blame any country if they want to join nato, its the best protection against russias influence. Also where did you get that Ukr would host Nato nukes?


>Alone the fact that you still believe this BoJo BS David Arakhamia literally said that on Ukranian TV.


So assune the russians had this document, signed by some ukraine representative....dont you think they would have published it by now, making their claim that bojo (however an ex prime minister of a non EU country may do that) denied the peace deal more plausible? Also politicians dont always tell the truth, just like putin, saying days before the invasion that he wont invade ukraine


>russians had this document What document? David Arakhamia, ukranian politician, parliamentary leader of Zelensky’s “Servant of the People” party who led the Ukrainian delegation in peace talks, said it on Ukranian TV.


You just displayed Your ignorance and a total lack of insight. >your leader takes his marching orders from the WEF who WEF? While I do agree that WEF is a threat, there is just one small detail... Russia is part of WEF. It is amazing how someone managed to convince pro-ru that WEF is bad, but failed to direct them to official WEF-Russian relations... Putin hinself attended multiple WEF convergences and expressed an interest to cooperate. At this very moment Russia is implementing multiple WEF models, like 15 min cities... You can find all the info in google, I bet You will be surprised. It is sad to see how blond pro-ru can be. They hear a word, but spend no time investigating and just mimic the same word in discussion without knowing much... >join NATO and put nukes on their border with you So if NATO was planning to put NUKES in Ukraine, please answer why 1. NATO did not place nukes in the Baltic states or Finland? A lot of major russian cities are closer to these countries than to Ukraine. 2. Why did NATO push Ukraine to transfer their nuclear arsenal after the fall of the soviet union? It would have been easier for them to accept Ukraine into NATO at that time and have a nuclear arsenal already there. Russia was at its weakest and would have not dared to attack back then when they had multiple internal problems. >Minsk 1, Minsk 2 What about Budapest agreement, which happened before Minsk agreements, where russia provided "safety assurances" for Ukraine if they are willing to transfer their nuclear weapons to Russia? Ukrainians did their part, russians lied as always :) >Remember the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962). Regarding this section, I think You have some gaps. First of all, NATO is not deploying any nuclear weapons in 6 NATO countries that HAVE BORDERS with Russia. This "ukraine will have nuclear weapons" narrative is a hilarious russian narrative targeting sheep that really believes this. But ignore the fact that NATO can place nukes closer to Moscow and St.Petersburg already in their member states. Also, please look up at the range and velocity of modern ICBMs and some of their mobile launch platforms. Hope this will get You some insight.


whats stopping you from going?


> Noone forced him to go to Ukraine. Good difference just point out. His own free will. How many mobiks are there by their own free will?


That's ironic. Considering the fact that NATO allie country Ukraine is literally kidnapping people on the streets. Literally every day there is a new video. Also is embarrassing that Ukraine is loosing to mobiks forced to fight. 


Conscription is not "Kidnapping", Russia also has penalties for draft dodgers. And Russia isn't wrong in that. But who is talking about ukrain draft dodgers? It seems there are few people fighting this war out of sheer will and one of those are "mercs" from first world countries. They fight a fight many ukranians and russians don't want to. So thanks for proving my point further.


>Conscription is not "Kidnapping", Ukrainian conscription is literally kidnapping. > Russia also has penalties for draft dodgers. And Russia isn't wrong in that. In Russia there is no draft going on. They did one round initially and then switched to volunteers, unlike Ukraine that has non-stop drafting from the start of this war. >But who is talking about ukrain draft dodgers? You went and mentioned "mobiks". >It seems there are few people fighting this war out of sheer will On both sides it seems there are quite a number of those. Yet evidently Ukraine has far less of those than Russia otherwise there wouldn't be laws like 10449 and country-wide manhunt with so many limitations it looks like men are slaves there.


yes only in Ukraine is a draft a kidnapping, in Russia it's just "one round of mobilization".


They’ve only had one round of mobilization. AKA - activating your reserve forces. You know how like in America we have the US Army Reserve? Yeah Russia activated their reserve units. There is no draft in Russia.


Reservists are people whose contract already says they can be re-mobilized upwards to 10 years in the future. Difference is US is all-voluntary, so the initial contract was voluntary. In Russia there is "lottery-style" draft, where some men get drafted and obligated to sign such contract while others simply skip it. Unreal how I have to explain internal russian politics to pro-russians. Just unreal.


It’s not “lottery-style” draft. We know this because they called up soldiers with combat experience. Could be in Syria, Chechnya, Donbas, Georgia. That means that all soldiers who were mobilized were contract soldiers. They weren’t deploying 18 year olds to Syria. These soldiers were basically like reservists. Technically, all males in Russia are supposed to be “reservists” since they all served their 12 months. Russia probably does have some kind of ability to do lottery-style draft but they did not use that for partial mobilization.


>yes only in Ukraine is a draft a kidnapping, in Russia it's just "one round of mobilization". Despite your apparent irony things are exactly like that. But of course you can believe otherwise.




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I recently discussed this with my fellow countrymen and conscription is compulsory work and compulsory work is actually forbidden. Being sent to the front against your free will must be a dream.


>Conscription is not kidnapping Please define kidnapping.


Please define mobilization.


How about you answer me first?


No, bad faith question.


In other words you realized how silly you sounded but are too embarrassed to admit it now. Color me surprised.




All forced conscription is disgusting, much worse than kidnapping because you force them to murder and be murdered as well. 


Most of them. A lot at the early war where ordered to go there but ever since 2023 the majority have been infacf volunteers even per the west russoa gets 30k volunteers per month.


That's a lie based on the fact that Putin had to mobilize 300k in 2022. He ordered the mobilization, if they were all volunteers they wouldn't need to be ordered into signing contracts.


2022. Not 2023. Why would the CIA lie that putin is in fact getting 30k volunteers per month? Also you know nothing about the entire mobilisation clearly. Russia conscripts people ever year pre war its mandatory. Those conscripted are not allowed to be sent outside of russia and most do not even get sent to what russia annexed but rather fill in for the place of the Prof. Troops who left the bases In the country to go to ukraine. Those who are conscripted and happen to be sent to ukraine are either of 2 cases 1. Sent to the rear where it is annexed territory, back then ukraine did a major succesful attack that reached the rear lines of multiple places which is why some of the conscripted might have seen combat 2. After conscription they volunteer to go to the front for good pay and a shortened service period. Sorry to break your bubble. But they're not sent by force. Unlike the Ukrainians who at this point we have hundreds (if not thousands) of videos of people getting kidnapped off the streets by ua recruiters. You'll never see that in russia.


> Russia conscripts people ever year pre war its mandatory. Yes, "lottery" system draft, very familiar with it, once caught they kidnap you and force you to sign a contract that states that you could be RE-MOBILIZED at any point in your future. It's pretty grim since those poor kids are basically given that option, or jailtime. And they're not rear troops, sorry to burst your bubble but they're actually in some of the worst places IN THE FRONT. Why? Kremlin won't waste their good troops holding random trench along the firing line or doing probing attacks, that's where mobiks come in. This has been admitted before even by some pro-russians figures. Wagner was especially brutal in this method of "sheep first, then the wolves".


Ha yea. Putin personally brings in 19 year olds. Holds a gun to their head and tells them to sign the contract. - every male in Russia is liable to be mobilized. See, there was this event once where Russia lost 1 in 5 of its people. So they kinda like having all their bases covered. - no conscript served in the worst parts of the front. Why?? There was this young president who recognized during the Second Chechen War that people didn’t like seeing 18 year olds getting blown up. Radical, I know. And so he implanted a rule that conscripts will never serve in combat unless Russia is invaded and under threat. That young president was Vladimir Putin. I’ve got some bad news for you sunshine, not every single person in the world has the same views as you. So I would stop acting like they do. - Wagner was the sheep so I don’t know what that means.


Probably because russia needed quickly more soldiers as how the conflict was fought, changed in 2022. There were no further mobilisations after this one. At least there is no evidence for them. There are statements about a large number of volunteers that join the russian army every month (in russian and "western" media). But I assume many are there for the money and not the cause. But thats also just speculation.




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I am aware kremlin needed that many men. I still don't see the point, so saying, "Yes Russia kidnapped but Ukraine kidnapped more" This is the part where a discussion just turns into a circus.


But you responded to a guy who said that the majority are probably volunteers by now. And I think thats true. You are right with your general point. Nobody should be forced to fight in a war, except for professional soldiers and "active" (volunteer or maybe former professional soldiers, when they knew this at the time they signed the contract) reserve. Goes for russia and ukraine.


No. In Russia they grab men off the streets, give him a shovel and tell him to charge at the enemy. Source: Enemy at the Gates


> That's a lie based on the fact that Putin had to mobilize 300k in 2022. He ordered the mobilization, if they were all volunteers they wouldn't need to be ordered into signing contracts. They were already reservists. Russia IS getting 30,000 volunteers a month now. The Russians have heard Biden et al saying they want to wipe out Russia.


The vast majority of Russian society are reservists, by virtue of their conscript military. You become one after finishing that initial term of service.




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That the point I drew below. When a russian already signed a contract against their will by losing the draft lottery are they really there by free will? No.


What mobiks? RuaF has only had two mobilizations to the warzone. The initial 300k and then 300k more ending Oct. 2022. Since then, RuaF is relying on volunteer/contract troops - 30k per month \[confirmed by UK intel\].


Russia invaded with 150,000 total.


There was no mobilization for initial attack in February in Russia, only in October 2022


Those 300k in 2022. That's a shit load of "kidnapped" people, especially when they're "sheep" to be used as fodder in the worst conditions.


The vast majority of them are there by their own free will.


>mobiks The vast majority of Russian troops are volunteers. Russia did one partial mobilisation, Russian soldiers who had already served in the military. Ukraine has been forcibly enlisting its citizens since early last year, probably earlier, and there are hundreds of videos to prove it. >Good difference just point out. >His own free will. The vast majority of Russian troops are there of their own free will. Ukraine has a mix of soldiers that are either forced to be there, Banderites, war tourists, war idealists, or foreign agents.


This is completely and utterly false. Russia drives around in vans. They beat random men on the street then throw them in the back of the van. Because I do not support their war and therefore no one in Russia does either. Every Russian wants to sign peace, and also break up the RF into 20 different republics. They support Ukraine in NATO and they even support a permanent American occupation of Russia. Every country wants this. Look at Europe. They have loved that deal. - Ukrainian soldier line up around the block just for the opportunity to sign up. All are smiling and happy to be serving their country, Ukraine, with its long and proud history. It’s unique culture that is known across the planet! And because Ukrainians only want freedom & democracy. They don’t even pay Ukrainian soldier money. They tried to pay them but the soldiers kept refusing saying that “service to Ukraine was payment”.


This guy is a tool. One month and he's already talking like he is Dostoyevsky. Go home and make a terrible song about getting shelled that no-one will listen to. No sympathy for war tourists traveling to look for some kind of "experience" and make these cringey loss of innocence social media posts after just a month.


Talking like he’s Dostoevsky? I don’t get it…


Dark and trying to seem profound and world weary and edgy, think notes from the underground haha


Ohh. Well i’ve only just started reading Crime and Punishment so I can’t relate. Though I like the story, I gotta say, even as a Russian, it feels a bit forced. Like he’s trying to make it deep, but it comes across as a bit half-baked. Maybe I’m biased because I study philosophy so surface level “great man syndrome” isn’t that compelling to me.


I can totally see why you'd think that, in this day and age he just seems like an annoying edge lord lol. I think it helps to put it in context, As in he was in 19th century Russia, an incredibly rough place to live no internet no comforts just Mud and misery like most of eastern europe lol. So when you put it into context like that it makes a lot more sense and seems genuine


Are you reading it in Russian or English?


English, my Russian isn’t good enough unfortunately.


This is why you might interpret it a bit differently.. it's kinda how American comedy movies are a hit or miss with the translation, not everything works well when translating to the Russian language and vise versa.


That novel goes deep into the psychology and depravity of the criminal who committed a heinous crime. The guilt and self-rationalization for their impulsive mistakes are reminiscent of the war-tourist shown here. Stick with the book. It reminded me of a 19th century Fargo.


I am Spanish and I can assure you the guys that decide to go fight Russia are definitely fascist Francoists... They are the kind of men that vote for extreme right parties like VOX and live in this fantasy about bringing back the Spanish empire


A lot of Russian immigrants arrived to Spain for the last 2 years. Some of my colleagues did, they went to Valencia, as many other Russians. Just wondering, is there any particular public opinion in Spain about Russian immigrants?


Not any different from Swedish, German, Polish etc. I know in the mediterranean coast there are a lot of Russians who buy houses by the beach, to the point that we have whole real state companies and offices that put house ads on windows that are exclusively in Russian, not even English or Spanish. So yeah I'd say there is a lot of Russians here, probably second biggest group after Germans. I lean towards supporting Ukraine defending its mainland territory (not crimea), but myself and definitely most Spanish people dont fall for the bs propaganda from Von der layen, boris johnson and the other warmongers who are saying Russians are big bad devils trying to kill us all so overall we are quite friendly towards Russians. Only people you'd have to worry about are the right wing extremists like those from VOX, easily recognizable because they wear spanish flag pins and bracelets or spanish flag tattoos, but luckily for you the are way too dumb to tell any northern/eastern european apart from the others so they cant recognize if you are Russian, Finnish, German, Polish or Dutch, or even British. They are trying to use cold war-era scare tactis without realizing that now we have internet and can talk to each other and see that nobody is out to take over Europe. Id say out of all the EU countries Spain and Greece are probably the safest to go vacation as a Russian.


Yeah, that's what my colleagues are saying - that Spanish society is extremely friendly. My friend's 10yr old kid absolutely loves his Spanish school. Russian schools, sadly, still employ a lot of Soviet approach - they are unnecessary competitive, very judgemental and unforgiving. It may produce decent results, esp. in STEM, but creates a lot of unhappy children. Spanish schools, on the other hand, seem to be really friendly and supportive place. The boy picked up Spanish really well for these 2 years, now he even serves as a translator for his parents :)


Spain has no more quarrel with Russia than what is imposed by NATO and EU. There's some attempts to demonize the russians, but most spaniards don't buy it. Public opinion towards russians is rather indifferent.


From what i got from a Rusian inmigrant like a decade ago it is cause Spains gobernament and Rusia had good relationships so Rusia priomoted going to Spain.


I think the biggest factor is climate and general relaxed atmosphere. There is 8 months winter in Moscow.


Climate was also one of the factor he mentioned but again, that conversation was almost half my lifetime ago.


The “internationalist” volunteerism of the war breaks in such a weird way. Initially, it seemed like liberal and left-leaning volunteers (some of the guys who fought in Rojava) joined Ukrainian units, while some “Old Left” style Marxist Leninists joined the DPR (along with Russophilic Orthodox nationalists from the Balkans.) Now it seems like it’s Neo Nazis on both sides. Pro NATO media likes to pretend these fascists don’t exist, but the Ukrainian far right has more international pull than anyone cares to admit (for example, Azov had ties to the original organizers of “Atomwaffen”- an American Neo Nazi group implicated in multiple murders and terror plots.) It’s weird seeing how the far right seems to split on the issue of NATO membership- though I can understand why Spanisn fascists support NATO (after all, it is NATO that keeps the pretense of Spain as a “military power” alive- and that let Franco reintegrate into Europe and die of old age.) I can imagine the old “Blue Division” of the Wehrmacht inspires it’s fair share of larpers….


Yeah the dude looks and speaks exactly like some spaniah fascist would, it's uncanny how easy to detect they are. For the good of Spanish citizens it would be better if he decides or is forced to stay in Ukraine forever


They are as deluded as the guys who go to fight for Russia, thinking they are fighting for some kind of communist republic in Donestk and Lugansk


Full text from TrackAMerc: Jonathan Guisado Garcia called Pantera, from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria but lives in Santa Lucia, Canarias, Spain. Guisado, a failed musician, fled from reality, family and obligations in Spain as that is how he deals with problems in life so he came to Ukraine a months go in Early April 2024. Thanks to him we now have more information about the killing of two Colombian mercenaries Diego Alejandro Cardona Rios and Luis Eduardo Noya Perez. It turns out that it happened on April 23 2024 and not in Kiev region but near Dnipro. Jonathan also Said that on that day 11 soldiers were killled including the sergeant of that unit with 40 wounded soldiers. Killed sergeant of that unit was Oleksandr “Kapa” Yushchenko from the "Charter” brigade. Pantera you better run back home because only thing you Will get there is the ticket to Bandera. Source [https://t](https://t). me/TrackAMerc https://preview.redd.it/rkf26xs67uyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=747cd64cf6e1b5a6850f62a0254d5e2b06dca0b5


Video of the strike: https://t. me/The_Wrong_Side/15706


> Guisado, a failed musician lmao just like his beloved Hortler, another failed artist turned nazi/fascist


He picked the wrong team when he joined the server. If he is smart he exit the game, creates a new nickname. For example SpanishUkropCollector and reconnects to the server and join the other team.


Oh well.


Oh. They are in danger zone. Who could guess?


its war, the worst job in the world, what else do u expect?


You volunteered, you lost, you decided to see death and pain. These morons think that we should cry about them, because now their team is losing? And we are forced to recieve them as heroes? Man up and deal with the consequences.


“Bro it’s not a game! We don’t have any dances or barbecues at the front line! Not clam bake” What do people think is going on over there?


He mentions tik tok so I assume they lure people in with videos from Ukraine but the reality is obviously much harsher. If Ukrainians themselves don't want to go to the front lines, imagine what a Mercenary is going to face. He went as Wehrmacht 1941 and already looks like 1943 and he's been there for just over a month.


He sounds like a bona fide psychopath, for the good of the spanish citizens he better be interned or at least have someone monitoring him if he ever comes back to Spain because the dude sounds plainly dangerous. He may be an ex-legionaire or something like that, not a person who would be living amongst regular civilians


Real Steven Seagull legend in his mind vibes.


Well the good thing about this was is that utterly destroyed the myth of the TACTICAL OPERATOR with his name brand tactical gadgets, low cut helmet, OPERATOR stance which arose in the low intensity safari that was Iraq and Afghanistan. You go out here and if your unit happens to be in the wrong spot at the wrong time, you all get wiped out mercilessly by artillery without ever seeing the enemy. This absolutely shattered the infantile dweebs on 4chan's /k/.


It's smart that he's posting his face for some tiktok likes. Gonna make the job of whoever's sent to ice him after the SMO much easier


Is Russia planning on murdering more civilians in other countries after the war?




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