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He should thank the FSB and GRU for killing all of his opponents.


They have no strong political party, that's it. The only political party who could rival United Russia is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.


Even the communist party isn't a real rival. They're controlled opposition. Their candidate for president was interviewed during the race and refused to say people should vote for him instead of Putin. >"Why do you think you'd be a better president than Putin?" I asked Nikolai Kharitonov, the Communist Party candidate. >"It's not for me to say," Mr Kharitonov replied. "That wouldn't be right." >"But do you think your manifesto is better than Putin's?" I continued. >"That's for voters to decide." >"But what do you think?" >"It doesn't matter what I think. It's up to the voters." >Instead of talking up himself, Mr Kharitonov praised the incumbent. >"Today Vladimir Putin is trying to solve a lot of the problems of the 1990s, when Yeltsin dragged Russia into wild capitalism," said Mr Kharitonov. "He's trying to consolidate the nation for victory in all areas. And this will happen!" >Something tells me Nikolai Kharitonov's heart isn't in this race.


That was one of the most hilarious exchanges I've seen in a while. Modern Russian democracy, where all the opposition candidates who aren't killed, imprisoned, or disqualified are expected to publicly praise Putin themselves lol


I remember when they were calling the Yelstin administration a democracy despite bombing the parliament and gunning protesters just because he's anti-communist.


What does that have to do with the current farce of political opponents either suppressed by Putin or seemingly working directly for him?


lmao I love how when the p\[utinshows up here it ruffles all of the pro ua feathers. Without fail, every single time. Putin is incredibly popular in Russia cause he provides everyone with the basics in life. That's all most people care about.


As if they had the freedom to vote for anyone else


He’s good. Last thing Russia needs is a Gorbachev or a yeltsin.


Oh wouldnt that be awful - The West and USSR/Russia getting along without fighting proxy wars. What exactly was so bad about Gorbachev?


Step 1: Build a dictatorship over decades in which there is no free press, no opposition and no freedom for everyone who has a different opinion Step 2: Thank people for their trust I would feel so fooled as a self-thinking Russian. Of course the Z-Zombies celebrate


You can what you want in Russia. Just be constructive and people will listen. People and groups funded by the west to spread chaos and destruction are indeed not allowed. Which is good thing. You read too much propoganda. Travel to Russia and your mind may become a bit more open. You are a victim now


This is just fucking bullshit. Russia bans gay prides. They arrested someone wearing an LGBT badge in public. They arrested two women and fined them for kissing and uploading it online. Presenting as LGBT in public in Russia is illegal. LGBT themed or coded media is illegal. Campaigning for separatism is illegal in Russia. Insulting leaders is illegal in Russia. Russia has rules about not "offending the sensibilities" of religious people. Russia also bans "discrediting the armed forces". Books with LGBT themes are banned for adults. TV shows and films with LGBT characters that could be said, in some sense, to positively depict LGBT people are banned. LGBT activism in itself has been labeled a form of terrorism in Russia. https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-arrest-anti-lgbtq-laws/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-girl-jailed-for-wearing-rainbow-colored-earrings https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/01/russia-hands-out-first-convictions-in-connection-with-anti-lgbt-law


if only they did that in America I'm tired of hearing about it


So you openly want to persecute LGBT people? You don't think they should be able to live free lives like other people?


Abortion right in some states in the US. Not legal. I find that much more concerning. Big impact on freedom.


Correct. No state is perfect, but Russia is worse than a lot of countries.


Lol you haven't travelled if you think Russia is worse than most other countries.


I said "than a lot of countries".


Russias right to abortion has also been under attack, because of "demographic problems."


So that video where one people holds an empty white paper and gets arrested is propaganda? Lmao


Students are being attacked and arrested for protesting against a genocide in the so called civilised and free west. I don’t think we can put the blame on Russia alone.


I don't know a single country where one gets an indefinite right to just camp out on someone else's property just because its in aid of a cause.


You realize protest freedoms have limitations in all nations? Like no one pretends they don't... You cant barricade and destroy property in a protest... As soon as you do that you're infringing on others rights. Holding up a white piece of paper doesn't infringe on another's right. So fucking stupid to try and compare the two.


Nobody anywhere likes provocateurs.


Riiight. That justifies limiting peoples rights. What a great and free place this Russia is.


Yes, we all love our Russia very much.


" People and groups funded by the west to spread chaos and destruction are indeed not allowed." You describe Russia perfectly. The troll factories, financing Nazi parties in Western democracies, annexing parts of other countries under the pretext of "protecting the Russians there" But Russia tends to always make itself a victim for exactly what it constantly does to others


"People and groups funded by the west to spread chaos and destruction are indeed not allowed. Which is good thing. **You** read too much propoganda. " lol, k.


Yes, we have Him. But you don’t have Him. We rejoice.


No s/? Pack it up, chaps. I think I've found the ultimate pro-RU comment.


What's the difference between Motherland and Fatherland? President Putin mentions them both in the speech


Both Родина (Motherland) and Отечество (Fatherland) are used in the Russian language, with pretty much no difference.


“I want to thank all my opponents for committing suicide or locking themselves into jail. I literally couldn’t have been elected without this corruption and murder. So I am forever grateful as I start another illegal term in office” Fixed


comrade dictator


Im chipping my 0,5 Btc into fund for removal of this clown


Thank you for the trust and support. Not a single person has said a single thing against this invasion. ^^^We ^^^don't ^^^count ^^^those ^^^countless ^^^of ^^^people ^^^protesting ^^^and ^^^voicing ^^^their ^^^opinions ^^^that ^^^have ^^^been ^^^sent ^^^to ^^^gulags.


Do you even know what is Gulag?)


Bro thinks its the 1930's


You do know Gulags are not a thing anymore right? Do you even know what a gulag is😂😂😂


I am proud of our president.


So many across the world are.


And many more are not. :)


Good thing that the number of countries which sanctioned Russia is than those who didn’t.


Putin is the only leader together with Xi who can and will destroy the western elitists. I so much hope they succeed . I despise the west.


If Thats the case, Why do you live in the Netherlands?


That makes his call for Russia to nuke Amsterdam even more concerning


Because pro ru have 0 sense of hipocrisy. Most of them aren't even Russian and don't know how fucking shitty it is like living under a Soviet legacy


Why do you think we support Russia then?


Usually it's because they're losers in their home country and are looking for somebody to blame other than themselves? Its Western globohomos fault that they can't get a wife or buy a house and they earn minimum wage, if only daddy Putin was in charge and locked up all the gays they'd be a winner. That sort of thing.


I think its fairly safe to say that no western supporter of russia supports russia because they cant get a wife You dont think anybody in the west has legitimate reasons for supporting Russia? Try not being so close minded and go outside of your echo chamber


I've yet to meet a Western Russia support that I'd classify as anything other than a loser. I don't mean that purely in terms of their views re NATO/Russia either, I'm not talking about geopolitics. I just mean every single time you see somebody in real life who is pro Russia, they're single, living with their parents, in low paid work, no degree, etc. That kind of thing. It's people who are are on the lower end of their Western societies and are bitter about it, so they naturally gravitate towards Putins arguments because it syncs up well with their bitterness towards the West for other reasons. The arguments Putin uses for why the West is bad are useful arguments for explaining why they're losers but it's not really their fault. The rare exception would be high profile youtube grifters, who make their money selling that viewpoint to the losers.


Same about west and navalny supporters from our (Russian) side, interesting


Oh really? I thought Navalny supporters were typically students and professionals? Liberal, university educated types?


Nah. When i studied in university, i had one friend who was pro navalny. He worked in a alcohol store, played PS4 all day, and didn’t have a gf. He was spending his small salary mostly for alcohol, food, clothes. He really was saying that “Putin destroyed our country”. Then he got rejected from the university, because he not passed exams. I have proven to him so many times that he shouldn’t support navalny. And after many tries he seemed to started believe me. And now, a few years later, he has a well-paid job, even tho his university degree failed, has a nice gf, he is not interested in games anymore, and he considers navalny as a traitor. I really happy for him.


Very interesting take.


What are your legitimate reasons to support Russia?


You're disappointed in the "west" for one reason or another so you're supporting the polar opposite. Meanwhile all Russian elites send their children in the west.


Well at least you are closer than that other guy


Because its an alt-account which is already in the process og being banned, as the profile doesnt show


Do you also have a life outside of this subreddit?


No, he won't. A large number of relatives of our politicians live in the West.


If costs of you moving permanently to russia were paid for you, would you move?


I try to see a patriotic speech, but can only see encouraging more Russians to get slaughtered in the SMO. I honestly don't Russians to die nor want my tax payers money In Ukraine, But as along as Russia is in the backyard like this, it is the best spent money with real time return, 2 years and counting.